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Stolen Warriors

Page 4

by S. Dalambakis

  “Verkor?” Finley’s voice breaks through my thoughts. “Are you alright?” I nod. “Are you sure, because you haven’t been paying attention, and we’ve been asking you questions.”

  “Yes, I’m fine. I was just thinking about the trip into faerie.” I sigh.

  “You really don’t want to go, do you?” she questions.

  “No, but for you I will.” Finley walks over to me and gives me a hug, squeezing me tight.

  “Thank you,” she whispers.

  “Always.” I wrap my arms around her, entering her hug. “What questions do you have for me?”

  “It’s about the king, and how to get close to him.” I stiffen in her embrace, not liking the thought of her getting close to the king.

  “What do you wish to know?”

  “There’s something wrong with him, isn’t there?” She pulls away, taking a couple of steps back. “Dance with the king and you will see not all appears as it seems.”

  “Yes, but no one knows what. He won’t let anyone get close to him. He wasn’t always like he is now. He used to be a fair and just king, but the last few years there have been reports saying otherwise.”

  “Why hasn’t anyone tried to stop him?”

  “He is the most powerful of the Winter Court fae, no one in their right mind would try to challenge him. It wouldn’t end well.”

  “Of course it wouldn’t. If I can find a way to stop this, I will, and how the hell am I supposed to dance with him if I can’t get close to him? There has to be away. We have to figure out a way inside the castle too, I assume.”

  “That will be the easy part.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The biannual Winter Court Ball is coming up. I wasn’t planning on going, but this may be our only chance of getting inside. Plus, with all the extra bodies, it will help cover us.”

  “Is there live music?” Finley ask.

  “Of course, only the best for the king,” my voice getting rougher as I spoke.

  “Good. I just found a way to play my violin.” All of us whip our gaze in her direction.

  “No!” Obsidian bellows.

  “For faerie sake, woman. You are not playing your violin.”

  “Then how the hell do you suppose we get through the castle to find what we’re looking for? Hm? They’re not just going to let us walk around searching for it.”

  “I have an idea on where the piece is being kept.”

  “That helps, but it still doesn’t explain how you think we can just go traipsing around the Winter Court King’s castle.”

  “How did you do it when you went into the White House?”

  “I went during the spring garden and house tour.” She shrugs like it was no big deal. “I blended in with the crowd. And wouldn’t you know, sitting there behind sensors and glass, in view of everyone, was the piece of the map.”

  “How did you hide your violin?” I question. She chuckles.

  “I posed as one of the members of the live band they had. Blending in and finding a reason to be there was the easy part. Hell, even escaping was easier than getting the actual piece of the map.”

  “How did you get it?” Stolas asks.

  “I took each tour they offered that day. I counted how many guards they had in the area. Looked for the position of the Secret Service. Noted when they did shift changes. I had a small window in which to get the map and run. I knew the sensors would go off the second the glass was broken, and I was just hoping that it would break on the first try. Not a lot of people knew about the map in the earth realm, at least from what I saw. They didn’t mention the map in the tour, and no one spared it a second look. Every time I walked past, I would look for something new.

  “I checked for nearby objects that would be heavy enough to break the glass and settled on a statue on a stand near the map. I even checked the thickness of the glass on a pass by, which was hard to do without pressing my face to the glass and making too obvious as to what I was doing. I had to go through three more tours before I could enact my plan. The glass broke on the second strike. I didn’t hear any alarms but I assumed they were silent. I grabbed the piece of the map, shoved in the top of my corset, and made a hasty retreat back outside. I grabbed my violin from the chair I left it on by the band, and took off.”

  “You said you were shot,” Obsidian states.

  Finley nods. “I was right about the silent alarms, or at least I think I was. I don’t see any other way they could have been on my tail from the moment I retrieved my violin. I didn’t make it far before the Secret Service was chasing me. Honestly, it was a sight to see across the yard on the White House,” she smiles. “Right before I made it to the gate, they shot me. I got lucky that the shot hit me in the side.” She points to a spot on her right side, where her waist curves in. “I made it out of the gate and onto the crowded street, but they were still too close.” Her eyes glaze over like she’s reliving the memory.

  “The boning in my corset helped too. I picked up my pace, swung around, positioned my violin, and started to play. Once I had them in a trance, I convinced them to go back to the President and tell her that they lost me in the crowd. They left, and I hobbled myself to the nearest gateway home. Izzy helped take care of me. I’ve recently started going back to work.”

  “How long ago was this if you just started working again?” I ask.

  “Four months ago.”

  “FOUR MONTHS AGO!” Obsidian bellows.

  “Should you even be doing this?”

  “Probably not, but I’m going to anyway. Besides, you three will be with me this time. There’s no reason for me to get hurt, or injured. Is there Siddy?” she says with an impish smile. Stolas burst out laughing.

  “Yeah, is there Siddy?” He grins. Obsidian growls, turning toward him.

  “Don’t call me that,” he glares.

  “Why can Finley, and I can’t?”

  “Because she’s my mate. You on the other hand aren’t and you’re disposable to me.”

  “Wait.” Finley interrupts. “He maybe disposable to you, but he is one third of my mates, and I haven’t even had a chance to have sex with him yet. I want to see what he’s got before I let you kill him.”

  “Yeah, what she said.”

  “Can we get back on topic?” I sigh. “Finley is right. She’s not doing this alone. We’re all going to be there, especially me, since we are returning to my home land.” A fact that I’m not happy about, but there’s no way Finley will step foot in the Winter Court of faerie without me.

  “Do you have a plan my unseelie fae?” I glance at Finley and see that she’s smiling at me.

  “The best time to retrieve the piece of the map will be during the Winter Court Ball. If my information is correct, then the piece of the map will be in King Kellan’s chambers.”

  “I can pose as a member of the band and use my violin.”

  “That’s not going to work,” I state.

  “Why?” she questions.

  “There’s a reason, trust me. Besides, that’s not the part we need to focus on.”

  “Right. We need to figure out a way for me to use my violin.”

  “We will,” I say. Finley nods her head in agreement.

  “So, the hardest thing is, how do I dance with the king?”

  “He’s going to have to notice you.”

  “Which won’t be too hard because you’ll be the most beautiful woman in the room.”

  “Well, aren’t you a sweet talker Stolas.”

  “Only to you.”

  “You better keep it that way,” she winks.

  “Anyway, back to the plan. Once we figure out a way, Finley puts them into a trance, then we’ll make our way to the King Kellan’s chambers. Obsidian can lead the charge with Stolas next, then Finley, and I’ll bring up the rear. Obsidian and Stolas can handle any guards in front of us. I’ll handle any that try to come up from behind, and Finley will be in the middle, surrounded by us, out of harm’s way.” Finley huffs, c
rossing her arms over her chest.

  “I can help. I can just play my violin the whole time and no one has to get hurt.”

  “With Obsidian going that’s not going to be an option. There’s always blood shed where he’s concerned.” He shrugs his shoulders.

  “I don't like bullshit and pussy footing around. I get straight to the point.”

  “Which I like, but I’d like to this with the least amount of casualties,” Finley states.

  “I’ll try.”

  “That’s all I ask.” I shake my head. We keep getting sidetracked.

  “How about we call it a night. It’s late, we keep getting off topic, and we still have to gather supplies. We can talk and plan more on the journey there. Where do you want to meet, Finley? We can come back here in the morning, or we can meet at the gateway.”




  Finley, Obsidian, and Stolas all say at the same time. I groan.

  “I asked Finley.”

  “Here will be fine.”

  “Good. Let’s go.”

  I walk over to her, holding out my hand. She places her hand in mine, and I help her from her seat, pulling her into my body. I capture her face in my hands, staring deeply into her eyes. They’re amazing up close. The gray color of a stormy, cloudy sky. My gaze flicks down to her lips, and I watch as her tongue runs over them. I don’t waste another second, crashing my lips to hers. This kiss is just as amazing as the first. I get lost in the feel of her lips on mine. The way her body perfectly fits mine. The sound of her moans, and the way she fists my shirt at my sides. We kiss until we both need to come up for air.

  “Wow.” I smile down at her. I know exactly what she means. She smiles back before leaning around to look at Obsidian and Stolas. “So, are each of you going to kiss me goodbye as well? Because I can so get behind having three mates if this is what I get when you leave. I expect this as my greeting in the morning as well.”

  “That’s a given,” Stolas answers. She rights herself, giving me the biggest smile.

  “Having three mates is going to be fun,” she says with a wink. I have a feeling it’s going to take all three of us just to keep up with her, and I can’t wait.


  I close the door behind the guys as they exit. The sound of the lock engaging as I turn it is deafening in the silent room. I lean my head against the door, taking a few deep breaths. What the hell am I getting myself into? I have three mates and now they’re going on this journey with me. Do I really want them coming with me? I’m sure I can do this on my own. I did get the first piece without them. I’m sure I can get the rest. I sigh. Who am I kidding? I probably can’t, but I like doing things on my own. It’s all I know. I don’t need three people coming into my life and messing it up. I don’t want to have to rely on anyone else.

  “Fin?” Izzy’s soft voice calls out. I turn to look at her. She’s sitting cross-legged on the couch with worry etched on her face. “What’s going on in that head of yours? Don’t tell me nothing because I know you. You can’t lie to me.” She’s right. She can tell. I resign, knowing she won’t let this go until I tell her. I walk over, sitting on the couch next to her.

  “I don’t know if I can do this. I don’t know if I can be their mate. I don’t know if I can let them come with me. You know I work alone, that’s how I prefer it. I like doing things my way. Do you honestly think I’m worth it? To have a life where not one, but three men love me? Are they going to love me after they learn what I’ve done in the past? I’m a murderer and a thief, who would love that?” I take a few breaths to try to calm the emotions raging through me. My voice is soft as I continue. “All they see is a pretty package; they don’t know about the damaged goods inside. What if I can’t love them? What if I don’t know how?” I’m speaking barely above a whisper. “Maybe...maybe this is as good as it gets for me. A rundown house in the sketchy part of the magic realm. Maybe, I don’t deserve more than this.” I slump back into the couch. All the fight and energy leaves my body. A sharp sting on my arm stops my spirling thoughts. My eyes widen as I look Izzy in her green eyes. “Did you just slap me?”

  “Be lucky I hit your arm and not your face. I don’t know a person more deserving. You’re going to have to let people in at some point. Those three men are your mates. When I popped in, Stolas and Obsidian immediately jumped to guard you while you were kissing Verkor. They’ve been your mates for a handful of hours, and they already have your back. They stood to protect you. Use this journey to get to know them.” She reaches over and squeezes my arm. “Once you tell them why you killed that guy, they’ll understand. They’re not going to hold it against you. Besides, if that guy wasn’t already dead, I’m sure your men would track him down and kill him themselves.” I nod my head in agreement. “You have a chance to be happy, to not be alone. To get the hell out of here. You need to take it.”

  I know she’s right, but the self-doubt is there. All my life I didn’t think I was worth anything. My real parents didn’t want me. The witch that raised me was barely around. The one person who showed an interest in me taught me how to steal and protect myself. I learned over the years to not show weakness. To keep myself guarded so no one could hurt me. I’ve been closed off for so many years, I don't know if I can open up.

  “Fin, everything is going to work out. You’ll see. You owe it to yourself to try. In the meantime, give those sexy men of yours a try.” She smiles at me wiggling her eyebrows up and down. I laugh, it’s what I needed.

  “I have three mates. Holy shit.” I shake my head in disbelief.

  “It’s going to take that many just to keep up with you. No man would be able to handle you alone.” I chuckle.

  “You’re probably right.”

  “I know I am.” She stands, moving toward the hallway where our bedrooms are, stopping before going down the hall. “Get some sleep. You have a big day tomorrow. Everything will be better in the morning.”

  “I will.”

  She turns, disappearing down the hall. I wait until I hear her door shut, before I get up and start pacing. Letting everything that has happened really sink in. Am I actually going to go through with this? Can I? Is Izzy right? I stop my pacing to look down the hallway and then to the front door. Should I at least try? I think I’m going to. Izzy is right, I owe it to myself. I’m owed something good. Something just for me.

  Chapter 4


  After the guys left last night, I had my talk with Izzy. I needed it. The self-doubt started to creep in, but she helped me through my crisis. Izzy has been my friend since she hide me from a mark that chased me through the streets. We hit it off while we waited for it to be safe for me to leave. She invited me over to her place, and I learned that her family didn’t want her either. We’d both spent time in a group home.

  I went back every day to see her. We made a promise that we would always have each other, no matter what. And we’ve kept that promise. But, right now, I wish she’d stop laughing. I’m rushing through our place trying to get my shit together. The guys should be here any minute, and I’m nowhere near ready to go. I feel like I conjured them just by my thoughts, because there’s a knock on my door. It has to be them. They’re the only ones I’m expecting.

  “Coming,” I yell. I try to hop over my bag that’s in the middle of the floor, but my foot catches on it, causing me to fall.

  “Smooth Finley, real smooth,” Izzy laughs.

  “You could help, instead of laugh.”

  “Oh, and miss this train wreck. I think not.” The knock on the door sounds again, followed by Obsidian’s booming voice.

  “Finley, what’s going on? I heard a thud. You have two seconds to answer the door before I kick it in.”

  “You will not,” I shout back. “Just give me a second.” Sighing, I get up off my hands and knees, walk over to the door, and open it.

  “What was that sound I heard?” Obsidian questions as he walk
s right on in.

  “Please, come in,” I say sarcastically. Looking at Stolas and Verkor, I roll my eyes. “Hi guys, come on in. I’m almost done.” Stolas and Verkor walk in, maneuvering around the mess that is the living room, and sit on the couch.

  “Hey, Izzy,” Stolas says as he waves.

  He leans back, placing one arm along the back of the couch. His thin gray sweater stretches tautly of his chest. Stolas moves his leg, drawing my attention to the rest of his muscular body. The man looks good in a pair of leather pants, but I love the faded jeans and white converses he’s sporting. My gaze trails back up his body, and when I reach his silver eyes, he smiles and winks. He likes me checking him out. I almost groan, but what can I say. The man is good looking.

  “Hey guys.” Izzy’s voice brings my attention back to my surroundings. I see Obsidian and Verkor nod at her greeting.

  “Um, what exactly is going on here?” Verkor questions.

  “I was trying to pack. I didn’t do it last night like I should have. It was late by the time you guys left and I valued sleep over packing, sooo…” I gesture to the mess around me. Completely leaving out mine and Izzy conversation. “This is the fallout. Plus, I can’t decide what to bring and how much. I’ve never been to the Winter Court of faerie. Actually, I’ve never been to faerie. Side note, where are your bags?”

  “You’ll need warm clothes, but pack light. You only need enough for the journey there. Once we arrive in Winter Court, I’ll get you whatever else you may need. We’ll be staying at my place,” Verkor answers.

  “Okay, but where are your bags?”


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