Stolen Warriors

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Stolen Warriors Page 6

by S. Dalambakis

“You know, I’ve never kissed a man with a beard like yours before,” she says before moving her hand down, tugging on my beard. She moves forward, placing her mouth next to my ear and whispers, “I’ve never had a man with a beard like yours between my legs. I wonder how it would feel against my most tender and intimate parts.” She nips at my earlobe. I growl. My hands tighten on her ass.

  “You’re going to be the death of me woman.”

  “Maybe, but I'll make sure it’s fun.” Finley smiles at me, then giggles. I shake my head, smirking.

  “Hm, it seems like we’re missing all the fun,” Stolas says from the doorway.

  “Not yet you haven’t,” Finley responds.

  “Oh, good.” He makes a step toward us, and I know there is no way the first time with my mate will be shared with him.

  “And there won’t be any fun right now either. We need to get going. We’re behind schedule.” Finley unwraps her legs from me, sliding down my front until her feet are on the floor. She pats my chest.

  “Well, let’s get going then.” She moves around both us, heading back into the living room. Stolas and I follow. “You know, for having three guys living here, it’s cleaner than I expected.”

  “We’re not all heathens,” I say.

  She looks over her shoulder. “That remains to be seen.”

  I groan.

  We’re standing in front of the gateway, a slight shimmer in the air. I look around at the others, wanting to ensure everyone is ready before saying where we want to go, which is how the gateway gets you to the right realm.

  “Everyone got everything?” I ask. There’s a round of yeses. “Good.”

  Verkor moves to stand beside Finley. He holds out his hand. “Ready for your first look of the Winter Court of the faerie realm?” Verkor announces our destination as he questions Finley. She places her hand in his.

  “As I’ll ever be.” They step through the gateway together. Stolas and I close on their tail.

  “Holy shit,” I hear Finley whisper as I enter the Winter Court. Her eyes are wide with wonder. Verkor smiles at her, before releasing her hand. He opens his bag, pulling out a navy blue cloak trimmed in white fur and placing it over her shoulders. Verkor turns her to face him. He ties the cloak at the base of her neck, lifting the hood.

  “Finley.” She turns, looks at me, and smiles. She looks beautiful.

  “Just like a faerie princess,” Stolas says from next to me. I nod, not taking my eyes off of her. He’s right, she looks just like a faerie princess.

  Chapter 5


  I’ve never been to the Winter Court, but it’s everything that I dreamed it would be. The cloak that Verkor gave me brushes the snow at my feet. Verkor said that we’re not too far from the nearest town. We’ll be able to get horses and a place to sleep tonight. The markets aren’t far where we’re going either. Which is good. I need to sell some of the jewels that I brought with me. I keep pace next to Verkor since this is his home.

  “We’re about a mile from town. We should be there just as the sun is getting ready to set. Finley, how much do you know of the faerie realm and the courts?” Verkor questions.

  “The basics I would guess. There are four courts, one for each of the seasons. Each court has its own king or queen and their own special traits and way of using magic.”

  “What do you know of the Winter Court?”

  “Honestly, not much. I know it has a king for its ruler. Obviously, it’s cold and snowing all the time, hence being the Winter Court. I’ve also heard a rumor that the castle is built at the top of a mountain, and that the only way to get there is to fly.”

  Verkor sighs. “That last part isn’t true. The castle is built on a rock ledge, with high walls surrounding the exterior.”

  “Hm. I can’t wait to see it in person. Do you have a place near the castle?” I ask, bouncing on my toes. I’m giddy at the thought of seeing the castle. I want to take off, my excitement bubbling inside of me, but I don’t know my way away. There’s so much to see, and I don't want to waste time.

  He clears his throat. “Not exactly.”

  “What does that mean?” I stop, whirling to face him, raising an eyebrow at his statement. He doesn’t answer right away. His eyes look a little distant, like he’s seeing something that isn’t there. “Verkor?” Worry etched in my voice. His gaze lands on me, and that seems to snap him out of what was running through his head.

  “Sorry. Lost myself there for a minute.” He runs his fingers through his hair. “I have a room in the castle.” My brows furrow, not understanding. He paces a little.

  “Why would you have a room at the castle?” Was he a guard? Maybe they were friends, but I don’t know why that would make him nervous. Is he having second thoughts about helping me?

  “Because…” Verkor hesitates. “Because I’m related to the king. He’s my cousin.”

  My eyes widen. Wow...okay wow. I stand there in shock. I wasn’t expecting that answer. He moves forward, running his fingers down my face. There is worry in his blue eyes. He’s waiting for me to react to what he just said. I wrap my hand around his wrist.

  “How do you feel about all of this, us stealing from your family?” I ask, because I need to know if Verkor is truly on my side. I need to know he’s okay with us doing this, or at the very least me doing this.

  “He hasn’t been my family for quite some time.” Hurt shines in his eyes. Something happened to make him close off this part of his life. I want to know but won’t push him to tell me just yet. I squeeze his wrist, trying to comfort him. He leans down, placing a chaste kiss on my lips. Verkor takes a step back, lacing our fingers together, turning us in the direction we were headed. Obsidian and Stolas follow.

  I turn my head slightly to the right, peering at Verkor. “How will he take your sudden return home?”

  “I don’t know,” he sighs.

  “We’ll let’s hope it’s welcoming; otherwise, this mission has just gotten harder.”

  The rest of the mile trek to town passed in companionable silence. The smells of food, and people carrying on, greeted us as we entered the streets of the town. Stalls of all kinds are set up along the street. Clothes, weapons, trinkets, you name it and it’s here. I spotted a couple of stalls that I can stop at later to sell the jewelry that I brought.

  “I’m going to hunt down someone who can lend me some horses,” Obsidian states. “I’ll also book us a room at the inn.”

  “Well, what are the rest of us going to do while Obsidian secures transportation and a couple of rooms?” I ask.

  “We can have a look around. I know you’re dying to,” Stolas responds.

  “You’re right, but I’m going to need my bag first.” I walk over to Obsidian, but he doesn’t hand my bag over.

  “You are to stick by Stolas and Verkor like glue. Do you hear me?”

  “I promise I will,” I cross my fingers. I have no intention of doing that.

  Obsidian removes my bag from his shoulder, holding it out to me. “Just take what you need out of here. I’ll put the bag in the room once I get it.”

  I place the bag on the snow covered ground, rummaging through it until I find what I’m looking for, my bag with the jewelry. I close the bag and hand it back to Obsidian. “Thank you. We’ll come find you if you don’t find us first.” He grunts, turns, and leaves. I watch as he weaves his way through the throng of people, until I can no longer see him anymore. I turn and look at Verkor and Stolas. “Well, Verkor, show me the wonders of the Winter Court.”


  I hold out an elbow to Finley. She wraps her arm around mine. Stolas walks up on her other side, grabbing her hand. She looks at him but doesn’t stop him.

  “Aren’t you worried about what people are going to say? I don’t mind and I’m not ashamed to be seen with both of you, but this isn’t the norm where I live.”

  Stolas laughs. “You don’t know much about the faerie realm.”

  Finley turns and looks at m
e. “What am I missing?”

  “Here in the faerie realm having multiple partners is the norm.”

  She stares with wide eyes. “The magic realm is definitely not like that.”

  “Wait until you see the hell realm,” Stolas wiggles his eyebrows. Finley smiles and shakes her head.

  “I’ll hold you to that.” Finley steers us toward a stall with fine silks. She lets go of us and runs her fingers over the silk. I’d love to see her dance and play her violin in fabrics as fine as these. I watch her, seeing the longing on her face.

  “Would you like something?” I ask.

  “No. I’m just looking.” She pulls back her hand, turns, and smiles. “Let’s see what else is here.”

  We flit from stall to stall, never buying anything. I remember coming here with my mother. She use to laugh at my excitement. I would run from stall to stall, looking at all the items. But, after that fateful day, I hated coming here. It was a memory of something I would never have again. I would never have my mother yelling my name to slow down and wait for her. I would never hear her laugh and talk with the merchants she bought from all the time. I would never have her. Being here is harder than I thought. I move to the next stall, trying to get out of my own head. I spy a pair of black leather boots that Finley would love. I turn, glancing behind me, but Finley isn’t there.

  “Finley!” I shout, but she doesn’t answer.

  “What’s going on?” Stolas asks.

  “I don’t see Finley. She was right behind us.” I start to head in the direction we came, looking at every face.

  “She couldn’t have gotten too far. She won’t be too hard to find. I mean, she has light pink hair.”

  “We need to find her. No telling what kind of trouble she’ll get herself into.”

  We eventually find Finley in a bar, drinking and laughing with some of its patrons. Two big, burly guys. Stolas growls from besides me.

  “What the hell is she doing?” he growls, smoke curling from his nose. I need to defuse this before he shifts.

  “Before we overreact, let’s just go over there and ask her.”

  Stolas stalks over, planting himself in front of her table, arms crossed over his chest. I sigh. This is going to get worse before it gets better. I walk over and stand next to him.

  “Finley,” he growls. She looks up, her eyes glassy. She’s had one too many, but she still looks beautiful.

  “Speaking of my mates, here’s two out of the three,” she giggles. She looks around us. “Where is Obsidian?”

  “He still hasn’t come back from booking a room and getting some horses,” I respond.

  “We probably should go and check on him and get Finley out of here,” Stolas grumbles.

  “Finley,” she turns her gaze on me. “Come, we’re going to find Obsidian. Then how would you like a hot bath, some food, and sleep.”

  “Oh, food.” She stands and walks over to me. Looking over her shoulder she says, “See you later boys, food’s calling.” The guys at the table laugh.

  “We like you little lady. You’re welcome here anytime,” he salutes her with a pint of beer.

  She salutes him back. “I’ll be back, Hugh and Daemon. When I return you have to tell me the story about you, the siren, the boat, and the magic realm police.” A deep belly laugh erupts from Daemon.

  “You got it, Pinky,” he says. She smiles and waves.

  “Alright, let’s go find Mr. Grumpy.” She heads for the entrance. Stunned, I look to Stolas, seeing a mirror expression on his face.

  “How the hell did she do that?” he asks as we follow behind her.

  “Do you know who they are? I wasn’t sure until she said their names,” I state. Stolas shakes his head. “They’re two of the best enforcers the king employs. And she just made friends with them.” Stolas shakes his head.

  “She’s going to get into so much trouble.”

  “On that we agree.”


  “What do you mean you won’t lend me transportation?” I yell. “I even offered to pay you.” I’ve been fighting with these fae all damn day. No one would rent me a room. I finally gave that up, deciding that getting some horses squared away for tomorrow would be easier. As it turns out, this is just as hard.

  “Now Siddy, how do you expect to get anywhere yelling at people?” Finley’s sweet voice says behind me. I turn, clenching my fists.

  “You’d be yelling too if you had to deal with the fae blocking you at every turn all day long.”

  “Well, I can easily fix that for you. Where’s my bag?” she asks.

  I motion toward my feet. I hear her unzip the bag. The next thing I know, I hear music. Turning around, I see Finley with her violin under her chin, expertly moving the bow across the strings. There’s a flush to her face, and her eyes are closed, just feeling the music. She looks beautiful in her navy, fur-lined cloak with the winter scene behind her. She almost looks like an angel. I can’t take my eyes off of her.

  “Look at everyone around us,” Verkor states. I would but I don’t want to miss a second of this, of how Finley looks right now. She sways from side to side. Her cloak moving with the slightest movement. There’s a soft smile on her lips. She plays like the music is a part of her, coming from the very depths of her soul. She looks at peace. I commit the image to memory.

  “Everyone is watching her,” Stolas says. I can’t blame them, she’s stunning. “She doesn’t need to dance when she plays. Her music and playing ability speak for itself. She’s drunk and still…” he shakes his head. “The way she plays. I wonder where she learned?”

  “We’ll have to ask another time,” Verkor replies.

  The song comes to an end, and Finley walks over to the guy that I was yelling at me a few moments ago. She runs a finger down his chest, smiling sweetly. All of us growl.

  Finley turns and narrows her eyes on us. “Shhh.” She turns her attention back on the guy. “What’s your name?”

  “Creed.” His eyes are glassy, like he’s in a trance.

  “Well Creed, is there any way we could borrow some horses for tomorrow? We have such a long journey and having horses would help us out greatly.” She bats her eyelashes at him.

  “H-How many do you need?” he stammers.


  “I’ll have them ready for tomorrow.”

  ‘Thank you ever so much.” She goes up on tiptoes, leans forward, and places a kiss on his cheek then boops his nose. What the hell? Did she have to go that far? Is this guy blushing? If he touches her, I’m breaking his hand.

  “Oh, it's no problem, really.”

  Finley holds up her hands, leaving a tiny space between her thumb and index finger. “I have one more, teeny tiny problem,” she says in a cutesy voice. “I think you can help me with that problem as well.” She walks her fingers up his chest, plays with his long white beard. “You see I need a couple of rooms for tonight. Do you think you can get us some?”

  If she touches him one more time, room and horses be damned, I’m going to go postal.

  “I can get you one room. That’s all that’s available at the inn.”

  “Are you sure?” she pouts.

  “Sorry pretty lady, but there's only one room left. It’s yours for the night if you want it?”

  “We’ll take it,” Verkor interjects.

  “Yeah, we’ll take it,” Finley agrees. Creed nods.

  “I’ll go get the room ready. The horses will be ready for you in the morning.” Creed leaves, enters the inn. Finley looks at us, smiles, and bows.

  “And that, boys, is how it's done.”

  I cross my arms over my chest and glare at her. “Did you have to touch him so much?” I say through gritted teeth. “And what the hell was that with the kiss?”

  “What? It’s not like it was on the mouth. It was a peck on the cheek, to keep him happy, to make him feel like he was getting something out of this deal as well.”

  “That doesn’t matter.” I bellow. “You’re
my mate, and I don’t like it.” Finley turns and faces me. Her eyes narrow, mouth is pinched, and her hands are gripping her violin tighter than I think she realizes. Fuck, she’s pissed.

  “You listen and you listen good.” She points the end of her bow at me. “I did nothing wrong, and I won’t stand here and let you try to make me feel like I did. We’ve known each other for a couple days. You know nothing about me, what I’ve been through, what I’ve done to survive. I get it. You don’t like my job, and you don’t like how I do it, but you don’t get a say in that. I will do this how I’ve always done it, until I don’t have to anymore. Do you understand? I have no problem walking away from you and doing this on my own. Now, I’m going to go in the inn, eat, bathe, and sleep. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll give me a few minutes to myself.” Finley turns and walks away.

  “I swear on all things in hell if you ruin this for us before it begins, I’ll kill you myself,” Stolas says with venom dripping from his voice before he stalks away.

  “I have to agree with Stolas,” Verkor replies. “You need to learn when to shut up.”

  “You can’t tell me that you are okay with what she did?”

  Verkor shakes his head. “I’m not. I hate that she was touching him, but Finley is strong-willed and very independent. It’s going to take her time to trust us. It’s also going to take time to convince her she doesn’t need to steal in order to survive. You’re pushing your wants and needs on her and not taking the time to listen. You better fix this.”

  Verkor leaves me to wallow in my own self-pity, and it’s then that I realize that they’re right. I place my hands on my hips and hang my head in shame. How the hell am I going to fix this?

  Chapter 6


  I’m lying back in a tub of hot water, my head resting on the back of the tub with my eyes closed when there is a knock on the door. I sigh. I knew it wouldn’t be long before one of them came to check on me. My guess is Stolas, but I’m surprised when I hear Obsidian’s voice.


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