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Stolen Warriors

Page 9

by S. Dalambakis

  I glance around, eyeing each of them. I don’t see any injuries. I’m relieved. I don’t know what I would have done if one of them was hurt because me and my quest to gather the pieces of the map. I should have used my violin, but I forgot all about it. I was more focused on not dying. I’m more than grateful when the guys say we’re stopping for the night. We work together to establish camp. By the time we are done, I’m more than ready to crawl into my sleeping bag.

  “Come on Fin. Let’s get some sleep.” Obsidian holds out his hand to me. I don’t argue or put up a fight. I’m too tired. I place my hand in his and he guides me over to the tent. I crawl inside and right to my bag. Obsidian follows me, lying on the right. Stolas comes in right after, taking the spot to my left. Verkor’s last, zipping the tent after him. He takes the spot next to Stolas. Obsidian places an arm across my chest, while Stolas places his arm across my waist. I feel both of their breath on my neck. I don’t last long snuggled between the two warm bodies. My eyes drift closed, and I’m asleep before my next breath.

  Chapter 9


  Finley looks absolutely beautiful in the morning. She looks so peaceful sleeping. She stretches like a cat, before snuggling back down in her sleeping bag. I’ve never felt fear like I did last night. Seeing that fae attack Finley, I shiver. That was too close, and something that can’t happen again. I need to do better at protecting her. When I’m out doing jobs with the guys, I worry about them but nothing like this. I know what they can do. I know they can take care of themselves. The same goes for my family. But, with Finley, it’s different. I shift, pulling her closer to my body, needing to feel her in my arms. I need to know that she’s okay. She sighs as she nuzzles my chest. I smile, not wanting to break the moment. I lean down, placing a gentle kiss to her cheek.

  “Wake up sleepy head.” I place another kiss to her forehead. “We have to get going. We have a lot of ground to cover.”

  She groans. “I don’t wanna. It’s too early.”

  “I know, but if you don’t want to spend another night sleeping in the woods then we need to get going.”

  “I don’t know. This feels like a pretty nice place to be.”

  I chuckle then kiss her nose. “I agree, but wouldn’t you like to do this in a nice warm bed?” I rock my hips into her.

  “Is this all that we’ll be doing in that bed?” She moves her head back to stare at me in my eyes.

  “That depends.”

  “On what?” she whispers.

  “You.” She lifts up, crushing her lips to mine. She opens her mouth letting me slip my tongue inside, deepening the kiss. I pull back, nipping at her lip as I go. “If you want that to happen, then you need to get up.”

  She huffs. “Alright, but there better something to eat. I’m not the best to be around when I’m hungry.”

  I laugh. “I’ll have to remember that.” I get up, making quick work of rolling up my sleeping bag. I look over and see Finley staring at me. “What?”

  “You’re entirely too chipper right now.”

  “Definitely. Not a morning person?”

  “No, but in my defense, I’m usually out late working jobs.”

  “Do you enjoy it?” I motion for her to get up, so I can roll up her sleeping bag. Reluctantly, she does.

  “Parts of it, like playing my violin, but I’m not a fan of the thieving. It’s what I know. It’s what I’m good at. But that doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

  “If you could do anything, what would it be?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve never given it much thought. If I had to say right now off the top of my head... I would like to do something with music. I’ve always wanted more with my life, and I guess I want what most people want. A life with a significant other, a good job, and maybe one day kids.”

  I watch a look of longing come over her face. She gets this thousand-yard stare in her eyes, like she’s imagining that life for herself, and I want to make sure that happens.

  “Does this picture include three men?”

  She turns, her eyes light with mischief, a slow smile spreads across her lips. “Why? Do you have some friends who are interested?” I growl, and a little smoke escapes my nose. I see red at the thought. More smoke puffs out. I feel soft hands cup my face. “Your eyes...they’re red,” she whispers. I try to turn away, but her hands hold my face steady. “No, don’t. I’m not afraid.”

  “You should be. Most people are,” my voice coming out gruffer than intended.

  “I’m not most people. You’re my mate, right?” I nod. “Then trust me.” Her eyes bounce back and forth between mine. “One day, will you show me your hellhound form?”

  All I can do is nod. She smiles at my answer before leaning in and capturing my lips with hers. I move my hands to her back, pulling her toward my body. She stumbles into me, laughing. I twist in the small confines of the tent, landing on top of her. “Stolas.” My mate, so beautiful, so brave.

  “You know, if it wasn’t so cold, if we didn’t need to get going, and there weren’t listening ears right outside this tent, I would have you saying my name under very different circumstances.”

  “Is that a promise?”

  “That’s the truth.”

  “Hm. I’ll be waiting to collect. I have one from Verkor as well. I only need one from Obsidian and I’ll have the trifecta.”

  “I’m sure you won’t have to try too hard with him. He seems like a jackass on the outside, and he is, but there’s something underneath all that. You just have to look.”

  “Will you guys stop talking and come on? I have breakfast for you Finley,” Obsidian shouts.

  “Oo, food. Let me up, Stolas.” She starts to shove at my chest.

  I lean down giving her a kiss then move to the side. She’s up and out of the tent before I can say anything. I chuckle. I get up, grab our sleeping bags, and exit the tent. Finley’s sitting on a log between Verkor and Obsidian, laughing at something they said. She holds a stick with a half-eaten piece of meat. She’s taking the events of last night in stride. I’m proud of her. My hellhound rumbles his agreement.

  Our mate is strong and worthy.

  Yes, she is.

  Obsidian gets up and walks in my direction.

  “I’ll help take down the tent. Finley’s almost done, and we’re late getting on the road.”

  “She seems to be holding up pretty well,” I say, voicing my earlier thoughts.

  “I have a feeling that she’s going to constantly surprise us. I also think that there’s more to her story than what she’s letting on.”

  “What makes you say that?” I grab a pole, yanking it from the ground.

  “She didn’t seem to flinch when those fae showed up last night. She jumped right into the mix.”

  “One of them came after her. You couldn’t expect her to stand there. She had to defend herself.”

  “I know. I just don’t have to like it. She does handle her weapons like a professional. Do you think the same person who taught her how to steal, is the same person who taught her how to fight?”

  “I hope so, otherwise she taught herself.” I frown at the thought. I hate the idea that she had to teach herself because people kept coming after her. I hate the life she’s lead.

  “You know, the she you are talking about is standing right behind you. You could have just asked where I learned if you were that interested.”

  Both Obsidian and I jump and whirl around at the sound of her voice. “How the hell did you sneak up on us?”

  “It’s just one of my many talents.” She rocks on her heels. Verkor chuckles from the logs they were sitting at as he gets rid of the signs of a campfire. “Plus, Verkor didn’t think I could do it. You know, you both being big bad shifters with super hearing and all.”

  I grumble as I help Obsidian with the remainder of the tent. “What do you get if you succeeded?”

  “That is yet to be determined. I’ll think of something.” She winks at me before turning. “I�
��m going to use the restroom real quick. Be back in a moment.”

  “You shouldn’t be going to the woods alone. I’ll go with you,” Obsidian states. I groan. This is not going to end well.

  She spins fast on her heels, facing Obsidian with fire in her eyes. “No, the hell you’re not. There is no way someone is coming with me to watch me pee.”

  “I won’t watch, but it’s safer to go in pairs.”

  “No,” she says firmly. “You’ll still hear me and that’s embarrassing.”

  “I don’t care if it’s embarrassing. I’ll do what I have to keep you safe,” he growls, crossing his arms.

  I feel like a spectator in one of those earth realm sports. My head volleying back and forth between the two of them.

  “Oh, really.” Finley crosses her arms over her chest. “So next time you need to leave and pee, I’ll follow you. Just to make sure you’re safe.”

  “I don’t need you to follow me,” Obsidian growls.

  I smack my palm to my forehead. Oh you stupid fool.

  “Double standard much. If I have to go into the woods and do my business with an audience, so the fuck will you. Deal with it.” Finley turns and stalks away. Obsidian moves to go after her, but I quickly place myself in front of him, pushing him back.

  “Woah, you need to stop while you’re ahead. Don’t piss her off more than she is.”

  “She shouldn’t be by herself,” he bellows, smacking my hands away.

  “I’m not saying she should be, but you have to look at it from her point of view, which she has. If you’re going to suggest, or demand in this case, for her to do something then you should be willing to do it as well.”

  “Stolas is right,” Verkor says. “We’re no longer alone. We have a mate to look out for. We have to find a niche. That’s going to take compromise.”

  “Do you want to keep her or lose her? Because the path you’re going right now, you’re going to lose her before you even get her.”

  “All of you are, if you keep up your macho bullshit,” Finley says from behind us, causing all of us to jump.

  “Jesus woman, would you quit doing that?” I say. “I’m going to have to put a frickin bell on you.” She laughs as she walks closer to us.

  “You could try. Now Siddy, are you done?”

  “For now.” He steps up to her, gauging her reaction before reaching out to her. She willingly walks into his open arms.

  “You know, the makeup sex we’re going to have all the time is going to be off the charts.”

  Obsidian groans. “You were brought into my life to test my patience, I swear.”

  “Probably, but you’re going to love it.” Obsidian leans down, giving her a quick kiss.

  “We should get going. We’ve wasted enough time.”

  Obsidian walks Finley over to her horse, lifting her and placing her on the back. Verkor straps the tent on the back of his horse then quickly does Finley’s sleeping bag on hers. Once all of us are situated, we head out.

  “So Finley, care to tell us how you learned your ninja moves?” I ask.

  “I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.”

  I groan. “So cliché.”

  “Obsidian was right. My line of business isn’t safe. After one too many close calls, I took it upon myself to learn how to fight. I only use it when my violin doesn’t work.”

  “Why wouldn’t it work?”

  “On you, because you’re my mates, or so you tell me.” She looks at me and winks. “On others, it works, but sometimes they’re stronger magically and break through the spell quickly. It’s those times when I usually have to resort to fighting, but those times are few and far between.”

  “I don’t like it,” Obsidian growls.

  “I don’t either, but what's a girl to do?”

  “Well, that changes. You have us to fight for you now,” Obsidian replies.

  “How about you fight alongside me? I’m not useless, and I’m not going to pretend to be someone I’m not.”

  “How about we worry with that if or when the time comes. Let’s just focus on the road ahead of us. There are still quite a few miles between here and the next inn,” Verkor states.

  “I can already see our dynamic.” She shifts slightly atop the horse. “Obsidian and I will fight, Stolas, you’ll try to be the comedic relief, and Verkor the peacekeeper.”

  I laugh. “Got it in one.”

  “At least our lives will never be boring,” she says.

  It definitely won't be. What Finley doesn’t realize is our lives were monotonous before she entered it. Even though we’ve only known her a couple of days it feels like it’s been forever, but in the good way. Now that we have her, I can’t imagine my life without her. I’ll fight to my last breath for her. She just has to realize she’s not alone and that we’re not going anywhere.


  My ass and thighs are killing me by the time we make it to the inn. The stable hand here is at least nice enough to swap out our horses for fresh ones in the morning. As best as I can, I walk up the stairs to our room because once again we’re sharing. I don’t mind; I figure this will be something that is done quite a lot in our future. I feel safer with them near. Especially, after what happened last night. The guys seem to think they were after whatever valuables we have.

  People do desperate things in desperate times.

  I sigh when I reach the top of the stairs. I need to soak in a tub of hot water. Hopefully, that will ease my aching muscles.

  While Obsidian is gathering our bags and Stolas and Verkor are getting food, I plan to take full advantage of having the room to myself. I push open the door and immediately want to close it then reopen it to see if it looks better. What in the… I look around. There’s a queen size bed in the middle of the room, with this ugly, mustard yellow blanket that has holes in it. The stand next to the bed is leaning because the leg is broken. There looks to be claw marks along the wall. The carpet is stained. Is that burn marks? At least there’s a roof over your head, food, and warm water...I hope.

  I close and lock the door behind me. Verkor has the key to the room, so I’m not worried about anyone but them entering. I make my way over to the open door to the left that houses the bathroom. I turn on the light and sigh. The sink and tub have rust marks. The toilet seat is cracked. There’s no top on the back of the toilet. There appears to be a piss stained ring around the bottom of the toilet.

  “So fucking gross. There goes my plan for a soak in the tub.” I look up and see a shower head. “I really don’t want to step in here, but I need something. Maybe if I keep my socks on,” I say out loud to no one. I turn back to the sink, opening the drawers and finding unopened bars of soap and shampoo. Well, there’s that at least. I grab a few before going back to the shower. I reach in, turning the knob, and brown water starts to spit out of the spout. I hang my head. All I want is a damn hot shower. I’m about to give up and turn the water off when I notice it starts to run clear. “Oh thank God.”

  I pull up the stop and the water starts to rain down from the shower head. I adjust the handles to the temperature that I like before pulling the shower curtain closed. I laugh. The damn thing has holes in it. I quickly take my cloak off, placing it on the bed, before stripping out of my clothes. I leave them where they land on the floor. I plan to put on fresh clothes once Obsidian brings the bags up. I don’t waste any more time before stepping underneath the spray. Who knows how long the hot water will last.

  I wash my hair and body because I just want to let the hot water beat against the sore muscles of my shoulders and back. I lean forward, placing my hands on the wall in front of me. I hang my head down and position my body to help the water reach where I need it most on my back. I need to relax the muscles of my thighs from riding all day, but that’s not going to happen tonight. I sigh. It feels so good. I stay like that for a few more minutes because I know the guys are going to want to take a shower, and I can’t be a jerk and use up all the hot water. T
urning off the faucet, I open the shower curtain, stepping onto the hardwood floor, because there’s no carpet. I glance around the room and notice there’s no towels.

  “Just fucking great. As if this day couldn’t get any worse.”

  I crack open the bathroom door, peaking my head around. No one else is in the room. Opening the door all the way, I walk over to the dresser on the right side of the room. Opening drawer after drawer not finding a damn towel anywhere, I look back to the bed, seeing my cloak. Well, it’s better than nothing. Just as I’m grabbing my cloak from the bed, the bedroom door files open and in walks Obsidian, followed by Verkor and Stolas. Oh. My. God. I shouldn’t have opened my mouth. All of them are frozen by the door, staring at me with hunger and desire in their eyes. I grab my cloak and wrap it around my body.

  “Oh great, our bags. Can I have mine please?” I stand there with the cloak now wrapped around me as they stare gaping at me. None of them make a move. “Um, if you’re going to stare, can you at least close the door so strangers walking by don’t see me naked?”

  That snaps them out of their stupor. Obsidian walks over to me, handing me my bag. Verkor takes the food that he’s holding and places it on top of the dresser. Stolas, since he was the last one to enter the room, closes the door.

  “Thanks, I’m just...gonna…” I point to the bathroom before making my escape. I close and lock the door. Yeah, I’m surprised it has one. I lean back against the door. “Ugh.” Couldn’t they have walked in when I didn’t look like a drowned rat.

  I place my bag on the sink, digging through it until I find clean undergarments and comfortable clothes to sleep in. I get dressed then riffle through my bag for something to brush my hair. I come up empty. Of all the things that I could forget to pack. My hair is going to be a mess. I look through the drawers under the sink, not finding anything. There’s no extra toothbrush or toothpaste. I wasted enough time in here, and I know I’m only stalling.


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