Stolen Warriors

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Stolen Warriors Page 20

by S. Dalambakis

  I feel a pair of hands at my waist, pulling me back. The scent of sulfur and fire reaches me. Stolas. I untangle myself from Obsidian. He takes a few steps back, taking deep breaths. He’s just as worked up as I am. I take a step toward him, but the hands on my waist keep me from moving.

  “Now’s not the time, love.”

  I look over my shoulder, meeting Stolas’ lust filled eyes. It seems he’s not the only one affected by what was happening. My gaze moves over to Verkor, seeing the same desire there. I want nothing more than to continue what we were doing, but I know we have bigger things to worry about. I move from Stolas, putting some space between all of us. It takes a few moments, but eventually we all get ourselves under control. It’s then that I realize we’re still outside in the garden, but I’m not cold. I would have said it’s because of the heat between me and my mates, but I wasn't cold when we first come out here.

  “Um, Verkor? Why isn’t it cold?” I ask, turning to face them.

  “A spell is placed around the garden during events like these. Fae tend to drink a lot when celebrating. The spell is to ensure no one dies from the cold. Some fae will stumble out here, passing out without the proper attire on. It’s happened once or twice. So, to ensure that doesn’t happen a warming spell is used.”

  “It doesn’t affect the plants or snow?”

  “Nope. Just the air. You can touch the snow and it’ll still be cold.”

  I’m not saying that I don’t believe him, but I crouch down to do just that. Verkor’s right. The snow is still cold.


  “The power of magic.”

  Chapter 19


  We walk back into the castle. Verkor is beside me, with Obsidian and Stolas walking behind. Verkor explained that they’re all my escorts for the night, but since we are in the fae realm and in the Winter Court, that I would be seen walking in with him. I nod. It makes sense to me, so I don’t argue. The halls are bustling with fae. They’re gorgeous. The dresses, the suits, the wings. There is soft music coming from the ballroom. My heart starts to race, because this is it. We’re about to enact our plan to steal from the Winter Court King. We stop outside the ballroom.

  “Repeat the plan one more time,” I whisper, needing to hear it once more. My nerves are getting the better of me.

  “We make Kellan jealous. You dance with him, ask to play your violin. The fae are put in a trance, we slip out…” Stolas pauses, letting a few fae pass him and enter the ballroom. “Then we take out the guards in the hall, find the map, and hightail it out of here.” Verkor nods at a few passing fae.

  “On the off chance Kellan refuses to let you play your violin, we each sneak out, meet in Verkor’s room, then go the Kellan’s quarters. We take out the fae guards, find the map, and get the fuck out of here,” Obsidian states. I nod, taking a deep breath. We got this. We can do this.

  “Ready?” Verkor asks, holding out his elbow. I wrap my arm around his. We cross the threshold, entering the ballroom. I give his arm a squeeze.

  “As I’ll ever be.”

  We make our way to our table. Verkor pulls out my chair for me. He takes the chair next to me. Obsidian and Stolas take the seats across the table from me. I watch as more fae enter the ballroom all taking a seat. I look toward the stage and the second group of the most beautiful men I’ve ever seen, because my group of mates is first, are tuning their instruments. A few minutes go by and the room quiets. Everyone turns and looks at the entrance. In walks King Kellan. There are a couple reactions that happen. Half of the female fae sigh in appreciation. Some of the male fae revere him. Others look like they want him dead. Now it makes me wonder what exactly he has done.

  Everyone watches as he makes his way to the stage. I have to say King Kellan looks damn good in his fae attire. The most eye catching part of his outfit isn’t the the way the robe shimmers blue in the light. No, it’s the silver and blue icicle crown gracing his head. The train on his silver robe flares out, dusty the floor as he walks with purposeful steps. The only sound in the ballroom comes from the soles of the knee high, black, leather boots on his feet. Kellan turns in front of the stage, moving the train behind him, revealing black leggings. The rings on his fingers clink as he folds his hands in front of him. As I look, waiting for his announcement, I see a silver wing brooch at the base of the open collar.

  “I want to thank you all for coming to our annual Winter Court Ball. This year is a little special. My cousin Verkor has returned to celebrate with us, and he doesn’t come alone. He has found his mate. So, this truly is a special occasion. Here’s to another prosperous year. Let the festivities began,” he smiles.

  Everyone claps and cheers. Kellan makes his way over to the table that sits higher off the ground. There are a few guards standing nearby, which include Hugh and Daemon. They see me and give me a small wave. I smile brightly and wave back. He takes his seat, and the moment he does, food stars to be delivered. Thank God, because I’m starving. We’re served various fruit dishes, roots, and berries. There are a couple of honey dishes. Everything is amazing, but I need some meat. I glance over at Verkor.

  “You know, I’m kind of glad we’re leaving tonight. Nothing against fae food, because it’s good, I could just go for a huge, juicy, burger.”

  “Oh, thank God. I thought I was alone in meaty dreams,” Stolas says, pushing back his half eaten plate. He relaxes like a huge weight has been lifted off his shoulders.

  “I’m mad at myself for not eating that burger at the bar when I had the chance. But, someone,” I point at finger at Stolas, “had to get territorial and distract me.” Stolas grins.

  “Yes, but it was a great distraction though.” He winks at me. I can’t argue with him there.

  “You’re lucky you’re so damn hot.” He laughs.

  “I’ll make sure to get you a burger when we return,” Verkor says.

  “What about me?” Stolas whines.

  “You can get your own.”

  “Fine,” Stolas huffs. There is a hint of a smile on his face.

  I turn my attention back to Kellan. He’s sitting alone at his table, looking around the room. The poem runs through my mind again. Dance with the king and you will see, not all appears as it seems. What the hell is that supposed to mean? What am I supposed to see when I dance with him? Everything I’ve seen doesn’t make him appear to be any different than what I gather is his usual self. He doesn’t seem to malicious in anyway. But that doesn’t mean anything. Sometimes crazy is hidden in pretty packages. If anything, he almost seems sad, depressed. That’s when I remember Verkor said he has siblings.

  “Hey, Verkor?” He turns to look at me. “Didn’t you say that Kellan has a brother?”


  “Then where is he? Why is Kellan sitting at the head table all alone?”

  Verkor whips his head in Kellan’s direction. “He was supposed to be here. That’s what Kellan said when I asked about Cirro after we first arrived.” Verkor scans the room. “I don’t see him here.” Verkor grabs the attention of a waiter walking by. “Excuse me.”

  “Yes, Lord Verkor,” the fae says with a bow.

  “Have you seen my cousin Cirro?”

  The fae starts to shake his head. “No, my Lord. No one has seen Cirro for quite some time. If anyone mentions him, King Kellan goes into a fit of rage.”

  Hm. Interesting.

  “Thank you.”

  “Yes, my Lord.” The fae bows once more before returning to his duties.

  Verkor looks around the table, meeting each of us in the eye. “This isn’t good.”

  “I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that it has something to do with the poem. I was just thinking about it. Wondering what I was supposed to see, when he doesn’t seem to be threatening or evil. The only way to know for sure is to dance with the king.”

  “Which means we need to put our plan into motion,” Verkor states.


  It wasn’t until Fi
nley mentioned my other cousin that I remembered what Kellan said. Surely, Cirro would have come to see me when he learned I was here. I’ve been distracted with Finley, the plan, and memories of my past. I should have seen this earlier. Finley’s right, she needs to dance with the king. The only way I know how to accomplish that is by making Kellan jealous. I have my mate, and he doesn’t. Time to put this plan into motion.

  A slow song starts to play, and Finley looks too gorgeous in her dress not to show her off in this room full of winter fae. I stand, holding out my hand to Finley. My suit has special slits in the back for my wings, so I let them free. There are few gasps from the surrounding tables, but it’s not their reaction I want. No, it’s Finley’s reaction I want, and she doesn’t disappoint me. I see her chest rise and fall a little faster. I see her eyes dilate in lust. Perfect.

  “May I have this dance?” I say, lowering my voice to a husky sound.

  She nods, placing her hand in mine. I escort her to the middle of the floor, seeing peeks of her creamy thighs through the slit in her dusky, rose pink, tulle skirt. I pull her close. One of my hands rest on her waist, and the other hand cups hers. She places her hand on my shoulder; her fingertips brushing my wings. I suppress a groan. I move, hoping that she’ll follow my lead. The music playing has a Cuban feel to it, and I fully intend to use that to my advantage. The hand on her waist, I use as a guide to help her get the rhythm and the way in which I want her to go in. Finley catches on quickly, and soon she’s just following my lead. Everyone’s eyes are glued to us as we move across the dance floor.

  Her body’s pressed up against mine, my leg between hers. She sensually rolls her hips side to side. I nudge her back, spinning her in a half circle, pulling her back against my body. Her back to my front. I place one hand on her stomach, and the other I use to trace a path up her arm to her neck. I open my hand around her throat, move her head to the side. I lean down, my mouth on her neck, placing soft kisses. Our bodies never stop the motion of side stepping with swaying hips. I pull Finley back further into me. Her ass is perfectly flush with my cock, and there’s no way she doesn’t feel how hard I am. Finley places one of her hands over mine on her stomach, her fingers grip mine in a tight squeeze. Her other hand comes up around my neck, and grips my hair at the nape of my neck. She lets out a breathy sigh.

  “Do you know how gorgeous you look right now?” I turn us until we face Stolas and Obsidian, never breaking our rhythm. The song ending, but picking up immediately in a similar one. “Do you know how jealous they have to be of me right now? I can feel your pulse increasing under my thumb. I know exactly what this is doing to you. I’m sure you can feel what it’s doing to me.” Just to get my point across, I push my cock into her. She releases a low moan. “Look at them, baby. Show them just how crazy I’m making you right now.”

  I look up, watching Stolas’ and Obsidian’s reaction. Whatever look she’s giving them has them shifting in their seats. They move to stand, but I shake my head. They see it and settle back down. I have one more person to make jealous, Kellan. I’ve seen how he’s been looking at my mate the whole time we’ve been here. Family or not, he needs to see just who Finley belongs

  I turn us again, this time facing the King. I make it a point to make eye contact with him. I nip at Finley’s ear, causing her to inhale sharply. I place kisses down her neck, nipping at the soft spot between her neck and shoulder. Her grip tightens on me, as she moans. I move my wings, using them to brush her sides. My hand on her stomach travels lower, stopping at the apex of her thighs. “If I were to reach down, would I find you wet and ready for me?” She nods. I lock eyes with Kellan, giving him a smirk, when Finley rocks into my hand. I move my wings once more, completely closing her in them, blocking everyone's view of her.

  “Verkor,” my name a breathless whisper on her lips.

  I position her face to side, crushing my lips to hers. Our tongues dancing, just like our bodies. She tastes and feels amazing. So much passion radiates from her. I would love nothing more than to take her upstairs and have a repeat of the other night, but I have to remember we’re here for another reason. Finley moves her hands, fisting the feathers of my wings. I shiver. She knows exactly what she’s doing. I would gladly give her what she wants, because I want it too. I pull back slightly from her.

  “Baby, as much as I would love to continue this, this isn’t exactly the best place,” I say softly. I see the storm of desire in her gray eyes. “Just a little longer baby, and I’ll give you what you need...what we need.” I release my grip on her, keeping my wings in place. She turns, facing me.

  “You promise?”

  “I promise.” I pull her close, wrapping one arm around her waist. I use my other hand, lifting her leg to my hip. I move my wings to lay against my back. I dip her back, kissing her exposed neck and down her chest as the song ends. I right her, capturing her lips with mine. Someone clears their throat behind me.

  “Mind if I cut in?”

  I turn to see King Kellan standing there. A look of longing and desire on his face, and I don't like it. But I can’t openly refuse the King in front of his fae. I know it was my actions with Finley that is causing even more interest in her. This is what we wanted. Part one of the plan is complete. I nod my head.

  “Of course.” I turn looking at Finley. She gives me a subtle nod, letting me know that she’ll be okay.

  I make my way back to our table, moving my chair to watch Finley and the King like a hawk.

  “At least the plan is working, regardless of how much I hate it,” Obsidian growls. Finley is dancing with the King, just like the second part of the poem.


  Dance with the king and you will see, not all appears as it seems.

  That line of the poem keeps running through my mind. As much as I would rather be ripping that tux off of Verkor and continuing what we started, I know I need to do this. This is all part of the plan. The Kellan holds out his hand to me. Placing mine in his, he pulls me flush with his body. I instantly don’t like it, and I hear a couple of growls coming from my table. He chuckles as he leads me into a dance.

  “It seems like your entourage is getting a little testy.”

  “They don’t like when people get handsy or rough with me. They’re a protective lot.”

  “Mm. That they are. I don’t think I’ve seen you alone once. One of them is always with you.”

  I smile, not knowing what to say. It does show that he’s been watching us. We’re quiet for a little while the Kellan leads me in a circle around the ballroom. I do have to say he’s an excellent dancer.

  “I was wondering if you’d let me play a song for you. As a thank you for your generous hospitality. As you know, this is my first time here in the Winter Court and the fae realm in general. You and your subjects have been nothing but nice.”

  “You said you played the violin, right?”

  I nod my head enthusiastically. “Oh yes, it’s my favorite thing in the world. The music just takes me somewhere else. Everyone stops and listens to me play, almost like they’re under a spell,” I giggle. Kellan smiles back. “But really, I think it’s the dancing I do while I play.” I wink.

  Kellan laughs, and I mean, he throws his head back and belly laughs. “I think I’m starting to see why those men don’t leave your side. I would be honored if you played a song for me tonight.”

  “Of course. I have my violin with me. I never go anywhere without it. It’s like an extension of me.”

  “Wonderful.” The rest of our dance is done in silence, but I take that moment to study him, really look at the king of The Winter Court. I don’t know what I'm supposed to see.

  Dance with the king and you will see, not all appears as it seems.

  The only problem is, I don’t know what the hell I’m looking for. He’s acting normal, I guess. I don’t know the man. So, what am I supposed to be looking for? It’s not until he turns his head in the light that I see it. A thin, transparent veil over his h
ead. I may not know what that does, but I do know that it shouldn’t be there. I wonder if the guys would know what this is? Is this what I thought I saw at that lunch? I wasn’t seeing things. It was there.

  After the song ends, the King escorts me back to my table.

  “Verkor, your beautiful mate, has agreed to play a song for me on her violin. I assume you have it here?” King Kellan glances at me.


  “Good. I’ll let the band know. When the music cuts off I expect you to be ready.”

  I nod. He turns and walks over to the band. I don’t have long and I need to tell the guys about the veil. I quickly turn to them. “Stolas, can you hand my case to me?” He nods and does just that. “I don’t have a lot of time, but I saw some kind of transparent veil over his face. You can’t see it if you’re not looking for it. I only did because of the angle of his face in the light, plus you know, I was looking for it.” The music cuts off. “Gotta go.”

  I race to the middle of the dance floor. I position violin and bow, taking a deep breath before moving the bow over the strings. I relax as the first chords drift from my violin. I make sure to put on the best performance I can.

  Chapter 20


  Finley looks amazing as she dances. None of us can take our eyes off of her. She ends her first song taking a look around the ballroom. She frowns, but I know she knows she needs to play another song. Some of the fae look to be in a trance, but not all of them. I glance at Kellan, and see that he’s not totally enamored.

  “She’s going to have to play another song,” I say out loud. “Not all of the fae are under the spell, including Kellan.”


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