Complete With You

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Complete With You Page 1

by Sarah Taylor

  Complete with You

  Sarah Taylor

  Published by Sarah Taylor, 2020.

  All Rights Reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  First printing edition, 2020.

  Copyright © 2020 Sarah Taylor.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10


  Chapter 1


  Red and blue lights wash up and down the street as I lean against the side of my cop car with my arms folded over my chest. The moon is high in the sky tonight, and its silver glow dapples the street as other policemen and some firefighters bustle about.

  A few yards away, a wrecked car still smolders though it’s been thoroughly doused by now. The air is still thick with smoke, but that doesn’t seem to bother anyone else.

  “You want me to cuff the driver?” I ask as one of the senior police officers sidles up to me.

  “Nah, newbie,” he chuckles.

  I nod and appraise the man curiously. I can’t even be sure whether he knows my name or not. He hasn’t once referred to me as Jaxon. Instead, he has a variety of nicknames that make me sound less experienced at my job than I am. I might be the newest man on this police force, but I’d been a cop since I was about twenty years old.

  Then again, I don’t know this guy’s name either. Not his real name, anyway. The rest of the crew just calls him Wolf. It’s easy to see why. He’s only a little older than me, twenty-seven or so, but he looks wise beyond his years. His eyes are laser-focused, and his body always seems ready to pounce.

  “Listen up, rookie,” he continues glibly. “We just got another call. You’re heading to Bearclaw Saloon.”

  My eyebrows hitch up my forehead, and a laugh escapes my lips. “I'm going where now?”

  I’d only just moved to town to be close to my pregnant sister, and I’d yet to figure out the local haunts.

  Wolf flashes an amused grin. “Bearclaw Saloon. It’s a joint as classy as it sounds. Apparently, a couple of drunks are having a little tiff. You’re going to go calm it down. We always save our most...interesting of calls for our new recruits.”

  It takes all my might not to roll my eyes. A drunk dispute is hardly an interesting call, though Wolf definitely knows that. It stings to be called a new recruit, too, since I’d been a cop for several years, but I’d gone through something similar when I was first hired at my original station. Hazing is part of starting a new job, especially one like this. I can suck it up for a little while longer.

  I nod at Wolf and then move to climb back into my cop car, keeping an eye out for one green-eyed firefighter in particular — my sister’s boyfriend, Brady. He and I aren’t exactly best friends, but he treats Liv well, and that’s enough for me.

  “You must be Jaxon,” someone says abruptly.

  When I glance over my shoulder, a fireman is gazing at me curiously, though it isn’t Brady.

  I nod, eyeing the man with curiosity. “That’s right.”

  He sticks out a hand and smiles. He’s a little shorter than Brady but more muscled. His blue eyes are friendly beneath his dark brow.

  “I'm Cooper. Brady’s buddy. My fiancée is pretty good friends with Olivia, too.”

  Realization strikes me, and I quickly shake his hand. “Oh! You must be engaged to Lucy? Liv talks about her all the time. The two of them are practically inseparable. I was relieved when I moved here that she’d managed to make such good friends.”

  Cooper chuckles. “Yeah. So, are you adjusting to life here? I know when Olivia first arrived, she was still struggling with—” He winces and shakes his head, cutting himself off. “Damn. I don’t know why I brought that up. Forget I said anything, Jaxon. Lucy always says I don’t know when to keep my mouth shut.”

  I force a smile and shrug, knowing exactly what Cooper was hinting at. He was talking about Carl, Liv’s late fiancé, who was my best friend and partner on the police force back home. Carl had died in the line of duty some time ago. Liv had moved out here to try and move on with her life, and I’d followed her so that she wasn’t alone.

  Since moving here, I’ve tried living my life to the fullest in Carl’s memory. Typically, that means lots of pushed boundaries. I’ve gone skydiving and bungee jumping, and I’ve partied and gone through girls. Nothing, however, had ever quite hit the spot yet.

  “Anyway,” Cooper continues when awkward silence creeps between us. He sounds slightly flustered at the awkward conversation. “I just wanted to introduce myself. See you around, man.”

  After a quick goodbye, I jump into my car. The tires squeal as I leave the scene of the crime behind. The car’s GPS guides me toward the Bearclaw saloon. Outside, stars twinkle merrily and streetlamps glow.

  It isn’t long before I pull up to the saloon. It’s a small but rowdy building. I can hear music pumping and people shouting before I even open the car door. When I step out onto the pavement of the parking lot, the smell of booze and cigarettes is so thick I could choke on it.

  From the sound of it, the fight is still happening indoors. I follow the shouts and cries inside, where people have gathered in a tight circle around two people in a heated argument.

  Above the bystanders’ heads, I can see one of the perps looming. He’s a big guy in a leather jacket, and his bald head reflects the dim lights of the saloon. He’s so massive that one of his biceps is the size of my thigh, and I'm not a small guy by any means.

  I push my way easily through the crowd, headed for the troublemakers. I probably won’t even have to arrest anyone. I’ll just tell them to head home and cool off for a while. That’s how these things usually go. Totally standard.

  The dude in the biker jacket spits on the ground when I get close enough to break the fight apart. Judging by the lack of blood, I’d managed to arrive before anything got physical.

  “Calm down, man. Back off,” I say to the biker, giving him a warning look. His chest heaves as he glowers over my head toward whoever was the target of his rage.

  With a groan, I turn and glance around for another massive biker, but instead, I'm faced with the tiniest woman I’ve ever seen.

  Blue-eyed and blonde, the young woman is wearing a pair of itty-bitty denim cutoffs and a cropped shirt that shows off her toned figure. Without even seeming to notice me, she steps to the side and points an accusing finger at the biker. The biker huffs and growls at her, but she doesn’t back down an inch. I gape at her, taken aback by how fearless she is. The biker could squash her under his thumb, but she doesn’t seem to care.

  “You listen here, pal,” she shouts at the man towering over her. “You don’t ever speak to a lady like that again! You’ve got some real nerve. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?”

  Holy hell. There’s nothing standard about her, that’s for sure.

  Chapter 2


  “You’re going to regret this, little girl,” the biker growls as he lumbers toward me.

  Little girl? I'm not a girl. I might be petite, but I'm all woman. My hands curl, and I take a step right back toward him before a body suddenly pushes in the way. I blink hard, startled by the sight of broad shoulders and a dark blue police uniform.

  Seriously? Somebody called the cops? This is so annoying. I try to have one night of fun and of course a barbarian hits on me in the crudest way possible. When I simply defend myself, I ge
t hell for it. Figures.

  “That’s enough,” the cop barks at the biker in a deep voice that makes a strange chill roll down my spine. “Get out of here. These nice people are trying to have a good time.”

  “If I have to go, she has to go too!” shouts the furious biker.

  The cop glances over his shoulder at me, his steel-gray eyes meeting mine. My breath lodges in my throat even though I try to fight a surge of heat that dances through my veins.

  What in the world is happening to me?

  His eyes blaze into mine, their depths like molten steel. It’s hot in the overcrowded bar and a few beads of cool sweat snake down my back. I swallow hard, completely unable to tear my eyes away from the policeman’s. He is, in every single way, breathtaking.

  “You heard the man,” sighs the cop. “It’s only fair, Miss...”

  “Emma.” I roll my eyes and shrug. “If it’ll stop him from throwing a temper tantrum, then fine.”

  Here I am, not even having gotten a drink, yet I'm getting thrown out of a bar. Way to spend a Friday night. Oh well. I suppose getting home a little earlier than planned never hurt anyone.

  The faintest hint of a smile crosses the cop's face when I scowl at the biker and tell him to buzz off.

  The biker leaves first, though not before shouting and huffing and stomping all around. After the biker’s tires squeal out of the parking lot, the cop escorts me outside.

  “You know my name, and I don’t know yours,” I murmur.

  Behind us, the party has picked back up at the saloon. The music is so loud even out here that I can hardly hear my own thoughts. I like this bar because there’s very little chance of me running into any of my colleagues and friends. I like to keep some parts of my life private.

  “Jaxon,” he answers lightly. He stares down at me, hardly even blinking.

  Does he feel this magnetic energy charging between us as well? Every hair on my body is standing on edge. I can hardly even catch my breath, my heart is racing so fast.

  I'm a good girl... But tonight, I want to be very, very naughty. I already caused a disturbance at a bar. Might as well up the ante. And with the way Jaxon is staring down at me, his pupils dilated and the corner of his pink tongue poking from between his lips...he wants to play a little wicked game, too.

  “Well, Jaxon... that’s a nice badge you’ve got there,” I muse playfully, reaching out to stroke my finger along the silver edge of the star pinned to his chest.

  Is that a flush I see on his face?

  “Do you need a ride home?” he asks.

  We’re close to his cop car now. The sleek white body glows under the evening moon. The wind blows, tousling my blonde hair, and the sexy cop instinctively reaches forward to slowly stroke a lock of hair off my forehead to tuck it behind my ear. I reach up and grip his hand, a coy smile dancing across my lips. His eyes widen, his Adam’s apple bobbing as his eyes slowly rake down my body.

  I’d known exactly what I was doing when I slid into these scandalous clothes. I just hadn't guessed I’d attract someone like Jaxon. His hand is hot against my cheek. He steps closer, his cologne washing over me. I inhale it hungrily, sparks seeming to skip across my skin.

  Being bold has its advantages, I suppose. If I only have this one night to be wild, I might as well make it as wild as possible.

  “Is a ride home all you’re offering?” I whisper.

  He grunts faintly and bites his lower lip. It doesn’t help that I can see the length of his own desire straining against his pants.

  “I'm a man in uniform, and you’re coming onto me?” he retorts, though his tone is playful and mischievous.

  I tip my head up so that I can gaze just as impishly back at him. “That depends on if it’s working or not. I won’t tell if you don’t. After that whole debacle in the bar... I could really use a few minutes of fun to blow off some steam.”

  My fingers play with the buttons of my cropped blouse, popping open the top one so that the curve of my ample cleavage peeks out into the night air. He gives a soft grunt again, though this time, I see the restraint on his face. He grits his teeth, no doubt contemplating the fact that he’s still on duty.

  In the end, however, when I pop the second button of my blouse, he strides forward to lift me up. He pins me against the side of his car, and my legs tangle around his waist. I lift my chin, eager mouth finding his, and our lips crash together. His tongue wrestles with mine as his fingers drag with torturous slowness down the side of my body.

  My breath hitches, a short moan passing over my lips. He fumbles with the door of his car, and we slide into concealed safety within the heavily-tinted windows.

  I reach down, unzipping his fingers so I can coax my hand into his pants. The stiff, hard length of his manhood leaps out of his unfastened navy blue slacks, immediately. When my fingers curl around it, he gives a sharp cry of pleasure and deepens the kiss.

  His kiss is the perfect combination of rough and sensual. My head is spinning as I stroke him, panties soaked at the thought of Jaxon’s huge girth sliding into me.

  “I need you,” I moan into his ear, my teeth grazing his earlobe roughly. “Fuck me, Jaxon!”

  A roar of desire fills the back of his car as he grabs at my tiny shorts, yanking them down my thighs. He drags my panties down at the same time, not even completely taking them off but letting them dangle from one of my ankles as he hooks his strong arms under my knees and drags me toward him. His weight is heavy on top of me as the dripping head of his cock slides against my quivering mound.

  His mouth descends on mine again, quieting my moans as he thrusts deep within me in one powerful stroke. I'm pushed back against the seat as we rock together, neither one of us caring who might notice the swaying car.

  We’re too lost in one another’s embrace.

  At this moment, nothing matters except for his heat against mine. Ecstasy builds with every single hard stroke that he plunges within me. Our cries merge into a harmony of bliss.

  Suddenly, my entire body begins to convulse as fireworks of pleasure burst against the backs of my eyelids. My innermost muscles tighten around his throbbing shaft, sending him over the peak of pleasure as well. We cling to one another, still rocking together until our movements become clumsy and stiff. Only then do we go still, though our mouths again seek each other’s for passionate kissing.

  It seemed like we lie intertwined in the back of Jaxon’s car, forever. I would like that forever to continue a little longer...but that, unfortunately, isn’t possible.

  I have real life to return to. My one night of fun is officially done.

  “I need to go,” I whisper against his lips. Without waiting for him to respond, I squirm out from beneath him and tug at my clothes to fix them. My whole body still trembles from pleasure, and I want nothing more than to sink back into his arm sand press my lips against his.

  I’ve never had a one-night stand that mind-blowingly intense before. My head is reeling.

  “Do you?” he asks.

  He passes a hand over his dazed eyes. His voice is so husky that it makes another throb of desire flood my veins, but I can’t give in to my lust again. There’s no time for that.

  I just nod and push open the door before sidling back outside. The air is cool, and when it hits my hot, sweaty flesh, it makes me shiver. Jaxon stays seated inside the car, simply watching me with those alluring gray eyes.

  Mustering up all the strength in my body, I turn and walk away towards my own car.

  Remember, Emma, I tell myself sternly, this is for the best. Don’t look back.

  If this is for the best, though...why is my heart screaming for me to run back into Jaxon’s arms?

  Chapter 3


  Emma’s velvet tongue dances against my lips as her warm fingertips stroke down my chest. I lean up closer, eager to get a better taste of her.

  Just as I'm about to wrap my strong arms around her lithe, petite body, something suddenly shrieks into my ear.
  Again and again the sound pierces the silence.

  Groaning, I squeeze my eyes shut. When I open them again, I find myself lying in my bed instead of in Emma’s arms. I stare around with bleary, dazed eyes for a moment before suddenly remembering where I am. From my end table, my phone trills again.


  It’d just been a dream.

  The worst part is that I know nothing about Emma aside from her name and that her blue eyes are the most gorgeous thing I’d ever seen in my life. Chances are good that in a town like this, I might never see her again.

  Why hadn't I gotten her number or something? I’d just been so caught off guard by her. She wasn’t like any other woman I’d met in my life. There was a fire in her eyes that was as haunting as it was enthralling. I’d been caught under her spell the second she looked at me.

  But what good is that if I'm never going to see her again?

  I shake my head and sigh before my phone suddenly rings again.

  When I pick it up, it’s Brady’s number that’s on the screen.

  Huh. That’s unusual.

  “What’s up, Brady?” I grunt. My voice is still thick with sleep.

  I rub my eyes and blink at the clock. It’s only seven in the morning. Figures my one day off I would be unwillingly dragged from a perfect dream. I can still hardly believe last night happened. Since Carl’s passing, I’d gotten more adventurous in an effort to take life by the reins and live without regrets, but I’d never slept with a woman I’d almost arrested before — at least not while I was still on duty. I may never see Emma again, but there’s no way I'm going to forget her anytime soon.

  The way she walked, the way she talked... Hell, even the way she blinked was perfect. Maybe I’d have to figure out a way to get sent back to the saloon again.

  “Uh...” the fireman answers. He clears his throat.

  From somewhere beyond him, I hear a distant beeping. Something about it is familiar — too familiar. Ice suddenly shoots through my veins when I realize where I’d heard that sound before.


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