Zodiac Academy: The Awakening: An Academy Bullymance (Supernatural Bullies and Beasts Book 1)

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Zodiac Academy: The Awakening: An Academy Bullymance (Supernatural Bullies and Beasts Book 1) Page 13

by Caroline Peckham

  “Yes, Professor?” Darius asked, his face set with a look suggesting that he couldn’t think of anything better than doing whatever she requested of him.

  “I’d like you to give Tory here some one on one tutoring to help her learn to harness that tempest of power within her. I tried to guide her myself but she needs someone more powerful than me and as the most accomplished fire weaver in the Academy, you were the obvious choice.”

  Darius’s eyes darted to me and I felt like he’d just plunged a dagger through my chest as the sharpness of his gaze hit me.

  “Of course, Professor Pyro,” he agreed smoothly. “Only, I do have a full timetable at the moment so it may be better for her to choose someone else.”

  “Okay,” I agreed with a smile that let him know this hadn’t been my idea in the first place. “Never mind.” I began to turn away from them but Professor Pyro stopped me.

  “That’s not a problem,” she said firmly. “You can train her on Thursday evenings after dinner and we can add Mondays if necessary.”

  Darius’s gaze darkened as she stole his evenings from him and I had to force myself to keep my chin high.

  “Yes Professor,” he agreed finally and she smiled with satisfaction as she led me away from him.

  I hadn’t said anything but I didn’t think my input would do anything other than possibly make a bad situation worse.

  As I made it back to where the other freshmen were practicing, I couldn’t help but glance back over at the Heirs. The two of them were looking at me and I almost flinched away from the ire in their gaze.

  Perfect. This day was just getting worse and worse.

  I LAY ON MY bed, reading over the notes from the day on my Atlas. My air Elemental class had been incredible; Professor Perseus had brought us to the cliff at the eastern edge of Air Territory and we'd cast wind down onto the turquoise sea. Eventually I'd been able to direct it at specific waves and send the spray flying up the side of the cliff. So much power was difficult to harness precisely, but he’d seemed content to let us unleash everything we had on the ocean.

  I was still buzzing with the excitement of it all, but as seven o'clock neared, my excitement finally gave way to nerves. I had my first session with Professor Orion tonight. And I was still reeling after seeing him bite Diego without a care in the middle of his classroom.

  What if he tries that with me?

  I brushed my fingers together, a light breeze dancing between them. After releasing the full force of my power on the sea, I felt slightly more confident. But I didn't fancy my chances up against an opponent yet. Especially one who had razor sharp teeth and was built like a fortress.

  I picked up the banana I'd grabbed from The Orb earlier, wishing I'd taken something more substantial now. Tory and I had plans to meet up after my Liaison session anyway, so I'd survive.

  When I’d finished my fruit, I changed into my sports kit in favour of my uniform which I'd been in all day. There was nothing else to wear and I half wondered about that stipend Orion had mentioned. If he’d been more frank back at our apartment, I could have brought some more clothes with me.

  I tugged on my Converses at a quarter to seven and slung my satchel over my shoulder. My heart was bouncing with anxiety as I headed out of my room, locking it before jogging toward the stairwell.

  The tower was quiet and I suspected most of the Aer students were hanging out in the common room upstairs or eating at The Orb.

  As I circled down to the ground floor, a ping sounded from my Atlas. I took it out, finding a notification flashing up on it.

  You’ve been mentioned in a FaeBook post, Darcy!

  I frowned, tapping on the app even though I imagined I was about to regret it.

  Kylie Major: Great first day, I am so blessed to be here at ZA! It must be harder for girls like Darcy and Tory – they don't even have basic Coercion defense. Be careful out on campus girls. #loveya #besafe #girlssticktogether


  Lois Hargreeves: Not even a basic shield??? Hahahahaha

  Jillian Minor: OMG hun you’re so sweet :)

  Yewande Rubel: Are you really going steady with Seth Capella, Kylie??

  Milton Hubert: YESSSSSS!!!

  I bit into my cheek so hard I almost drew blood. Everyone in the entire Academy would see this and over a hundred people had already liked it! It was practically painting a neon target on our heads. And I didn’t have a single doubt that Kylie knew exactly what she was doing.

  Girl code my ass.

  I glanced over my shoulder, feeling overly cautious of being pounced on.

  Being in Orion's office suddenly didn't seem like the worst fate in the world. I checked the map, heading out of the tower onto the grounds. Iron lanterns lit the path as the evening drew in and I quickened my pace along it as I took a shortcut through The Wailing Wood.

  The winding path led me into the trees and a cool wind gusted over me as I stepped onto a dirt track. Goosebumps bristled along my arms. The further I walked, the quieter the world seemed. The leaves rustled above me, some of them licked with the first colours of fall.

  The deeper I delved into the woodland, the closer the trees seemed to gather, arching overhead to create an endless tunnel before me.

  The lanterns had become more sparse and the amber glow of the next one seemed to shrink and flicker up ahead.

  Should have taken the longer route. This place is creepy as hell.

  My foot caught on a root and I stumbled, nearly hitting the ground before catching myself at the last second. I muttered curses at myself as I hurried on, wanting to get out of this place without a couple of scuffed knees. Honestly, I should have grown out of it by now. But I fell over more times in a week than was normal for a toddler, let alone a grown woman.

  I took the Atlas from my satchel, double-checking the way and found a FaeBook message waiting for me.

  Falling Star:

  The Shadow draws closer to you, Darcy!

  Stay in the light!

  My heart thrashed in my chest as I reread the words. Who the hell was this Falling Star and what was that supposed to mean?

  I ignored the twisting sensation in my gut and checked the map. The paths had forked a few times but luckily I'd stayed on track. Forcing Falling Star’s eerie message from my mind, I continued on.

  As I arrived at the circular glow cast by the next lantern, I tilted the map and a little star blinked, marking my spot amongst the thick wood.

  Relief filled me as I realised that I was nearing the exit. Then it was a straight shot right up to Jupiter Hall where Orion’s office was located.

  A twig cracked somewhere behind me and I stiffened, turning to stare out into the darkness beyond the ring of light around me.

  I squinted at the shadows between the trees and my heart pattered wildly in my chest.

  It's nothing. Keep walking.

  As much as I didn't want to leave the illusion of safety in the light of the lantern, I forced myself to move, quickening my pace to a half-jog.

  A shiver darted up my spine and the sense of being watched cascaded over me like ice-cold water. Footsteps padded along the path behind me, soft and swift, as if someone were trying to remain quiet.

  I spun around as fear lodged a jagged lump in my throat.

  It was probably just another student, why was I getting so terrified over a few shadows and noises? Falling Star’s message had unnerved me. But they were probably just trying to mess with me too. I had to rise above it.

  A flash of blue light made me freeze, every muscle in my body becoming a solid thing. It had only been for a moment, but for second I thought I'd seen a hulking form out there in the trees. Deep in the wood...a beast.

  Everyone in this school is a beast. It's just a student. Just someone in one of their Order forms.

  I tried to steady my rampant heart, telling myself I was overreacting. But something in my gut told me I should be afraid.

  A force of energy crashed into me from behind and a p
itchy scream escaped me as I hit the ground, rolling over and holding up a hand in defence. “Get away!” I yelled, the dark silhouette shifting closer.

  Fire flared in his palm and Darius came into view with a wide smirk on his face. “Whoops didn't see you there, Vega.” He held out a hand with a deep chuckle. I took it rather reluctantly, still shaking.

  “Was that you out there trying to scare me?” I demanded as he pulled me to my feet.

  “Out where?” he asked lazily, releasing my hand to sweep his fingers through his dark hair.

  “Over there.” I pointed into the trees, shifting toward Darius, unable to help clinging to the comfort of company. But after what he'd done to Tory I was far from trusting him.

  “Dunno what you're talking about,” he said lightly. “See ya.” He went to move and I caught his arm which was firm with muscle beneath my fingers, my pride dissolving before my eyes.

  “Would you mind maybe...just walking me out of the woods?” Shame washed through me but I did not like this place one bit and the idea of getting turned around in here when I'd seen some huge beast sniffing about didn’t appeal to me. Even if my girl power had to take a significant hit.

  Darius snorted. “You scared, Vega?”

  “No,” I said indignantly, giving away that I absolutely was. I cleared my throat. “I just don't want to get lost in here. I've got a meeting with Professor Orion in five minutes.”

  “Pfft, he'll be late anyways, you're not in any hurry.” He tried to shake me off but I held on tight.

  I sucked up the last of my pride like a hoover and said, “Please.”

  He sighed heavily then turned around and yanked me along at a fierce pace. I didn't care. I just wanted to be planted outside of these woods and move on with my life. Right now it felt like I was never going to escape the darkness and the feeling of being hunted. And Darius might have been an asshole but I was happy to use him in my moment of need.

  “Bro!” a voice howled then Seth burst out of the darkness wearing a white sports kit splashed with mud. The symbol of Aer was stamped on the chest of his shirt which was half torn off of him. “Who's your date?” He stepped closer then scowled as he realised it was me. “Don't tell me you're hanging out with a Vega?”

  I ground my jaw, not needing this right now. An orb of golden light lit up above Seth and floated there to illuminate us all.

  “She's scared,” Darius said in a dry tone that sent embarrassment washing through me.

  “I'm not scared,” I insisted but I sounded more like a child than an adult with her shit together. Dammit.

  Seth's eyes lit up and he clawed a hand through his unkempt hair. He looked as happy as if Christmas day had come early.

  Seth moved toward us, petting Darius's arm then moving forward to nuzzle my hair with his face. I lurched sideways.

  Damn animal.

  “I'll walk you out, babe.” He clutched my arm, trying to steer me away from Darius.

  I looked to the Fire Heir for any semblance of mercy in his eyes but he gave me nothing but a cold stare.

  “Wait,” he said with a dangerous smile as Seth tried to guide me away under his arm. “She needs to give me a proper goodbye first.”

  Seth shoved me toward Darius with a laugh and Darius smiled cruelly. “Kneel,” he commanded, using Coercion on me and I winced as his order claimed my body.

  I dropped to the ground before him, cursing his name between my teeth.

  “Kiss my foot.” He barked a laugh as my back bent and I grimaced as I tried to force myself to stop. My mouth met his fancy shoe and I rued the moment I'd asked this twisted asshole for help.

  Why can’t I just be more like Tory with her unwavering backbone?

  Seth laughed raucously. “Let's make her dance for us,” he said eagerly. “Max and Caleb should be here any second, they'll lose it when they see her doing the cha-cha-cha.”

  My heart hammered angrily. “Don't you dare.”

  Darius took my arm, dragging me to my feet with a vicious smile. “I have a better idea.”

  “Get off of me,” I snapped, trying to pull away. My heart stumbled as I stared into the fiery pit of excitement in his eyes.

  He released me and I glanced between him and Seth, their beautiful faces dancing with shadows under the glowing orb above.

  Falling Star’s message circled in my head: The Shadow draws closer. But it must have been a coincidence.

  Seth licked his lips and the sight was so sexual I couldn't help but stare at his mouth for a second.

  “Run,” Darius ordered and my legs moved before I realised what was happening.

  Seth howled his excitement behind me as I tore away along the path. I moved as fast as I could, my arms wheeling back and forth beside me, half glad Darius had told me to run because I'd always been quick. And he may have just unknowingly given me an advantage.

  Their footsteps pounded behind me and fear sliced into my belly as I started to doubt my chances against them.

  What are they gonna do if they catch me?!

  Lights twinkled through the trees, the promise of the main campus lying just at the edges of this never-ending path.

  My heart pounded and sweat poured down my back. My hands suddenly heated with power and the wind skipped between my fingers. I focused on it as Professor Perseus had taught me and guided it toward my back. The air was suddenly my greatest ally, driving me forward at a tremendous speed.

  A whoop of excitement escaped me as the end of the path came in sight.

  I was almost there. I was gonna win.

  Twenty feet.



  Two figures darted into my way and I crashed into them at full force. The scent of something sharp and deadly hit my senses as Caleb's arms wrapped around me, steadying me.

  “Woah there horsey.” He pushed my hair back from my neck and his eyes sparkled with hunger.

  Oh no.

  I backed up and bumped into Max with a sickening lurch of my stomach. I had to crane my neck to look up at him, his height immense and his mohawk adding an extra couple of inches.

  “Out for a moonlit stroll?” he asked, his voice deep and probing like it was trying to draw something intimate out of me.

  Darius and Seth came to a halt before us and I was suddenly surrounded. A deer at the end of four hunters' guns.

  My hands curled into fists as I tried to keep control of the breeze around me, praying it would be enough to keep them back. But deep down, I knew I was royally screwed.

  “Let me past,” I demanded in my strongest voice, stepping toward Caleb who was firmly in my way. He pushed me back and another set of hands steadied me from behind. Seth's arms curled around my shoulders like he was hugging me. His mouth ran over my ear and a deep heat mixed with the fear in my belly to create a deadly cocktail.

  He rubbed his rough chin against my temple and I tilted my head sideways to try and avoid his overt touches.

  “I need to go,” I growled. “I have a meeting with Professor Orion.”

  “Orion?” Caleb snarled, snatching my arm and tugging me out of Seth's arms into his again. “Is he getting blood from you already? Private meetings just for you and his teeth, huh?” He opened his mouth, baring his fangs and a gasp escaped me as I shoved him back, trying to will air into my palms. A sharp gust slammed into his chest and he released me with a grunt.

  I glanced over his shoulder, ready to try and escape this circle of hell.

  Caleb scowled. “Lucky for you I filled up on your sister earlier.”

  I made my move, darting for the gap that had opened up between Caleb and Max. As one, they closed in, surrounding me in a tight circle of muscle and heated man bodies.

  “Power of four?” Max suggested with a grin, leaning toward me and making my heart stutter.

  “Brilliant idea. That'll stop Orion feeding from her tonight,” Caleb said eagerly.

  “What the hell are you-” Before I could finish that sentence Max raised his hands and wa
ter fell down on me in a torrential rain shower, soaking me from head to foot.

  My white t-shirt turned transparent and I raised my hands to cover myself, my breath halting in shock. Caleb wielded the ground beneath my feet and mud splashed up around me in a ring. I was suddenly caked in freezing cold sludge and my heart was screaming with rage and embarrassment.

  I wiped the back of my hand over my eyes to try and remove the filth, my pulse hammering in my ears.

  As I regained my sight, I found Darius and Seth side by side before me. Seth blew a harsh wind over the top of a fire burning in Darius's palms. The combined effect was like being blasted in an oven and I gasped in horror as the sticky substance coating me dried to a hard, impenetrable second skin.

  No no no!

  I clawed at it, but it wouldn't budge. My hair hung in thick chunks and my face felt like it had been pasted with the biggest mud pack ever.

  “Argh!” I shouted in fury, a fire in my veins. “Get this off of me!”

  A flash of light told me a photo was being taken then they all fell about laughing. After a few more seconds they tore away from me into the woodland, their hysterics carrying back to me.

  I trembled as I stood there, so angry I didn't know what to do with myself.

  I picked at the compacted mud on my arms but it wouldn't budge. Tears of embarrassment stung my eyes as I realised what I had to do.

  I stomped toward the edge of the woodland like a swamp monster, emerging onto the pathway that led up to the ring of buildings surrounding The Orb.

  A group of girls were heading my way, their conversation falling dead on their lips as they spotted me walking toward them. The word embarrassment was not even close to what I felt right then.

  “Is that an Order?” one of them murmured.

  “No I think it's a Vega,” another said in glee, snatching her Atlas out to take a picture.

  “Make a sound like a donkey,” a girl commanded, her eyes alight with mischief. The Coercion washed over me and I slapped a hand to my mouth to try and stop the noise escaping. It tore free of my throat and a shameful and horrifyingly loud, “EEH-OOHR!” burst from my lips.


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