Zodiac Academy: The Awakening: An Academy Bullymance (Supernatural Bullies and Beasts Book 1)

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Zodiac Academy: The Awakening: An Academy Bullymance (Supernatural Bullies and Beasts Book 1) Page 17

by Caroline Peckham

  They stood at the top of the cliff and started wrestling with each other. My heart skittered at the idea of them fighting so close to the edge and I couldn’t tear my gaze away as I waited to see what would happen.

  “They’re going to fall,” Darcy breathed.

  “Maybe they’ll do us a favour and hurt themselves badly enough to be forced to leave the Academy,” I joked.

  As we watched, Max managed to get the upper hand, slamming his shoulder into Darius’s stomach and making him stumble back. He lost his footing on the cliff edge and fell, his arms cartwheeling and a whoop of laughter leaving his lips. He somehow managed to flip himself around so that he hit the water feet first, disappearing beneath the surface with a huge splash.

  A second later, Max took a running jump and dove from the cliff too. He entered the water like an Olympic diver, barely raising a ripple and I couldn’t help but be a little impressed.

  My attention was snagged by the freshman class as they began to move into the shallow water and my sister and I hurried to follow.

  It was surprisingly warm and I smiled as I waded out, running my fingertips across the surface as my power called to the liquid that surrounded me.

  I wasn’t sure what exactly we were supposed to be doing after I’d let my attention waver but I was more than ready to begin.


  I rolled over with a wide yawn, reaching for my Atlas with a sleepy smile. Birds were singing beyond the window, the bed seemed to hug every inch of my body and the morning was calling to me.

  I clicked on my horoscope with fascination. My last two had been damn accurate and this time I wanted to try and look out for the warning signs. If they could help me avoid another run-in with the Heirs, then I had to try and read between the lines.

  Good morning Gemini!

  The stars have spoken about your day.

  With the world falling into chaos around you, you will have to remain vigilant and let the steady path of the sun keep your grounded. It may seem like a lot to take in, but you’re doing better than you think.

  With the world falling into chaos around you, you will have to remain vigilant and let the steady path of the sun keep your grounded. It may seem like a lot to take in, but you’re doing better than you think.

  Be wary of those around you. Even the friendliest of dogs can bite.

  I read it over a couple of times then checked my timetable. I had Order Enhancement with the Werewolves today. One guess who I needed to be concerned about biting me...

  I got out of bed, taking a shower and dressing in my uniform for the day. When I returned to my bedroom a clamour of voices and pounding footsteps carried from out in the tower.

  I slung my satchel over my shoulder then caught sight of the sketches I'd done last night on my desk. They were just of the grounds and buildings in Zodiac but I was always overly self-conscious about my art. Even I felt uncomfortable looking at them. I stuffed them in a drawer and headed out of my room, locking it quickly before walking onto the stairway.

  Students were running about, many looking tense, others chattering excitedly. They were all heading downstairs as if they'd just departed from something important in the common room. Curiosity got the better of me and I headed up, despite the fact that I always avoided hanging out up there. Since the photo of me looking like I’d lost an argument with a sewer had gone viral, I was trying to make myself as invisible as possible to the four walking-talking six-packs who ran this school. But I didn’t want to hide forever.

  When I arrived in the circular room of grey stone, filled with cream couches and armchairs, my eyes fell on a large screen on one wall. A news reporter with long dark hair was relaying an event which had happened yesterday evening in a town called Tucana.

  “-the body was discovered by a student at Zodiac Academy whose name is being kept anonymous. Just this morning, the head of the Fae Investigation Bureau has confirmed that the culprit of the murder was a Nymph who is currently still at large. The residents of Tucana should be extra vigilant during dark hours and report any sightings of the creature to the FIB. The Fae who was killed has been named as Ferris Pike and held two Elements: fire and earth-” The television went blank and I frowned, my heart hammering as Seth stood up from the ring of chairs before it. Kylie jumped up beside him as he tossed the remote on his seat.

  He had a taut look on his face and as Kylie tried to take his hand, he shook her off. He jogged through the room, barely sparing me a glance as he disappeared out into the stairwell with intention in his stride.

  Kylie tossed her sunbeam hair over her shoulder, moving to join a couple of the girls from Aer. “Who cares about some old dead man anyway?” she moaned to her friend, flicking open a compact to check her doll-faced reflection.

  Someone touched my arm and I jolted back to my own space, turning to find Diego there. He gave me a terse smile.

  “Did you hear?” he asked.

  “Yes but...” I bit my lip guiltily. “What's a Nymph?”

  He blew out a breath of laughter, glancing over my shoulder at Kylie and her gang of preening barbies before drawing me toward the exit.

  He didn't answer until we were walking down the stairs, away from prying ears. “Nymphs are another race. They live in the shadows of Fae. They're our enemies.”

  “Why?” I whispered, sensing this conversation needed a quiet voice.

  “Because...” He glanced over his shoulder then linked his arm through mine to draw me nearer. “Nymphs aren't born with Elemental powers. But if they kill a Fae, they absorb all of their magic. Every last drop and then they can use it against us.” His eyes glowed at me, unblinking as he delivered this news.

  “That's...” I didn't have the words so I just shook my head.

  “Yeah.” He nodded. “Sick. And it means the Nymphs are always a danger. They hunger for magic even more than a Vampire does. And do you know how they take it?”

  My mouth became parched as I shook my head.

  “They have the gift of the shadows, able to drain a Fae of its power. They do it using these probes...their fingernails grow all long and drive right into the hearts of Fae and suck out all of their power.” Diego seemed to have a morbid fascination with the idea of it but it just made me sick to the stomach.

  “That woman on the news said a student found the body,” I said in horror.

  Diego nodded slowly. “Yeah, they won't say who though. My guess is they're having their memory removed right about now. Who could forget a sight like that, you know? It would totally mess you up.”

  “Memory removal is a thing?” I hissed, my chest tightening at the idea.

  Diego glanced around again, lowering his voice even further. “Not exactly. It's advanced Coercion. Forcing the Fae to forget. It's completely illegal, but there's a lot of conspiracy theories about the FIB which say they do it on the sly.”

  “And you believe them?” I guessed.

  He grinned at me. “If you knew the dodgy stuff that went on in law enforcement, you'd believe it too. And not just the FIB, Darcy, this very school. There’s even rumours about some of the faculty practicing dark magic on the sly.”

  My mind spun as we stepped out of the tower and the sun shone down on us, the air cool and the clouds sparse.

  “Have you got tarot this morning?” Diego asked, changing the subject as we made our way to The Orb for breakfast.

  I nodded, my gaze snagging on Seth up ahead. His band of followers were around him, brushing their hands over his back and nuzzling him – what was with the nuzzling?! - but he barely responded.

  As we arrived at The Orb, he headed away from them, making a beeline for Darius, Max and Caleb who were already on their usual couch, surrounded by a ring of excited fans who were running back and forth from the canteen to bring them food and coffee. The Heirs barely took any notice of them, the four of them falling into a tense conversation the second Seth joined them.

  “Darcy?” Diego nudged me and I dragged my gaze a
way from them. “You coming?” He pointed over at our new spot at the heart of the room. Geraldine had laid a wide spread of food across the circular table which looked fit for King Arthur and his Knights. I fought a groan at the sight of the Almighty Sovereign Society gathered there. Tory was actively trying to avoid a conversation with them by engaging Sofia in never-ending chitchat.

  I nodded, following Diego over to join them and the guy sitting beside Tory leapt out of his seat and bowed low. “I kept it warm for you, your majesty.”

  “Right, thanks,” I said, smiling as I tried to hide my discomfort at his display.

  Geraldine swooped on me before my ass touched the chair. “The croissants were going cold so I had another batch sent from the kitchen.” She wafted a mound of them under my nose and the sweet, mouthwatering scent was too good to pass up.

  I took one with a word of thanks and Geraldine hurried around to her seat opposite my sister and I. Diego had forced a chair in beside Sofia but his shoulder was firmly squashed up a brutish girl in the A.S.S who seemed intent on remaining where she was. He stole a croissant from Geraldine’s stash while she was talking to a girl beside her in hushed whispers.

  “Did you hear about the Nymph attack?” Sofia asked, her eyes bulging as she leaned forward to look at me across the table.

  “Yeah,” I said, glancing at Tory. “And have you noticed how weird the Heirs are acting this morning?”

  “Everyone's upset,” Sofia said.

  Tory glanced over her shoulder at the four guys, her brows pulling together. “No, Darcy's right. Something's going on with them.”

  “They're Heirs,” Diego said through a mouthful of croissant. “They have to take an interest in Nymph murders, it's their job. Or at least, it will be when they rule.”

  Sofia sounded her agreement and I nodded, figuring that made sense but wondering if that meant Tory and I would be expected to take an interest in them too.

  The tension in the room was at an all time high as people discussed the mystery student who'd discovered the body.

  The girl Geraldine was speaking to seemed to be getting herself in a complete state over the attack. “It’s happening all over again just like-”

  “Shh!” Geraldine hissed, casting a look at us. She forced a laugh when I caught her eye then snatched her friend’s arm and dragged her away from the table.

  “What was that about?” Tory asked me and I shook my head in confusion.

  “Hey Vegas!”

  We both looked up and I spotted the fire asshole with the unibrow, Milton Hubert, standing on a table surrounded by a group students, gazing at him excitedly. “Make out with each other.”

  His Coercion slammed into me and I shrieked in horror as Tory and I angled toward each other. Diego sprang from his chair, forcing himself between us before we even got close to committing the vile act.

  “For the Queens!” Geraldine sprang out of the crowd, launched herself onto a chair and propelled a rocket of water at Milton so quickly he wasn’t remotely ready for the impact. He flew halfway across the room and slammed into a group of freshmen, taking several of them to the floor.

  The Coercion ebbed out of my body as laughter rang through the room. I shuddered, pulling back from Diego. “We’ve got to stop this from happening,” I groaned as Tory fixed Milton with a death glare as he walked sullenly back to his friends, dripping wet. The Heirs had barely looked up to acknowledge the drama, still stuck in an intense-looking discussion.

  “I’ll teach you to shield yourselves,” Sofia piped up, her eyes shining. “We’ll start tonight and spend every moment we can until you’ve got it.”

  “Thank you,” Tory sighed and I smiled gratefully at her. Well that was something.

  By the time we headed to Tarot Class in Mercury Chambers, my heart was still pounding with all the adrenaline of the morning. It was only a short walk from The Orb and we soon arrived at the ancient-looking building with high walls that were painted with strange murals. One appeared to be a man hanging from a tree, another a jester. We headed into the gloomy interior with faded stone walls, the low lighting giving the place a creepy feeling. A dark stairway led down to another floor and a silver sign directed us that way toward Tarot.

  “My grandma was a Tarot reader,” Sofia said as we followed the other freshmen down the steep staircase. “She taught me about the cards but I was never that good at it.”

  “What are you good at?” Kylie asked as she shoulder-barged past her, tossing her hair back to slap Sofia in the face.

  Tory scowled at the back of Kylie's head as Sofia dipped her head, her cheeks reddening. Diego rested a hand on her back and she glanced at him with a small smile.

  I glared after Kylie in anger.


  “In you come,” a hoarse voice called from up ahead.

  A hazy purple light guided us forward and we soon arrived in a vast room that resembled a cellar. A circular wooden table filled nearly the entire space and the centre of it was completely hollow. Within the ring the table created was a tall man with a long grey moustache which hung right down over his chin. His almond eyes swiftly landed on us and a glimmer in his gaze told me he knew exactly who we were. But then again, who didn’t?

  “Take a seat,” he instructed as we filed around the edges of the table and the four of us dropped down to sit together.

  “I'm Professor Astrum and today I'll be giving you an introduction to Tarot: the telling of fates through the mystical cards of the stars.” He reached into the pocket of his tweed blazer and produced a deck, fanning them out between his fingers with perfect skill.

  He threw them into the air, waving his hand so they spread out in a wide circle around him on a mystical wind, the images facing the class. They started spinning in a slow circle and I gazed across each of the cards in fascination.

  The Professor spent the first half of the lesson naming each of the twenty one cards and describing their meanings. I had my Atlas propped up on my desk and my notes sprawled around each of the cards' images, enthralled by everything I was learning.

  Sofia knew all of them by heart and Astrum called on her more than once to explain the meanings behind each card. She might have thought she sucked at this but it seemed like she was an expert to me. My mind was boggling by the time he finally let us do a prediction. And I couldn't remember which card meant what beyond a few of them.

  Astrum passed out decks and split us into pairs. I turned to Tory as she shuffled our deck and laid them in a fan between us as the Professor had instructed.

  “That's it, now one of you pick a card and interpret it using your notes,” Astrum said, twirling one end of his moustache around his finger.

  “Do you wanna go first?” Tory asked and I shrugged, slowly moving my hand above the cards as the Professor had taught us.

  When I felt an instinctive tingle in my fingers, I plucked up the card I'd paused above.

  I turned it over and Tory leaned in close as we gazed at it. The High Priestess. She was sitting in a golden throne, her body clad in blue robes with a veil over her face.

  “What does that one mean?” I asked, thumbing through the notes on my Atlas.

  “Err...it means...” Tory scrolled through her own notes.

  Sofia pressed against my shoulder, leaning over to look at my card. She gasped sharply and I turned to her in alarm.

  “What?” I demanded.

  She shook her head apologetically, plucking the card from my hand. “This means someone's being dishonest with you or withholding information.” She turned the card over then grabbed my hand, placing it flat against the back of it. “What do you feel?” she whispered, her tone making goosebumps rise on the back of my neck.

  “Ummm...” I looked to Tory who was trying not to laugh.

  “What do you mean, Sofia?” I hissed, trying to pull my hand away but she was weirdly strong for a beanpole. Several other students were turning to watch and my cheeks flushed with heat.

  I glanced at Die
go for help but he was gazing glumly at his own card. Death.

  “Shut your eyes and feel it,” Sofia pressed. “Sometimes the cards can give you a sense of who they’re referring to.”

  I shut my eyes and heard Tory cluck her tongue with disbelief. But I had to have an open mind. With my horoscopes seeming more accurate every day, how could I deny that this was possible too?

  I focused on the card, the back of it cool against my heated palm.

  Light danced at the edges of my vision and the noise in the room suddenly fell away. Strange whispers replaced the sound of my classmates but I couldn't catch anything they were saying.

  My blood turned icily cold as I got the strangest feeling I was being watched. It was like yesterday in The Wailing Wood. Eyes on me. Darkness pressing in. Then fire licked at my feet and closed in all around, burning, burning, burning-

  “Darcy!” Tory shook me and my eyes flew open. She gazed at me in alarm and I found my mouth desperately dry and sweat beading on my brow.

  The room had fallen quiet and all eyes were on me. Professor Astrum drew closer. “Did the card show you something, Miss Vega?” His gaze was hopeful.

  I nodded, then shook my head. Because it hadn't. Not really. “It was more of a feeling.” I shuddered, rubbing my fingers together as warm air tickled my palms.

  “What feeling?” Sofia asked, her tone dramatic.

  “Just the feeling of being...watched. And then there was fire.” I didn't like the attention of the whole room on me and I saw Kylie lean in to her dark-haired friend Jillian beside her, cupping her mouth with her hand as she whispered something. They both fell into silent giggles and my neck grew hot with irritation.

  Astrum frowned, directing the other students to get back to work. I was relieved when they all returned to talking with each other and Astrum stepped closer, eyeing my card.

  “May I hold your hand a moment, Miss Vega?” He reached out, his fingers long and spindly. I hesitantly took his palm and his eyes fell blank and his shoulders slumped.


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