Carlyle: A Dark Mafia Romance

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Carlyle: A Dark Mafia Romance Page 17

by Raven Scott

  “I’ll handle it. At least you’re not one of those guys who tries to have her murdered.” Nodding gratefully, Marshal deflated a little, his shoulders curling, and Natasha held up her hand as if we were in grade school again. Carlyle smirked slightly, pointing at her, and embarrassment bubbled in my chest. “Yes, Natasha.”

  “Within the realm of possibility, right? Can I have these ones Valerie doesn’t want? If they’re all up for grabs, there’s no reason not to, right?”

  “Fine. I’ll let Pedro know. I’ll do the initial cleanup, but after that, they’re your responsibility. What are you going to do with them?” My sister's fist pumped the air with a hiss, and she sat up a little straighter.

  “I’m gonna open an Airbnb.” She sounded so proud of her idea, and I sniggered before she swatted at me, a pout forming on her face. For a brief second, everything felt normal— the old normal, when it was just us and no one else. “Hey, it’s a good idea! Do you know how much that would cost a night? And as long as we put in a day between bookings to clean up, we can just hire a crew locally. We’d never have to go there unless we wanted to party.”

  “What about you, Fred?” Marshal’s question drew all attention to Fred leaning against the wall by the television, and he shrugged carelessly.

  “I don’t really want anything. I’m pretty alright for now. This offer has a timer on it, I assume. Maybe I’ll think of something before it runs out, but it’s not like you can stop my mom being eaten by dementia.” I thought maybe Fred just didn’t want anything to backfire on him if he took a freebie, and I frowned under furrowed brows. “Besides, it’s not like I’m not working anymore. I could go back home if I wanted. It’s just more convenient to stay here for the time being until we decide whether or not to do something else.”

  “Alright.” Accepting Fred’s reasoning, Carlyle slid off the ledge to nod firmly. “I’ll have someone show you to your office so you can get to work. I have some things to get to myself. If you need anything, again, refrigerators.”



  Stepping into Carlyle’s office, I glanced around at the plain decor and not-disgustingly-imposing desk he sat behind. For a moment, my gaze focused on the stress lines on his face and the permanent downturn of his mouth, but the fire in his eyes still blazed brightly.

  “Wanna talk about it?” My simple question earned me a hard sigh, and Carlyle rubbed his face with both his palms to run his fingers through his hair. Wandering deeper into his office, I sat down on the sofa pushed up against a wall, and he didn’t hesitate to take a seat next to me. I pulled up my legs, wrapping them around him, and he sprawled across me as I stuffed a pillow under my back and propped my head on the rest.

  Threading my fingers through Carlyle’s hair soothingly, I soaked up his warmth through my shirt, and his jaw worked against my breasts in the stretching silence. He was always so thoughtful, and I was patient while he decided what, exactly, he wanted to complain about.

  Everyone needed an outlet, especially people so burdened.

  “In three hours, Dallas is going to get hit with mass murder. I’m considering calling it off. It’s a lot of exposure if someone fucks up, and any rookie with a gun and a friend with a big mouth could easily do that.” Carlyle’s chest flexed against my abdomen, and he inhaled deeply to sink against me. “I made the decision out of anger, and it could easily be a bad one.”

  “You can’t, I don’t know, tailor it to professionals or something?” Carlyle’s hair was so soft, his weight so comfortable, and I closed my eyes and tightened my knees against his sides. “You don’t have people for this or whatever?”

  “It’s better to be twice removed from this kind of thing, and, to be honest, I could pin it on Pedro easily since I don’t operate in the south. That’s cartel territory, and we have a deal. Pedro’s not very happy right now, though, and I don’t want him to think he’s got balls and try something. I just seized everything he has in this country, and it’s a lot. It’ll take weeks to move it all.” My mind churned slowly, and the silence rang in my ears as I enjoyed our closeness before Carlyle continued. “I could send the offers to specific people, I suppose. There’s just a lot going on right now, so I haven’t really explored all my options.”

  “I think that’d be the best option. It’s not something that’ll happen in a day, Carlyle.” My advice fell flat, but I wasn’t really sure what he was expecting to hear as he grunted lowly in acknowledgment. “What else do you have going on? You can tell me.”

  “That snake— just knowing she’s here gives me a headache. She can’t leave, either, because I need her for something else, but I’m getting really fucking annoyed at how sh—” The office door popped open, but Carlyle didn’t so much as twitch as I cracked open my eyes. A huge pitbull sauntered in, all blue, and waddled over to sniff around me like he owned the place. “Fuck . . . this bitch . . . ”

  Carlyle’s groan muffled between my breasts, and the woman who strolled in clearly hadn’t heard him or didn’t care. Electric blue hair tied in a braid down her back, and she clicked her tongue ring animatedly as she shut the door with a swift kick.

  “I heard from the maids that—” Her brows rose when she finally looked at us, and goosebumps swept up my arms at the discomfort masking her face. “Am I interrupting something?”

  “What do you want, Esmarissa?” Licking her lips, she pulled a snake bite between her teeth, and I turned my gaze to the ceiling. Carlyle’s mumble raked up my sternum before he pushed himself up to sit, and he pet the dog’s head absently. “Did you clean up after this monster like I told you?”

  “Of course, I did, but that’s not why I’m here. I heard from the maids you decided not to go after the Italians. Why are you keeping me here if you’re wiggling your thumb in your ass, huh?” His thighs and abs tensed against my calf, and his head whipped up as the air became frosty.

  “I beg your pardon?” When I breathed, I could’ve sworn I saw it puff in the air, and Carlyle cocked his head menacingly— if such a thing could be menacing, that is. Watching his reactions to disrespect was fascinating, and I held my breath as the silence ticked on by. “Just so we’re clear, here, Spot . . . ”

  Spitting the nickname venomously, Carlyle stood up, and I pulled back my leg as he strode to stand check to chest with her. Which is it? Esmarissa, snake, or Spot?

  “I’ll do whatever the fuck I want to whoever I want, whenever I want, for whatever fucking reason I want.” He grabbed her chin, and her breath hitched as the tension in the room sizzled where my eyelids and eyeballs met. “You don’t question me. What I decide is not your business. Got me?”

  “Got it.” Releasing her with a little jerk back, Carlyle sat back down heavily to fling his arm over the sofa and cross his knees. Esmarissa huffed, rubbing her jaw and chin, and he just stared her down until she nodded firmly. “Got it.”

  “Good. I suspended the campaign because that grease monkey Diamon knew something he shouldn’t have. When all the chaos is settled, I have to deal with Oran’s whores, and you need to be there.” Cautious curiosity drenched her long features, but he paused to frown deeply under furrowed brows. “You care about your girls, so you need to know what’s going to happen if you ever fuck up again. Now, get out.”

  She called her dog, who plodded happily after her, and Carlyle flopped his head back to sigh heavily.

  “I can’t get a single moment.” Sitting up, I shuffled to straddle his lap, and Carlyle grumbled low in his chest as his eyes met mine. “It won’t always be so busy and hectic, I promise.”

  “I know.” Kissing him briefly, my lips tingled, and he grappled my ass with both his hands to squeeze tightly. “I like watching you be in such complete control. It’s really sexy.”

  “It’s only sexy until I tell you to do something, and you tell me I’m wrong . . . and then you prove it.” Smirking broadly, I gripped the stiff cushion behind him to grind in his lap, and Carlyle’s brows wiggled suggestively. Ducking my head as
he stuck his hands down the back of my jeans, I gasped when he spread my ass cheeks, and his tongue invaded my mouth to tangle with mine.

  And then . . . his phone rang.

  “Shit, that’s Theo.” Fishing the device out of his pocket, Carlyle shot me an apologetic smile, and I sat back as he answered the call. “Did you get them?”

  “We’re at the airport. Hano is about ten minutes away.” I could hear Theo clearly through the phone, and Carlyle nodded before his subordinate continued. “It wasn’t that hard. They’re real idiots.”

  “Good. Let me know when you land.” Hanging up, Carlyle tapped around on his phone before holding it to his ear again, and he reached to pinch my chin affectionately. “Drop the Network from the agenda. Theo’s on his way back now with the ones I want. Send out invitations instead.”

  Without waiting, Carlyle hung up again and tossed his phone on the sofa, and my breath hitched as he dragged the backs of his fingers down my neck.

  “Wait for it . . . ” Murmuring so softly, he held a finger to my lips, and my brows twitched up before the door burst open. Twisting as surprise parted my lips, my brows furrowed, and the man who interrupted us stopped short before clearing his throat. “Did you find him, Jerry?”

  “Yeah. What do you want to do, boss?”

  “Keep an eye on him. I’m still unsure what I want to do.” The guy nodded, and just as abruptly as he appeared, he left, and I turned back to Carlyle with raised brows. “There’s one more. Hang on.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean? What happened to being the boss being insanely boring?” He just smirked at me, and I crossed my arms over my check with a huff. Puffing out my lips, I practically leered at him, but he didn’t seem at all phased before a soft knock on the door interrupted us a third time. “This is stupid.”

  “It’s not so bad. Come in.” Calling over my shoulder, Carlyle propped his arm behind his head, and his smirk morphed into a shit-eating grin. “It’ll be fine.”

  “Whatever.” Rolling my eyes, I turned to find an older man in a really flashy, bright blue tie with yellow smiley faces on it watching us. Patting my ass, Carlyle straightened, and I climbed off him before he stood up and cleared his throat.

  “Dad, this is Valerie.” Gesturing to me as my face paled in mortification, Carlyle’s amusement just dribbled from his mouth, and a squeak of horror clogged my throat. “Valerie, this is my father, George.”

  “Oh, Jesus Christ, Carlyle!” Popping off the couch onto stiff legs, I pulled my hair over my shoulder, and George smiled warmly at me as I held out my hand. “Hi . . . hello. I’m Valerie.”

  He took my hand firmly and covered it with the other one, and I rolled my lips between my teeth as heat threatened to melt my cheeks. George was good looking for a man who must’ve been in his sixties. I could definitely see Carlyle in him.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Valerie. I didn’t mean to intrude, but Carlyle and I have some things to discuss about . . . well, to be blunt, it’s about your situation.” George’s grip on my hand didn’t waver even as he shot a stern look at his son, and I bopped my head in a nod. He patted my hand one more time before releasing me, and awkwardness sizzled just under my skin as I pulled my hand behind my back. “Why are you still here, if you don’t mind my asking?”

  “Uh . . . uh . . . ” Oh shit, oh fuck, oh crap. “I mean . . . I don’t understand the question.” Stupid! The response was so stupid that I could’ve cried, and George arched a brow quizzically as I struggled to get ahold of myself. “Why am I still here in this building? Or why am I not running really far away, trying to wire brush Carlyle from my brain?”

  “You know he’s not just a simple business owner, so the second question.” Glancing at Carlyle, I knew my nerves showed all over my face, but he didn’t seem at all perturbed as he leaned against the front face of his desk. My gaze locked on George, and I licked my lips heavily before they just spewed out words.

  “I guess he just does it for me.” My eyes widened as acute embarrassment stabbed my chest over and over again. “Okay, I’m going to go. This is awful. I hate you, Carlyle.”

  “I’ll see you later, Valerie.” Scrunching up my nose, I nearly threw up from the anxiety roiling in my gut, and I slammed the office door hard behind me. Sliding down the wall, I held my head in my hands and groaned as my brain spun on its stem.



  “Natasha, a moment, please.” Quickening my stride to catch up with her, I smiled politely when she turned, and Natasha nodded as confusion knit her slender brows. “It’s not about Valerie, actually. Come outside with me.”

  “Uh . . . okay?” Opening the door for her, I gestured Natasha to follow me towards the elevator, but we took a sharp right to the stairs instead. “If it’s not about Valerie, what’s it about?”

  “What do you know about your father’s death?” She paused on the stairs to turn to me, lips thinning and pupils tightening, and I couldn’t help but frown. I had a feeling she suspected, at the least, that someone along the line had lied to her. She was very perceptive. Slowly turning around to continue down the stairs, she pushed open the side door and took a huge breath before turning to me fully.

  “I don’t know what you’re planning, but you can’t bring him here, Carlyle. Whatever you think you know about it, you’re wrong.” Arching a brow curiously, I pulled my cigarettes out of my jacket, and she stuffed her hands in her jeans to rock back and exhale a blustering sigh. “I found him when Mom went to jail the first time. It’s surprising what a girl can do with an internet connection and Facebook. Anyway, yeah, he was in Witness Protection, but only for a year until the trial was over, and it was determined he wasn’t in danger.”

  “So, he abandoned you.” Mine wasn’t a question, but Natasha nodded, a sour disgust dragging down the corners of her mouth. Sparking my cigarette, surprise tingled my fingertips when she held out a hand, but I didn’t ask about it. “Why did you keep telling Valerie he’s dead?”

  “Because he never came back. Like I said, I only looked this up in my teens, years later. I only did that in the first place because I went on a college tour and saw him alive. He didn’t come back when he had the chance because he met someone else and fell in love while he was in protection. Essentially, he’s lying in two lives instead of just one. His wife is super nice, judging by her Facebook profile. Number one, Valerie doesn’t need to go through more shit, and number two, it’d ruin more lives than I care to be responsible for. To find out all that would ruin his marriage, and, frankly, he’s not all that.” Her little diatribe came to an end, and I nodded firmly as I pulled my cell phone out to text Jerry to leave it be. “So, did you think she’d stop being mad at you if you did a little family reunion?”

  “What? Oh, no, it had nothing to do with that. That’s not the reunion I’m interested in, but I wanted the option once I figured out exactly how much you two knew.” Checking the time, I took a deep drag of my smoke, and Natasha frowned around the butt of hers. “Your mother will be landing in about twenty-five minutes. Finding her was pretty difficult. Also, I have the people who took you when you were thirteen.”

  “Oh.” I expected surprise, abhorrence, something other than just ‘oh,’ and Natasha held her breath for a long moment before exhaling out of her nose. “What are you going to do with them?”

  “That’s up to you. It won’t change what happened to you, of course.” Scanning her, I cocked my head and leaned against the brick to cross my arms. “What about you, Natasha? How are you doing?”

  “I’m pretty okay. It’s only been a day and a half, so . . . and it’s not like any of this has anything to do with me, either. This is your crusade, Carlyle.” Flicking her barely smoked cigarette onto the ground, Natasha snuffed it with her booted heel before shrugging. “When my mom gets here, let me know so I can punch her in the face.”

  “Will do.” Breezing past me, Natasha left me alone to contemplate all that she’d revealed, and I cupped my chin to tap my c
heek thoughtfully. Taking a drag of my cigarette, I held the toxic smoke in my lungs before sighing thickly. “I guess that ends that.”

  She was right, of course. This was my crusade on Valerie’s behalf. I took it upon myself to go after these people because I was angry . . . beyond angry. Natasha and Valerie had over a decade and intense help to overcome what happened to them.

  I wasn’t going to stop it, and I wasn’t going to take any less pleasure in it, but . . .

  “Are you gonna keep that all to yourself or share?” Blinking hard, I glanced over as Illya stepped out onto the asphalt, and I held out my smoke for her. “What’s up?”

  “Nothing immediately important. How’s your foot?” She bopped her head side to side with a hum, and the sizzle of tobacco filled my ears. “It’s been a week. Has the swelling died down?”

  “It doesn’t hurt. Theo may be mad at you, but I’ve been through worse. Plus, it was kinda worth it seeing the absolute horror on Mateo’s face.” Mateo— that was a name I hadn’t heard in a while, and my brows furrowed when Illya chuckled lightly. “He’s such a squeamish bitch. It’s a shock you’re related.”

  “Did you come out here for a reason, Illya?” Handing me back my smoke, she ran her hand through her long, brown hair to exhale her lungful as my own filled. Illya was quiet as smoke slowly curled up the flare of her nostrils, and her bright, green eyes watched me steadily.

  “I heard the maids talking about how you didn’t sleep last night. I just wanted to make sure you’re not delirious or anything.” Affection eased the tension in my cheeks, and I nodded firmly as Illya frowned. “You’re not gonna sleep, are you?”


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