Historical Hearts Romance Collection

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Historical Hearts Romance Collection Page 19

by Sophia Wilson

  Chapter 10

  The following morning, Colonel Bennett arrived at the inn shortly after sunrise and offered to join the ladies for breakfast at the Dancing Dervishes just a little way down the road. Sitting down to a hot cup of tea next to the Colonel, Margery felt refreshed and free from last night’s events. However, along with that, she also felt a sense of regret that she had not the ample opportunity to thank Duke Navarre or to inquire how long he might be staying in town.

  As these thoughts swirled in her mind and the honey swirled in her tea, the door to the establishment swung open bringing in the cool breeze of the morning. As the chill ran down her spine she looked up, and a whole new set of goose bumps rose up all over her skin as Duke Avery Navarre walked into the room and headed straight towards her. Her heart pounded in her chest as the wind blew through his dark hair and he wiped it from his face. She had never seen him look so handsome.

  “Good morning all”, he greeted happily, smiling from ear to ear. “I hope you all had pleasant dreams and sleep last night”.

  “I slept well Your Grace”, chimed Charlotte as Margery continued to look on in earnest interest and admiration.

  “I too had a rather uncommon and healthy sleep Your Grace, I trust yours was much the same”, said the Colonel eyeing his companion in speculation of his meaning in joining them.

  “It was thank you, sir”, replied the Duke. He turned to Margery who dropped her gaze and stared at her eggs as if to distract herself. “And you, Miss Fairchild. I expect your dreams were pleasant”, he stated.

  The Colonel latched onto this moment and it all made sense to him. The Duke had come on behalf of his affections for Miss Fairchild! He had never seen the man more taken in all the years they had known one another.

  “Actually, sir, on the contrary, I had quite a dreamless sleep, I suppose I had no need for dreams last evening what with all the excitement that took place”, she smirked as he began to go pink around the ears. He knew she did not mean the event with Mr. Edwards but rather the intimacy which belonged to the pair of them while going down the dance floor. The entire room had paused a moment to stare as none of those in attendance had ever seen the Duke stand up with anybody. It made Margery feel special and appreciated in a way she did not feel from Hugh Edwards.

  “Please sit and have breakfast with us, Your Grace”, the Colonel commented to fill the silence, “Then we shall all go for a walk by the lake’s edge. It is quite lovely this time of season”, he added, oblivious to the fact that the Duke wasn’t even looking in his direction anymore. His eyes were glued to Miss Fairchild and the small package he held in his pocket waiting for the right moment.

  “That sounds lovely Colonel”, Charlotte beamed. “Please do sit down Your Grace; there is far too much food here for the three of us. The staff here ensures no expense is spared when it comes to nourishment”, she encouraged. He sat down opposite the women directly in front of Margery.

  The rest of the meal was eaten in silence as the sun rose higher and higher in the sky. The four of them settled their bills which the Duke demanded he cover for them and started off towards the water.

  Margery slipped on her beige bonnet with the pale blue ribbons on it. It looked lovely and oversized on her small frame. Duke Navarre thought she looked as if she could be blown away with the slightest gust of wind and stayed close to her because of it.

  The wind blew her hat back before she had the chance to tie it securely to her head. Avery caught it in one hand and secured it snugly on top of her head where she tucked in the stray curls which fell out of it.

  “Thank you”, she giggled as the wind continued its assault on Charlotte’s petticoat while she attempted to do up the buttons.

  “That is a charming bonnet if I may take the chance to be so bold in my judgement of bonnets that is”, he complimented.

  “Why thank you, sir” she said. “Although it is somewhat large for me, I do adore the colors”, she added smiling up at him from under the wide brim.

  The day passed in getting to know one another better and asking questions; Charlotte and the Colonel and Margery and the Duke. He had anticipated returning to the Shire and seeking out her father to ask his permission to marry his only daughter and was exceedingly saddened by the news of his death when Margery told him of it.

  “I am pleased to see that the expenses he paid to ensure your care and good learning have given you such a close companion as Miss Edwards”, he commented while Margery told him about her time in the care of her friend.

  “He always did right by me”, she said, gazing off into the shimmering blue waters lost in the memory of her father. “I had never known him to be wrong in anything, he was too proud not to go out and learn the things which he did not have the luck to know already”, she added. “He was perhaps the smartest man I have ever known.” Avery Navarre looked on as Margery continued to look out at the lake and its glimmering facets before asking any further questions. He wanted to know all there was to know about her as quickly as he could.

  On the way to bring the ladies back to the inn to fetch their belongings for the long journey back to Shropshire, the Duke asked them if they would like his company as they traveled, for safety purposes, but also to get Margery’s caregivers’ permission to marry their governess. Surely it could not be long before the Mason’s would need a new governess anyway, the child was truly a terror, although he knew Margery had attained quite the soft spot for the little tyrant.

  The small weight of the ring in his pocket reminded him not to be too forward with his intentions before meeting her employers and then hopefully, her aunt and uncle as well. Since she had no father to ask permission of he only thought it proper to ask both of the influential male figures in her life.

  Arriving at the inn, he stopped short of the door following Margery at the back of the line.

  “Margery”, he started, realizing he rarely ever called her by her first name. It rolled off his tongue nicely though, he thought and he liked the sound of it, sweet and flowing.

  “Yes, Mr. Navarre?” she asked.

  “Would it be alright”, he began again “if I joined Charlotte and yourself back to Shropshire? I might like to speak with your employer, fill him in on the events of the past few days and excuse you from extreme emotional labor if need be.”

  “I would like that very much”, she responded, looking into his face and smiling. She had suspected his interest in her for some time but she had not thought it was developed enough to speak to anyone about it.

  “Come Charlotte!” she called into the inn where Charlotte continued to scuttle about ensuring that nothing had been left behind. “We must be off dearest, I trust you have gotten everything and should not be disappointed when you unpack your bags at home”, she reassured her.

  Once settled in the carriage and bags packed away behind the seats, the trio set off down the road arriving in Shropshire just before sunset. They made a quick stop at the Mason’s so that the Duke could speak with Mr. and Mrs. Mason about Margery. While there, he also had the pleasure of meeting young Thomas who demanded that his governess remain with them for the evening. Finally, persuaded by his parents that Margery would be back later to collect her things, the young lad allowed his governess and her friends to part from him. Once the Duke was pleased with their response, they continued on the road to the Firth’s where they were to spend the night.

  “Margery dear! And lovely Charlotte!” cried Aunt Claire as the carriage rolled up in front of the cottage. “How nice to finally see you ladies again! It has been so lonesome with only your uncle here for my entertainment”, she continued before catching sight of the Duke. She looked upon him in puzzlement.

  He stepped down from the carriage and took her hand. “Duke Avery Navarre”, he introduced himself, kissing it gently.

  “Charmed”, replied Aunt Claire who was now quite breathless as Margery and Charlotte brought their smaller bags into the house.

  “Is your husband at home per
haps, Mrs. Firth?” he asked with the utmost politeness.

  “Of course! He is in the den, Your Grace, please do come in and I will see that he speaks with you straight away”, she fluttered.

  “Thank you very much ma’am, and may I say that you have quite the lovely cottage here”, he added, looking around the yard.

  He stepped inside the cottage after her, suddenly aware of how quickly his own heart was beating. He realized that Mrs. Firth’s fluttering was by no means the most rampant of the fluttering going on.

  It was only a matter of seconds before Aunt Claire had hurried through the den and into the library where she shut the door a little too hard in excitement behind her. Moments later she re-emerged with her husband at her side and introduced him to Duke Navarre, a gentleman who had run into their niece and her companions during their time away.

  “Good to meet you my dear fellow”, greeted Uncle William.

  “So glad to finally meet you, sir, I have heard much about you”, the Duke said nervously as his new acquaintance smiled over his head at Margery.

  “Let’s talk shall we?” offered Mr. Firth, leading him into the library.

  Chapter 11

  Margery sat with Charlotte and her aunt in the living room netting the purses which were left unfinished before their departure for London while Duke Navarre spoke with Mr. Firth in his office. Charlotte was giddy with joy for Margery who shared with her the sentiments she had felt before the carriage left from London. They had since discussed the matter with Claire who could not help but glance at the door every couple of stitches, waiting for the men to come out from behind it. Margery had had such a horrible young adulthood and Claire could think of no one as deserving of the Duke as her own niece.

  “He is quite the charming man Marge”, her aunt remarked. “Very handsome, too”, she continued, smiling widely.

  “Yes Aunt he is, I consider myself ever so fortunate that he has taken even the slightest interest in someone like me”, Margery said politely, glowing in anticipation of the opening of the library door.

  “Where did you ever meet such a young man?” her aunt asked.

  “In the woods dear aunt, where a young lady must always find a husband”, she joked and Charlotte laughed so hard she pricked her finger on her sewing needle.

  A moment later, the door creaked open behind them and the three of them straightened instantly and turned in the direction of the sound. Uncle William appeared and stood in the doorway. The suspense was more than any of the ladies could bear but it was Aunt Claire who spoke first.

  “Well my dear, what on earth have you and Duke Navarre been speaking of this entire time?” she asked, looking eagerly at Margery.

  “If you would give me a moment dear wife I shall get to it. Margery my child”, he began stepping towards her, “It gives me great pride and pleasure to give my permission to this gentleman who has kindly asked me if it is alright for him to make you his wife.” He stood aside to allow the Duke to step forward as Charlotte began her gentle squealing once more.

  “Miss Fairchild,” he said sweetly before kneeling down in front of her. “I have not met a woman with as quick a wit, nor a gentle a presence as yours. I have been granted permission by both your employer and your uncle to ask you to take my hand in marriage; that is, of course, if you will have it.” He pulled out the sapphire ring and presented it to her.

  Unable to find the right words to express her gratitude, Margery simply giggled and nodded her head like a crazy woman until he had the ring poised on her finger and kissed it.

  The family applauded and congratulated the newly engaged couple and Mrs. Firth went, as always, to fetch some tea.

  The following morning, Margery was taken to the Mason’s to say good bye and to wish Thomas well in his studies.

  “I’ll miss you, Missus”, he said solemnly as she hugged him goodbye. “I’ll not bother the horse while you are away and I hope my next governess is as smart as you.” He squeezed her a little tighter about the hips before Mr. Mason had to pry him free.

  Mr. and Mrs. Mason congratulated the couple on their newfound happiness and wished them all the best in their future endeavors.

  “You have been such an inspiration to our Thomas, and I don’t know how we can ever thank you for all that you have taught him”, said Mrs. Mason on their way out the door.

  Her husband joined her at the door and wrapped his arm about her side. “You shall always be welcome here and please feel free to visit with your new husband any time you like. I know Thomas and Firefly will appreciate it”, he added giving her a slight squeeze of the hand.

  “Thank you all for letting me stay here and for always being so kind”, Margery said, as the last of her things were loaded into the carriage to be taken to the Duke’s estate North of London which was to be her new home once they married.

  Chapter 12

  Reaching his estate while the sun was sinking, the Duke had called for Havisham to bring the belongings into the foyer while he toured Miss Fairchild around the estate.

  “Ah sir!” he called as Duke Navarre was almost run away with excitement. “This is the lady that you have been so distressed over?” he asked as he looked on at Margery with appreciation.

  “Yes Havisham”, he began, “This is Margery Fairchild, the woman who kept me from sleep all because I could not stand to lose a horse race to a woman”, he said as he smirked at her. Margery broke out in laughter which Havisham quickly joined in on.

  “I am glad you are here, my dear. It will be nice to have some company for his grace for a change”, he added with sincerity.

  “Thank you sir, but I fear if you do not let Your Grace take me on a tour of the house he may explode”, she whispered to him as the Duke stood anxiously waiting to show Margery her new home. He was practically shaking by this point and Havisham had no choice but to allow his new mistress to indulge the Duke in his desires.

  First, he showed her the dining rooms and the kitchens, then the maid’s corridors and the library, which thrilled her more than he ever could have expected. Then he showed her the bedroom which she would have until after the wedding. It was a charming room fit for a woman of noble birth with beautifully crafted chandeliers and a fireplace all for herself.

  She felt like a princess being shown her palace for the first time. She also knew that this would bring her great responsibility as a woman of rank, but she believed that with Avery by her side, she could do almost anything. She could not wait to go further into exploring that library, her father had taught her to enjoy reading at such a young age.

  “Come now”, he said excitedly as the tour wound to a close.

  He took her hand and started running through the halls and down the stairs, pulling her ever so gently after him that she felt as if she were floating.

  “What on earth are you doing?” she cried, trying to catch her breath.

  “Just wait and see”, he reassured her. When they reached the back doors of the estate he stopped and told her to close her eyes. She did and as she was momentarily blind, he opened the curtains on the doors and opened them. Margery shuddered as the cool wind hit her skin which he covered with his suit jacket.

  He held her by the shoulders and walked her outside into the night air until they were far enough that you could see the entire estate in one view without turning your head. He made sure that everything was in place and then he told her to open her eyes.

  She took a deep breath and fluttered her eyes open. Her mouth dropped open in amazement.

  “This”, he said, “Is all yours; it is your home, your sanctuary, and yours to enjoy so long as you are with me”. His eyes sparkled in response to the light from the flames which illuminated the walls of the estate.

  Margery stared speechless at the vast wall of grey and white stone glistening in the light from the moon and the lanterns which were scattered about the property and hung on the walls of the majestic house.

  “Margery”, he started again taking her small
hands in his. “I must tell you that by accepting my offer you have made me the happiest, most prideful man in all of England and that I love you”.

  Tears welled in her eyes and before she knew what she was doing or before she had time to think about what was and was not proper, she reached up and kissed him passionately on the mouth. He reciprocated, closing his eyes and his lips explored hers.

  And in a few short seconds, she pulled away.

  “Miss Fairchild, I might inquire if you could do that again”, he whispered breathlessly into her hair that tumbled from the bun on her head. He stood quite beside himself in wonder of her.

  “I cannot allow that Your Grace”, she cooed back at him, smirking wildly, her hair dancing about her face in the cool air of the evening.

  “What is it, dearest?” he asked her, hoping she had not regretted the choice she made.

  “Nothing”, she replied, continuing to smirk at him. “It is only one small thing, sir”.

  “And what might that be my sweet lady?” he asked again.

  “I cannot allow you to kiss me again until we are married...”, she dragged on.

  “I understand that...I”, he began as he started to realize she was playing a game on him.

  He was leaning in now, wanting to know more. What on earth was she up to? he thought, hanging onto her every word and gesture she made. “Unless…?” he pressed.

  “Unless...” she continued to tease him, “You can catch me first!”

  She shouted and took off like a shot around the perimeter of the estate, hopping over lanterns and kicking off her shoes. The Duke chased after her until she was at arm’s length and then reached out an arm circling it about her tiny waist and pulling her close.

  She laughed uncontrollably and he held her tightly as she did so. Her laugh was infectious and he could not help but chuckle with her for a while. They stared into each other’s eyes until they could stand it no longer and kissed again with as much fever and passion as an unmarried man and woman could possibly do. Until the wedding that is.


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