The Chosen And the guardians

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The Chosen And the guardians Page 5

by Liviu Costin Sociu

  Chapter 4: Initiation

  Drake was running toward the city with all his might and strength, trying to stay behind the girls who were much faster and agile than him thanks to their primal beasts. In the meanwhile, while Drake struggled to keep up and reach the city, the girls arrived at the place where the dark creature should come to bring chaos "Embody!" those were the only word said by the 3, starting to transform into their guardian form. Iris became a pink werecat which had a little fur in various part of the body, including hands and face, with claws ready to attack; Lifia had fox ears and 2 tails behind her back, fur growing in some spots around her body, black fur; Reit had 2 little bear ears around her head and a little tail, huge claws and fur growing more than the other 2, ready to attack in an aggressive position. A chilly atmosphere slowly took the place of the sunny day, a dark presence was getting near and the 3 guardians were ready to fight!

  A huge creature, tall almost 5 meters and very muscular, his powers were visible even by nude eyes which is quite something, 2 eyes red as blood and a smile that resembled a demon, looked toward the guardians and laughed. "Laugh while you can ya damn toy!" Reit started attacking him without a thought, triying to hurt him with her physical attacks and huge claws but, her attacks, seemed to have little to no effect. Iris vanished from place and started attacking the enemy's weak spots at light speed while her fur began to glow of a feint pink light, Lifia, on the other hand, chose to go up a building and concentrate, and after a while, she put her hand toward her enemy and a triangular green energy was formed, sending a powerful energy beam toward the enemy at high speed. Even with all these attacks, the enemy was unscratched and started to fight back, even if he was pretty big, his attacks were fast and strong enough to send Reit flying against a building, crushing a wall with her body. Iris kept attacking but the creature got her movements and hit her with a strong attack that made her fly away as well but, luckily, she was able to regain her fighting stance and landed on her feet, even if she felt the attack. Lifia was safe on the building but the creature looked at her and opened his mouth, a powerful and yellow energy wave departed toward her from the beast, barely hitting her thanks to the surprise she had by the sudden attack and could not avoid it fully.

  The fight was getting hard and difficult, Reit came out of the building she landed in and spit on the ground "Tsk, damn toy, now you make me wanna break you! BERSERKER!" a red energy surrounded her and made her body twice as big and powerful, her eyes of a red colour, her claws began to be surrounded by a thicker red energy and Reit started attacking again, with new energy and power and with high animal rage guiding her. Iris got back to the battlefield fast and was looking at the situation "Damn, Reit went berserk....LIFIA!" she shouted at her while she came back from the building holding her arm "I am ok, what's the plan Iris?" "Reit went berserk...that should keep the monster occupied a little, we must try the dual feline attack" Lifia nodded and both started to concentrate while Reit was giving the huge beast a hell of a time with her powerful attacks and, even if it was trying to avoid or block them, it had a hard time keeping up, that kept him busy enough to not notice the 2 girls behind him concentrating and accumulating energy.

  Reit continued to attack like a crazy animal the dark creature in the attempt to destroy it completely, Iris and Lifia were concentrating their strength in gathering energy and started to hold hands after a while "DUAL FELINE ATTACK" Once the 2 voices said in unison the attack, their body and souls became 2 big energy spheres which began to fly at supersonic speed against the creature and start hitting him a lot of times in mere seconds while Reit continued to attack him endlessly. The beast had a hard time to counter both attacks, until he got suppressed by the huge pressure that got him on the ground and unconscious, meanwhile the 3 stopped attacking and started panting for the huge energy used "It's over". "Ahahaha...too easy my little sweet guardians..." A voice came not far from them and a human figure was in the shadows, looking at them with darkness eyes "It's cute that you think that isn't over!" Reit shouted in anger "Come out and fight us if you dare you little coward!" The shadow of the man was laughing "Ahh so sweet to see such anger from you Reit...I told day, I will subdue you and make you as my little pet" Reit was almost growling at him for his words "Still, you might want to pay attention to that little toy, as you called him, he's not that easy defeated" Not even a second after he finished talking and the beast reopened his eyes and started to get on his feet again " can he endure so much punishment and still get back on his feet?" Again the shadow figure laughed "Well, with a little push, he can do a lot of things trust me, well...I'll let you have fun with him, try not to die Reit...a dead pet it's useless" With a large smile the figure vanished from the area.

  The huge monster again shouted a dark and low growl, making the 3 guardians back off a little "What do we do? Our energy is kind of low...we cannot last much like this" however, not far from them, Drake finally got there to help "There they are!" He started running toward them but when Iris noticed him her eyes went wide open "DRAKE!? Why are you here??" Drake just smiled "To help of course" Lifia was kinda troubled "You do not have a primal will only got yourself killed!" Reit was getting ready to fight "Protect this dumb-ass...I will take care of this little toy" So she began to attack the creature again but, her low energy, didn't allowed her to give it much damage. Iris and Lifia were protecting Drake which was a little perplexed "Let me fight! I can help you..." Iris sighed "You can't like this..." But in that moment Reit went flying against the wall next to them, both Lifia and Iris were surprised but ready to fight "Run cannot do yourself!" Then the 2 went attacking but it was quite useless, their energy was still low, even if they managed to recover a little while protecting Drake, they were easily overpowered and launched away while Drake remained paralyzed at the sight of the 3 girls wounded and on the ground senseless. "Darn it..." The creature was getting near Drake, which was shaking and didn't know what to do...he never thought to encounter the same thing of that evening but he got an idea "Let's try....EMBODY!" Even if he tried to recall whatever power, nothing happened and the beast was already upon him and ready to attack him but, while his attack was on its way, time stopped and Drake, with his eyes closed from fear of the attack, found himself in a dark place, almost familiar at this point since he's been there many times in his dreams, with only a little spotlight on him in the middle.

  "YOUNG HUMAN AND GUARDIAN..." A low and powerful voice echoed in the darkness and gave Drake shivers, not allowing him to understand from where it came from "YOU ARE CHOSE TO BE A GUARDIAN OF THE DRAGON TRIBE, BUT ARE YOU STRONG ENOUGH? YOU SHOW COURAGE TRYING TO FIGHT AN ENEMY MUCH STRONGER THAN YOU TO HELP YOUR TEAMMATES...BUT ARE YOU STRONG ENOUGH TO SUSTAIN OUR POWER?" Drake was looking in the dark and nod "I am! Give me the power to protect them!" "HMM...WE SHALL SEE ABOUT THAT" after that Drake returned to reality, time started to flow again but he felt a new power in him "I can feel it..." with a serious and cold face, he blocked the creature's attack and with the other hand sent him flying with a single punch but, after that, he collapsed on the floor with his body unable to move, the energy he used exhausted him already and his body was without strength to move. The beast was getting up and, enraged, was going toward the senseless Iris which was lying on the ground, Drake was powerless and could not do nothing, the beast was preparing a new attack to finish her "NOOOO!" The time stopped and Drake was in the spotlight surrounded by darkness once again "YOU ARE NOT WORTHY OF OUR POWER" Drake was unable to move but could talk "I do not care if you choose me, I do not care if I am worthy or not....just.....just SAVE THEM!" That said he tried to get on his feet with the little strength he found in himself and looked in the darkness "You are primal beasts right? Then why aren't you doing nothing to help them?! If being a guardian means doing nothing and judging then SCREW YOU! I will protect them...even if that means dying...that's how a family works..." silence followed after his speech and a yo
ung shadow came near the spotlight, a dark and black figure of a dragon was in front of him "The human spoke true words, his heart is pure and his courage an example, I, son of the Silver Guardian, shall form a pact with this human and become his primal beast" Another moment of silence followed and the powerful voice started again to speak "SO BE IT! YOU HAVE OUR PERMISSION AND BLESSING YOUNG DRAGON, MAY YOU DEFEAT THE DARKNESS WITH YOUR COMPANION" The Dragon nod solemnly and became sparkles of light that started to enter Drake's body, giving him new energy and strength "YOUR FATHER WANTS TO HELP YOU WITH THIS FIGHT YOUNG ONE, YOUR GUARDIAN IS NOT READY NOR PREAPRED TO DO SO BUT THIS SHALL BE THE FIRST AND LAST TIME. HE CANNOT MISS FROM HIS DUTY MORE THAN THIS...BE THANKFUL" That said Drake returned back to reality but he was not him anymore: His body was surrounded by a sacred silver light, his eyes were blank, his body much bigger and stronger, and he was not touching the ground anymore but hovering above it with 2 powerful wings sustaining him.

  The dark creature was about to attack the senseless Iris but was stopped by Drake in half a second with a single hand "YOU SHALL NOT HURT ANYBODY TODAY CREATURE!" Drake's voice was mixed with a lower one that spoke in unison with him, in the meanwhile Iris came back to her senses, together with the other 2, but they were astonished to see what happened next. Drake started to crush his opponent's hand and breathing a huge ice storm toward him, freezing him up "THIS IS YOUR END!" The punch that came after that crushed the creature in many pieces, with every piece disintegrated on the place, leaving nothing behind.

  Iris was speechless "D...Drake?" She was quite worried about that power which seemed unnaturally strong and...wrong, but Drake just looked at her "ANOTHER YOUNG GUARDIAN I SEE, I AM THE SILVER GUARDIAN...RALLY UP YOUNG GUARDIANS" Iris opened her eyes wide and started to call the other 2, kneeling before him with respect "Your highness, what are you doing here?" 'Drake', so to speak, started to talk with them again in that strange mixed voice "A PINK WERECAT, A DARK DUAL FOX AND A URSINE BERSERKER. YOU WERECAT WERE THE MOST INDEPENDENT TRIBE, STILL, YOU HELPED US IN THE ANCIENT WAR, THE DARK DUAL FOXES WERE A MISTERIOUS CLAN AND NO ONE KNEW MUCH ABOUT YOU, STILL YOU HELPED US IN THE WAR TOO" The guardian stopped a while to look at Lifia but the sight of Reit caught him fast afterward "YOU....URSINE, YOUR KIND BETRAYED US AND ATTACKED US, CLAIMING MANY SOULS THAT DAY...GRRR.." The guardian seemed almost disturbed by Reit "STILL...THANK THE HEAVEN THAT I PROTECTED YOU FROM A FATE FAR WORSE THAN DEATH, MAYBE THAT WAS THE REASON YOU HELPED US AFTER WE DEFEATED YOUR CLAN..." Reit clenched her fist hard unable to say anything "WE DECIDED TO GIVE THIS YOUNG GUARDIAN, DRAKE, THE HONOR TO BE

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