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Cade Page 3

by Penny Rose

  “We’re removing your restraints. Try anything and we will shoot you on the spot,” the guard reiterated his previous threat.

  The guard pulled a device from his waist and entered a code. It flashed green and then he pressed the device to one prisoner’s handcuffs. They unlocked and fell to the floor. The guard moved to the next prisoner, not bothering to pick them up.

  After Cade’s were removed, he rubbed his sore wrists, wondering if he should take the opportunity to run. A stupid thought, he reprimanded himself, because he was weaponless, and they were not. He was in no position to take the upper hand right now. He would be shot in the back if he tried to escape. He hated feeling powerless, to be unable to help himself, not to mention the men that were taken prisoner with him. The very men that were being carted away to another place where he couldn’t help them.

  Cade prayed that he had trained them well enough to survive this next test in their lives. He wished them well and decided to focus on what he could control—his own survival.

  “Strip, all of you,” the guard ordered.

  Cade sighed deeply. There was no point in arguing. He started to take off his clothing just like the other men did. It wasn’t long before they were all standing naked before the guards.

  The guard stepped back and water poured from the ceiling, showering down on them from enormous showerheads overhead. Cade cringed at the scalding hot water. It stung the scrapes and cuts all over his body. It was anything but refreshing. He endured the shower, determined not to show his discomfort. At least he was clean of the dirt and blood that had covered his body.

  “Bring in the healers.” The guard knocked on the door with his fist.

  When the door opened again, three beautiful women stepped inside. They wore simple white tunics with a gold sash around their wastes. One in particular caught his eye. Her blue skin was the color of the sky and her dark hair stood out prominently.

  Cade had heard about healers, though he had never seen one. They were a rarity among the empire. Fewer than one in a thousand had the gift. Always women. They had the ability to heal wounds, to mend bones. It took time, but their gifts were the most advanced form of medicine in the universe.

  The healers would put them all back together and for that, Cade was grateful. He was still more than a little worried about his head wound. His instincts were what kept him alive, and he hoped that they had not been damaged.

  The man with the tentacles moved forward in all his naked glory and introduced himself. “Good afternoon, ladies. You can call me Arc. This might not be the most ideal situation but if I ever get out of here, I’d like to take you out for an evening.”

  The woman on the left flashed Arc a big grin. Her skin was white as snow, and large, green cat-like eyes lit up.

  Cade couldn’t help but smile as he watched Arc. He’d just been bought as a slave, yet he was flirting. He was certainly a natural with the ladies. Cade shook his head, attempting to conceal his smirk. At least the man had a sense of humor at a time like this. Cade could admire that. It a situation like this, it didn’t hurt to be able to laugh. It might be the one thing to keep some of them going.

  Arc whipped his tentacles through the air suggestively and a few other slaves laughed. The blue-skinned healer blushed.

  “Enough of that!” shouted the guard.

  The healers stepped forward and began inspecting the men. They carried oils they rubbed across the men’s bodies. Some of the gladiators were rather crude with their comments, and Cade felt a fire burning bright inside of him. He’d never disrespected women, but he knew it wasn’t that way everywhere. On Kondor, women were treated with high regard. They raised the children, instilling the values of their people while the men were off hunting or fighting.

  A couple of the slaves asked the healers to wash their private areas more slowly. The healers paid them no mind, but it still angered Cade to witness such actions. He might be a warrior, but he held the highest respect there was for a woman, even if that woman happened to work for the enemy. Once the oils were applied, the women went about healing their bodies. That was where the real magic happened, and Cade found it incredible. Cuts and scrapes vanished in a matter of seconds. Deeper wounds took longer, but the skin regrew, mending itself until only the faintest scar remained.

  The blue-skinned healer approached Cade and began slowly rubbing the oils over his skin. Sparks erupted beneath his skin as the oil soothed his cuts. He wasn’t sure if it was the oil or her touch that created the sparks. He looked up at her and their eyes met briefly. His breath caught as something ignited between them.

  “What’s your name?” he whispered.

  Her gaze lingered on him for a moment. He was surprised by that.

  “Eldredth.” She smiled before averting her eyes.

  “That’s a beautiful name. I’m Cade.” He felt silly saying it, but it was true.

  When she put her hand to his arm, electricity ran through him. Was this the way healers made everyone feel? She was a beautiful woman, there was no denying it. Maybe it was just the fact that she was a healer, but he felt amazing around her. She continued to run her hands along his body, healing his wounds and filling him with euphoria. Every touch sent shivers down his spine. He couldn’t remember the last time he had felt that way.

  That was a lie. He could still remember it vividly. His wife’s touch was something he would never forget. When they had met, the way he viewed the world had changed. Every breath he took was for her. When she passed, he had been lost for so long.

  Now there was another woman making him feel that way. It was the first time since his wife passed that he had felt that type of electricity with another woman. What did it mean, he thought. Would he be undone by this woman? Desire and guilt battled inside him.

  Eldredth’s touch was driving him wild, and he couldn’t get enough. Their eyes met again and she blushed, and he knew that she was feeling something similar. Could someone that gentle be attracted to a brute like him?

  He studied her as she caressed his body. She had beautiful, light blue skin that contrasted with her jet-black hair. She might have been the most beautiful creature he had ever laid his eyes on. Her eyes were blue, a shade or two darker than her skin, which complimented her whole look that much more.

  He watched in amazement as a cut on his arm went from jagged to sealed in under a minute. It was astonishing that she was able to take something that was ruined and piece it back together. She was a gift to him, and she was making him a whole man again. If his tribe had access to healers, they would be unstoppable.

  Her fingers traced up his neck to the back of his head. Her face was inches from his as the wound that had throbbed for hours vanished. He had the strong desire to pull her closer, but he fought it. He wanted her as near him as possible. His whole body felt great, better than it had in years. He felt incredible both inside and out. In fact, he felt even better than that… He felt like a god.

  She had made him feel that way. He wanted her in that moment, but he didn’t know how he could ever make her his. Blood rushed to his loins. Thoughts of what awaited him vanished and all he wanted to do was disappear into the desert with this woman.

  The suction of air as the door opened brought Cade back to reality. Maizon entered.

  “Ah, yes. Looking better already.”

  The gravity of Cade’s situation weighed down on him once more. He was a slave now, and his life was no longer his own. He closed his eyes and just let her magic work on his head. As she healed him, he even found that his thoughts cleared. She was truly astounding.

  He liked her, even though he didn’t know her. She was shy and mild-mannered, the exact opposite of Kondorian women, but he found it endearing in a way. He wished that they were in a better situation to get to know each other. But like everyone else, it was unlikely that he would ever see her again.

  “Are you from this planet?” he asked.

  “No,” she whispered. “I am a Stirosi from Yigara. Many lightyea
rs from here.”

  Cade had never heard of that planet.

  Next to Cade, the yellow-skinned man with bulbous brown eyes rubbed his hand across the backside of the woman healing him. The healer slapped the man’s hand away, and he just chuckled like it was all a big game. The man grinned at Cade, but Cade only rolled his eyes. He didn’t want to get in a fight with any of the men, but he didn’t like what was happening around him. It was barbaric behavior and showed Cade what kind of men they really were.

  Arc maintained his flirty behavior, but he hadn’t crossed any lines. Cade was happy to see that there was at least someone there that shared his morals.

  The doors opened again and a man wearing a tan tunic dropped a box on the floor. He pulled out clothing and tossed it to the gladiators.

  “Get dressed. It’s time to go,” ordered the guard.

  Eldredth barely glanced at Cade as she returned to the front of the room near Maizon. Cade got up and started to dress, as did the other men that were now property. They were given lightweight tunics, suited for the dry heat of the desert.

  After dressing, they were escorted out of the room into a transport vehicle—a boxy van hovering several feet off the ground. Inside, the vehicle was no different from the room Cade had woken up in. Metal walls and metal seats with no windows.

  Some of the gladiators talked about the healers and the things they would do to them if they ever got the chance. Cade ignored them. He knew that his future was uncertain. He was a slave now, but that wasn’t what was on his mind. The girl with the beautiful blue skin was all that he could think about. Her touch still lingered on his skin.

  He looked up to find Arc staring at him. The red-skinned man winked at Cade.

  “Looked like you were having a good time in there. I saw that blue angel giving you the eyes,” Arc said with a couple more winks and suggestive tentacle moves.

  Cade smirked. “Arc, you’re a freak, you know that, right?”

  Chapter Three

  The journey was long and tiresome. So much had happened in the past twenty-four hours that despite being healed, Cade felt spent, both physically and emotionally. He had not been prepared for the electricity between he and Eldredth.

  Cade fell asleep against the unforgiving wall of the transport vehicle, and when he awoke, he didn’t feel the least bit refreshed. He wanted nothing more than to be back on his own planet, falling asleep in his own bed, and not dealing with anything that was going on. He still couldn’t believe that he had been sold like a fruit at the market. It was incomprehensible.

  Thoughts of Eldredth crossed his mind. When he closed his eyes, he saw her big, beautiful, blue eyes. They reminded him of the crystal blue lakes of Kondor. He would likely never see them again.

  The way she had healed his body was magical. There was no other way to explain it. Would Maizon bring in healers if his gladiators were injured? He sure hoped so. If there was a chance he could see her again, that would be what he wanted most of all. She might be the single bright spot in this darkness. He was in a living hell, and he wasn’t sure what the future held now that he was a slave. Maybe he could find a little happiness in this twisted world if he could just see her again.

  The door to the front of the vehicle opened, and one of the guards entered their compartment. They had been traveling for a few hours at least. None of the slaves had been fed since capture, and Cade was feeling more exhausted than ever. He just wanted the day to be over. He needed to get some rest so that he could start strategizing how to get out of this situation. It was a dilemma, to be sure, and he hoped that he wouldn’t die before he had a chance to figure it out.

  The guard walked up and down the center aisle. “Maizon has instructed me to fill you in on our location. We are on Pendoria. It’s a desert planet. The vast majority of the planet is uninhabitable by most races, but there are dozens of cities built around oases.”

  “The desert! What the hell are we going there for?” the yellow-skinned man with bulbous eyes yelled.

  Cade agreed with the sentiment. A desert planet was going to be the total opposite of everything he was used to. He knew how to fight amongst the trees, using his skin color to blend in with his surroundings. An unknown environment like this was going to have its challenges.

  The guard gave the slave a hard look. “This is your new home, so I suggest you get to loving it. This is where you are going to live out the rest of your days, so embrace the desert life.” He started to hand out dark glasses to all the men. “These will help your eyes adjust.”

  Cade took a pair and slid them over his eyes. They blotted out the light from inside the transport, so he took them off. He didn’t want to think about living out the remainder of his days on a godforsaken desert.

  “Pendoria is bright,” the guard continued. “The natives, like Maizon, have eyes that naturally protect from the brightness, but you are going to find a great deal of discomfort with your vision. These will help. Eventually, your eyes will adjust, or maybe they won’t and you’ll always be uncomfortable. Deal with it either way.”

  The guy was a real nurturing person, Cade thought sarcastically. How were they supposed to work in the area if they couldn’t see properly? They were in for a terrible experience if that was the case. Were they supposed to fight half-blind as well? He wouldn’t put it past the people who bought and sold others as property.

  “We are landing soon, and you will be taken to Maizon’s mansion, where you will get your orders.”

  The guard returned to the front cabin. Cade felt a change as the transport vehicle started to land, like his stomach was in his throat. He took a deep breath and leaned back against the wall. This was it. He was about to see what his future on Pendoria was going to look like.

  The vehicle jostled for a moment before coming to a stop. Cade heard the hiss of doors unlocking and then a moment later, the rear entry opened. Light spilled in, burning his eyes. He covered them with his hand before remembering the glasses. Once he put them on, the world became more bearable.

  Cade followed the other gladiators off the transport ship. Everything around him was barren and empty. And so bright. He wasn’t looking forward to living in the desert when he was used to a lush, fertile planet.

  The guards marched them from the ship toward a row of large, metal houses, rows and rows of them. They gleamed in the sun, all sharp edges and giant slabs of metal. People walked down the streets, a few taking notice of Cade and the others. They didn’t seem too alarmed by alien gladiators escorted by armed guards, so Cade assumed it wasn’t out of the ordinary. Most of the people had dark skin and the same cat-like eyes as Maizon. Their clothes were simpler than Cade’s master’s and they wore less jewelry, but they were definitely the same race.

  Drones flew through the air, buzzing like some sort of giant insect. They weaved through the crowd, some delivering messages or packages, before zooming off into the sky. Cade looked up at the sun and squinted, cursing it already. He hated the planet in every way possible. The brightness was giving him a headache, and this was home now. Perfect.

  They walked through the streets, past the rows of buildings, toward a mansion on a hilltop. The mansion was covered in gold, standing out from the surrounding buildings like a beacon. It practically glittered as it reflected the sun.

  As they moved closer to the mansion, Cade could see that there were enormous robots standing on either side of the entrance. Robots were a rarity on Kondor. He had seen them, but they never worked on his planet. Many research vessels had dropped them to his planet’s surface only to find disappointment. These were something else. They moved of their own accord. Cade stared in wonder as the guard flashed his badge and the gate opened.

  The inside of the mansion was far bigger than it looked from the outside. A path split off, one side leading to the housing and another leading to a fighting pit. In the center of the path was a pool and water feature that spouted water in a beautiful display.

  Cade’s mouth dropped open whe
n he saw the training ground that the slaves would use to become gladiators. It was beyond anything that he had trained at with his own men. There were weapons, dummies, obstacle courses, weights. Everything a man would need to push his body to its limits.

  Cade was a warrior at heart and that meant that training to fight never really ended. Having a training facility was the one good thing he saw about the situation. Perhaps he could push his body in ways he had never imagined. He wished that they could start training right away. If he was going to fight, he could at least try to enjoy the process in some way.

  Maizon appeared before them, his golden robes swishing as he approached the balcony that overlooked the training area. He flashed them a generous smile, as if they were all old friends. Cade couldn’t get a read on the man. He had been hard on them when with the healers, threatening death to anyone who didn’t obey, and now he was smiling. Cade had expected an abusive man that wanted his slaves to live in squalor, but that didn’t seem to be the case. What was his true goal?

  “Welcome, gentlemen, to my humble home.” Maizon raised his arms, the jewelry that dangled from his wrist jingling with the motion.

  Cade could not help but roll his eyes. Humble, indeed. Maizon’s attitude towards the men had caught him off guard, but he wasn’t trusting it. Not for a minute. It would take more than a few kind words and a smile for Cade to let his guard down.

  “Let me show you around the training facility so that you can all be familiar with your new home. I want you all to feel welcome here and to enjoy your stay with me.” He descended the stairs, accompanied by two guards.

  Like we have a choice, Cade thought. This was their home whether they felt welcome or not.


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