Emerilia Series Box Set 5

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Emerilia Series Box Set 5 Page 5

by Michael Chatfield

  They paused in their work to look at the images on the interfaces around the workshop that showed the Baerux Conglomerate. They had been in heavy fighting but now with the flying citadels, the enemy was in confusion and shock, unable to do anything as they tried to escape the hail of powerful rounds coming down. As they did so, they ran into other groups from the event that they had bad blood with, adding to the confusion as battles ignited in the midst of their retreat.

  The dwarven artillery was merciless as it continued to rain down hell upon the attackers.

  “Alter flight path to move in closer to Baerux Conglomerate’s southernmost city Ieiezoth. Maintain speed. We can’t stop, but give them as much help as possible.” The flying citadels’ wing commander’s voice passed through the flying citadels.

  Dave once again turned to what he was doing, holding a piece of metal in one hand and a torch in the other. He used the torch to heat up where the piece was going, match up with the actual replacement part; then, using his soul smithing skill, he was able to place it within the Devastator armor he was working on.

  “Steve, are you updating the runes used within the armor?” Dave asked.

  “A few of them. As more runes have been added to the magical coding database, I’ve been able to find a few ways to modify the armor. It might give another five percent increase to power.” Steve’s voice was serious. Ever since Jekoni and Anna had died, he’d been professional and detached, none of his normal humor appearing as he seemed to have slipped into a sort of depression.

  Dave spared Steve a glance as Steve worked on a new replacement sheet filled with runic lines. No person could create them but with Steve’s body and abilities, it was simple for him. His hand raced down the sheet and the tip of the carver darted across the sheet of metal.

  “Nice,” Dave praised, continuing on with his work as he fused another piece into the armor. The soul gem construct that had been added into the armor moved through the different gaps in the coded metal sheet, using it as a housing as complex runic lining covered the soul gem construct.

  Dave paused and looked at the armor. “You know what, Steve? You’ve given me an idea. We’ve got another what, ten or so hours until we get to the portal location? I think it’s time that we upgraded a few things about the Devastator armor.” Dave turned to where Lox and Gurren were covered in sweat and grime like the rest of them, working with a simple forge and some cutting tools.

  They weren’t master smiths by any stretch, but both of them were Journeymen in smithing and experts in maintaining, making it much easier for Malsour to work with the different materials that they gave him. None of them were too far off what he needed.

  “What you thinking?” Gurren looked up and wiped his sweat-covered brow.

  “I’m thinking you need some storage devices in your wrists so that you can hold or shoot out grenades—link it up with the Mana bolt and spear wristband. Then add in some orbs, like the ones I have, be able to set up a sort of domain where they will be able to limit their opponents Mana regeneration or be suppressed by gravity, or whatever. Also, they can be used to increase your flight speed, modify your shields and barriers so it’s not only around your body but can propagate it ahead of you. Allowing you to move instead of having to fight off an attack directed at you. Also has a self-destruction ability that’s much more powerful than your grenades if you need it. These things do need to get charged up every so often but I have a number of them extra right now.”

  Dave opened a party chat with them so that no one else could hear them. “Also, they will have the added ability to teleport you if you need it. However, this is something that can only be used after we’ve revealed some of our other trump cards.”

  The trust he was placing in them was powerful indeed and it showed that he cared for them deeply.

  “We’ll take anything that can increase our fighting ability.” Lox stood a bit taller as he looked at Dave with clear and resolute eyes.

  “Aye,” Gurren agreed.

  “Very well then.” Dave turned back to the armor, opening his interface and sending Steve the magical coding that he had on his arm bracers to control the orbs.

  Once we get back to the Pandora’s Box Initiative, I’ll get a few factories to work on these orbs. They could save a lot of lives in the upcoming fight against the angels as well as the other forces of the Pantheon.

  The flying citadels’ artillery fire slowed as they passed the Baerux Conglomerate. Those who had been finally given a break from the fighting let out ragged cheers as the flying citadels continued forward on their war path.


  Gudalo Flying Citadel Wing One was moving from Opheir toward Heval to assist in the removal of the Xelur portal that was located there. Goblin Mountain Flying Citadel One had passed Baerux Conglomerate and headed for their portals.

  The second wing of the Goblin Mountain flying citadels had reached their first location and was engaged in a ground battle with the Galis race. Reserve forces were being called up in order to assist them and finish off the battle quickly.

  Meanwhile, everyone’s eyes were on the main screens where Gudalo Flying Citadel Wing Two was advancing on the island located in the lake next to Quindar’s lair. As soon as they got into range, ranged attacks started to rain down on the Ooinfa that controlled a number of the citadels.

  The Ooinfa had the ability to deflect attacks and used this as well as Mana shields and barriers to try to remove some of the pressure coming down on them. It was as if they were trying to put out a raging forest fire with a garden hose.

  The Ooinfa’s combat abilities were highly effective against those they were fighting on the ground and when they had already gained a position within their enemy’s lines. They had held the Terra Alliance at a stalemate, not because of their fighting abilities, but because every time the Terra Alliance tried to advance, they would end up tricked by the Ooinfa. After the incident where members of the Terra Alliance injured other members of the alliance, they’d stopped sending out attacks to try to control the Ooinfa’s citadels. Instead, they created a no-man’s land between the inner and outer citadels, cutting down the Ooinfa that tried to attack.

  The only option was to fight them from long distance, and this was something the flying citadels excelled at.

  A streak of red light took off from one of the flying citadels and rushed up into the air.

  Josh’s full attention was focused on the screen that was watching this single flame that seemed to be suspended in mid-air. This was actually Lady Fire. She had gone with the flying citadel group in order to speed up the process of removing the threat of the portals and take some of the pressure off the Terra Alliance.

  At first, a red fog seemed to gather around Fire. It quickly turned into red streams, becoming thicker and thicker as they looked like ropes of flames that condensed around Fire. They spun faster and faster, creating a sphere of fire. It looked as if a new sun had been born in the mid-morning light.

  The citadels had attacked with their ranged weaponry, driving the Ooinfa backward. It took five minutes for Fire to complete her spell, telling of its complexities and power.

  The massive sphere changed its form creating several massive suns which further divided, creating smaller suns that orbited around the first, like electrons flying around an atom or moons around a planet.

  Suddenly, the suns lined up with the four Ooinfa-occupied citadels. They shot outward, descending toward the ground like meteorites from the sky. The fireballs smashed against the defenses of the Ooinfa citadels, burning like Greek fire as they stuck to the defensive structures and melted Mana barriers and shields. It burned unceasingly, melting through any and all protective measures that the Ooinfa tried to throw up. The Ooinfa’s cries were heard as their barriers broke, being cooked by those raging flames.

  The citadels swiftly turned into nothing more than roiling magma, leaving no sign of the Ooinfa that had been commanding those citadels. The area around the portal turned into a magm
a pit. The Ooinfa that walked out were burned alive in mere seconds, unable to do anything.

  Fire laid down a magical formation in the ground around the portal so that the magma wouldn’t cool down.

  Josh swallowed his spit. The sheer power of Fire’s one attack and the spell formation she had burned into the ground was something that none of the Stone Raiders could compare to, not even Party Zero. She didn’t even look slightly tired after it at all as she returned to her flying citadel. All of their guns and ranged weaponry were now silent as they looked over the destruction brought down on by a true war goddess.

  Moments later, they received their new target and turned to the west and their new target—a portal located in the Medlari Empire on the Heval continent.

  The second wing of the Goblin Mountain flying citadel had reached their first location and were engaged in a ground battle with the Galis there. Reserve forces were being called up in order to assist them and finish off the battle quickly.

  Josh had a grim look on his face as he then turned to the reports of Light’s fanatics as well as her angels rushing toward Markolm.

  They had come under multiple attacks by the different groups and people dotted across Emerilia. The Earth and Dark Lord seemed to be showing their hands as well; forces that Lucy was watching had set ambushes, killing off as many of Light’s angels as possible.

  After finding out the fact that Creatures of Power, when awarded a championship by their creator, allowed them to double their levels, no one was willing to let Lady Light have the time to bring up her angels’ power.

  Though most of the angels have already made it to Markolm and there are signs of power being built up throughout the entire Markolm continent. Seems that she’s not willing to just sit by idly.


  The Lady of Light looked out from her hall. In every direction, there were men and women wearing golden armor and with the purest white wings on their backs. All of them knelt, their heads bowed in reverence, hundreds of meters below her great hall. At the front of the eight different formations were her generals who led these legions of angels. None of them dared to move an inch; they had been like this for a number of hours but they didn’t complain in the least. Wind blew over them but it was as if they were all statues, not moving at all despite the breeze.

  More and more formations appeared from the sky. All of them were as close to the ground as they could be, their bodies bent out of respect for their creator and god. They landed in their legion and fell to their knees, remaining like that, waiting.

  The Lady of Light frowned as she saw a group come from Heval. It looked to be in worse condition than was first reported.

  “Khanundra,” Light said softly.

  “My goddess.” Khanundra moved forward so she was just a few steps back from the Lady of Light as she bowed from the waist.

  “What happened?” Light waved at the incoming formation.

  “It seems that the blasphemers of your name, the ones called the Dark Lord and the Earth Lord, worked in concert to lay down ambushes for our forces. With your orders, all of the legion rushed to Markolm instead of engaging in prolonged battle,” Khanundra said.

  A heated look ran through Light’s eyes as she curled her fist. Golden light covered her hand. She looked at her fist and the corner of her mouth lifted into a sneer. “Soon they’ll be able to taste the real power that I have saved up to wipe them from Emerilia once and for all.” Light’s words sounded like a vow to herself.

  In the recent weeks, her power had only grown with the number of people who gave her devotions. Now, Khanundra and the angel generals had groomed an army from those who came to Markolm for the Lady of Light’s protection and believed in her fully.

  Daeundra rooted out any who opposed her and removed them quickly and quietly. She also had operatives who created propaganda against Light’s enemies. This gave Light the perfect conditions for creating a holy land that was once again devoted to her.

  Light opened her fist. Her anger fell away as her face smoothed out, with no trace of her emotions showing. She looked at another formation that slotted into the legions. “Is that the last one?”

  “Yes, my lady,” Khanundra said, still bent over in a bow, not daring to stand up until she was given the order. Even though she couldn’t see them with her eyes, she could sense all of the other angels.

  “Good.” Light stepped forward so that she could look down upon them all. She was a picture of benevolence, even looking a bit heartbroken as her eyes misted slightly.

  “Please rise,” Light said softly, but her words carried to all of the angels arrayed below her. Her voice seemed to shake with emotion. Light took a moment, as if she needed to recover her state of mind as she looked at them. Her hand rested on her chest as she “worked” to reclaim her calm state of mind.

  “When you were banished from Emerilia—no, when you were taken from me, I...I was in a state of shock and pain. I wished with all my being that there was a way for me to once again be in the company of you all again, my angels, my creations, my”—Light paused as a smile that seemed to mix sad and happy appeared on her face and tears made lines down her face—“children.” The word came out breathlessly, as if she were finally admitting a secret that she had held in her heart for her life, fearing that to say it would break something important to her.

  “While you were gone, I was lost. But with your return, it is possible for us to once again bring the light to Emerilia, to enlighten those who have been blinded by these other lords and ladies of the Affinities Pantheon. To remove the scourge of those races that believe in nothing but themselves. Thinking to be above the divine power of Light! To leave these people alive is to pollute this glorious and precious Emerilia. I only desire for a place where the believers can live and flourish, turning this place into a paradise. A place where you will no longer be needed to fight but can lay down your arms and live in the grace of light.” Her words were filled with passion.

  All of the angels showed passion in their normally complacent eyes. They had killed countless people without care. Hearing Light’s words moved their minds and ignited a fire within their hearts.

  “For that, I will do everything in my power to see that you are protected from the threats of the unbelievers and those who have lost their path into the Light.” Light raised her hands. Golden pillars dropped from the sky, falling upon the strongest of the angels. Dozens of them were lifted up from the ground as Light’s blessing fell over them. Afterward, they lowered to the ground, their aura incomparable to what it had been before.

  Light dropped to a knee, coughing slightly as blood appeared on her lips.

  Khanundra rushed forward, supporting Light.

  “Thank you, daughter,” Light said.

  Khanundra’s eyes misted up as she helped the feeble-looking Light to her feet.

  “I am sorry that I was only able to raise up some of you. But in the coming weeks, I will be able to raise you all to be my champions through your merits and abilities.” Light used Khanundra to support herself to standing.

  An emotion hidden deep in her eyes flashed. She knew that her words would create competition between the angels to increase their power and carry out whatever deeds possible to be worthy of being Light’s Champion. Also seeing that she had poured out all of her power and even inflicted an injury upon herself, all of them were deeply moved.

  Not one of them would not sacrifice their lives without a care if she asked for it.

  Light looked out over them once again, a happy expression on her face. “I will let you get settled in and come to know what has happened to Emerilia. The days ahead will be hard but I know that we will persevere.”

  “For Goddess Light!” the angels roared out as one.

  Light looked moved to tears, barely holding them back. Finally, she moved from the outside of her hall to the interior.

  Khanundra assisted her gently, as if she were some decrepit old lady. She took Light to her chambers before being

  As soon as the door was closed, Light’s soft exterior disappeared and she stood upright, no sign of injury on her body or by her actions.

  “Still as moldable as ever.” Light snorted and rolled her eyes. “Didn’t even need to use a tenth of my new divine pool’s capacity. They should hurry up and go kill those who support the others in the Pantheon and those who don’t even make devotions. Bah, children? Better to call them refined dogs that need an emotional plea from their ‘mother’ instead of treats to go and fight.”

  For a while, she stood at the windows into her room and looked out over Markolm. Angels were moving out from around her hall.

  “The time I remove my brothers and sisters of the Pantheon from this planet is coming closer.”


  Boran-al looked up from his work as a shadow formed within his laboratory, quickly resolving into the robed figure of the Dark Lord.

  “Master.” Boran-al dropped to his knee.

  “You have done well, Boran-al.” The Dark Lord looked over the laboratory. Divine wells were in various states of assembly. The Dark Champions who were assembling these wells all dropped to a knee in front of their master.

  There were also a number of mutated Alturarans who were kept in different enclosures and states of dissection.

  “Thank you, master,” Boran-al said, filled with pride.

  “I will have someone send you your rewards. There have been a number of creatures that have returned through the event that might interest you.” The Dark Lord looked at Boran-al.

  A cold and sinister smile spread across Boran-al as a terrifying darkness filled his eyes. “I thank you, master. This lowly one does not deserve these extravagant gifts.” Boran-al was excited to get his hands on these new subjects to conduct research on.

  “I sent out orders to capture them alive. I would be interested to watch as you work with your live dissections,” the Dark Lord said.


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