Teachers' Pet: An MFMM Romance

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Teachers' Pet: An MFMM Romance Page 99

by Amy Brent

  ‘Yes, but it’s not just my brother. My dad too. Must be fucking genetic or something? I don’t fucking know Darren, but the whole idea of being like them fucking scares me.”

  I know exactly what he means, “The same as my mom running off with my uncle, and then my dad committing suicide about it. At the same time, my wife runs off with my best friend. It’s as if everything in my life got turned upside down and I couldn’t fucking breathe. Believe me, Ferguson when I say, if it wasn’t for you, I don’t know where I’ll be right now. So, there’s some goodness in you. Cause not only did you help me. But you save me, man,” I confess as I think about all he’s done for me. I’ve never openly thanked him. I’ve been too selfish and caught up in my destruction to do that. But right here and now, I want to do that. So, that he knows the ball’s in his court. If he says no about Ida. I won’t even pursue her. Anyway, he wants to play it, I’ll respect his decision. I fucking owe him that.

  “Thanks, man. Let’s get out of here and talk to Amy before Ida gets here. And if we keep going on like this, we’ll both end up being a couple of wimps in tears,” he laughs as he opens the door.

  I hop out and join him on the other side. I don’t know what he means about talking to Amy first? I thought that we were waiting for Ida so that we can all go in together.

  “Talk to Amy about what?”

  He laughs, “Your fucking idea. What else man? You are getting soft in your old age!”

  Chapter Twenty


  I rush out of the limo and then go straight to the room number. I hesitate as I notice a car with special plates. I wonder if Bond and Master arrived before me? Curiosity makes me walk even faster as I head to number 143. The room that she says that she’s staying, I doubt that they’re here to take her back to him. The monster that’s been trying to break my best friend.

  As soon as Amy opens the door, I can see Bond and Master behind her. I don’t know whether I should be relieved or anxious about them being here. It feels strange seeing them outside the cabin. It’s as if they’re real and seeing them in the light. Away from the cabin takes away the fantasy of the time we spent together and puts them into my reality. It’s so damn strange.

  “Are you okay?”

  I ask as she flings her arms around me.

  She nods, as she backs away the tears that I heard are on the earlier, don’t seem to be on her face. She’s not wearing makeup, not dressed up like she’s been doing in her house. Now, she looks like the old Amy. The one that I knew from back in high school. It’s as if she’s stripped away the pretense that she’s been hiding under since I came to stay with her.

  She takes my hand and leads me into the room.

  Master and Bond just stare at me. I can feel their dark eyes on me, and they don’t say a word. I think about how I left Simon. I didn’t even wait for him to open the door. As soon as he parked up, I looked at the hotel room and just thought about my friend. The one that's helped me and I knew that she needed my help right now.

  She smiles, “I am now. I just didn’t want you to know the truth.”

  I shake my head forgetting about the fact that we’re not alone in the room. Both of them aren’t saying a thing. I don’t know if I should be nervous or if there’s something else going on in here that I need to know about.

  “The guys said that they could help us both. But I’m not sure with you going to Paris…”

  I shake my head, “I’m not going. I want to be with you and help you. The same way that you helped me. Besides I don’t even know if it’s for real.”

  I lie about the last part; I know that it’s real. There’s no doubt in my mind. But, I don’t understand what the guys are doing here and why they think that they can help us.

  “Ida. Amy, we want you to be part of our lives,” Master says as his eyes dart between Amy and her. He smiles as he looks at me. I reflect his smile, but then I remember being in the cabin. The emotional and physical torture that Amy’s been facing and I frown.

  “I don’t want us to be sugar babies. It was great in the cabin but my world. The real world. I just don’t…”

  Bond walks up to me and says as he holds my hand and looks me directly in the eye as if he’s trying to show that he’s completely genuine about what he says to me.

  “We don’t want you to be our sugar babies. That’s not what we’re talking about. We’re,” his eyes move from Master to mine. “Looking at a business proposition for Amy and for you to live with us. Both Darren and I.”


  Master says before I even get a chance to answer or even ask what he means by a business proposing for Amy, but he wants to give me something, an opportunity to have a relationship with the pair of them.

  Bond says, “Yes, Darren and I want to look after you both. Anytime you tell us that you want out. All you have to do is say the word.”

  I find myself lost, but then Amy says exactly what’s on her mind.

  “I know that you helped me. You didn’t have to do that. You even look like him, just the hair color and maybe a few pounds lighter. I just hope that we can trust you?”

  Bond says, “Yes. You can trust us.”

  “What do you think Ida?”

  Amy asks me. I look at all three of them thinking that at last, I know their names. I just repeat them, “Ferguson and Darren. You got yourself a deal. But remember if we want out. Then we’ll leave. No questions asked.”

  They look at each other and then nod in my direction.

  The only thing on my mind is that at least, I’ll no longer have to call them Bond and Master. But, they’re sharing their real names. That’s got to be a start in the right direction.



  I never made it to Paris. I didn’t even make it to New York or any other city after I found out that I was pregnant. I didn’t even know who the father was and both Ferguson and Darren said that they wanted to be on the legal dads of little Harry. I can’t imagine being anywhere else, but with them both. They give me more than I’ve ever needed in life. I have a sense of security with them.

  Darren’s more sensitive and looks out for my every need, whereas Ferguson’s the one to take control of all situations and the best part is the business. We’ve managed to help so many girls. It’s crazy to think that someone like me can make a difference in another girl’s life. One that could be desperate and have nowhere to go. Just like I did when mom turned her back on me.

  I don’t know why but even until today, I still try and reach out to her. She claims that I’m a disgrace. I sold my body to men who paid me. I’m no better than a whore. She’s called me every name under the sun and with Darren by my side to soothe my wounds and Ferguson to tell me to be strong. It’s helped realize my place in life.

  I have my account. Money that I’ve earned by working in the business. That’s got to count for something, and some day soon I hope to have my place. I won’t live in it because both men are doting fathers to Harry who’s named after my granddad. Unlike her, I’m not in a relationship out of loyalty. I stay with them out of love. They make me feel like a woman, and they take care of my every need. I know that I do the same for them because they tell me so at times a little too often.

  “Are you going to sit and stare in the mirror all day,” Amy asks as she hovers by the door.

  I smile as I turn to face her, my friend who was broken and now is at the head of this empire.

  “No, I need to be getting back home. Have the girls arrived?”

  She nods, “Yes, ma’me. They’re here. Some of them are nervously waiting for you downstairs. Ironic isn’t it?”


  I stand up and face her. I want to be heading home because I haven’t seen Harry in two days. It’s been the longest that we’ve been apart. Ferguson’s in Paris on some new business deal and Darren’s at home having man time with Harry. He’s teaching algebra. He thinks of Harry as a little Einstein. Whereas I just think of him as my tr
oublesome toddler, that seems to be growing more and more every day.

  “That only three years ago, they were like you. All scared and nervous about being a part of this business and look at you now. Coaching and training virgins before the sugar daddies arrive.”

  I laugh as I head towards her, “And look at you, recruiting girls and telling them that they have a way out of their lives. They can get the money to go to college, or their abusive household. They have a path to a better life.”

  She sighs, “True. To think that we wanted to be models.”

  “We were too smart for that, and we didn’t even know it. I just hope that Magdalena’s not fattening them up today. Remember what she did to the last set of girls.”

  Amy says, “True. But her burritos are to die for.”

  I point to my hips, “Tell me about it. I’m happy when she’s at the cabin because that means I spend less time trying not to eat them at home.”

  There’s something that I need to speak to her about; she’s been quiet about it. But, I’m sure that she’s heard the news.

  “Seth got five years,” I say just to get it out in the open. He was trailed on several cases of rape and kidnapping, but some of the girls never reported it at the time. Some of them were too broken to even think about testifying in a court room, and some were brutally attacked by the girls that he’d managed to brain wash. He’s a nasty piece of work; I can’t believe that Ferguson and him are twin brothers when they’re completely different.

  A tear immediately escapes her eyes, “I know. I thought that it was over and he wasn’t going to be sent down. His dad did everything to stop it going so far.”

  I remind her, “And Ferguson did everything to make sure that it happened…”

  Before we can even finish talking about it, Ferguson walks in and blurts out, “Ladies after the party this weekend. You guys are going to have to brush up on your French and get ready to open shop in Paris!”

  I wrap my arms around him. I haven’t seen him for a week, but it feels like a lifetime. I have some news which I was going to share with both of them. The same thing I did when I was pregnant with Harry.

  “I’m not sure that I should be flying in my condition.”

  I lift up an eyebrow and wait for his response.

  He nods, and I do the same, to confirm exactly what he’s thinking. I’m pregnant again.

  He laughs, “About time! Darren and I were worried that we were shooting blanks. I’m going to be a daddy again.”

  Amy smiles, “You dark horse. You kept that one to yourself.”

  Not really, I just wanted to tell them both at the same time. As soon as I saw Ferguson, I realized how much I miss him and the idea of going to France and not being with him doesn’t sit well with me right now.

  “As long as we all go to Paris, then I wouldn’t have it any other way,” I sigh as I got lost in his arms. He’s just about to kiss me when Amy drags me away.

  “Guys save that for later. The girls are waiting, and we have a business to run,” she’s so formal as I move away from Ferguson and think about how much my life has changed and the good we’re doing, one thing for sure I know that the last fifty girls we’ve helped still keep in touch. It’s exciting to think that we’ll be doing this internationally too. I have a new challenge in my life, not only to be a mother again but to help run a business and most of all keep the two men in my life as happy as I feel right now.

  ***Wait, this isn’t over yet! More Goodies for you!***

  Turn the page for an exclusive sneak peek of my Amazon Top 30 Bestseller: Brother’s Best Friend for Christmas

  A Sneak Peek

  Brother’s Best Friend for Christmas – Preview


  He was my first. My everything. My brother’s best friend.

  Filthy-mouthed, tattooed, arrogant, womanizer.

  Tyler knew how to melt my panties... and my heart.

  But he disappeared when I needed him.

  Now years later, he's back for Christmas as my brother’s friend and business partner.

  Sitting at my parents dining room table,

  Undressing me with his eyes.

  I can’t forget the night he took my V-card.

  And I wonder what harm would it be to replay that scene now...

  It’ll be just one more night.


  I'll finally get over him and move on with my life - once and for all, right?

  Now that Santa’s making my wish come true,

  I can see my whole world turning upside down.

  Turns out this is the hottest mistake of my life.

  And screwed has never felt so good!

  Chapter 1


  “Told you this place was jumping,” Luke said.

  “Dude, you weren’t kidding. Look at all the hot women in this place,” I said.

  The music was thumping, and the women were grinding their hips against one another on the dance floor. My best friend, Tyler, and I were heading to Los Angeles. in the morning to look at potential spots for growing our food delivery business. Also, to meet his pretentious parents, but who gave a shit about that? LA had some of the finest clubs with some of the hottest women on the planet, and I was ready to expand into an area where I could broaden my pool of possibilities.

  But, I needed to have myself a little reminder of home to take with me into the abyss of a new city.

  “Want a drink?” Luke asked.

  “You asking me on a date?”

  “Fuck you, man. Tomorrow’s going to be a long day, and we’ve got some fuckin’ work ahead of us. You getting drunk or not?” he asked.

  “Yeah. I’ll take a Long Island Iced Tea,” I said.

  “Who the fuck said I was getting the drinks?” Luke asked.

  “Because you asked me if I wanted a damn drink.”

  “You better be glad you’re good at this business shit, man. Because you’re a dick,” he said.

  “You know you envy every part of me. It’s why you keep me around,” I said.

  Luke went off to get drinks, and I went back to surveying the club. There was a woman in this tight red dress with her tits mashed up to her face and her ass practically falling out of the piece of fabric she was passing off as clothing. The bright pink drink in her hand and the way her hips were swaying told me she was looking to mingle in a very serious way.

  “Already got your eye on someone?” Luke asked returning with the drinks.

  “I need to get it in tonight if we’re going to meet your parents,” I said.

  “You still harpin’ on that?” he asked.

  “I still don’t get why I need to meet your parents. And this sister of yours? What’s her name?”

  “Amber,” he said. “And you don’t have to meet them, but I want you to.”

  “Well, if they’re anything like you, they won’t be anything like me,” I said.

  “No one’s like you, Tyler. It’s why you’re full of it,” he said, smirking.

  “Someone in here’s about to be full of it in a second,” I said.

  “The chick in the red dress?” he asked.

  “You see her, too?”

  “Who the fuck couldn’t? Look at that rack,” he said.

  “I know, right. Ten bucks says they’re real,” I said.

  “Not tits like those. You’re on,” he said.

  I sucked down my drink before I made my way toward her. I had the deadly combination women couldn’t resist: tan skin, brooding brown eyes, and dark hair. I was tall, I was muscular from being outside all the time, and women couldn’t stand to be away from me. I had the body that allowed me to be picky about the women I slept with, and tonight I had my eye on the prize.

  I wanted my dick between those luscious red lips of hers, and that’s exactly what I was going to get.

  I scooted behind that thick ass of hers. My hand dipped to her waist, and she tossed her hair around, smacking me in the face with it before
her eyes landed on me. Just like so many other women before her, the protective fire in her eyes simmered down to a lustful bedroom stare. The hips she was so willing to pull away from me only seconds ago found their way back into the palms of my hands, and her back leaned into my chest just as I leaned my nose into her hair.


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