The Scoundrel's Wager (Tricking the Scoundrels, #4)

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The Scoundrel's Wager (Tricking the Scoundrels, #4) Page 6

by Laura A. Barnes

“Mmm. Yes, that is the name she provided. When I denied her access, she told me a story that touched at my heart. We reached an agreement after she agreed to my conditions. I offered her my sponsorship to the club. Full access. But she only wanted the gaming hell. I think perhaps the brothel tempted her, but she was too much of a lady to ask questions.”

  “What in the hell have you done?”

  Holdenburg watched Belle relax in the chair, confidence written all over her demeanor. Wave after wave of emotions flooded Devon. Kathleen had gained access to The Wager. Only one reason would prompt this madness. Kathleen came for revenge. Devon’s hope to draw her into a courtship was futile at this point.

  Devon’s first reaction was to drag Kathleen kicking and screaming from The Wager. Then there was his devious side that wanted to play her game. She obviously wore one of the many masks Belle provided the ladies who wished to indulge in scandalous pursuits. Kathleen’s identity would stay hidden. Perhaps, with his inside knowledge, Devon’s pursuit of Kathleen Beckwith would be more exciting. He understood her well enough to know she would find any means to seek revenge and would keep returning. So why not use this to his advantage? Devon could court Kathleen with their mother’s pressure upon her and win her over. Or tempt her with a passion she would find hard to deny. If Devon played ignorance of her identity, then he could protect her better. She played a dangerous game though, because Lord Velden still wished to win her. With Belle’s assistance he could keep Kathleen’s identity a secret from Lord Velden. If the lord had any inkling Kathleen was in attendance, he would set about her ruination with a pleasure the vindictive man craved.

  “From the emotions crossing your face, you reached the same conclusion I did.”

  “We cannot stop her?”

  “No, I am afraid not.”

  “Then we must let her achieve the goal she seeks as soon as possible.”

  “Even when her goal is your demise?”


  “How do you wish to proceed, my lord?”

  “I assume her identity is kept a secret?”

  “She wears a mask as we speak. I will have Ned and a couple of extra guards stay near her at all times unless you are with her.”


  “Yes, she wishes to go by the name of Scarlet.”

  Devon smiled at the choice of name. The clever minx, but not clever enough. She gave herself away with that name. Devon was well aware of the name of Kathleen’s favorite theater actress. Scarlet Nightengale.

  “I will play along with her devious game. However, do not tell her I know ‘tis her. I do not want to draw any more attention to her than necessary. Only this very evening Lord Velden goaded me to play another hand to win her. He will stop at nothing until he has her. I will not give him any more ammunition.”

  “I cannot deny him access. He has broken no rules to my establishment, therefore I do not have cause to forbid him entry.”

  “I understand, Belle, and I do not expect you to play favors. I only beg for your assistance in helping me keep Lady Kathleen out of his grasp.”

  “Whatever you may need, I am at your disposal. The urgency to keep this a secret is just as strong for me. If Rory were to get wind of this, I would not be able to recover from his wrath. Even with Sheffield and Wildeburg’s support, there would be no survival from the repercussions.”

  Devon covered his hands over the coins and moved them into his pocket.

  “I will make sure to return them to their rightful owners. We are in agreement then.”

  “Excellent. I will leave you to your drink. Good evening, Lord Holdenburg.” Belle’s voice rose, letting the other customers know they only enjoyed a friendly conversation.

  “I believe I am finished here. Please, have your servant bring the bottle to the tables. I feel a streak of luck in cards.”

  Belle motioned for the barkeep to follow Holdenburg with his bottle of spirits. She then walked around to each table, making sure her customers were being taken care of. Belle made an offer to each man for time above stairs if any were interested. Belle needed to distract their thoughts from any curiosity they might hold for the lengthy conversation with Holdenburg. Once the gentlemen took Belle’s offer, she returned to the office to contemplate her decision. Belle only hoped she hadn’t made the biggest mistake of her life.

  Chapter Nine

  Devon strolled with a drunken stagger into the card room. Too most in the room he went unnoticed, his behavior the norm. Most evenings Devon was drunk into his cups beyond what most hoped to take advantage of. He always disappointed them. Even stinking drunk, barely holding himself up, Devon bested them. So tonight would be no different.

  Devon searched the room. Most of the tables were full, making it hard for him to find Kathleen. However, it didn’t take long to locate her. The seductive huskiness of Kathleen’s laugh surrounded him when his eyes zeroed in on the divine creature surrounded by every reprobate of London. What in the hell was her body draped in? He scowled, advancing on her. Devon shrugged off his suit coat to cover her shoulders. Her breasts grabbed the men’s attention with every set of eyes at the table drawn to the open display. The creamy white skin even beckoned Devon until he stood over her. When Devon looked down, he saw the valley between the bountiful globes pushed forward. The beading of her gown barely covered Kathleen’s nipples. His cock hardened at the sight.

  Devon’s first instinct of dragging her from here almost took over. He resisted, because if Devon hauled Kathleen out, it would only be to take her upstairs into one of the bedrooms made available to him. There, he would strip her from the gown and take her with all the passion he had built up. Kathleen would be no safer with him than with any of these other scoundrels. The temptation beckoned—of bending Kathleen’s head back and plundering her lips while everybody watched.

  When Kathleen glanced his way, Devon moved closer. She arched her brow, and he almost gave into his temptation again. Devon’s drunken leer must have bothered her enough, because she shifted in her seat, trying to move away. He laughed to himself. Kathleen wasn’t as confident as she tried to portray. Scarlet, indeed. Holdenburg plopped into the seat next to her, draping his coat over the back of the chair. This caused her to move farther away. However, this wouldn’t deter Devon. The servant set the bottle of whiskey to his left. He lifted the bottle and took a swig.

  He heard his name muttered in disgust by the other players. A couple even rose and left the table after paying Scarlet compliments to her card game. Then there were the others who tried to engage Devon in conversation. Some even tried to slander him with drunken names. Devon ignored every single one of them, keeping his gaze fastened on Kathleen. God, she was a beauty. Her maiden dresses never did her justice. Dark bold colors drew out her spirit. Still, Devon would love to see Kathleen in a dark sapphire dress, one much like this, for his viewing pleasure only. To keep his hands to himself would be a testament to his patience. But did he have to? Perhaps Devon could tempt Kathleen into more.

  Kathleen stilled when Holdenburg slid into the chair next to her. The desire she saw in his eyes frightened her. When Holdenburg continued to regard her with the same intense stare, Kathleen trembled. Had she given herself away? Did Belle betray her confidence? Holdenburg reached out and slid a finger across her gloved hand. The touch seared Kathleen through the fabric. She yanked her hand away.

  “Sir, you are taking liberties I have not allowed for you to take.”

  “Forgive me, my lady.”

  Kathleen didn’t answer. She stacked her chips in front of her. Should she leave? Kathleen only wanted to test the waters this evening to see if she could fool others with her disguise. She'd learned how men who presented themselves as gentlemen in the ballroom took on a different behavior in a gaming salon. Their words were cruder, their attentions grabbier. Since Kathleen had been raised in a sheltered environment, their behavior caught her off guard. After she overcame her shock, Kathleen turned on her inner actress and pretended that her ti
me in the gaming hell was a play. A play where she was the main star. Kathleen lied to herself though—a small part was vanity. Kathleen enjoyed the attention these men paid her, for some of them never gave her notice in a ballroom.

  “Lord Holdenburg, may I take your suit coat?”

  A scantily dressed lady called Eve approached Devon, slipping onto his lap. She stroked her hand across his chest, whispering in his ear on how she would keep it in her room, and he could collect it after he finished playing cards. The chit whispered loud enough for Kathleen to overhear. Devon watched Kathleen’s body stiffen even more than it had from when he arrived at the table.

  “What a kind offer, love. I shall see you soon. Now take yourself away, I have a lucky streak twitching in my fingers. If I win, it will be a pleasurable evening. If not, I shall let you console me later.”

  Eve slid off his lap after placing a kiss on his lips. She grabbed his coat, shooting a smirk in Kathleen’s direction.

  Kathleen returned Eve’s smirk with a glare. Kathleen’s fingers tightened on her chips, digging them into her hand. Why should Kathleen care how Holdenburg spent the rest of his evening? He could bed every chit in this brothel with her permission, as long as he left her alone.

  With his declaration of feeling lucky, the remaining players left the table. This left him alone with Kathleen. Devon had noted the signs of Kathleen’s jealousy during his interaction with Eve.

  “It would appear ‘tis only you and me. What is your pleasure?” Devon drawled close to Kathleen’s ear.

  Kathleen knocked the stack of chips over at the whisper of Devon’s breath across her neck. Devon’s question of her pleasures flustered what remaining nerve she held. Kathleen felt the warm blush spreading across her cheeks. She tried restacking the chips but only caused the other pile to fall. Devon settled his hand over her shaking fingers.

  “Allow me.”

  Kathleen pulled her hand out from beneath his, laying it in her lap, while Devon restacked her chips. Devon waved for an attendant to help them. With directions on cashing in her chips, they waited while the counter returned with the cash.

  “Can I entice you into a game, my lady?”

  “No, I must leave.”

  “Perhaps another time?”


  Kathleen needed to leave now. She had ridden a high while winning a few hands of cards. But once Holdenburg sat at the table, all her confidence fled. Her nerves were on edge, afraid Devon would guess her identity. Even though he had yet to call her bluff, Kathleen still feared that he knew.

  “Can I convince you to share a drink?”

  “I must return home.”


  “Why what?”

  “Why must you return home? The night is still young. There is much more to live.”

  “My husband will return soon.”

  “Your husband?”

  “Yes, my husband. I need to be in bed before he arrives.”

  “May I ask where your husband may be?”

  “Where the majority of husbands are at this time of night.”

  “And where may that be?”

  “With their mistresses.” Kathleen bit this out.

  Kathleen wasn’t a fool and knew where the gentlemen of the ton spent their evenings. She heard the rumors. A few months ago, Kathleen discovered her father indulged with many mistresses throughout his married life. Her brother and his friends were the few rare gentlemen who did not. But each of them were newly married. In time, who knows, even they might stray. Kathleen prayed not, but a man’s mind was a complicated puzzle she had yet to understand.

  “Your husband is a fool. ‘Tis a shame to abandon one so lovely as you. If you need company to keep you warm in your bed before he returns, I would be more than happy to oblige.”

  “Ah, another man whose loyalty sways with his urges.”

  “But I am only a bachelor, I have no commitments to lay my loyalty with.”

  “Do you not owe loyalty to the lady who just shared your lap only moments ago? One who you pledged to visit later?”

  “I made no promises to share her bed.”

  “But you more than implied you would.”

  “It is not but a matter on how she perceived it.”

  “Believe me, my lord. From my viewpoint and hers, she perceived you would.”

  “I beg to differ. Now, let us return to my offer.”

  “Which offer was that? The card game, the drink, or the offer to warm my bed?”

  “All three, if you are lucky.”

  Holdenburg leaned back in his chair. He always enjoyed these little squabbles with Kathleen. Their play on words held for many enlightening conversations. This one even more so, since they pretended they didn’t know one another.

  Kathleen had to laugh. When Holdenburg unleashed his full onslaught of charm, he was hard to resist. But resist she must.

  “Good evening to you, my lord.” Kathleen rose.

  “You may call me Devon. At Belle’s we are an informal bunch.”


  “And what may I call you. I have many names I wish to whisper, but I will save those for a more intimate occasion.”

  “The only name you may call me is Scarlet. For I will never give you cause to call me by any other.”

  “I do love a good wager.”

  Kathleen rolled her eyes at his audacity. She set out to leave, but Devon kept following her. When Kathleen reached the darkened hallway leading to the exit, Devon pulled her into the shadows.

  “I bet within the month, you will beg me to warm your bed and to whisper every name held in anticipation from my lips.”

  Before letting Kathleen go, Devon wanted one more sample from her sweet lips. He pulled Kathleen into his arms and kissed her deeply, leaving Kathleen no room to doubt his true intentions. When Kathleen moaned against him and wrapped her arms around his neck, Devon’s kiss deepened.

  “Devon, is that you?”

  Eve was calling out. Kathleen pulled herself from his arms before she made any more of a fool of herself. Kathleen tasted the whiskey from his lips that wasn’t there earlier in the evening. She closed her eyes for a moment before opening them to find Eve standing on the bottom step. She was wearing nothing but Devon’s suit coat. Kathleen guessed that what they whispered about Devon Holdenburg held true. He was nothing but a womanizing, drunken gambler.

  “Do not let me keep you, Devon.” Kathleen purred his name the same way Eve did.

  “But ...”

  “But what, my lord? You think because we shared an intimate moment there would be more to this evening?” Kathleen laughed, putting on her best performance of the evening. “While you kiss with a passion I have not experienced in a while, I am not looking for anybody to warm my bed. And if I so choose, I would be a lot more selective than somebody who stuck their prick into whoever turned their fancy at the moment.”

  Kathleen walked gracefully out of the shadows. Ned held the door open and helped her into a hackney. With the door standing wide open, Devon watched Kathleen turn and stare at him. Her bruising set down caused him to react in the stupidest of ways.

  Devon walked over to Eve, spread open his coat, and wrapped his arms around the girl, pulling her in for a kiss. A kiss Devon should never had done. The kiss filled him with disgust of the worst kind. He lifted Eve in his arms and carried her upstairs. Once he reached the top landing he turned around for Kathleen’s reaction. Any reaction to show she cared. However, he would be disappointed. Kathleen had left.

  Chapter Ten

  “Will your friend be able come to our assistance in uniting Devon and Kathleen?” Dallis asked.

  Sophia and Sidney assured Dallis that she would. They shared a look of guilt at bringing Dallis here under her tender condition, but there was no other way. Belle didn’t venture into society, and if Rory got wind of their whereabouts, he would be furious. They only hoped Dallis was as open-minded as they thought. If not, their plan was doomed.

/>   “Your friend has excellent taste. Her home is most elegant.”

  “Um, Dallis, about that. Our friend is not your normal type of friend you might socialize with. She is ...” Sidney tried to describe Belle but didn’t have the right words to explain how dear Belle’s friendship was to them.

  So Sophia attempted. “While Belle is a most extraordinary woman, we met under excruciating circumstances. However, we trust her, for she has been instrumental in the courtship of our marital unions.”

  “Belle? Belle, as in the same lady who employed Rory to fight? Belle, as in the owner of a brothel?” Dallis squeaked.

  Sidney and Sophia winced. They waited for Dallis’s angry reaction. Instead a devious smile spread across her face. With glances at each other in surprise, they relaxed.

  “Oh, there is never a dull moment with you ladies. I am so glad to call you friends. Am I sitting in the brothel now?”

  “Yes,” answered Sophia.

  “Is this where you and Alex ...?” Dallis twirled her fingers in the air.

  Sophia blushed and nodded. The memories she shared with Alex in the room above stairs still brought about many scandalous thoughts. She wondered if she could convince Alex to return. Perhaps on their anniversary. Sophia brought herself back to the current conversation.

  “I do not know what to say.”

  “Are you mad at us for bringing you here?” asked Sophia.

  “No, I am delighted. Rory has not let me have any fun since I announced my pregnancy.”

  “Will you please keep knowledge of this visit from him and from our husbands? While Sheffield and Wilde encourage our friendship with Belle, they do not wish for us to be involved in any matchmaking schemes,” Sidney explained.

  “This will be our little secret. Rory is none too thrilled with Holdenburg and would be very angry if he knew that I conspired to push Kathleen into Holdenburg’s open arms. I have not discussed with him the reason for his hostility towards Holdenburg, but I think it revolves around a bet made between his father and Holdenburg. After the ball last evening, I meant to discuss this with him, but I had to fake another illness to cover for Kathleen.”


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