Winterland Daddies (Second Chance Ranch Book 1)

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Winterland Daddies (Second Chance Ranch Book 1) Page 6

by Rayanna Jamison

  Even though she looked nearly terrified at the idea of performing such an intimate act in front of an audience, she took my cock in both hands and quickly went to work. My eyes closed when her hot mouth closed over the tip and her tongue swirled around it, teasing ever so gently, as she stroked my length with her soft hands.

  When she took me deeper in her mouth, I opened my eyes and met Slade's gaze over the top of her head. I watched with quiet interest as Slade slowly removed his clothes and lowered himself to the ground behind her.

  Her mouth vibrated on my cock as she gasped in surprise when his naked body pressed against hers. I watched as she processed through the emotions of what was happening, all the while sucking my cock like it was her job.

  His hands rested firmly on her shoulders, and I watched him press his cock against her wet pussy. He was always gentle, whispering in her ear as he claimed her from behind. I felt the vibration move upward through her body as he pushed into her. Each thrust brought him farther into her, and in turn, my cock deeper into her mouth. My back stiffened as my pleasure escalated towards its peak.

  Even with Slade pounding into her from behind, Merry was in tune to my body's clues. When I went rigid, she turned up her game, swirling her tongue around the shaft of my cock while she squeezed my sack gently, tugging and twisting at just the right moment.

  My body hummed as I spilled my seed into her mouth, watching in ecstasy as she lapped up every drop of cum from the rim, cleaning me with her tongue while she drank my juices. When every last drop had been licked off of my body, I pulled out of her reach, sitting on the bed to watch.

  Slade's hand left her shoulder and pushed the middle of her back, forcing her onto all fours on the floor in front of me. I caught her chin with my fingers and forced her gaze to meet mine. I wanted her to look at me while he fucked her.

  Slade and I had played before, but this was different. This was Merry. It was everything. We had no interest in sharing a woman other than Merry. But, watching his cock slide in and out of her tight hole piqued my interest like nothing ever had. Even having just finished, I was dying to get down there and join in, but we had an agreement. We would go slow and not bombard her with too much too fast. If we played our cards right, we would have the rest of our lives to enjoy her. Our eyes were on the prize.


  Watching my little girl suck Blake off was a punch to the gut I hadn't been expecting. It was much more personal than other women we had shared. It was also sexier. I sat watching, waiting for Blake's signal. When he nodded, I slowly removed my boots, jeans, and boxer briefs. When I was naked from the waist down, I slid to the floor on my knees, behind Merry. She gasped softly as I pressed my body against hers and gripped her shoulders firmly, brushing her hair out of the way so I could whisper in her ear.

  "I'm going to fuck your tight little pussy now, Meredith, while you suck Blake's cock like a good little girl."

  Her body language showed the inner struggle as she fought to keep her mouth where it belonged, knowing that removing her lips from Blake's cock without his permission would result in a punishment she didn't want. I brushed my knuckles across the soft skin on her cheek and kissed her neck softly, waiting for her nonverbal consent.

  Finally, a slight nod, as she pushed her bottom out, thrusting herself towards my erection. She was already sopping wet; I could see that, but I licked my own fingers, anyway, dampening them before I found the soft folds of her mound and plunged my fingers inside of her, strumming her as I watched the scene playing out in front of me. When Blake's eyes closed, I knew he was close. Daddy's turn.

  I quickly withdrew my fingers and braced myself, plunging my cock into the same hole they had just occupied, groaning in pleasure as I was ensconced in the warm, tight wetness. Matching her rhythm, I pounded into her, pulling out every time her mouth found the head of Blake's penis and plunging in every time she took him deep into her throat. When he tensed, I tensed inside of her, waiting for her to swallow, watching as she licked every last drop of cum from his dick, listening as he praised her.

  And then he pulled out of reach, and she was all mine. I saw her wanting to turn to me, but there would be time for that later. With my hand on the small of her back, I pushed her onto all fours and continued my mission, enjoying her squeals of pain and pleasure as I gripped her hips, using the leverage for each thrust. Her eyes were trained on Blake, but her body was all mine. Her vaginal walls clenched tightly around my cock as I fucked her, using her for my pleasure. Hers would come later.

  Collapsing against her back, I filled her, shudders coursing through my body as I released every last drop. And then I was finished.

  I stood, gathering my jeans, watching with mild alarm, as she curled onto the floor, weeping softly. Swearing under my breath, I pulled my jeans over my hips, sans underwear, and didn't bother to button them. Sitting on the cold floor, I scooped her limp body into my arms and pulled her into my lap. It was time to be a Daddy again.


  I had always wanted Slade to be my first. I just hadn't anticipated it would happen in quite this way. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't mad. I didn't feel violated, and I was damn sure they didn't know. Couldn't have known. I had cheated on them with each other. Sex would have happened back then, and it would have been sooner, rather than later. How would they have ever thought I'd still be a virgin, five years later?

  I think, in the back of my mind, I had always known this day would come. Again, not quite like this, but I had known.

  Still, I wanted them to know. And I wanted them to care and to receive it as the gift that it was. And I knew that Slade would. I just had to tell him. And I would. Eventually.

  For now, I was content to be wrapped in my Daddy's arms, knowing that I was forgiven and that they were pleased with me.

  Slade was a good Daddy. He knew when to question and when to comfort. Right now, his hold on me was tight, and his eyes were locked on mine.

  "You did so good, little one. You have made your Daddy and your Dom very happy, and soon, you will be rewarded."

  A shiver went down my spine. If their rewards were anything like their punishments, I couldn't wait.

  Chapter 7


  Pain. Pain and deep satisfaction were the first two things to register as I awoke in my childhood bed the next morning. My bottom still burned from the stripes of the belt, and my muscles were cramped and sore from kneeling on the floor while they used me in whatever ways they pleased. But more than that, I felt lighter. Free and relaxed. Those were things I had not felt in years.

  Pulling myself up on my elbow in bed, I rose far enough to peer out the window. Blake's truck was gone, and I knew they were already hard at work for the day. I had offered to help, begged and pleaded actually, but I had only been tasked with one thing. The most important thing of all. Taking care of Nan.

  When I asked what all that entailed, these days, neither one had given me a straight answer. "Whatever she needs and whatever she asks," was all Slade had said. "Make sure she eats three meals, stays off her feet, takes her meds, and for God's sake, don't let her miss her soaps."

  The digital clock on my nightstand read nine-thirty, and I gaped, grabbing my phone to check that the time was indeed correct. It had been years since I had slept past six am, though it was never for lack of trying. Regret and unhappiness had turned me into somewhat of an insomniac. It was ironic to me that returning to the scene of the crime was the one thing that had finally afforded me a full night's sleep.

  I could have lounged in bed all day, reveling in the memories of the day before, but I had a strong suspicion that failing to meet Nan's every need and take care of her in the same patient way they had been, for God only knows how long, would result only in a repeat of yesterday. The thought had my ass clenching in pain, as I threw off the covers and leapt from the bed.

  I needed a shower and clean clothes, and a million other things, I was sure, but those could all wait. Coffee first. If Nan was t
he most important part of my day, coffee would be a close second.

  I pulled on an old worn robe that had surely seen better days and cinched it tight around my waist. I didn't bother changing from my thin, light pajamas, padding downstairs as quickly as I could. I didn't know how much help Nan actually needed, but I knew her well enough to know she wouldn't ask for any.

  I went straight to the coffee pot, thrilled to see that the sweet dark nectar was hot and waiting. Another benefit to not being at home, alone. My eyes were barely open as I retrieved a cup from the mug stand and poured my cup, adding two lumps of sugar from a nearby jar. Wrapping both hands around the mug, I leaned against the counter, facing the window, and lifted the mug to my lips, breathing deeply as I inhaled the heady aroma.

  "Good morning, sleepyhead." Nan's voice startled me, and I quickly turned, barely managing to keep my grip on the coffee cup. She sat at the breakfast nook, dressed like me, in thin pajamas, a worn pink robe, and fuzzy slippers. Her hands were wrapped around an identical mug, and I knew the only difference would be that hers was tea, instead of coffee. Peppermint, if I remembered correctly.

  My return greeting was more of a grunt as I slid into the seat across from her, biting my lip to keep from wincing when my bottom made contact with the hard wood. Sitting would be a challenge for a while, but I knew from experience that the pain would keep me focused and mindful, two things I naturally was not.

  Nan sat quietly, regarding me with knowing eyes, as I slowly sipped my coffee, relishing every sip as the magic nectar worked its way through my body, slowly waking me up. Finally, I smiled. "Good morning, Nan. Have you been up long? Do you need anything?"

  "Hmph. The day I can't do for myself," she grunted. "Is the day you can put me in the ground."

  With a smile, I recognized the same line she had thrown at Slade the day before. He and Blake had their hands full taking care of her, that was for sure, but I reckoned they, and their bossy butts, managed just fine.

  "Okay, then." I chuckled, pressing my lips together. "Is there anything I can help you with today?"

  "Christmas cookies." The answer was quick and decisive. But it was only December third.

  "Christmas cookies? Isn't it a little early?"

  "Nonsense, we have over forty people coming for Christmas, and that's not counting families. I reckon it's got to be nearing a hundred people by now. We have days' worth of baking to do. Weeks', even."

  "Nan, a hundred people is a ton. Where are you going to put them all?"

  Nan shook her head, frowning at me like she was sure I was daft. "Look around, missy. We are sitting on acres and acres of property. They will do what they always do and bring trailers. Few that don't have one are welcome to stay in the house. We got lots of sleeping bags and quite a few bedrooms. Taking people in is the whole reason I have this place, remember? Course, you would know all this, iff'n you had bothered to come around at all."

  "Yes, Nan," I sighed, seeing that arguing about the party would get me nowhere. The food, though, was another story. I hoped. "How are you going to feed a hundred people, Nan? The party keeps getting bigger, and you are getting older. Don't you think we should look into having it catered, at least Christmas dinner?"

  "Hush your mouth, child, and perish the thought. The day I can't feed my family—"

  "Is the day we can put you in the ground, I know. I know. But, Nan, don't you think you're being a little unreasonable. You always taught us it was okay to ask for help."

  "And I will have help, silly girl. A hundred people is two hundred hands, and every single one of them fuss over me just the same as you are doing right now."

  I could only imagine. I had only been there for three Christmases, and my memory was fuzzy. The gatherings didn't mean as much to me as they did to her or Slade or Blake, because, when I had been there, it had been just us. She had stopped taking in kids, long before I came. She probably should have kept her doors closed and not taken me in, either. She would have been a lot better off.

  The thought had no sooner processed through my brain waves, than my bottom twinged with a sharp pain, reminding me that those kind of thoughts never got me anywhere good. I winced sharply, and Nan peered at me through squinted eyes.

  "Well, now, that's a sound I haven't heard in a while," she mused.

  "What is?" I asked, feigning innocence.

  "The sharp wince of someone who has recently taken a trip to the woodshed, so to speak."

  The hot blush spread over my face, and I wondered how I was going to get out of this one. Nothing came to me, so I stayed silent. Nan did not.

  "I was a lot like you in my youth, you know that, dear?"

  I didn't, but I sensed a story. And I loved Nan's stories. They always came with a lot of love, a little humor, and a large dose of hard truths. Nodding for her to continue, I crossed the kitchen, refilled my coffee cup, and slid back into my seat. This time I didn't bother to hide my pain.

  "You never met my Joe," she began with a sigh. "None of you kids did. I guess that's kind of the point. Joe and I met when I was twenty-seven, working as a cashier down at the farm store in town. Back in those days, if you were twenty-seven and unmarried, you were nearing spinster status." Nan smiled and peered into her mug. "Anyway, I'll save the story of our courtship for another day and just tell you that he swept my feet straight out from under me. We were married shortly after my thirtieth birthday and couldn't wait to get started on a family. And whoo-eee, did we have fun trying!"

  Her cheeky grin lit up her face, and I could see the laughter and love in the memories as they flitted across her face. And then, just like that, her smile fell, and her expression turned grim.

  "But soon, the months turned into years, and nothing happened. After nearly a decade of this, trying had become more of a job, and my monthly became a period of mourning. I fell into a depression. I became obsessive, reading about this old wives' tale and that one, trying everything I could. Nothing else mattered. And then, one day, nothing mattered. I had spent years doing everything right, and it had gotten me nowhere. My sister came into town and, one night, we had a little too much wine. It was the first time I had felt alive in a long time. We drank every night, and when she left, I kept drinking. Joe put up with it for a while. And it got worse and worse. One day, he came home and found me passed out at the table, my face tear stained from crying over a baby name book, with a lit cigarette in my hand. He admitted, later, that he acted out of anger and that he should have waited, but that's neither here nor there. As the story goes, he hauled me out to the woodshed and gave me my first ever marital spanking. He used a pomegranate switch on me until I was a blubbering mess, swearing up and down never to smoke and drink again. But that wasn't enough for my Joe. The next morning, that man served me breakfast in bed and, after plying me with several cups of coffee, he presented me with a proposition, the likes of which I had never considered. A ranch for foster kids. One that would combine my love of kids and horses. We could start filling the empty rooms in this place with children, after eleven years of waiting. I was so excited. I finally felt hope. It had been so long, I barely remembered what it felt like. But, there was one condition," Nan trailed off with a wink, leaving no doubt in my mind as to what the condition was.

  "Joe spanked you?" I asked, with a soft gasp. It made perfect sense, but it was a story I had never heard, and a reality I had never considered.

  "He told me it was my job to keep the kids in line, and his job to keep me in line," Nan recounted with a smile, and a shake of her head. "I couldn't believe I was agreeing to it, but at the same time, that godawful switching had helped me clear all the hurt and disappointment. It had helped me let go of the anger and guilt I had carried around for so long. I couldn't explain it, still can't, but I saw it work, time and time again, both on myself and every single one of you kids."

  I nodded, unable to argue her point, and waited. I knew there was more coming. Nan's stories were never short.

  "Anyway, Joe was true to
his word. We started the process to get foster approved, that very week, and spent almost a full year getting everything ready to open the ranch as a group home for older children. Special cases, who needed a little extra care. And throughout that year, anytime Joe saw something he didn't like, whether it was me getting too into my head, or not working hard to get stuff ready, or being just plain rude and disrespectful, he hauled me out to the woodshed and wore me out good."

  I bit back a laugh at the idea of the woman I knew being rude or disrespectful to anyone, and a bigger laugh at the idea of her getting her butt beat over it. Nan laughed with me for a minute and then she sobered.

  "He died only a few weeks before the final approval. I almost gave up, but I knew Joe wouldn't have wanted me to, and I was a little selfish, too. I wanted the house to be full of children. I had waited so long. With his death, it was a setback; things had to be changed, and paperwork had to be refiled. They weren't sure a young single woman could handle it all, but the nice caseworker, she believed in me, and she helped me get everything set right, once again. They sent the first child, Miss Audra Dean, two days before the Christmas of '77. We were both sad and broken, ripped away from our loved ones at the holidays. But neither of us had to be alone, and we were thankful. And from that day on, I knew that none of you kids would ever have to be alone on Christmas. There would always be a place at Nan's table for each and every one of you who had graced my doorstep over the years. And there always has been."

  A tear fell from my cheek onto the table, and I looked up to see Nan's eyes filled with tears, as well. I smiled at her, and she shrugged sheepishly. "Thank you for listening to an old woman's ramblings. Anyway, my point was, heck, I can't even remember now. Christmas is important, I'm glad you're here, and spanking can do a hurting heart some good. This ranch was literally founded on that point alone. So don't think you need to keep it from me if my boys have picked up a thing or two from their Nan. I'd be disappointed if they hadn't."


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