Star Paladin: A LitRPG Space Fantasy (Sword of Asteria Book 1)

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Star Paladin: A LitRPG Space Fantasy (Sword of Asteria Book 1) Page 21

by Eddie R. Hicks

  “That’s not going to be one of those crazy hairpin dagger things, right?” Guy asked. “I’ve seen so many movies like that. Sexy heroine pulls it out then stabs the dude in the neck.”

  His words froze her fingers. “What?” And what is a movie? Xanthe shook out of it. Never mind his words, finish the quest and gain Leafblade’s trust. She crawled behind Guy again, much to his disappointment as his groping hands were yearning for another squeeze. Xanthe yanked out the Silver Dagger. Her long black hair came loose, draping over her naked shoulders and back, one lock dangling over her right nipple.

  “Sorry, ignore me, just rambling,” Guy said. “Jittery virgin nerves making me say stupid things.”

  With no gear on or weapon, he will be easy to kill. Just keep stabbing until his HP is gone. From behind, Xanthe angled the dagger’s sharp tip to his neck. He did not see it coming.

  She did not make the strike.

  “. . . a virgin, you say?” Xanthe lowered the weapon as her eyesight fell to examine his firm, sexy back. “How?” Using her free hand, she ran her index and middle fingertips down the spine of his back.

  The sensation of the touch, the texture of his skin, and the slight moisture buildup because of her made her quiver and forced his body to eject potent human male pheromones, her labia ready for his cock to slide across it.

  “Nobody likes me,” Guy said. “I used to get bullied a lot in school. Caused me to grow distant. Guess I was afraid people would hurt me. Only Rachael treated me well while growing up. Now I’m a weirdo.”

  She fixed her hair quickly and slipped the Silver Dagger back into it. Once finished, Xanthe sat and patted the empty space on the bed. “Come sit with me,” she said. “Let us take a break, shall we?”

  Guy sat beside her and the two spent a few seconds gazing at each other. It surprised her that he kept his eyes elevated with hers. She was still topless. “I know the feeling,” Xanthe finally spoke.

  Guy looked shocked. “Oh?”

  She touched her left wing and stroked the black feathers. “These wings and their feathers make me hideous. They make my whole species deemed vile and evil, and the races united to remove us during the crusades.”

  “That’s not fair.”

  He touched the same wing and brushed through the soft feathers. Xanthe gasped, closed her eyes, and let the bliss flow through her body. Guy touched the right spots on her wing, the spots nobody ever touched because of the fear of being cursed. Guy was not afraid. Of course not. He is a star-dweller. His kind do not believe in hexes or know that touching a shadow angel’s wing in this manner is taboo.

  She liked it. It brought her mind to the pleasure temple days.

  If a man never felt the warmth of a woman’s bosom, bed him right away. They would tell her that. Inexperienced men shall always cherish and remember you and come back for more.

  But I am not a slave anymore.

  Then why are you doing this quest for Leafblade?

  Xanthe could not break from the pleasure temple’s teachings.

  “I think your wings are beautiful,” Guy said as he made top-to-bottom strokes of the left wing’s feathers. “I’m kind of jealous too. I wish I had wings. I’d be able to soar through the air and experience the freedom of not having to worry about gravity pulling me down.”

  “Freedom does not work like that.”

  “It should. If you have wings, you should feel free because you could fly or glide. Yeah, I know your people are like the fae. You can’t fly far, or very high. But you can still do it.”

  Now Xanthe was the one who turned red all over.

  “Is that why you dance?” he asked her. “Because you feel if you wear pretty outfits and jewelry, people will fear you less, respect you more, and say that you’re attractive?”

  It was. But she would never admit it—

  “Oh . . .”

  A surge of pleasure struck her, released from the stroking of her wings. Her breathing sped up. Xanthe had lost control and reached for Guy’s chest again. If he had breasts, she would squeeze them.

  “Yeah,” Guy said as he watched Xanthe touch his pecs. “I have this chest because of Rachael. She wanted to work out and insisted I went to the gym with her.”

  She pulled her fingers away from his chest. “Who is Rachael?”

  “Childhood friend.”

  Xanthe tilted her gaze to the left. “Not a lover?”

  He shook his head. “Naw.”


  Xanthe resumed exploring his chest, making up and down passes. Guy did the same for her feathers. Her wings twitched with lust. “I have never touched a human in this manner before,” Xanthe said. “The mere thought of doing it would get me killed on some planets.”

  “Well, it won’t here.”

  She grew bored and looked down for something else to touch, like the bulge growing in his pants. Might as well since she could get away with it. “You should take off your pants before that prick of yours gets sore.”

  He cringed. “Aww . . . well—”

  So Xanthe did it for him, got up and yanked his pants off. She tossed them over her shoulder, then she removed his undergarments. She threw those over her shoulder too.

  Guy was on the bed naked, with his stiff prick raised to the ceiling. “There, does that not feel better?” Xanthe crawled over him, pressing her hands onto the sheet behind his shoulders; her dangling breasts over his face gave his eyes something to fix on. The star-dweller below was about to learn why you did not touch shadow angel wings in that manner. Guy’s hand ignited the opening between Xanthe’s thighs, awakening long-suppressed animal urges.

  Xanthe felt Guy reach up and pull off the lower part of her dress. She shut her eyes once the black fluffiness between her legs came free, and the wet fold within. They were both naked now, and his prick was not in her. Perhaps he needs encouragement? Xanthe positioned herself so that her opening would hover above his raised shaft, reaching down to guide it inside her.

  She stopped. Guy had trembled—he was nervous.

  Xanthe let go of his cock and laid beside him.

  “Oh, wait!”

  “Shut up,” she cut in. “I have been with men like you before. Three pump chums, I believe they call them.” She grabbed his rod again, this time moving her hand up and down its length, making quick strokes. “If you want to fuck me, then you need to pass this test.”

  As she stroked him, Xanthe lowered her other hand down between her open legs, past the black fuzz, and onto that particular area that most men and their tongues seem to miss for some unknown reason. Her fingers did the rest.

  “Oh, man! Oh, man! Oh, man! Rachael, I’m sorry. I’m going to special hell!”

  Guy’s words were loud. Xanthe’s squeals were louder when the pulses of orgasmic pleasure hit. Her shrieks of ecstasy shook the walls of everyone's room on their floor.

  “What was that?” Guy asked.

  “It was my orgasm.”

  “I mean that knock!”

  “I did not hear a knock.”

  “Because you’re so fucking loud!”

  “Shut up!”

  Guy had said something else, but she could not hear it—she only heard her wailing as she quaked from another orgasm, her other hand still yanking his shaft and expecting his volcanic explosion—

  Xanthe climaxed again, the pleasure tensing her body to the point that her hands clenched tightly—including her hand around his cock.

  “Squeezing too hard there!” he yelped, but Xanthe could not release him. She was convulsing from the massive orgasm. Her reply was loud squeals and fluttering wings. “Okay, really, you need to let up on that grip!” She was still experiencing the orgasm, still moaning, still clenching her fists. “Fuck! I should have set up a safe word!”

  Her ability to control her body returned and Xanthe released his prick, then ran the back of her wrist across her face to remove the sweat while breathing deeply. Guy was worthy of fucking her.

  “Thank God! I thought
you were going to squeeze it off!”

  “Shut up!”

  “And can we, you know, start banging?”

  “I said, shut up!”

  “Preferably with you on top. It’s just my back is all—”

  A firm knock thumped the wall.

  “Keep it down!” a muffled voice from the next room yelled.

  Xanthe groaned and faced the wall where the knock came from. “You too! Shut up!”

  She looked at Guy, her lips twisting to make a sinful smirk and yearning to wrap around his prick. Xanthe spread her wings wide and climbed over him, her wet opening ready to get fucked.

  Guy angled the tip of his penis to her. “Careful,” he said.

  “Shut up.”

  “You’re close to the edge of the bed. Don’t fall off!”

  “I said, shut up! Why must men get chatty during times like this?—”

  Her knee nearly slipped off the bed.

  Xanthe winced. It would have been awkward to fall on her arse while she rode him.

  A big boot kicked open the door, making the two shift their naked bodies toward it. A pissed off fae stood snarling with balled fists.

  Xanthe held her mouth and gasped. “Leafblade!”

  It was Heral Leafblade.

  “Shut up!” Leafblade said. “Both of you . . . !”

  Guy stood up quickly, facing Leafblade. “Buddy, would it have killed you to knock?!”

  “I did!” Leafblade screamed and looked at Guy, grinning. “And it would appear the temptress of the night found the star-dweller Paladin and his powerful sword.”

  “Well, I’m still a virgin, so I don’t know if it’s powerful or not—”

  “I mean your sword.” Leafblade pointed at Asteria’s Sword on the floor. “Though do not sell yourself short, Paladin. You have a big and potentially powerful cock there! Too bad this is the last day of your life . . .” Leafblade drew his sword “. . . star-man.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  According to the yelp Xanthe had made, the fae soldier holding a sword was named Leafblade. He came for Guy with his weapon drawn, aiming for Guy’s head, and he wasn’t even drunk, unlike the other imperials. Guy got off the bed and ran, his bare feet slapping against the wooden floor. He’d fight back if he weren’t naked and if Asteria’s Sword weren’t out of reach. He wondered if Xanthe secretly planned this.

  During the run, Guy brought up his Equipment screen, looking to get his gear on. His inventory didn’t have them, of course not. He tossed everything to the floor rather than storing it in his inventory. Next time use the Unequip option!

  The White Dragon let him down this time. Taming the Temptress was not a good call.

  Leafblade swung his blade, forcing Guy to leap backward then address the angry fae ahead, his hands out in a begging gesture. “Okay, c’mon, man!—”

  Guy ducked from a second slash.

  Getting up, Guy added, “I’m unarmed! This isn’t a fair fight!—”

  Leafblade swiped again and his sword whooshed the air as Guy bolted for the door.

  “Silence!” Leafblade yelled while in pursuit.

  “Okay, so honorable combat, chivalry, and all that doesn’t work here.” Guy dodged another strike. “But try it! Slay your opponents in an even fight! Think of the bragging rights!”

  Leafblade wasn’t listening and chased Guy into the dark Inn halls. His cock was limp due to fear as his balls shifted about as he ran. Guy pivoted for the stairs, ran to them, then tripped. His naked ass tumbled down to the tavern that was closed for the night. His body ached a bit from the fall, and getting up, he saw that Leafblade was chasing him down the stairs. Of course, Leafblade didn’t trip and fall.

  Guy was on the dark streets of Holt, still running away and looking like a drunken streaker.

  “Guy!” the voice of a seductive woman called to him in the darkness.

  He turned to see Xanthe waving for him to join her in the alley. Guy’s dark-winged angelic savior came for him. She was naked too, likely leaped out the window to find him. He stopped and glanced at the darkened alley she called him into, wondering if she were worth it. The gap between the two buildings was perfect for a murder.

  The sounds of multiple boots echoed in the night skies. Guy had numerous pursuers behind, all leaving the Inn. Xanthe gasped in shock at the thumps of the footsteps. She wasn’t expecting it either, Guy figured. Leafblade and friends were searching for Guy and Xanthe.

  Guy accepted her offer. She held his hand and guided him into the gloomy alley’s dark depths. Six imperial soldiers rushed past the passage, and no one paused to investigate it. Above, the buzzing wings of imperial fae echoed, growing louder. Xanthe pulled him behind a carriage and used its mass to mask their public nudity.

  The sound of imperial boots and wings stopped. The undressed duo had no idea where to go next.

  “Which way did he go?” one imperial shouted.

  “This way, I think,” another voice echoed.

  “What does he look like?”

  “He has an enormous penis.” That was Leafblade. “You cannot miss him!”

  Guy grimaced and sighed. “Oh, c’mon, it’s not that big!—”

  Xanthe punched his arm. “Shush!” The two lay in the dark and waited for the searching troopers to move away. She grabbed Guy’s wrist and tugged him along for another trip. “Follow me.”

  Xanthe led him across the streets of the desert oasis city, her jewelry jingling during the trek. A blockade of armored guards stopped the two. Lucky for them, the imperials didn’t see. Xanthe turned down a street with Guy behind her.

  She came to a stop at a small garden in the yard of a house. A palm tree’s trunk provided cover for the two as a patrol searched the city, torches in hand to cast a glowing light on what they walked past. Silence fell. They were free to move. Xanthe stopped at a clothesline with various clothes hanging to dry and rummaged through them, looking for something to wear. She grabbed a top and pants, then held them ahead of Guy, wincing.

  He looked at the clothing in her grips. “I don’t think that fits me,” he whispered.

  “It does not.”

  Xanthe tossed the clothes to the ground and returned to the clothesline with her quick, thieving hands to search for something else. Perhaps too quickly, Xanthe accidentally dropped a few items. She bent over to grab them, and her bare, tanned ass went up. The sight of her pussy from behind hardened Guy’s cock. She stood up with the fallen clothes in her hand, turned to him, smiled at his saluting dick, and held the attire over his body. Those clothes didn’t fit either, unsurprisingly.

  “Why are you helping me?” Guy asked.

  She pulled the attire away and eyed his stiff prick for a quick second. “Why do you think?”

  “Leafblade made it sound like you were working together.”

  She hesitated to answer. “I did not come to this planet to harm you.”

  “What did you come here for?”

  “I came here for a reason. One I have been veering away from.” Xanthe searched again for clothing, sighing in frustration. Everything was too small for the duo. “This is all children’s attire!—”

  “Shush!” Guy looked about, half expecting the imperials to charge over. He saw no one, then stood closer to Xanthe, her left wing touching his right side. “You’re so fucking loud.”

  “I am a woman full of ferocity.”

  “Spoken like someone free,” Guy said. “Might wanna start acting like it too.” She spun to face him and chuckled when her leg brushed against his erect penis. “It sucks that people forced your race into slavery and stupid shit like that. But you’re one of the few who got free and fights to hold on to that freedom. So, why not act like it? If imperials are forcing you to turn me in, then don’t do it. Do what a free person would, and that’s the right thing.”

  “I am.”

  “No, you’re stalling.” Guy pointed at the clothes on the line, the ones in her hands, and the ones on the ground. “You know these clo
thes won’t fit. Hell, I know too. Half of you wants to be the slave and do what the people above say. The other half wants to help me, and you can’t decide what to do. You’re standing at a branching path and need a push in the right direction.”

  Xanthe dropped everything she held. Her hands trembled as her cheeks reddened.

  Tame the Temptress - Quest Complete

  Obtained: 1000 Experience Points

  Guy has attained level 9!

  “Congratulations,” she giggled. “And, you have a way with words, Guy—”

  “And you have the biggest manhood I have ever seen!”

  There was a third party.

  Slowly, Guy and Xanthe turned their heads to the house. A fae woman stood ahead of an opened back door, watching the two.

  The woman pointed down, aiming the index finger at Guy’s dick. “You are a fortunate woman, shadow angel!”

  Guy stepped away from Xanthe. “It’s not like that! And seriously, it’s not that big!—”

  “There he is!”

  That was an Imperial Trooper, and the outburst had drawn their ears to them.

  “Are you sure?!” shouted another.

  “Yes, I can see his cock!”

  “Fuck’s sake, people!” Guy yelled—might as well, now that everyone knew he was there. “Fae men must have some little ass dicks or something!”

  “Run!” Xanthe said to him, as she dashed ahead and toward the incoming imperials. “I shall hold them off!”


  “Just do it!”

  Guy made his escape, climbing up over the fence and leaping into the yard of another home. He repeated that twice more and vanished into the night. Somewhere behind, Xanthe used her body to allure the imperials, dancing naked, using her persuasive charisma to force the soldiers to lower their weapons.

  “Are you sure he was here?” Guy heard one soldier say as he continued sneaking through the streets.

  “Uh . . .”

  “Not sure . . . now.”

  “But she sure is.”

  Guy returned to the Inn, then ran up the stairs and into his room. He shut the door and lay his back against it, huffing and puffing from the unexpected workout that drenched his body with sweat, which was dripping between his biceps and off his now flaccid cock—


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