The Omega Professor's Secret Baby

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by Cora Crawford

  He just hoped that none of the other students had any idea about the strange pull Wilson felt toward the alpha.

  The last class for the week had left, leaving Wilson alone in his empty classroom. He walked over to the swivel chair behind his desk and collapsed into it with a groan. If this week hadn’t been long enough, there was a campus mixer tonight.

  Since it would be his first event as a professor, the Dean had required him to attend. Wilson wasn’t looking forward to it, to say the least. No, he was dreading it. The Dean was just another alpha looking to lure Wilson in and wreck his life. Well, Wilson wasn’t going to fall for it this time.

  Wilson arrived at his apartment with little time to get ready. If he was going to have to go this damn event, he would’ve liked more time to relax beforehand. Wilson only had time to take a quick shower and throw some clothes on before he was out the door once more.

  The campus mixer was being held in the main courtyard. At least it was still warm out. It was one of the few times an event could be held outside during the fall semester.

  There were no parking spots as close to the courtyard like Wilson had hoped. He had no choice but to go and park in his designated parking spot all the way across campus.

  As he continued to walk, grateful for the lingering warmth, the sound of the mixer grew louder in Wilson’s ears. It was already unenjoyable. The bass was booming from whatever music was playing. There were hundreds of voices swirling around each other in the air. There were even a few obnoxious laughs in the mix. There was nothing Wilson wanted more than to go home and be by himself.

  With one last deep breath and a longing to be anywhere else, Wilson walked into the courtyard. The mixer was exactly what he had expected. There were college students as far as the eye could see. Talking, laughing... there were even a few lip-locked. Most of them had red cups in their hands, and Wilson would bet that most of them were drinking. College students were the same, no matter where you went.

  The omega professor didn’t really know what to do. He wasn’t accustomed to Briarwood events yet, and the Dean hadn’t given him any specific responsibilities. He felt uncomfortable in a crowd where it was obvious that he didn’t belong.

  Instead of socializing, he immediately looked for a food table. He hadn’t gotten the chance to eat anything before coming to the mixer, and he was starving. He grabbed a plate and put a couple of slices of pizza on it. He thought about drinking some of the punch, but he remembered the red cups and realized just in time that the punch was probably alcoholic. So he refrained.

  Wilson and his plate made it to the outskirts of the crowd before anyone noticed him. He was just about to take the first bite of his pizza when a familiar voice interrupted him.

  “Wilson, so glad to see you could make it.”

  Wilson knew exactly who it was before he even turned his head. It was the Dean, and Wilson had no doubt the alpha was about to come onto him again.

  “Of course, Dean Clark. I always do what is asked of me,” Wilson replied. He cringed as soon as the words came out of his lips. That was the exact wrong thing to say to an alpha if you didn’t want to be hit on.

  Wilson watched as the Dean smirked. He had hoped that his comment would be overlooked, but no such luck.

  “Always?” the Dean asked.

  Wilson looked away, his face becoming red, “Work-related of course.”

  “Aren’t you just adorable?” the Dean mused as he reached out to touch Wilson’s face.

  It was as if everything started going in slow motion. Wilson watched in horror as the Dean’s fingers drew closer to his face. He desperately didn’t want to be touched, but he also didn’t want to make the alpha angry. It was a small gesture, but it made Wilson feel completely trapped and helpless.

  “Father,” another voice said.

  This wasn’t one that Wilson could ever forget either. It was Mac, but who was he calling his father? Wilson and the Dean looked over at Mac at the same time. As much as Wilson had mixed feelings about Mac, he was just grateful the blond man had saved him from the Dean.

  “Ah,” the Dean said. “Wilson, I’m sure you’ve met my son, Mac. He’s in one of your classes.”

  Wilson felt complete horror at the statement, but he plastered a smile on his face. He hadn’t seen it before, but now it made sense. They were both total alphas and had the same insufferably superior attitude. It also explained why Mac hadn’t thought twice about walking into class late the first day--because his father was the Dean.

  Oh, goodness. His father was the Dean and Wilson had completely him off on his first day of work.

  “Yes, your son is a very hard-working student,” Wilson lied through his teeth. It wasn’t the first time Wilson had lied straight to the Dean’s face, and it definitely wouldn’t be the last.

  The Dean laughed at Wilson’s statement. “Well, I hope that’s the truth, because it wasn’t last semester. In fact, the first time he took your class, he flunked it.”

  Mac scowled. “That wasn't my fault, remember? That’s why we fired the professor before Dr. Pines.”

  “Yes, yes,” the Dean murmured, waving his hand back and forth in the air. “But perhaps Wilson could tutor you.”

  Wilson already knew he had no way of getting out of this one. His goal had been to stay as far away from the two alphas as much as possible, but the more time went on, the less realistic his goal seemed.

  The Dean turned to face Wilson with a suggestive look on his face. “It would be a favor to me, of course.”

  Now Wilson definitely couldn’t say no.

  He clenched his teeth and nodded. “Sure. Sounds great. We can start on Monday.”

  The Dean beamed. “Excellent. I have other favors that I would love to discuss with you another time, but for now, I have to be elsewhere.”

  Wilson could feel the tension leaving his body as the Dean walked away. Wilson hated talking to the man, but there seemed to be no way to avoid it. The last thing he wanted to do was make an alpha angry--especially one that was his boss.

  “It looks like my dad has a crush on you,” Mac said.

  Wilson looked over at the man in shock. He had forgotten that he was even still there.

  “I hope not,” Wilson sighed.

  Mac shrugged. “He has a crush on every cute new professor he hires. Especially when they’re omegas. He’ll get over it.”

  “I suppose so,” Wilson muttered. He wasn’t quite sure what else he should say to Mac.

  “See you on Monday,” Mac said with a wink before he walked off.

  Wilson didn’t stay at the mixer for another second. He didn’t care if he got in trouble. He never would’ve come if he’d known that the mixer would be crawling with alphas. He just wanted some peace in his life. Was that too much to ask for?

  Chapter 4

  The weekend passed in a blur.

  Friday, Mac attended the campus mixer. It was obvious from their conversation that Wilson had no idea he was the Dean’s son. It was slightly comical, but it also explained why he hadn’t been hesitant to stand up to Mac on the first day of class. If Wilson had known that Mac was the Dean’s son, things may have played out differently.

  Mac sort of wished that Wilson still didn’t know his father was the Dean. The young alpha wanted Wilson to stand up to him again. Even thinking about it was turning Mac on.

  After the mixer, Mac had gone to an after party that Ashley talked him into going with her. It had been fun. There were plenty of men who had hit on Mac, but he hadn’t been interested in any of them. The professor was the only one who could hold his interest at the moment.

  But the way things were going, Mac doubted he and the professor would ever be anything. Especially since he’d found out Mac’s dad was his boss. Mac just hoped the crush would pass soon so he could find someone else to occupy his time and urges.

  Saturday night, the football team had thrown a party. It had been the same as the night before. Plenty of alcohol, plenty of men, but none th
at Mac wanted.

  Sunday was spent catching up on school work for the next day. Mac had been stuck in this routine last semester as well. He would spend his whole weekend partying and doing all of his schoolwork last minute. That was probably why he flunked a class.

  Sometimes he felt bad for getting his old professor fired. On the other hand, if he hadn’t, he never would’ve met Wilson. That would’ve been a shame. Even if Mac couldn’t be with the omega, looking and fantasizing about him was enough at the moment.

  Monday came sooner than Mac had expected. His first class of the day was Wilson’s, and today was supposed to be the first day of their tutoring session. Mac didn’t know what to expect, in all honesty.

  He walked into the classroom, slightly hesitant, which was unusual for Mac. His whole life, he had always been confident. There had never been a time when he wasn’t sure of himself. But something about Wilson was different. A week after meeting him and having minimal interaction, Mac noticed a difference in himself, thanks to Wilson. And he didn’t know if he loved it or hated it.

  When he walked into the classroom, Wilson briefly glanced up from his work. He looked back down as quickly.

  Mac sighed as he made his way to his seat. There were still quite a few minutes before class started. Mac didn’t take the time to take anything out of his bag. Instead, he sat there and stared at Wilson like he always did.

  There was something about the man that made it impossible to look away from. Every class, Mac sat in his seat with his eyes locked on the omega. He honestly didn’t hear a word the man said when he was teaching. The only thing he could focus on was watching the man wherever he went in the classroom.

  Today was no different. Other students filed into the class before Wilson stood up and started class. Mac could see his plump lips and knew he was talking, but he didn’t hear one word. Wilson completely captivated Mac’s mind, but it wasn’t his words that were captivating. It was the way his body paced back and forth gracefully while he was teaching.

  The man’s lithe form drove Mac wild. There were many things Mac wanted to do to Wilson, but none of them were possible.

  When Wilson’s class was over, Mac remained in his seat until everyone else had left the room. Wilson didn’t even look at him. He simply returned to his seat behind his desk.

  Mac stood from his seat and grabbed his bag. He walked down to his professor’s desk, and when the man still didn’t look up at him, the alpha cleared his throat to get his attention.

  Wilson finally looked up from his desk. “I have another class coming in. Come back at five,” he said.

  Following his statement, Wilson looked back down and continued what he was doing. Mac left the room with a frustrated growl and headed straight for the gym.

  It was becoming more typical that Mac was unable to concentrate during his workouts. The gym was where he got all his frustration out. Usually, at least. Instead, nowadays, he simply became more frustrated. All he could think about was Wilson. How the man had acted today had frustrated Mac more than he could imagine. He had acted completely indifferent to Mac, and it made the alpha want to grab his attention in some way.

  Unfortunately, everything he could think of would almost certainly scare the professor away for good. So for now, Mac threw himself and all his frustrated energy into his workout, trying to find some sort of relief.

  The rest of the day passed at a mind-numbingly slow pace. There was nothing Mac could think about other than how Wilson had treated him today. Five o’clock couldn’t come fast enough. Everything else felt like a complete waste of time.

  Finally, the time came when Mac, freshly showered after his long workout, went back to Wilson’s classroom for his tutoring session. Mac knew he didn’t really need to be tutored. He just needed to try harder. And if his father had proposed the idea to anyone other then Wilson, Mac would’ve refused. The alpha wanted more time with Wilson, no matter what form it came in. He simply wanted to be around him.

  Mac stopped at the doorway, feeling nervous again. He couldn’t understand why Wilson made him feel so insecure. He was an omega and Mac was an alpha. There was no reason why Mac shouldn’t feel confident as he always did. He knew that in theory, but not in practice, it seemed.

  When Mac walked in, Wilson was sitting at his desk just as he had been the whole day. And once again, he didn’t look up when Mac came into the room.

  The urge to dominate the man was almost out of control. Mac had to take control of the situation.

  He strode confidently to Wilson’s desk and leaned his weight on it. He didn’t say anything to Wilson this time. He was going to make the omega speak first.

  “Hello, Mac,” the professor muttered.

  “So... are we going to do this here? Or would you like to come back to my place?” Mac asked.

  The omega looked up at Mac in shock, and Mac felt a surge of confidence and satisfaction. He couldn’t help but grin.

  “Well,” Wilson said. “You will be going back to your place.”

  Mac raised an eyebrow in confusion at the omega. “What do you mean?”

  “What I mean is, before I can even begin to tutor you, I need to see exactly where you’re at,” Wilson explained. He handed Mac a thick stack of papers. “So you will complete the placement test that I have provided. Plus, I included references for other topics we have discussed in class thus far. There is also a sheet with some discussion questions. Everything should be completed and studied by the next time you come to class.”

  Mac looked down at the stack of papers in shock. He couldn’t believe what had just happened. He walked out of the classroom without saying another word.

  When Mac got home that night, he stared at the stack of papers in dismay. He had simply wanted to spend extra time with Wilson and all he got was more work. Work that had to be completed fast.

  He sighed as he got started. Mac was even more frustrated now. Frustrated with all the work he had been assigned, sure, but mostly frustrated with Wilson. The omega had acted completely indifferent to Mac, and he hated it. He wanted Wilson to want him just as much as he wanted him.

  It was frustrating and unfair. As an alpha, Mac was supposed to be the one in control. But somehow the cute, innocent-looking omega had managed to find a way to have control over every single one of their interactions. Mac had never met an omega like Wilson, and the omega was driving him more wild than ever before.

  Mac stayed up most of the night finishing all the work that Wilson had assigned him. It was easy, just time-consuming. Especially when he would’ve rather spent his time with the professor in person instead of doing busy work at home.

  The alpha fell asleep as soon as his head hit his pillow. That night, his dreams were consumed with Wilson.

  Chapter 5

  Wilson had given Mac two days to finish a workload that he normally wouldn’t expect could be done in less than a week. He had his suspicions about Mac, especially since Wilson found out his father was the Dean of the university.

  No one really pushed Mac all that hard. Everyone in his life simply let the alpha do things the way he wanted to do them. Wilson wasn’t going to let that happen any longer. He had enough with demanding alphas who only did things their way. It was time that Mac learned to play by someone else’s rules.

  The next day was one of the days that Mac didn’t have his class, so he didn’t see him. Wednesday morning came and it was time to see if Mac had completed any of the work. Wilson wasn’t sure how much he expected Mac to have completed. There was no doubt in the professor’s mind that Mac hadn’t completed all of it, and their tutoring session today was going to prove that.

  The only problem was when Wilson walked into his classroom that morning, he found a stack of papers on his desk. After further inspection, Wilson realized it was all the work he had assigned to Mac two days ago. Everything was done better than Wilson had originally expected. There were even typed papers that followed along with the discussion questions. Wilson sat down and st
arted checking Mac’s answers on the placement test. He was shocked to see that Mac had gotten every single question right.

  There was no way Mac could’ve found the test online. Wilson had made the test himself during the weekend. No one else had ever taken it. It was possible that Mac got someone else to take the test for him, but Wilson thought that was highly unlikely. That meant Mac shouldn’t have failed last semester. It was obvious now that any failure he had received was for not doing his share of the work. Somehow the student had convinced his father otherwise and gotten the other professor fired.

  Typical alpha behavior.

  Mac walked in, on time once again, without saying anything. He sat down in the seat that he had claimed as his own for the semester. For the first time that Mac had been in Wilson’s class, he didn’t look at the professor. He actually pulled materials out of his bag and started reading over something. The effort was a complete surprise to Wilson. This was behavior that Mac hadn’t yet displayed, and it was definitely welcome.

  When class started, Mac’s eyes followed Wilson’s figure as always. There was definitely something different about today. Today, Mac wasn’t just staring at him blankly and doing nothing else. Today, Mac was actually listening to what Wilson was saying. He was even writing down notes. Wilson didn’t think it was possible for Mac to shock him any further.

  Mac looked up from his paper and locked eyes with Wilson. He was going to look away as soon as it happened, but he was trapped inside the man’s gaze. Before Wilson could look away, Mac smirked at him. The devilish look made Wilson’s stomach jump and erupt into butterflies.

  Then, just as quickly as Mac looked up, he was looking back down again and taking more notes. Wilson knew his face must be red at this point. Hopefully, the other students thought nothing of it. Wilson never thought he would be the kind of professor who’d be attracted to one of his students. He had always looked down on those who did get caught in scandalous affairs and tarnished their prestigious names.


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