The Omega Professor's Secret Baby

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The Omega Professor's Secret Baby Page 8

by Cora Crawford

  Mac took his invitation. The alpha leaned forward until his mouth was directly above the soft, delicate spot between the omega’s neck and shoulder. He bit down gently, marking Wilson as his forever.

  Chapter 16

  Mac couldn’t remember the last time he had slept this well. Normally when he woke up in the morning, he was groggy and wanted nothing more than to go back to bed. But he was almost positive he had woken up with a smile on his face that morning. There was a warmth next to him that he had only been able to experience one other time. He knew immediately that he was in Wilson’s bed, and that it wasn’t a dream.

  Mac assumed Wilson was asleep, since he hadn't moved a muscle other than to breathe. The omega had his body pressed tightly against Mac’s back with an arm around his waist.

  The alpha rolled over to look at his slumbering mate. It felt as if a thousand pounds had been lifted off of his shoulders. Wilson and him were right where they belonged. It hadn’t been easy to get to where they were now, but it had been worth it. There was no one else in the world Mac could imagine himself being with. The two had been made for each other.

  Wilson turned his head slightly, revealing Mac’s mark. It had already healed. A scar was all that was left of it—a crescent moon in the shape of Mac’s bite, flat and almost reflective like the surface of a lake. It was beautiful, and it represented Mac’s claim on Wilson. It was a sign of their unity. A sign they were mates.

  It was almost as if Wilson could feel the intensity of Mac’s gaze even in his sleep. He stirred for a moment before his eyelids fluttered open. His eyes instantly locked onto Mac’s and he grinned.

  “For a moment, I was convinced last night was a dream,” the omega whispered.

  Mac grinned down at his beautiful mate. “Not a chance. It was real, and you’re stuck with me.”

  Wilson buried his head into Mac’s chest. “I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he said, his words muffled.

  Mac could feel a flutter in his chest as he wrapped his arms around the omega. He’d never thought they would actually get to this point. He couldn’t even imagine what his life would be like at this point if he’d given up.

  “Thank you,” Mac said.

  Wilson lifted his head to look at Mac. “For what?”

  “For accepting me.”

  They spent the first part of their morning in bed together, enjoying each other without all the complicated emotions they had experienced thus far. They spent the time talking, mostly about each other and what they wanted from this point fowrard. They even spent a fair amount of time exploring each other’s bodies like they had never gotten the chance to before.

  Their hunger for food rather than sex eventually pulled the pair from their new blissful paradise. They made their way into the kitchen together, Wilson insisting on making them both lunch even though Mac would’ve been happy with anything.

  Mac sat at the table and watched as Wilson moved around the kitchen, his gaze locked on the omega’s perfect, round ass, clearly visible through the nearly translucent white nightshirt he’d thrown on. He was almost disappointed when Wilson brought the food to the table, since it meant he was about to lose his view.

  The omega set an assortment of items in front of Mac, and he was quickly distracted. There was soup, salad and pasta, and it all smelled incredible.

  Mac raised an eyebrow at Wilson. “How many people did you think you were going to feed?”

  Wilson rolled his eyes at Mac’s question. “Shut up and just say thank you.”

  “Thank you,” he laughed. “It actually looks delicious.”

  The couple ate in peaceful silence. The air was quiet and filled with the sounds of silverware clanking. There was the faint whisper of a ticking clock, but Mac had no idea where it was coming from. It was almost as if his life had gone from complete turmoil to the peace he had always wanted. He didn’t have a care in the world until he remembered they needed to talk to his father.

  Mac cleared his throat. “Do you have any plans today?”

  Wilson paused. “I guess not, since I already quit my job.”

  Guilt flooded Mac as he ran a hand over his face. It wasn’t necessarily his fault that Wilson had quit his job, but he still felt responsible.

  Wilson seemed to be able to immediately tell what was on Mac’s mind. He reached across the table and gently put one of his hands on top of the alpha’s.

  “It’s okay,” he said reassuringly. “It’s not your fault.”

  “It feels like it is.”

  “Not at all. I made that decision on my own,” he said.

  Mac sighed. “Well, speaking of that, I asked because I need to talk to my father about us. Would you go with me?”

  There was no hesitation from Wilson. “Of course. I would love to.”

  After they finished eating lunch, Mac and Wilson decided to take a shower together, which only prolonged their impending meeting. The steam seemed to fog the couple’s minds as they became wrapped up in one another again. They stayed inside the shower until the water was too cold for them to stand.

  Mac dropped his towel as soon as they made it back into Wilson’s room. He was putting his underwear on when he could feel someone watching him. Looking up, he found Wilson rooted in the doorway. His eyes roamed Mac’s exposed skin with a hungry intensity the alpha wasn’t used to.

  He chuckled and raised his eyebrow at his new mate. “Is there something I can help you with?”

  The question sent heat straight to Wilson’s cheeks, and he hurriedly looked away, “Not unless you want to be stuck inside the apartment for the rest of the day.”

  Mac buckled his pants as he laughed again before crossing the room to stand in front of Wilson. He grinned down at the man who was tempting him more than he knew. There was nothing Mac wanted more than to lock both of them in this room until they were completely spent.

  He bent down and placed a soft kiss against the man’s lips. “That’s a tempting offer. I’ll be sure to take advantage of it at a better time.”

  The men were ready to leave the house all too soon. Mac was trying to hold it together and keep up a confident front for Wilson’s sake. The omega had been nice enough to go with him, and Mac didn’t want to stress him out any more than he already had.

  He helped Wilson into the passenger seat of his car before he took his own spot, one hand gripping the steering wheel so tightly his knuckles were strained and the other holding his mate’s hand as delicately as possible. Mac couldn’t help but feel guilty. He knew his stress was affecting Wilson, but it was his job to keep the omega from feeling anxious about anything. Especially since he was pregnant.

  His mate’s thumb rubbed soothing circles on his. “Everything will be okay, Mac,” Wilson murmured. “I have faith in that now.”

  “I know,” said Mac, even though he wasn’t entirely sure of that. But he knew it was what Wilson needed to hear.

  The drive from Wilson’s apartment to Mac’s father’s house seemed to pass in the blink of an eye. Mac had wanted to plan out exactly what he wanted to say to his dad on the way over, but he’d been too busy stressing out about everything. As he turned the car off, he looked over and gave Wilson a tight smile.

  “Thank you for being here for me,” the alpha said sincerely.

  Wilson placed a soft kiss on Mac’s stubbly cheek. “Of course.”

  When Mac and Wilson entered the house, Mac’s father was waiting for them in the front room. He didn’t necessarily seem angry, but he was definitely annoyed. Mac watched as his father’s eyes drifted to Wilson’s neck. He wasn’t surprised that his father had caught on that quickly. He knew exactly why they were there. It would be easy for the man to see the silvery scar peeking out over the top of Wilson’s shirt collar.

  Mac’s father turned to him with his mouth open, something clearly on his mind. But Mac never gave the man the chance to speak.

  “Wilson is my mate. I already marked him,” the alpha said quickly.

  His father o
pened his mouth again, but now that Mac had gotten started, he couldn’t stop.

  “That’s not it. When I originally asked to switch from his class, it was because we had slept together. I wanted him, but I knew I could never have him. What I didn’t know was that I had gotten him pregnant. I only found out recently, and that made me realize I have to be the one to live my life. And I want to spend my life with him.”

  Mac was breathing heavily as he finished telling his father the truth. It felt amazing and horrible all at once. It was too much, and he didn’t know how his father was going to react. His father wasn’t trying to say anything this time. He was just standing there, staring at the two of them as they stood united with their hands intertwined.

  Mac swallowed hard, fearing what his father was going to say when the words came to him. The dread surrounded his heart and squeezed tight.

  “Does this mean I don’t have to hire another psychology professor?”

  Mac was stunned by his father’s response. He had expected his father to say something about the situation, but he hadn’t expected the stern man to make an attempt at humor.

  Mac shook his head, frowning. “I suppose not.”

  “Well, I’m glad this situation worked itself out,” his father sighed. “However, there is a part of me that is disappointed with your actions. If Wilson is the one you wanted all along, then why didn’t you say something before?”

  “I was just trying to make you happy,” Mac admitted.

  “And I was only trying to make you happy,” his father countered. “Besides, you handed this whole situation without grace. I raised you better than this.”

  Mac couldn’t help but laugh at his dad’s half-assed lecture. “I’m sorry, I know you did. I’m just glad you’re not going to disown me.”

  His dad surprised everyone in the room by wrapping his son in a tight hug. “Of course not, Mac. I love you.”

  “I love you too, Dad,” Mac said, almost too stunned to speak.

  He couldn’t believe it. He couldn’t believe any of this. How had he gotten so lucky?

  Chapter 17

  A Few Months Later

  A knock startled Wilson. His head jerked up as he looked toward the sound only to see it was Mac. The alpha was standing in the doorway, leaning on the door jamb and looking like a dream. His tall, broad frame occupied most of the space. His blonde hair fell in golden waves and his sky blue eyes pierced through Wilson in a way he still wasn’t used to yet.

  Mac smirked when Wilson had officially been staring for too long. “Are you ready to go home?”

  Wilson looked around his office. The truth was that he’d had everything packed since lunchtime. It just felt weird. He wasn’t leaving forever. But this was the last time he would be in this office before they had their baby. It was official. His maternity leave started today, and the baby could come any day at this point.

  The omega looked back up at Mac before he slowly nodded. His caring mate was instantly at his side, knowing Wilson was feeling upset—most likely because of all the hormones. He wrapped an arm around Wilson’s shoulders and squeezed his right one.

  “I know it feels weird, but everything will be okay. You’ll be able to use the rest of the time to rest and make sure everything is ready for the baby,” Mac assured him.

  Wilson nodded in return, grateful. He didn’t exactly know what the weird feeling in his chest was, but Wilson was glad Mac was there for him anyway.

  “C’mon, babe. Let’s get you home to rest before dinner tonight.”

  He let Mac help him out of his chair and out the door. He really was exhausted. The days had been getting longer and longer, and he seemed to have less energy with every hour that passed.

  Growing a human was no easy job.

  They had barely made it in the door before Wilson was forced to sit down. Mac was in front of him in a flash, his hands gripping Wilson’s tightly.

  “Are you okay?”

  Wilson smiled softly. “I’m okay, Mac. I’m just tired.”

  Mac’s worried gaze scanned Wilson from head to toe before he said anything. “Let’s get you into bed. I’ll wake you up when it’s time to get ready for dinner.”

  “That sounds like a good idea.”

  Mac stayed true to his word and came back to wake Wilson up when it was time to get ready. His warm touch gently led a trail down the omega’s face. His love was so palpable, it left Wilson breathless. He was overjoyed every day that the two of them had found a way to be together, even when it had seemed completely impossible.

  His eyes fluttered open to meet Mac’s frosty blues. “Is it that time already?” he grumbled.

  Mac nodded before he placed a kiss on Wilson’s forehead. “I’m sorry to say it is,” he replied.

  Wilson was grateful for the sleep he had been able to acquire, but truthfully, it felt like he had only been asleep for five minutes.

  Dinner was going to feel a lot longer than usual. It wasn’t that Wilson didn’t like Mac’s father and sister. They were nice people. It was just difficult to see his boss who used to hit on him as his mate’s father and the soon-to-be grandfather to their child. Mac’s sister seemed nice enough, but Wilson had never had an actual conversation with her. The dinners were normally long and silent, and it wasn’t the peaceful silence he experienced with Mac. The silence was usually broken up by their father asking them questions and giving them various lectures. Wilson had a feeling the family dinners had always been that way. It would explain why Mac dreaded them.

  Wilson struggled to keep his eyes open on the drive to Mac’s family home. His hand absentmindedly rubbed circles on his swollen stomach. The baby kicked him back a few times. Every moment, Wilson became more and more excited to meet their child, but he also grew more nervous.

  What if he wasn’t a good dad? What if he couldn’t take care of their baby? What if they didn’t bond?

  His anxious thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Mac turning his car off. “Are you sure you’re okay?” Mac asked his mate, his worry tightening his voice.

  Wilson met his gaze and smiled. “Stop worrying. Like I said, I’m just tired. I’m also very pregnant.”

  Mac’s tense face relaxed slightly at Wilson’s words. “I guess you’re right. I just can’t help but worry about you.”

  “I know, and I appreciate it,” the omega said before he gave Mac a soft kiss. “We’d better get inside. I made us late.”

  When the couple walked into the house, there was no one to greet them in the front room. Wilson still couldn’t believe how big and fancy the place was. He couldn’t imagine living in a place like it.

  Mac led the two of them down the hallway and into the dining room where they held their family dinners. That was another thing Wilson found odd. Their families were so different. Wilson’s was very detached. At least he’d mended his relationship with his sister. They talked almost every day now, even if they only had time for a few minutes.

  Wilson gulped when he saw the doors to the dining room were wide open. He’d learned recently that they only closed when everyone was seated at the table. Mac’s sister had been late, and it had caused a bit of a drama.

  Mac’s father looked up as soon as the two of them walked into the dining room. His eyes narrowed as he grumbled, “Finally. I thought the two of you were going to make me starve.”

  Mac rolled his eyes at his father as he led Wilson to his seat, pulling the chair out for the omega. “We’re five minutes late, Dad.”

  “Exactly. I could already be finished with my soup.”

  Wilson cleared his throat. “Actually, this is my fault. I’m afraid the exhaustion is catching up to me. It’s been taking me awhile to get around, and Mac was waiting on me.”

  He knew his mate hated when he took the blame in front of his father, but Wilson was only telling the truth. Besides, the older man seemed to accept the explanation with a satisfied grunt. He was rough around the edges, but Wilson knew he cared about his family, and Wilson was
part of it now. So was the baby.

  The first course was eaten in silence. The tension from earlier still hadn’t been broken, and it was driving Wilson crazy. Honestly, he felt like he was either going to start screaming or crying at any second. Somehow, Mac knew Wilson was on edge and that he was about to be pushed too far. His hand quickly found Wilson’s thigh and he squeezed it softly.

  “How was work today, Dad?” Mac asked, breaking the silence.

  All eyes in the room were instantly on Mac. Everyone knew the alpha didn’t talk much during family dinners. In fact, Mac didn’t talk at all unless someone made him. To ask his father a question independently was definitely out of character. But he was doing it for the ones he loved, and that knowledge filled Wilson with warmth and relief.

  Mac’s father cleared his throat before he decided to answer. “It was fine, I suppose. No worse than it normally is. Although, it was a little hectic getting everything set up for Wilson’s substitute.”

  Once Mac had broken the ice, conversation flowed freely among the group. In fact, this was the best the conversation had been out of all the dinners Wilson had attended.

  “So, Wilson.” Mac’s father turned his attention to the omega. “My grandchild’s due any day, huh?”

  Wilson smiled at the man. “Seems like it, even if it doesn’t feel completely real yet.”

  “I can’t believe I’m going to be an aunt,” Ashley gushed. It was the most animated Wilson had ever seen Mac’s sister. They looked alike when they were happy.

  Mac rolled his eyes at her. “You’ve never even held a baby before.”

  Ashley narrowed her eyes at her brother. “Neither have you, and this is going to be your baby.”

  Wilson watched as the color drained out of Mac’s face upon hearing Ashley’s words. The omega casually lifted his hand to cover his mouth to hide his amusement at his mate’s discomfort. Ashley wasn’t wrong. Mac hadn’t held a baby before. Somehow, the alpha had conveniently forgotten about that fact since he had been preparing for the baby’s arrival. Wilson removed the hand from his face and set it on Mac’s knee in a comforting gesture.


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