Dragon Flame

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Dragon Flame Page 6

by R. L. Wilson

  I scuttle over to the bar and tap him on the shoulder. “Hello there.”

  “How is it going, Ms. Toni?” he questions.

  Ms. Toni? Why is he calling me Ms. Toni? He says a few more words and grabs his drink before scurrying to the elevator. I didn’t get a word out. He’s treating me like I’m an employee asking for a raise, giving me the cold shoulder. What the fuck is wrong with him?

  Confused by his behavior, I strut to the locker room. His odd behavior doesn’t sit well with me. I think of a way I can sneak upstairs while opening my locker. Dancers are not allowed to leave the main floor. Upstairs is for the snobbish millionaires and billionaires. I’m neither. But I’m sure I can sneak past security. Besides, it’s urgent that I talk with him.

  I toss my bag in the locker, then creep out the side door. Searching the main level, I find the huge security guard standing at the opposite end of the hall, talking to a tall female. I’m sure she will keep him occupied for a while.

  I hurry to the elevator and quickly push the button for the fourth floor. Suddenly hot, my forehead breaks out in a sweat. I stick out amongst the wealthy with my tennis shoes and jeans. I feel like a turkey on thanksgiving. I brought my dancer clothes. After I dance, I go home.

  The bell dings on the fourth floor. I look down through the glass elevator to the main floor. The security guard makes his way back to the elevator. Too late now; I’m almost to my destination.

  I step out of the elevator. Magnificent is an understatement. I could live here. The rumor is that upstairs the drinks are free. Since I’m not supposed to be up here, I won’t ask for a drink. But coke and rum sound very tempting.

  Moving quickly and quietly, I make my way to suite seven. I know it’s Colton’s office. His name is on the door.

  I twist the knob, not knocking first. Colton is on the phone. At the sight of me, his face tenses in panic. Yes, he has some explaining to do. No one blows me off. I’m not taking any shit. I took it from that asshole husband for years. No more.

  He finishes his conversation, never taking his eyes off me. I make myself comfortable and look around, then take a seat at his desk.

  He lowers the phone onto the receiver. “Toni, what are you doing up here?” he questions.

  “I came to see you,” I growl while glaring at his full, sexy lips.


  “You blew me off downstairs. Like I was a stranger begging for change.”

  His eyes flutter. “No, that is not at all true.”

  “Tell me. What’s with you ignoring me?”

  “You wanted to keep me a secret. Remember?”

  I guess he is right. It’s inappropriate, but I must talk with him. Now. I’m not sure I should tell him. Something just doesn’t feel right. I push the troubling thoughts away. “Is everything alright?” I question.

  “Sure,” he mumbles.

  He’s fidgeting and stuttering. I know he’s not nervous being around me. But he looks so handsome I can’t resist it.

  I stand from my chair.

  “Thanks for coming to see me, Stallion,” he utters.

  I walk to the door and slip the lock on, then pivot around slowly, giving him my sexy stare and a wink.

  “Toni, what are you doing?” His voice is shaky.

  Damn. I came to tell him my actual name. But this isn’t the right time. My vagina is screaming for Colton. I know he wants it. I can’t control the temptation that is arousing me. My nipples are hard thinking about him. I put my finger in my mouth and walk toward him.

  I slide one leg across his lap, then pounce on his penis. “Toni, we can’t do this here.”

  “Shhh.” I kiss him on his lips. I can feel his nature rising between my legs. I slide my tongue down his neck.

  “Damn, Toni, stop!” He says it with such passion.

  “Don’t you want me?” I whisper in his ear.

  “Hell yeah,” he says as I feel the rapid thump of his heartbeat.

  My vagina becomes soak and wet. These panties are sliding off. Colton is so hot they’re melting.

  “Wait.” He grabs my arm. “Stop. We can’t do this.”

  I stare into his brown eyes. “Why not?”

  I slide my finger down my breasts and to my stomach. He kisses my neck slow and soft, placing me on the desk. He snatches off his shirt, making me lick my lips. Those chiseled abs are staring at me.

  He kisses my stomach and unbuttons my jeans, then snatches them off along with panties.

  He places his face in my clitoris as I squeak out low moans. My vagina throbs with passion. Within seconds, I’m creaming all over his mouth.

  He unbuttons his pants and lifts me in the air, placing my back up against the wall and pushing his giant penis in. A loud moan escapes my mouth. “Yes, Colton,” I whisper in his ear. My vagina is leaking my sweet essence down my legs.

  He thrusts harder and harder. I want to let out a loud scream, but I can’t. Someone might hear me. The room becomes warm as Colton’s wet, clammy skin rubs against mine. He grabs my waist, pulling me in closer. He pushes his penis inside of me faster and faster. I know he is about to reach his climax. His muscles tighten. Then he erupts, his magic sauce shooting into my vagina. He moans, “Toni, Toni.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  I’ve done the unthinkable. Instead of breaking it off, we had the best, most passionate sex ever. I’m lost in love with Toni. I can’t let her go, but I must. I had no intention of sleeping with her. My mind had one plan and my penis had a different one. Breaking up with Toni would break her heart and mine too.

  The decision is quite daunting. But the coven could toss me away like Chicago trash if I refuse to marry Ashleigh.

  I grab my head, thoughts rambling. I try quieting the noise of my inner self. Things will work themselves out. I can’t keep stressing about this. No matter what decision I make, somebody gets hurt. Toni is the innocent person here. Ashleigh won’t be hurt. There’s no love between us. At least I have none for her.

  I plop down in my desk chair, rattling the ice cubes in my fresh drink of dark liquor. I glance over at the picture of my father. What should I do?

  Between the sex and anxiety, I’m a sweaty mess. I take a swig of the alcohol. It slithers down my throat, burning like hell. I grimace and set the drink on the table. Alcohol is usually my anti-anxiety solution. Not today. My nerves are jumping out of control.

  I storm out of my office, heading down to the main floor. I’ll find Toni and get it off my chest. She’ll understand.

  My hands shake as I push the down button on the elevator. Sweat greases my armpits. Forcing my feet to step into the elevator brings a physical pain to my abdomen. I’m surprised I have not acquired an ulcer from all this stress. I must let Toni go.

  The elevator descends to the first floor and the doors open. I stand there frozen in time. “Are you coming off?” Lionel, the guard for the main floor, says.

  “Yes,” I respond as I stop daydreaming.

  A whisk of cold air hits my face as I step on to the main floor. It’s a sign. I need to scurry back upstairs and figure out another plan. This is the hardest situation I’ve ever endured, and I’ve been in some fucked-up situations.

  The music is extremely loud. However, it’s not loud enough to drown out my heartbeat. I’m moving in slow motion. My heart is hammering. I’m having an out-of-body experience, most likely out of fear and anxiety. I wipe my clammy palms on my pants and continue walking in a trancelike state.

  Maybe she’s gone. Then I don’t need to talk to her. I ponder about sending her a text. But that would be too chicken shit. She deserves an explanation face to face. I’m sure she will have a ton of questions.

  I stalk across the dance floor, heading for the strippers’ locker room.

  “Oh, son, there you are. We’ve been looking all over for you.” I hear my Mother’s low tone floating from behind my back.

  I pivot around. My eyes bulge with terror. Shit. Not only is Mother here, s
he brought Ashleigh along. This situation has gone from bad to worse.

  “Mother, what are you doing here?” I greet her with a hug.

  “Ashleigh wanted to get out. Visit her husband.” She raises her eyebrows.

  Ashleigh is beautiful tonight. She has on a blue dress that fits her like a glove. I never noticed her physical shape before. She has on her heels and makeup. Her lips actually turn upward.

  “Hi, honey,” she says before planting a kiss on my lips.

  I don’t move away. Surprised, I kiss her. The aromatic scent of her perfume excites me. I’m amazed by the softness of her lips. It’s not her attractiveness, it’s her personality. She doesn’t have one.

  We must work on this whole public affection thing. I’m not there yet. “Okay, do you two want to go upstairs and get food and drinks?”

  “Sure, you can escort us.” Mother grabs a hold of one arm and Ashleigh grabs the other. I escort them toward the elevator and off this main floor. It’s imperative I get them upstairs, away from Toni.

  From the corner of my eye, I see Toni sitting with another dancer. Her stare is sizzling, burning a hole in my face. I look back at her. Anger flashes across her face. I feel like she caught me red-handed stealing. She doesn’t utter any words, but her face says it all.

  She’s going to kill me. Now I have some serious shit to dig myself out of. In the perfect world I could marry Ashleigh, keep my family happy, and still see Toni. But I know Toni. She’ll never agree to polygamy. I get to the elevator. I bang on the up button. The suffocating sensation is strangling me, the need to escape. I feel like I’ll bust.

  “Who is that young lady staring at you?” Ashleigh questions.

  “Nobody.” I shake my head. “Just an employee,” I respond.

  “Well, she looks like she wants a piece of you. Watch her. Maybe she’s a stalker,” Mother barks.

  I give out a throaty laugh. “No, Mother. She’s an employee. Come on.”

  We step on the elevator and zoom to the fourth floor. My lungs are collapsing on the inside.

  “Are you alright, son?”

  “Fine,” I insist. Dampness consumes my shirt from sweat. My world is crashing down around me. Usually, I’m in total control. Right now, I’m flying an airplane and I just ran out of fuel.

  “You’re flush and perspiring,” Mother growls. “You could have the flu. It’s going around.”

  I give a sheepish smile. “Mother, I don’t have the flu. I’m exhausted. After a nap, I’ll feel refreshed again.”

  Hopefully, Toni will dump me and ask no questions.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I know this motherfucker isn’t. My fiery gaze narrows in on the bitch with her hands around Colton. Everything around me turns red. I push my drink to the side as smoke floats from my ears. He sees me. I’m sitting at a table tucked off in the corner, but he has to feel my glare.

  “Who is that with Colton?” I question Gigi, one of the other dancers.

  “That’s his mother, Ms. Lucinda.” She smacks her lips. “Not sure who the young girl is,” she reports.

  Gigi knows all about my and Colton’s rendezvous. She can keep a secret. Besides, I know who she is screwing here, and she wouldn’t want her secret out.

  I gasp as the air is stolen from my lungs. She plants a kiss on his lips with her nasty mouth. And he doesn’t stop her. They hurry onto the elevator. Upstairs is the best place for them.

  Does he think I’m some kind of fool? I know I should have never trusted his ass. I’ll never trust another man. This is surreal. I just fucked his brains out in his office less than an hour ago. Now he pulls this shit. I’ve been through the storm; now I get hot when it rains.

  I want to march up the stairs. Give him a tongue lashing of swear words. I better calm down. No one needs to know our business. Besides, my horns are protruding from my head because I’m so angry.

  I close my eyes, counting backwards. He will not ruin my night. But there will be hell to pay. Reminding myself that I need this job or I’ll be homeless, I bring my anger down to a three. Minutes feel like hours.

  “Are you alright?” Gigi questions.

  I turn my gaze to her. “I’m good. My stomach is a little jumpy is all.” Grabbing my head, I close my eyes. My head hurts and I have cotton mouth. I’m not paranoid; she isn’t a family member. No one kisses on the lips unless they are lovers.

  “Why are they coming over here?” she says.

  I open my eyes to see the two women strutting in our direction. I will not cause a scene. I’ll be a lady for now. But if they start some shit with me, I’ll light this motherfucker up.

  They stop in front of the table. I give them that look. Not today.

  “Hello,” Colton’s mother says.

  “Hello,” I respond, staring into her beady little eyes.

  “Excuse me, dear,” she says, shooting a stare at Gigi. “Can we have a word in private?”

  “Sure,” she says, rising from her chair. She’s shaking. She seems slightly afraid of Colton’s mom. But I sure as hell ain’t. She leaves so fast all I see is blonde curls and big ass bouncing toward the dressing room.

  “Let me introduce myself. I’m Mrs. Lucinda. And this here is Ashleigh.” She points to the fair-skinned chick to her side. The chick gives me a stare of disgust. So, I give her one back. She has diamonds and jewels. I guess she is a millionaire too. She came from upstairs.

  “I’m Toni,” I respond.

  “Toni, I’ll be blunt. Do you have any dealings with my son?”

  “Who is your son?” I question, playing stupid. I know who her son is. And she knows damn well I’m screwing him. But I’ll play along.

  “Colton, my dear.” She gives a slight grin.

  The other girl has a stoned face.

  “Dealings. If you are asking if we are dating, yes,” I respond.

  I don’t like the way she looks at me. Like I’m an insect that needs to be squashed quickly. And her sidekick over here said nothing. Her grimace and nasty glare say it all. I have on my dancer outfit; maybe she’s insecure because my physique is flawless and she is a little flabby.

  “Sweetie, he can’t be interested in you,” Mrs Lucinda says.

  I rise from my chair. “Yes, he is. We are in love.” I tighten my lips. My temperature is rising; I’m at a good seven.

  I say it to piss her off. I can see she only wants her son with the upper echelon. She’s quite snobbish.

  She laughs. “Nonsense. You see, Colton and Ashleigh here will be married on Saturday.” Ashleigh waves the huge rock in my face.

  I bite the inside of my mouth. Balling my hands into fist, I envision myself punching her in the face. Her words stab my heart like an ice pick. Married. Married. That’s fucking insane.

  “Excuse me,” I say, and storm to the locker room, tears filling my eyes. I can’t let anyone see me cry. My breathing can’t keep up with the adrenaline racing through me. I take a seat on the bench.

  I lower my head, hyperventilating. It’s a lie. They have to be lying. The last month or so was one big joke. He never cared about me.

  I hear the door of the locker room open.

  “I’ve been looking for you,” Gigi says.

  Quickly, I wipe the tears from my face.

  “Is everything okay?” Gigi questions.

  I lift my head up. “Yes, everything is fine.”

  “Good. Two big spenders are on the main floor. They requested a private dance.” A grin curls upon her mouth. “In the Platinum room, with you.”

  My eyes bulge in excitement. The platinum room is the most expensive. “What’s the rate?” I smirk. “For the platinum room?”

  “Twenty-five hundred for you. Only a thirty-minute dance.”

  That’s all I need to hear. I jump to my feet and scurry to a mirror. I straighten my wig and fix my makeup. Crying about my shitty life will have to wait. I need to get paid. No one pays my bills except me.

  We race from the locker r

  She stalls before we get to the bar, empathy showing on her face. “There’s only one problem. They are not attractive.”

  “I don’t care about that. I’m not marrying the fools.”

  “Remember, the panic button is to the left of the entrance.”

  “Got it.”

  I walk toward the men like I’m a runway model.

  We get closer and the scent of alcohol gives me flashbacks. The way he sits causes my stomach to shift. Before I can turn around to run, he twists around.

  “Hello, Toni,” he says.

  The burn marks that cover half of his face give me goosebumps. I can’t scream. My mouth is glued together. I’m in complete shock.

  “Let’s go to the platinum room.”

  Shaking, I smile and look at Gigi.

  “Go ahead,” she says.

  She thinks I’m nervous to do the dance. I hear the glass smash onto the counter. The other man turns around. This day just went to hell. It’s Lucifer, dressed in his fire red suit. My heart stops as my legs become weak.

  Hesitantly, I pace toward the platinum room. I pause for a split second.

  “Keep your ass going. I will shoot this club up,” Thomas growls.

  He gives me a shove in the back. Forcing my steps, I continue to the room.

  I have to escape this room, or I’ll be returning to hell tonight.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I glance over the banister, staring at the thousandaires. At first glance, they appear to be a pond full of sharks all searching for a fish. Here, the fish is money.

  It’s crowded for a Thursday. I have no idea why mother would choose to bring Ashliegh to Omen. It’s fucking up the vibe in here.


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