Samson (The Boundarylands Omegaverse Book 3)

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Samson (The Boundarylands Omegaverse Book 3) Page 4

by Callie Rhodes


  "I told you, not yet," he growled in her ear, his voice reverberating through her entire body with such heat Cassidy feared she might ignite. "I'd tell her that I lay awake on too many nights, stroking myself raw, imaging her legs spread wide, my mouth over her pussy, and my tongue delving into her."

  The notebook fell from Cassidy's hand and clattered on the patio.

  "How I'd imagined drawing her clit between my lips and sinking my fingers into her heat, finding the spot that made her shake and clench all around me."

  Cassidy's heart hammered in her chest, and her breathing grew shallow. Samson hooked his finger under her chin, lifting her face to his. His deep brown eyes, hot and ravenous, locked on hers, and she could not look away.

  "Then, once she was wet and ready for me, I'd move up her body, feeling every part of her slide against me. And just as the head of my cock teased the opening of her pussy, I would claim her mouth so hard, so completely, that there would be no doubt who she belonged to."

  A whimper of surrender escaped Cassidy's lips.

  She couldn't help it. She knew what was going to happen next. There was no longer any question of stopping.

  Maybe later she would blame the interview questions, or the moonlight, or even the whiskey. But right now, all Cassidy knew was that she needed to kiss him.

  Needed it like she needed air.

  There was no more pretending. No more hiding behind professionalism and protocol. There was only the two of them.

  Cassidy threw her arms around Samson's neck and raised herself up on tiptoes. He growled in response to her touch. He splayed his hands around her hips, lifting her so that her ass perched on the edge of the railing.

  He wrapped his massive hand around the back of her head, his fingers finding the pins that held her hair in the tight bun, loosening a few strands to fall around her face.

  "Does my answer satisfy your curiosity?" His voice was so low, so guttural that Cassidy would have sworn she felt his words more than heard them.

  But she wanted—needed—so much more than just his words.

  Slowly, Samson ran his hand down her thigh to the inside of her knee. He stroked the sensitive skin there for a moment before pushing her thighs wide and moving between. His body was so broad that her legs ached trying to stretch around him.

  His chest expanded, pulling the blue flannel of his shirt taut, as he closed his eyes and breathed deeply.

  Drawing in the scent of her, Cassidy realized. Taking in all those telltale signs of her desire that he'd been talking about. The ones that only he could sense.

  "You still want more." His eyes flew open, his words shaking her to the core. "Good. So do I."

  His fingers tightened in her hair, releasing all of it to cascade around her shoulders. He wrapped his fist in the strands and pulled her head back, forcing her to lift her face to him.

  "Give me your mouth," he growled.

  It was a demand, not a request—but it only drove Cassidy's need higher. Wasn't this what she'd fantasized about for so long? To find herself in his arms, his lips about to meet hers?

  Cassidy flicked her tongue across her bottom lip without thinking, wetting it, readying it, her gaze fixed on his mouth.

  Samson didn't make her wait any longer. His mouth took hers completely. His hands ran down her back, pressing her body against his hard strength. His teeth grazed the sensitive flesh of her lips. His tongue swept across hers.

  And Cassidy couldn't get enough. She tightened her grip around his neck, holding on almost desperately, never wanting to let go. Her mind swam with sensation, and she kissed him back with an intensity she didn't know she possessed.

  She'd never felt need like this. Never even knew it was possible. And this was just a kiss! What would it be like to go farther? To run her hands over his naked body? To take him all the way inside her?

  Cassidy couldn't even imagine. She feared she'd lose herself completely.

  "Carr!" An unwelcome voice shattered the moment. "What the hell are you doing?"

  Cassidy's blood turned to ice.


  It appeared that he'd come back from his little field trip with one of Nicky's girls at the worst possible time.

  "Keep walking, beta. You don't have any business here." Samson's tone was rough with warning, but Cassidy didn't detect even an ounce of tension in his body. It was obvious the alpha didn't consider Ian a threat.

  Unfortunately, Cassidy did.

  Before he'd caught her with her tongue in Samson's mouth, Ian had merely been an annoyance. A major annoyance, sure, but not one with any real power.

  Cassidy was the superior student, the one with the spotless record and reputation.

  But not anymore.

  And Ian knew it. He'd rounded the corner and stood a few feet away, shaking his head, barely able to contain his glee.

  Cassidy squirmed on the railing, desperate to get down. But Samson wouldn't let her.

  "Ian, wait." She flinched, hearing how badly she slurred her words.

  "Fucking the subjects and drinking." Ian smiled as he flung the accusation at Cassidy. It was clear he was loving every minute of this.

  "Ian, you don't understand," she protested, still trying to pry herself out of Samson's grip, but he held her effortlessly, one hand protectively at her back.

  "No, I understand perfectly," Ian said, crossing his arms in front of his chest. His grin grew wider and even more self-satisfied. "This is why you were so desperate to come here tonight—so you could have a chance to whore yourself with one of them."

  "Enough," Samson's roar ripped through the air, echoing through the forest. He released Cassidy, placing his body directly in front of her, shielding her. His shoulders tightened, and his huge hands curled into fists. "One more word, and I will tear out your heart for insulting my woman."

  Ian didn't have to be told twice. Stumbling back a few steps in shock, he turned and sprinted toward the parking lot.


  "Ian, wait." Finally free of Samson's grasp, Cassidy slid off the railing and started after him, the effects of the alcohol vanishing, leaving fear in its place.

  She didn't make it far.

  Two steps and Samson's hand clasped around her wrist, stopping her short.

  "Samson, please," she pleaded. "Let go."

  His grip held firm as he tracked Ian with his eyes.

  Didn't he realize what he was doing? Cassidy had to stop Ian, had to somehow make things right.

  "If he leaves now, everything I’ve worked for will be ruined," she blurted.

  But it was already too late. She heard the slam of a car door. The engine fired to life, and the wheels spit gravel as Ian sped away.

  And any hope for her future went with him. Cassidy's heart fell at the realization. Her stomach followed, bile rising in her throat.

  It was over. All of it.

  Her studies. Her research. Her chance of a career at the university.

  All because of two shots of whiskey and a soul-searing kiss…and because Samson wouldn't let her go.

  Suddenly, the burn of acid in Cassidy's mouth tasted like anger instead of fear. A red fog of rage filled her mind, and she spun around, jabbing her finger directly in Samson's face.

  "Why the fuck did you stop me?"

  His dark eyes narrowed. "That beta coward wanted to hurt you. I could smell it on him."

  "Not physically." Cassidy let out an exasperated wail. "He wants to kill my career, not me. And now he can. And it's all your fault!"

  The angry haze clouding Cassidy's brain lifted the second the words were out of her mouth. For a second, she saw herself clearly—her aggressive stance, her livid tone, her direct eye contact full of fury. All of it directed at the biggest and strongest alpha on this side of the country.

  An alpha she had just cursed and insulted and blamed. An alpha who could crush her skull with one hand. And she had just given him every reason to do so.

  The breath caugh
t in Cassidy's throat as her senses came rushing back.

  What did it matter if she was kicked out of Dr. Cheung's class if she got herself killed tonight?

  Her knees wobbled, and she collapsed to the ground at his feet, her head down.

  "I'm so sorry, Samso—Mr. Turner." The words rushed out in a tangle of regret and fear. "I didn't mean…I wasn't trying to…I'm so sorry."

  She didn't dare look up. Not just because she was afraid to see the rage burning in Samson's eyes, but because she couldn't bear to see what other judgment might be there.

  That she was just another entitled beta who had recklessly broken the rules. Another worthless coward begging for her life at his feet.

  Another idiot who deserved whatever came next.

  Chapter Five

  Samson gazed down at Cassidy. She was on her knees in front of him—a position he'd dreamed of countless times before.

  But not like this.

  The scent of her fear was overwhelming. Everything had changed in just a few seconds. Now, she was pleading for her life instead of begging him for more. Groveling, instead of submitting to the power of his touch.

  As if he would ever harm her.

  As if he wouldn't kill anyone who ever tried to.

  And that's just what he should have done to that beta coward who had dared to mock her for her passion. The way he'd disrespected Cassidy was inexcusable. Samson should have sent him home with broken bones for the crime.

  But instead, he'd let him run away. Mostly because he didn't want to look at the wormy bastard a second more than he had to.

  Now, he wondered if that had been a mistake.

  "Get up," he told Cassidy.

  She didn't move, only shook like an injured deer on the ground. Samson didn't tell her a second time. Instead, he reached down and lifted her up to her feet.

  After a long second, Cassidy looked up at him. Her eyes still shone with unshed tears—both from fear and anger—but she was managing to hold them back. Pushing them behind the same defensive wall she'd hidden behind for a year and a half, he realized.

  "Thank you," she said, her tone stiff and formal. "I know you would have been within your rights to punish me for the way I spoke to you. I appreciate your restraint."

  His restraint?

  For fuck's sake. The only thing he was restraining now was the need to prop her up against the side of the bar and slide his cock deep inside her.

  "I already said I would never hurt you."

  Cassidy tilted her head back down and gazed at her feet. "But that was before."

  "Before what?"

  "Before, when you and I were…" Her words trailed off.

  Samson's blood surged. "When you and I were pressed together?" he finished for her. "When we were moments away from satisfying our lust?"

  Cassidy tossed her head, but she didn't answer.

  Samson hooked his finger under her chin and forced her gaze up.

  "An alpha never harms his woman," he said. "No matter what, I will take care of you."

  A full spectrum of emotions flashed in her eyes before finally landing on hope. "Does that mean that you'll drive me back to the boundary?"

  Samson's mood darkened at the request. "You want to leave?"

  "I have to," Cassidy said. "Ian has the car and a head start, but I'm sure I can rent another one once I'm back in the beta world. If I'm lucky, I might be able to catch him before he gets back to the university."

  "And do what?" Samson demanded.

  "Talk some sense into him."

  Her words rang hollow. Not even she believed them.

  "You know that's not going to happen," he said.

  "All right.” She drew in a deep breath and tried to turn her head away as she thought, but Samson wouldn't let her. He cupped her chin and held her steady. "Well, then maybe I can get to Dr. Cheung before Ian does,” she tried again. “He'll listen to me."

  Maybe Cassidy was right. Maybe her professor would listen…but Samson didn't care.

  All he cared about right now was tasting Cassidy again. About feeling her body move against his. About fulfilling the need that raged inside him.

  It was clear this wasn't how either one of them had intended this night to play out. In a year and a half of contact, neither of them had ever acted on their attraction. She'd draped herself in professionalism, and he'd hidden behind social norms.

  But tonight everything had changed.

  Now Samson knew the taste of her desire. He felt the heat of her skin searing his. He'd drawn in the scent of her slick.

  Nothing would ever be the same.

  "It's too late," he told her.

  The corners of her mouth pulled down. "I guess you're right. I'm never going to find a rental place this late at night."

  That wasn't what he meant. Deep down, Cassidy had to know it too, but for some reason, she buried herself in denial.

  "Maybe in the morning, then?" she tried.


  Who knew? Maybe after a night of burning off all this crackling sexual energy, this madness would fade. Maybe once he'd spent himself in her, over and over again, he'd be willing to watch her walk away.


  She twisted around, pulling away from his touch and looking toward the side door. "Do you think Ty would let me spend the night in his backroom?"

  Of course he would. As long as Cassidy was at Evander's Bar, she was still Ty’s guest and under his protection. The least he would do was offer her a bed.

  But that wasn't going to happen.

  "You'll stay with me," he told her.

  She spun back around, her eyes wide. "But…where?"

  Where did she think?

  "At my home."

  In my bed.

  "B-But I can't," she sputtered. "We can't."

  "Why not?"

  "Everyone knows alphas don't let betas on their property," she said. "We're only allowed in neutral territory."

  Samson didn't give a shit what everyone knew. He was taking her home.

  "You're staying with me," he repeated. It wasn't an invitation or a request.

  It was an order.

  And Cassidy must have heard the command in his voice. She stumbled back a step, her mouth dropping open. "I'm… I'm not sure that's…a good idea."

  Too bad.

  He was sure. Samson had never been so sure of anything in his life.

  Stepping forward, he took her arm—not roughly, but not gently either—and steered her in the direction of his truck. She struggled to keep up, matching each of his strides with two of her own. He could sense hesitancy, but not fear, pulsing through her veins. She was still hung up on what should be instead of what she wanted.

  Of what they both wanted..

  But the second Samson rounded the corner of the bar with Cassidy close behind, Ty stepped out onto the porch. He must have been keeping vigil just inside the door, waiting for something like this to happen.

  On any other night, Samson would have sensed his friend’s presence long before he blocked their path, but tonight he was…distracted.

  The single bulb that hung above the door cast a pool of muted yellow light at Ty's feet and long shadows over his stern features.

  "You don't want to do this, brother," Ty muttered, glancing at Cassidy before drilling his hard gaze into Samson.

  The hell he didn't.

  "Step aside, Ty." Samson's lip curled as he growled.

  Ty didn't back down, though. Not that Samson expected him too. Backing down wasn't in an alpha's nature.

  "You know I can't," Ty said. "She's my guest."

  Samson shook his head. "Not anymore," he said. "I'm taking Cassidy home. She's under my protection now."

  Ty let out a breath that was half growl, half sigh. Almost as if he'd been expecting—and dreading—this moment.

  "This isn't right," Ty said. "She needs to stay with her own kind."

  Samson squared his shoulders. "Go get in my truck, Cassidy," he said, not taking hi
s eyes off Ty.

  She shuffled back a step, her heart pounding and her fear rising. "Samson…"

  "It's okay," he told her. "I'll be there in a minute."

  She didn't have to be told twice. In the next heartbeat, she scurried down the steps and dashed toward his dark blue truck. The moment the passenger door slammed shut, Samson folded his arms and lifted his chin.

  "Now you can say your piece," he said.

  "I heard what happened out here tonight…everything that happened."

  Samson took his meaning. It wasn't the words that had passed between him and Cassidy that Ty was concerned about, but the rest of it. Her soft moans. The growl of need that he hadn't been able to hold back.

  Samson knew Ty couldn't help hearing it.

  But that didn't make it his business.

  "Since when do you care what happens on Friday nights?" Samson demanded.

  "Since I heard you call Cassidy 'my woman'," Ty answered.

  So that's what had made Ty so upset. He didn't care that Samson wanted to fuck Cassidy. Hell, Ty probably wouldn't care if Samson spent himself inside her on the damn pool table, as long as he didn't feel anything other than lust.

  "Alphas don't claim betas," Ty continued. "It isn't natural. It's not right. You know that."

  Ty was right. Samson did know…and he didn't give a shit.

  He'd wanted Cassidy from the moment he laid eyes on her. That first trip, she'd been so nervous and so determined to prove her worth. He could still remember the intriguing mix of emotions rising off her skin.

  Cassidy had done her best to hide in her professor's shadow, but it had been impossible. Everything about her burned too bright, from her copper hair pulled back so tightly it looked like it hurt to the lithe curves of her body she'd tried to cloak in a loose turtleneck sweater and baggy trousers.

  Maybe that camouflage worked back in the beta world where the men were too shallow to even try to see past the surface, but Samson saw right through it. Even though she'd shown less skin than one of Nicky's girls in a snowstorm, Cassidy had stirred his cock before she'd even managed to pull off her gloves.

  Now that he'd tasted her, Samson knew that he'd never let anything or anyone come between them.


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