Samson (The Boundarylands Omegaverse Book 3)

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Samson (The Boundarylands Omegaverse Book 3) Page 6

by Callie Rhodes

  Two strokes against the full length and Cassidy felt another rush of slick heat the walls of her pussy. Three more after that, and she was on the edge of a blistering orgasm.

  She tried to hold it back, knowing that once she came, it would all be over—for her, at least—but the need to keep going was too strong. Sensation blotted out rational thought, and she gave in to the power of pleasure.

  Wave after wave rocked through her as her back arched, feeling the press of rough denim against her clit.

  Cassidy shook and cried out. Her legs trembled. Her fingers clawed futilely at the sheets beneath her. It went on and on. Lasting far longer than she could track.

  All she knew was when it was finally over, she was left shaking and breathless beneath him.

  And that was just from a dry hump.

  Holy shit.

  Samson didn't seem half as amazed, though. When she looked up at his face, he was smirking down at her with animal satisfaction.

  He let go of her hands and rose to his feet. Grabbing the hem of his shirt, he yanked it over his head and give Cassidy her first look at his bare chest.

  Just like she'd always imagined, it was astonishingly broad and sculpted, the muscles of his abs standing out in stark relief in the lamplight, flexing and rippling as he moved.

  Next, he pulled off his pants.

  Cassidy managed to pull herself up on her elbows just as his cock sprung free. Her eyes went wide. It was massive, as beautifully sculpted as the rest of him, a single glistening drop at the velvet head.

  But as magnificent as his body was, it was still terrifying.

  There was no getting around the fact that every part of him was just too big. He would never fit inside her. Not a chance.

  "I'm not sure this is going to work."

  His smirk grew. "Oh, it'll work. You'll be squirming underneath me again in no time."

  "Actually…" Cassidy's face heated. And because embarrassment always made her retreat to the clinical terms she was most comfortable with, she added, "Only a third of women report being able to achieve multiple orgasms during a single session, and unfortunately I've never fallen into that category."

  "Is that right, Doctor?" he said.

  "You're making fun of me." Cassidy knew her face must be bright red, but it wasn't funny. How was she supposed to satisfy an alpha of Samson's size? She wished she had asked Hannah more questions about technique.

  "I'm about to prove you wrong."

  Cassidy gasped as he slid his hand between her folds, gathering her wetness between his fingers. She couldn't help but watch as he stroked the slick up and down the length of his cock.

  "You know why those little beta pups couldn't make you come again and again?" he asked.

  Cassidy shook her head. She didn't trust herself to open her mouth and speak. She was too transfixed by the sight of his hand caressing his cock—the long strokes, the slight twist of his wrist, the heavy weight of the shaft against his palm.

  "Because they weren't me," Samson said. "You didn't belong to them. You were born for me alone."

  Slowly—deliberately—he moved back over her.

  "And that's why you'll be able to take this cock," he continued. "That's why it'll make you come again and again. That's why you'll crave it forever afterward."

  Cassidy found herself gasping for air as Samson positioned himself between her thighs. Her legs were stretched to the limit. Her pussy was wet and aching. She needed to be filled, precisely like he'd said she would.

  And just as he'd promised, she was begging for it.

  "Please," she found herself whispering, even though a second ago she'd been afraid that his cock—huge and rigid with his own desire—would tear her in two.

  "Yes," Samson said, uttering the single syllable like an oath. He grasped his cock and guided it against her opening—nudging, stroking, circling, coating himself with her slick.

  Cassidy moaned as the muscles of her pussy stretched to accommodate him. There was a brief second of exquisite pain as she arched against him, trying to force him deeper, but then his cock slipped past her opening, and everything changed.

  Pleasure, like nothing she'd experienced before, rushed through all the pathways of her body. Cassidy threw her arms around his shoulders and held on tight, trying to ride the sensation.

  "Samson," she cried out as pushed all the way inside.

  "Yes," he growled against her ear. "This is when you call my name."

  By the time he'd pulled back, Cassidy was already on the brink of another orgasm—this one even stronger and more powerful than the one before.

  How was that possible? Cassidy had no idea. There was no precedent for this in her research…but Cassidy Carr, Ph.D. candidate in the field of Alpha Studies, was long gone, and the pleasure-drunk woman who had taken her place was barely capable of coherent thought.

  All she knew was that she was coming again.

  And again.

  And again.

  She lost track of time. Lost track of reality. Until all she knew was the feel of his body and the mind-altering pleasure it brought.

  Minutes—maybe hours—passed, but Samson never slowed. His stamina was boundless.

  Cassidy's, unfortunately, was not, and she found herself growing weak and incoherent as brutal waves of pleasure mercilessly rocked her to the core.

  Suddenly, she felt Samson stiffen inside her. Somehow, she found the strength to lift her head and watch as he threw back his head. His arms tightened into rigid beams as he sunk himself down to the hilt. His jaw tensed. His eyes squeezed shut.

  And then he roared.

  The sound filled the room. Shook the doors and rattled the windows.

  For a moment, shock managed to push past Cassidy’s exhaustion, and all of her senses came to life again as she felt a swelling inside her—a pulsing ache that transformed to pleasure as it grew and grew. She tried to move but couldn't. The fullness was locked inside her, holding her tight.

  The intensity of the sensation made the other blistering orgasms pale in comparison. Those had been amazing, but this…

  This was ecstasy.

  Pure sensation overloaded her brain. A fog of black sparkles filled Cassidy's vision. A few breaths later, she felt herself falling away.

  Just before she passed out, she realized what she was feeling.

  His knot.

  But that was impossible. An alpha's knot couldn't swell for a beta—and yet Samson's had.

  For her.

  Chapter Eight

  Samson gazed down at the beta woman lying in his arms. His knot had eased a full hour ago, but he couldn't seem to pull himself away.

  From the second that he'd first felt the walls of Cassidy’s pussy tighten around his shaft, he'd known that this wasn't going to be a typical fuck. The feelings he had for Cassidy were strong and confusing, sure, but he'd never allowed himself to dream that his knot would ever swell for her.

  It just wasn't possible.

  And yet, that's exactly what had happened.

  Not only had he just experienced the most powerful orgasm of his life, but he'd also bonded with the woman who'd coaxed it out of him.

  His woman.

  For a wild second, Samson thought that maybe she truly was an omega—but no. Her nature was clear.

  They'd screwed for hours because they wanted to, not because of some overpowering instinctual urge. Cassidy had begged for his cock, but not because she was in mindless heat. Her body had been exhausted after only a few hours instead of the days that omegas were known to last for.

  She was a beta through and through.

  But his knot had still formed for her.

  Cassidy stirred, a sigh escaping her lips as she nestled her head deeper into the hollow of his pillow. Even in sleep, she craved him, inching across the mattress toward the heat of his body.

  Samson's cock stirred as he breathed in her scent and shook his head in disbelief.

  More madness.

  Or maybe the an
swer was more straightforward than he thought. After all, he hadn't spent time with any of Nicky's girls since the day he'd met Cassidy. That meant it had been over a year and a half since he'd been with anyone other than his right hand.

  Maybe it had just been so long since he'd come someplace wet and warm that his body had gotten carried away.


  Samson rejected the idea even before it was fully formed. He knew that wasn't why his cock had locked itself inside Cassidy's body, bonding them together in a primal way.

  The truth was exactly what he had told her—she was his woman, by every measure that mattered. They had bonded, and his knot was proof. Without a bond, there could be no knot.

  It didn't matter that their natures were different. It didn't matter that nothing like this had ever happened before. None of that meant a goddamned thing.

  The only thing that mattered was that Cassidy was right where she belonged—in his bed.

  And he was determined that his bed was where she was going to stay.

  Lying here with Cassidy now, Samson felt…sated. Satisfied. Content. Sure, he'd be ready to go again the minute she woke up. Still, for now he was perfectly happy just to watch her sleep—her red hair spilling across her milky skin, her eyelashes fluttering with what he hoped were pleasant dreams.

  Dreams of him.

  He laid his head down on the pillow next to her and cradled her close. The warmth of her skin soothed his racing mind. Though his body was tired to the bone, he knew that sleep was going to be hard to find.

  While a part of him was happier than he'd ever been, another part was already gearing up for the fight he knew was coming.

  The bond between them might be unbreakable, but it was also about to make both his and Cassidy's lives a hell of a lot harder.

  Ty was one of Samson's closest friends, and even he had called their relationship unnatural. What would the other alphas who weren't as sympathetic do? His alpha brothers were strong-willed and not fond of compromise.

  Some—maybe most—would consider what he and Cassidy had done an abomination…and there was no telling what they'd do to make sure it didn't continue.

  The thought of anyone trying to keep him away from Cassidy filled Samson with hot rage. An alpha would do anything to protect his mate, but none wanted to spill the blood of his brother.

  But that's just what Samson would do if he had to.

  The connection between him and Cassidy would not be denied. With every passing moment, it grew stronger. If anything happened to her, if anyone ever took her from him, Samson didn't think he'd be able to go on. The thought was unbearable.

  So he would make sure it never happened.

  He'd kill for her if he had to.

  He'd die for her.

  Samson closed his eyes and tried to sleep. The best he could manage was a few brief moments of dozing before the sun finally rose high enough in the sky for Cassidy to rouse.

  She started gently shifting against him. A few minutes later, she was fully awake and sitting up.

  Reluctantly, he opened his eyes. She was looking down at him with a softness in her gaze and a satisfied smile teasing her lips, but underneath, Samson caught a slight scent of unease.

  "What time is it?" she asked, still sounding groggy.

  "No idea," he answered honestly. "Sometime in the morning."

  "We should probably go soon."

  Samson's brows pulled together. Go? "Where?"

  "To the boundary," she answered.

  Samson's heart froze. Emotions rose up and clashed inside him—panic, anger, and pain. She still wanted to go back. Across the boundary. Away from him.


  Cassidy blinked. The corners of her eyes twitched in confusion. "What do you mean, no?"

  "I'm not taking you anywhere."

  "But—but--" she sputtered, gripping the corner of his sheet and clutching it to her chest. "You have to."

  Samson slowly shook his head against the pillow. "No, I don't."

  "But if you don't drive me, how am I going to get home to the university before Ian has a chance to talk to—"

  "Forget Ian," Samson snapped. "Forget the university. You're already home.”

  Chapter Nine

  Cassidy gaped at Samson. His words hung heavy between them, stealing all the air from the room.

  You're already home.

  A part of her—a major part—was tempted to believe it. She couldn't deny the thrill that shivered through her at the thought.

  There wasn't a doubt in her mind that what had taken place was more than just a simple one night stand. The sex hadn't just been good—or ridiculously good, even—it had meant something. Something profound and deep. Something she couldn't quite figure out yet.

  But that didn't mean that she belonged to him.

  First of all, it was impossible.

  Alphas and betas were obviously physically compatible—they'd proven that a thousand times over—but only for a few hours at a time. They didn't shack up together. They sure as hell didn't claim each other.

  "Please tell me you're joking," she said.

  Samson's eyes narrowed. For a second, storm clouds stirred in the dark depth of his eyes. "You think this is funny?"

  Cassidy shook her head, but it was already too late. She could feel the tension radiating through Samson's body.

  His huge and perfectly muscled body.

  Cassidy shifted to the edge of the mattress as he rose up on bent elbows. An alpha's anger was a force of nature, and Cassidy was aware of exactly how vulnerable she was.

  Samson must have sensed her fear because his glower only darkened.

  "How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not going to hurt you?" he said, clearly annoyed by her frightened response.

  "No, you're just going to hold me captive," she muttered.

  Samson let out a growl that made Cassidy flinch. She drew her shoulders in tight, instantly regretting her words. One night with Samson, and she'd forgotten all her alpha etiquette.

  "I'm sorry," she said, keeping her head and eyes down. "It won't happen again."

  But the show of submission didn't please him. Instead, it only riled him more.

  He threw back the covers and stood up, looming over her in all his naked glory. It was all she could do to keep herself from licking her lips at the sight.

  "Stop with that meek bullshit," he commanded. "The woman who begged for my cock last night isn't some timid mouse."

  He was right.

  She wasn't.

  Pushing past everything she'd learned about communicating with alphas, she forced her chin up and met his fiery gaze.

  "I can't stay here," she said.

  The line of his jaw tightened. "Why not?"

  "Because if I don't have a chance to explain myself to Dr. Cheung before Ian gets to him, I'll be kicked out of the university."

  Samson crossed his arms. "Is that the only reason you want to leave?"

  No. But it was the one least likely to rile his anger. "It's the most pressing."

  "Then it's already too late," he said matter-of-factly. "We both know that coward you work with called your professor the second he hit the boundary."

  Cassidy shook her head again, even though she knew every word he said was true. "You can't know that for sure."

  "No," Samson admitted. "But it's been over twelve hours since he ran off and left you here. Do you really think a worm like that would waste any time telling the world what he saw us do on that patio?"

  No. No, she didn't.


  This time, when Cassidy's head fell forward, it wasn't for show. The weight of shame grabbed her and pulled her down.

  And apparently, Samson wasn't having any of it.

  "Look at me," he commanded.

  When she didn't instantly comply, he grabbed her chin in his massive palm and lifted her head himself.

  "Don't you dare feel ashamed of what anyone might think about us," he said. "You are an alpha
's woman. My woman. And there is nothing more honorable than that."

  Cassidy twisted her face out of his grasp. "I am not your woman," she snapped.

  Samson's brows pulled down, deep grooves appearing over the bridge of his nose. She guessed it was time to see if he meant to keep his vow after all.

  "Yes, you are."

  Cassidy threw up her hands as she rose from the bed, standing toe to toe with him.

  "You can keep saying that until you run out of breath, but that won't make it true," she said. "God knows, I wish it was. I wish I could stay here forever and be your woman. Hell, I wish I could claim you and be your mate. Your real mate. But I can't."

  Samson stiffened. "Why not?"

  Shit. Was he really going to make her say it out loud? Even though she was clearly torn up? Even though she could already feel the tears pricking at the corners of her eyes?

  Apparently so.

  "Because I am a beta, and you are an alpha."

  "I don't care about that."

  "Well, you know who does care?" she asked. "Alpha law. Beta law. Nature itself."

  "Fuck 'em."

  Cassidy rolled her eyes toward the ceiling, even as the first hot tear fell down her cheek. "Why are you being so pig-headed about this?" she said.

  "Why are you being such a coward?" he shot back.

  Cassidy recoiled. Her bottom lip trembled even as her back teeth ground together in rage.

  "I am not a coward," she stated clearly. "I am a scientist. That means I have to deal in facts. I can't lie to myself, no matter how good it feels. And the fact is alphas and betas cannot be mates. It's physiologically impossible."

  Samson didn't budge, not logically or physically. He uncurled his arms and cocked his hands on his hips. Cassidy fought the urge to look down with the movement. The last thing she needed to be thinking about right now was his anatomy.

  "You want facts? Fine," he said. "Tell me where you slept last night."

  "Samson, this is—"

  "Tell me."

  Cassidy couldn't resist the command in his voice. Every part of her demanded she answer. "In your bed."

  "The only ones who sleep in an alpha's bed are him and his mate," he said. "Fact."


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