Miss Bridget's Girls

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Miss Bridget's Girls Page 12

by Robin Bond

  Despite Angelica’s general lack of interest in men, she was growing curious about just what might happen to him. But Mrs Van Damm ignored him. Instead, she took Angelica downstairs for a drink. The two of them sat naked on the sofa, chatting about sex, Mrs Van Damm recounting some of her previous experiences with other girls from the Circle.

  When it seemed time to go, Angelica couldn’t help asking what was now to be the fate of her husband.

  “Oh, him? I’ll probably just leave him there till bedtime. I’ve got a boyfriend, a young man with a very nice cock. He’s going to come round later for a drink and a fuck. Something else for my husband to look at and wish it was him. I’d ask you to stay, my dear, but I feel on reflection it wouldn’t be your thing if you don’t care for men. He’d probably want to fuck you too, and I’m afraid that would make me jealous.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  A few days later, Miss Bridget received a further email from Frau Ledermann.

  “Dear Miss Bridget

  Yesterday Dr Lowman took me back to the motel. He made me strip naked again and spent some time ‘inspecting’ me, as he calls it. And then suddenly there was a knock at the door. He went and opened it and three men came in. I did not expect this, but obviously he had planned it. He told me I was to service these men in any way they pleased. He told the men that I was a slut and a whore and they should use me accordingly.

  I did not like this at all. The men ran their eyes over my naked body and one made a remark and they all laughed, but I couldn’t hear what he said. The men then took all their clothes off. It was very disturbing to me to see so many cocks at once. I felt intimidated and nervous. One of the men grabbed my ass and squeezed it hard. I squealed and they all laughed again. I tried to get away from his grip and he slapped my face, really hard.

  After this it was all slapping and pinching and penetration of all three of my holes, sometimes all of them at once. Two of them came in my ass and one in my cunt. Dr Lowman watched and he took some video on his phone. I hope he is not going to make it public anywhere. But I suppose if my face is seen and recognised there will be a scandal and then he would have to sack me and I am sure that is not what he wants.

  The worst thing was that before the men left they took me in the bathroom and made me kneel in the shower and then they all peed on me. I was dripping wet everywhere, even my hair. They left me there like that and put their clothes on and left. Then Dr Lowman came into the bathroom and stood over me in the shower and masturbated on me. After that I was allowed a shower and got dressed.

  This is proving very difficult for me. I only get through it by knowing that I am pleasing you in this.

  Your German cunt.”

  There was a further email the next week.

  “Dear Miss Bridget

  Once again Dr Lowman took me to the motel. This time when there was a knock on the door he opened it and another woman came in. She was not one of your girls; she was about my age, very sluttily dressed in a short, tight skirt and a low-cut top which showed practically all her breasts. My suspicion was that she was a whore from the town, and quite a common one. She wore too much make-up, and her hair was blonde but showing her roots.

  Dr Lowman had this woman undress me. They then had a conversation about me as they looked at my naked body. Dr Lowman asked the woman if she thought my breasts should be bigger, and she said that they were not bad but most men prefer bigger. Of course I no longer have any interest in what men like.

  The woman then took her clothes off. Dr Lowman made me do things to her like kissing her, sucking her nipples and then her cunt. I did not mind this too much; at least it was better than having men touching me. But after a while Dr Lowman said he wanted things to get rough. He gave the woman a whip and she used it on me; soon my bottom was marked by red welts. (I attach a picture Dr Lowman gave me of my ass.) And then the woman took a very large dildo out of a bag she had brought with her. She had a strap-on harness too, and she put it on, with the dildo fixed in it. I was nervous, because the thing looked so big. And then the woman began to lubricate my ass. I protested that the thing she had was much too big for anal, and Dr Lowman slapped my face hard and told me to shut up. The woman forced the dildo into my ass and immediately began to fuck me, hard and fast. I protested again that the dildo was too big for me, but Dr Lowman simply laughed and told the woman to fuck me harder.

  Eventually the woman pulled the dildo out of me, but this was not the end. She lay on her back on the bed and I had to straddle her and lower my cunt onto the dildo. This was not quite so bad, since my cunt can accommodate much larger objects than my asshole. Then Dr Lowman climbed onto the bed and, positioning himself very carefully, pushed his cock up into my ass. This was not quite so bad as the dildo in my ass, since Dr Lowman is not so large, but since I was already filled in my cunt, it did make for rather a tight fit. Dr Lowman then began to fuck me hard until he came. That was the end of this session. I am still feeling sore from the experience.”

  Miss Bridget made no reply. She rather enjoyed the email, imagining in her mind’s eye Frau Lederman enduring a double penetration. Miss Bridget hoped that there had been a certain amount of discomfort if not pain. However, a further email alerted her to the need for action.

  “Dear Miss Bridget

  I have suffered increasing levels of abuse from Dr Lowman because you have obliged me to do so, for the protection of your enterprise with the girls, and because it is my role to carry out any acts which you require, and not to look for a reason except that I must be obedient.

  However, from what he tells me Dr Lowman proposes to involve me in what I believe to be a criminal act directed against the well-being of a young and innocent girl. It appears that he has conceived a passion for one of this year’s intake of students, a girl called Soraya, not one who has been lucky enough to be invited to join you in your work, but a girl fresh from a foreign country, devout and by all reports a virgin. Purely out of lust for her he intends to kidnap her and imprison her in a secret place, and there he will have his way with her, which I believe to include not only rape and the forcible entry into all three of her orifices, none of which has yet been penetrated by a man, but acts of great cruelty and violence against her. From what he has indicated to me these may include, but not be confined to, the piercing and branding of her body, whipping with barbed wire and steel-tipped whips, choking, water torture and other monstrous acts. He also proposes, I believe, to rent her body to other men with likewise evil intentions.

  He has vowed me to secrecy upon pain of suffering such a fate myself. His intentions towards this unfortunate young woman are such that he surely could not afford to release her after he had finished with her. I fear it is his plan to dispose of her permanently.

  I know that from the care and love you have for women that you would not allow such a plan to be carried out. Some way must be found to stop him, though unless he has begun his plan and actually kidnapped the girl I do not see how much can be done, since he will deny everything.

  Please, I beg you, Miss Bridget, do find a way to thwart this wicked man. I realise that what I have told you of his intentions sounds very far-fetched, almost unbelievable, yet I fear he is in deadly earnest. Something has happened to him and he is dangerously out of control. I fear not only for poor Soraya but also for myself.

  I vow to do all that is within my power to co-operate with you in any action you decide to take.

  Your humble and obedient servant,

  Your German cunt.”

  “I’ve been thinking some more about the problem of Dr Lowman,” Bridget said. “His treatment of the German cunt is really too much. I know she is willing to serve in any capacity we decide, but it is unfair to expect her to put up with Lowman’s depravity continually. Especially in view of the recent developments she has described. At all costs we must not allow him to abuse that poor girl Soraya.”

  “So what do you propose?” Flora said.

  “We need proof of his depra
vities sufficient to get him instantly fired if they came to light. And then we can give poor Frau Ledermann a break.”

  “But how to get it?” Flora said. She’d been thinking about the problem too, but had not come up with any ideas.

  “We need a video,” Bridget said firmly. “The question is, how. I’ve thought about getting someone like a private investigator to spy on him with a camera, but that’s too complicated and it’s not secure. We can’t really trust them.”

  “Obviously the German cunt can’t do it herself,” Flora replied.

  Bridget thought for a moment. “Does he know you, Dr Lowman? Or rather, does he know you have anything to do with the Circle?”

  “I can’t see how he does. I don’t think he knows me from Adam. I’ve only spoken to him once or twice in a couple of years.”

  “Suppose,” said Bridget, speaking carefully, “just suppose the German cunt introduced you as her lover who wants to take part in some raunchy sex. While she kept him busy you would find time to film some footage. If he sees you, then you just smile in a dirty way and say you like to masturbate to it afterwards. If you both made sure he had a really good time, he’s be distracted enough to let you do the job.”

  “But what if he wanted to do things to me? Spank me. Even fuck me?” Flora made a face.

  “All in a good cause, my dear,” Bridget said. She rather liked the idea of making Flora do something like that. Sometimes she thought Flora got a little above herself, and needed to be brought to heel.

  “All very well for you to say,” Flora said.

  “You just might have to take one for the team,” Bridget said with a smirk. “I’ll call in the German cunt and explain to her what we plan.”

  Flora wasn’t keen. What little she knew of Dr Lowman she didn’t like, and anyway he was a man. It was one thing to order the German cunt to let him do what he wanted; she was there for their convenience. But Flora knew she herself was attractive; it was more than likely that Dr Lowman would seek to use her in some way also. Flora didn’t like this at all. No man had ever used her, and she preferred things stay that way. But where Miss Bridget was concerned, Flora could never say no. She was in awe of her, more than a little afraid, and desperate to get into her bed one day, somehow or other. If she, Flora, went through with this plan, surely the least Bridget could do for her was to fuck her?

  Flora was sitting in Miss Bridget’s room when the German cunt arrived. “Frau Ledermann, do sit down,” Bridget said brightly.

  Frau Lederman looked around suspiciously. Usually when she was called to Miss Bridget’s office it was to be humiliated yet again, or roughly used in some way. What would it be this time?

  “We greatly appreciate the service you have rendered us through submitting to Dr Lowman,” said Bridget. “He’s a man, after all, and not a pleasant one. It must be distasteful to be used by him.”

  “My place is to serve you, Miss Bridget,” Frau Ledermann said. “And all the girls of the Circle.”

  “When this is over we must find a way of showing our appreciation,” said Bridget. Perhaps, she thought, we can organise a gang rape, with all our girls given a free hand with her. Let’s hope some of them can find some really humiliating things for her to do. “However,” Miss Bridget continued, “in the meantime we wish you to do a further service for us.”

  Frau Ledermann looked nervous. Miss Bridget was always finding ways of testing her obedience, of stretching the limits of her submission. What now?

  “We fear that Dr Lowman is no longer sufficiently disposed in our favour now that Mrs Freeman has gone, even after making you available to him. We need to find an extra stimulus to keep him onside. We need some visual evidence of his depredations, now that things seem to be getting out of hand. I therefore propose that Miss Flora accompany you on your next session with him. While you keep him busy, she will endeavour to take some pictures of him behaving inappropriately.”

  “What sort of things?” Frau Ledermann asked.

  “Dr Lowman is the principal of a college for young ladies,” Bridget said. “If members of the Board of the college see him abusing, degrading, even torturing one of the female staff, they will surely dismiss him. It will not be enough for him to argue, as he might, that you have consented.”

  “I see,” said Frau Lederman dubiously. “How degrading would the acts have to be to constitute grounds for dismissal?”

  “I shall leave it to Miss Flora to discuss that with you,” Bridget said. “But the more you are willing to endure, the better evidence it will be.”

  “Very well,” said Frau Ledermann. She did not have much choice, really.

  “Stand up and take your clothes off,” Miss Bridget said unexpectedly.

  Frau Lederman got to her feet and stripped off, then stood in front of the desk, waiting.

  Miss Bridget held out a small key to Miss Flora. “Take off her chastity belt.”

  Miss Flora unlocked the metal belt and placed it on the desk.

  “Come here,” Miss Bridget said.

  Frau Lederman approached cautiously. Miss Bridget put a hand between her legs and began to fondle her cunt. “How long since you were beaten?” Miss Bridget said.

  “Not for two weeks, Miss Bridget,’ she answered.

  “That is too long,” said Miss Bridget. “You ought to have a beating once a week to keep your submission always in your mind. Miss Flora, will you fetch the cane and take care of it?”

  “Certainly,” said Flora. The German cunt had the sort of bottom she enjoyed beating most; finely sculpted, curvaceous yet firm, a most enticing shape. The cane was kept on a shelf. She picked it up and swished it a few times.

  “How many?” she asked.

  Miss Bridget thought. A dozen strokes was the usual prescription. But in view of the fact that her willingness to serve was being tested, a few more might be in order, “Twenty,” said Miss Bridget. “Hard ones, if you please.”

  Frau Lederman bent over the desk. Miss Bridget watched as Flora began the beating. She saw the cane rise and fall in a steady rhythm. She heard the sharp crack as each stroke landed. On the first few occasions the German cunt had been beaten, she had whimpered, even squealed a little. But Miss Hannah had cured her of that, before she became Miss Bridget’s possession. And so she made no sound as the beating went on. On the other hand, watching closely, Miss Bridget saw the grimace of pain that passed across the German cunt’s face as each blow fell. It was satisfying to see that the cane was doing its work, that the lesson was being driven home. Miss Bridget owned her. Miss Bridget could do anything with her that she liked. And so, despite her distaste for the man, and, since arriving at St Swithin’s, for men in general, Frau Lederman was happy to perform whatever service was required.

  Miss Flora lowered the cane and returned it to its place. Miss Bridget got up to inspect her work. As always, the red lines were in a near group, parallel, close together.

  “As usual, a very professional job,” said Miss Bridget. “Cunt,” she said to Frau Ledermann, “you may go now. Miss Flora and I need to discuss tactics. You will be informed in due course what you are to do exactly.”

  “Shall I put my belt back on, Miss Bridget?” she said.

  “Oh, yes, of course,” said Miss Bridget. “Come here, I’ll do it for you.”

  Before she put the belt in place, Miss Bridget slipped a hand between the German tutor’s legs. She was wet, very wet. All the more reason to replace the chastity belt. She did so and turned the key in the lock, putting it back in the drawer of her desk.

  Once Frau Ledermann had gone out, shutting the door behind her, Miss Bridget turned to Flora. “I assume you will use your phone to make a recording of Dr Lowman’s activities. The trick will be not to get caught. Or if you are, to have a plausible reason for making a recording.”

  “It will have to be when he’s excited. When he’s giving the German cunt a thrashing, perhaps.”

  “Just make sure he’s clearly identifiable. And that what he’s doi
ng is not likely to be approved of by the respectable people on the board of the college. Not that I imagine his presence in the company of two naked women will be easily explained away.”

  Flora had not seen all the emails which Frau Lederman had sent Miss Bridget, so she did not know the full extent of the principal’s depravity. Nor had Miss Bridget told her of Dr Lowman’s plans to kidnap and defile one of the college students. But Miss Bridget thought it was important she knew the facts, and so, over a glass of wine, she sat Flora down and told her all she knew so far.

  “My goodness,” said Flora. She was quite shocked to hear of the threat to Soraya.

  “It’s a pity that we can’t catch him in the act of debauching her, of raping her. But though she’s not one of my girls, I don’t feel we can use her that way.”

  “Indeed not,” said Miss Flora, a little shocked that such a thing would even come into Miss Bridget’s mind.

  “But perhaps you might inveigle him into giving you details of his plans?”

  “I’ll see what I can do. But if it’s just words, it can always be denied, as a joke, albeit one in extremely poor taste. I am sure we need pictures of him in action.”

  Flora went away thinking hard about her mission. She had no qualms about putting the German cunt in the firing line. She had been comprehensively debauched already by Miss Bridget and her predecessors, and had already been put to the sword, as it were, by Dr Lowman.

  Suddenly the thought of Suki came to mind. Miss Flora had a secret, a dark secret which she took great pains to hide from discovery, for if it were known it would surely be the end of her involvement with the Circle. Flora had a boyfriend; at least, of a sort. His real name was Vincent, but she called him Suki. He worked in the town, at a rather dull job in retail. It was in his private life with Flora that he found excitement and fulfilment.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Suki was a sissy. For two years Flora had been training him, transforming him from a rather shy and innocent youth to his altogether more exotic identity under Flora’s tuition. Suki, or Vincent, wore a suit and tie to work, a model of respectability. But underneath told a very different story. Firstly, Suki’s cock was under permanent restraint, locked up in a steel cage which permitted him to perform toilet functions but rendered any kind of sexual activity, even masturbation, quite impossible. His balls were kept encircled in a steel ring which, although not painful or harmful, was a constant reminder of his status.


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