Forge Kin

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Forge Kin Page 3

by Jason Melzer

  The whiteness faded and I could now open my eyes to see a robot above me placing its hands into the water. The machine lifted me up and pulled out a syringe before injecting me in my chest. It felt as though the fire was being replaced with the feelings of cooling mint as I shivered in the machines arms. The robot pulled off my helmet and the beating pains in my head were silenced with the fire across my body going out.

  Listening to the others nearby I turned away from the robots triangular face to see I had been carried to the pools edge. Two other robots were standing over my sister and grandfather as I looked to mom and dad who seemed to be fine. Lotu and Sollea were frantically working with grandpa. Looking back to the metallic face in front of me its voice seemed friendly. “I am Key bot Shoal one four zero. I have been assigned the duty of guiding you on your journey.”

  Tolan reached me at the edge of the pool and helped me to my feet. “Did you just get a guide? What happened in the pool?” Standing on my own two feet my back was stiff but straight as I saw Lotu and a robot moving grandpa into a side room away from the medical bay. Seeing Preti’s eyes connect with mine the connection was broken as I saw rainbow light shining from her hands and pointed to it.

  Shocked I discovered a rainbow light coming from my own hands before looking closer at it. It looked like mehndi hand art glowing on my hands. The alien patterns were beautiful as I admired them until Lotu yelled out to us. “Tolan, the medical communications system is being jammed. You need to get out of here now! Tolan, take the girls to your sister’s home world before the Fellorn get here!”

  Tolan began pulling me to the exit of the building with the help of the robot that carried me from the pool. Seeing Preti being moved to the door by another robot mom had already joined Lotu in the side room. Crying out her voice wavered, “Dad you can’t leave us!” I stumbled with my new sense of balance as the robot helped me move through the door to the sunny daylight outside. Other Pontu were outside pointing up into the sky above leading me to look up as I held the robots arm.

  Above Shoal was another reef world with a world sized blue and purple portal door next to it. Seconds passed and I watched a second reef world moving through the portal door closer than the first. Turning to enter a building it was too late as five scaled creatures emerged from the hospital buildings wall through a portal. They looked like small humanoids with a tyrannosaurs head and long claws as they herded us back to the building we had come out of.

  Helmets covered the top half of their heads with the occasional feather appearing between the scales and armor on their bodies. Tolan didn’t fight but was angry, “Quit pushing us. We haven’t done anything wrong!” The leader of the group sneered while we were escorted into the medical bay. “You are ordered to reject all apprenticeships until the Pontu fulfill their trade court orders.” Inside the building mom was crying softly and Dad was beside himself.

  More Fellorn had cleared Lotu and our parents out of the room leaving grandpa alone with the robot as he lay dying. The larger Fellorn inside the building was imposing in his plate armor uniform and metallic helmet. Rising through the helmet were two scaly ridges with feathers behind them while below was a long jaw of sharp white teeth. “It seems as though one of the apprentices has ended his apprenticeship. These two can renounce their quest and this whole tragedy can be forgotten.”

  Dad was not happy. “Why are you denying treatment for my father?” Snarling at dad the larger creature spoke back with a fearsome voice. “I have allowed the guide to treat your father but he is dying because he was too old and sick to survive. It is his time!” Lotu calmly spoke back, “It was a court order that stopped me caring for him when you shut down his link to the hospital. Get me a doctor with the medicine we need or restore his link to the hospital!”

  Turning his head the Fellorn snarled and one of his soldiers opened a bag walking to the side room. Blocked by the robot it closed the door. “I am Shoal guide four one three. The apprentice has expired from damage to the brain with complications to cancer modification and oxygen deprivation. I am securing his body for the Pontu or Human memorial to be given.”

  The big creature turned back to Preti and then me. “You two infintiles will renounce the apprenticeships extended to you. Then we will reverse the recent medical procedure or I will imprison you for the rest of your natural lives.” Another voice called out from the door as Porah walked through with two more robots accompanying him. “Earth is an Estuary world and mankind is a protected species! The court has no rights to enforce that ruling on them when they made their own keys!”

  Watching the older Pontu walk over to mom and dad he ignored the drama and embraced them for a moment. “I am so sorry for your loss. Rajesh reminded me very much of my brother. The forge has chosen your girls and father as apprentices and that is why these things are happening.” The sound of electrical arcs snapped in the air as all ten of the Fellorn around us shook and fell to the ground. Their bodies thumped on the hard floor. “Thank you guides and guards for doing that. Did you help Rajesh name a successor?”

  Guide four one three stepped forward. “I told him Tolan was best prepared to lead his granddaughters on this path. He has named Tolan as his successor.” The guide stepped forward placing the chisel necklace over Tolan’s neck before his neck started to glow with writing and bands around it. “The word of god binds you Tolan and the festival of the flame is quenching all of you. Hug your loved ones. You will be leaving in a moment.”

  Dad spoke out worried. “We must go with them to the forge.” Porah raised a hand and calmly explained. “If you leave with them the trade courts will confiscate the forge terminal and Simran will be imprisoned with crutches in the end.” Mom looked to me for a moment before asking her own question. “Then how can we keep our children safe?” Porah Looked to me before looking back to my mom. “Help me keep the courts from taking the forge. Help me and every world they change will tell us how they are doing.”

  Mom and dad started telling Preti to take care of me and me to listen to my sister and of course we both had to follow Tolan. Tears were abundant as I peeked over to see Tolan embrace his mom and dad. A hologram sprang up from a pad placed next to Porah as he ended the moment. “It is too late to go back now. You each must go on the path of the apprentice to a world the forge will have you serve. Whoever is chosen as the forge master can bring both our people more freedom by building Hypartheon.”

  A holo-folder sprang up from the pad with hundreds of exotic planets appearing. I had a strong feeling as my parents let go and I stepped forward to touch a different folder. Hundreds of thousands of reef worlds appeared and I quickly found one with red lettering that felt right. Pushing it the portal door opened to this world leaving me to look back to the others. Porah smiled down at me. “You were touched by the terminal. Guides please take the sides of your apprentice and lead them through the door. We will be destroying this door to stop the Fellorn from following.”

  Looking to the brass colored robot that had pulled me out of the water only minutes ago it stood by my side. It seemed to be my guide as grandfather’s silver colored guide stood by Tolan and a gold colored guide stood by Preti. Looking back into the door it showed a cloudy and rainy storm ahead with rocks and moss and a trail. I stumbled with my guide through the door as the rain left me wet and looking back to the collapsing portal door.

  Looking around the sounds of not thunder but shots and explosions could be heard in the distance. We were on a plateau and a hundred meters uphill was a water drenched slum. Buildings and streets made of stones and sheets of metal with streams flowing through the roads. The buildings reminded me of one of the neighborhoods that my family once lived in. Following Tolan to the buildings my guide was not shy.

  “Simran; I will be your guide as you prepare for the forge terminal. May I please ask you the favor of naming me?” I was unhappy for a moment about how the medicine that had healed me had killed my grandfather as I answered. “Don’t you already have a name?”
Looking down at me for a moment the brass guide calmly replied, “My kind do not need names unless we guide an apprentice. I am hoping that you would give me a name so I would be remembered with you if you ascend to the title of Forge Kin.”

  I didn’t have any favorite names to share as I thought about it for a moment. Deciding on a name it was simple and what this robot would be for me on this mission. He was a guide and my link to what I would need to know where ever I would go. “I name you Link. Now let’s get out of the rain.”

  Chapter 3

  Friends on Koleas

  Link’s metal feet scraped on the stone road as more explosions could be heard in the distance. Minutes passed walking to the streets and homes as the rain kept pouring down on top of me. Reaching the outskirts of the sheet metal slum creatures with metallic wings landed on the ground surrounding us as rain poured down. “You do not appear to be Shaizi. What kind of creatures are you? Why are you glowing?” Link stood between me and one of the individuals as it approached me.

  “We are guiding apprentices of the forge. Stand down and tell us what is wrong with your world.” Changed by the news one among them stepped forward placing her hand on the one that approached me. The female folded her wings onto her back like a cloak and water dripped from her chin as she answered Link. “My people are dying and my world is shattered. We must contact the others commanders and tell them of your arrival.”

  Link wouldn’t budge as I walked up to his side and then passed him to get a closer look at her. “Why do you need our help?” The feminine face reminded me of a tiger but was bigger than a man’s head while on a very tall and lean body. Stretching her wings again I saw her short brown hair with a short bushy tail and horse like mane on her neck. An armored chest plate and leggings covered her light blue clothing.

  She was a little taller than Link who was a head taller than my dad before kneeling down to look into my eyes. Her deep purple and black eyes captivated me for a moment as she took my hands in hers. “Welcome to our world of Koleas. I am Listal and I would like to invite you into my home to dry off and eat. I will explain why my world is dying inside my home.” Watching her turn away and start walking I was uneasy on my feet with the stone road. Holding Links arm he walked by my side as soldiers escorted us out of the rain.

  Passing young and old creatures in armor a few children could be seen along the rainy and empty streets. Reaching a dimly lit door an orange glow filled the home as I stepped inside following our host. I quietly sat on a stone chair next to a glowing fireplace with coils of orange hot wire giving off a dry desert like heat. The stone seat was warm and already drying out my pants as Listal disappeared and returned with bowls and spoons. Handing them out I then realized I could smell food cooking as Listal pulled a pot from above the fireplace.

  Our host put a mixture of beans and herbs in my bowl before Link looked at it and advised me. “These items will not be toxic to your human biochemistry. You must eat to keep up your strength.” Silently I ate as my clothes dried near the fireplace. Listal took off her armor to reveal that her clothes looked short like the kind you would see on an athlete. “I do not know why you are so sad young apprentices but you must have had a bad day if you can’t complain about the weather.”

  Bangs trampled across the sheet metal roof as a pack of howling creatures cried outside above the sound of rain. Finishing the meal it was enough to satisfy my appetite as Listal pointed to Preti’s hands. “What is your name and is this part of your apprenticeship?” Preti reached her hand forward letting Listal look at the bioluminescent markings for a moment. With curiosity Listal looked and continued talking.

  “I have learned of humanity in my studies. I never thought I would meet your kind let alone see humans as apprentices of the forge.” Pulling her hand away and starting to eat Preti was quiet as I raised my hand up to show Listal. The alien smiled as she saw my hand and held it as she looked at it. “You little one, remind me of my nephew. When he was alive he was brave.”

  Link cut in as he placed his hand on my arm. “What is wrong with Koleas? This world has not been communicating with the link in fifty years.” Listal withdrew her hands and a few more explosions sounded off in the distant rains. “My people are the Leshenkai and we paid for this world thousands of years ago. Forty seven years ago we received a major shipment of what was supposed to be refined ore. Inside the delivery were four divisions of Shaizi troops.” The rain seemed to get louder as Listal paused for just a moment.

  “The attack was swift as they took the armory’s and began executing the citizenry. They held the capitol city of Latnisk for over a week as they moved in a large colony. Once they retreated from the city to the seas they destroyed the portal telemetry station and the weather cycle equipment was frozen in operation. We have been fighting in this monsoon weather for forty years.” Quiet filled the room as I looked over and saw Preti staring at Listal.

  My sister seemed to have moved past grandpa’s passing for the moment as she asked. “Why hasn’t anyone helped you in forty years? You must have had ships come.” Listal shook her head for a moment. “No one would help. The Shaizi are like an infection sneaking onto ships and worlds with deception. Only the Fellorn are able to deal with the Shaizi but we need a meeting to make a personal contract with them. No one will take us to them.”

  Looking down for a moment Listal closed her eyes. “We have been surviving and killing each other for forty years. In that time we have lost many of our people. I myself am one of the last of my family.” Tolan spoke up. “Why haven’t you turned off the power to Koleas and shut down all of the weapons? You could shut down the war long enough to get a message to the trade fleets by radio.” Listal looked into my eyes for a moment and continued.

  “We are over a lightyear away from the nearest star. If we turn off the power the portals will lose telemetry and not come back on. Silencing guns would freeze our world solid. To communicate with the link or turn off the stolen weapons we need the telemetry station, it is the only way to end our war.” Link touched my arm with instructions for me and the others. “Our young apprentices do not walk the warrior’s path unless called by the forge. As your guides we will do everything we can to keep you safe but you must resist fighting in this war. If something seems wrong than ask your guide.”

  The rain seemed to get louder on the rooftop as Listal brought out blankets that smelled of wet fur. I lay down on a bed next to the fireplace and Link sat next to me almost like a member of my family. Sleep was calling me away in the quiet as Link whispered. “Thank you for my name Simran. You will need this to start your journey tomorrow.” He handed me a pair of gloves like the ones Porah let us use with grandpa’s forge. Link next placed a metal chip in my gloved hand that glowed with quantum alloy.

  A slot in my key caught my attention as it lit up making a thought cross my mind. Sliding the chip into the slot the key flashed and fused with the chip as Preti stood watching me. “Where did you get that chip from?” Taking off the gloves I put them in a pocket and answered. “Link gave it to me. What are you going to name your guide?” Yawning I watched Preti and Tolan ask their guides if they could get their own chips.

  My sister soon named her guide Chip and Tolan playfully named his guide Glitch. I was having a hard time keeping my eyes open at this point but I strained to do so. Darkness and stars overtook me as I was carried off from my bed and blanket. I floated in my dream surrounded by space and distant lights near a large blue glowing ball in front of me. Reaching for the star I lifted it up with one hand and brought it closer to watch flames dance across its surface.

  It warmed my face as a faint voice spoke behind me. “Open your other hand. Dedicate and draw metal from this star to build a new world.” Looking around I could not see the voices owner before looking down to my open right hand. A dimly lit transparent shape hung in the air over my hand. Looking at it I recognized that it was like Shoal but different. It was another reef world made from space shields like the orange su
it I used to fly in space.

  Looking back to the star I touched it before seeing molten metal fill up the structure of the world ship in my right hand. Moments passed as the world cooled and the face of this small world was changed with green forests and blue seas. Letting go of the sun I reached for the gear on the back of the ring turning it slowly and spinning the world. The artificial sun turned on lighting up part of the world while I looked down at the creation I held.

  The faint voice returned as I again looked only to see the star lit sky around me. “I have placed in you the power to create with my flame. Without your hands and heart my flame will dim. Work hard with the Leshenkai and I will light your way.” Looking for the source of the voice I turned around to find myself surrounded by waist tall meadow grasses and flowers. Nearby trees obscured a giant black mound in the distance.

  Not sure who to talk with I still had questions. “Terminus. How will I know what to do?” The deep voice called out from the direction of the black mound. “Stoke my fire and work my bellows and I will show you how to save this world young smith.” Looking at the mound through the trees I wondered how I would be shown. Lightly I felt the ground lift away and I could hear gentle rain. Rested, my eyes opened to a faint light and rain mixed with the sounds of more creatures running across the rooftop.


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