Forge Kin

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Forge Kin Page 6

by Jason Melzer

  Remembering one of grandpa’s lessons I would have to try and share it. “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong. Listal made me forgive the Shaizi so I could be strong and fast when we needed it.” Kai nodded and smiled with me. “My cousin did that for everyone she cared about, even me.” A moment passed with sorrow and tears ending as Link’s cold robotic hand drew my mind to our need to leave.

  “It is time to continue the journey young apprentice. Listal kept you from killing so your flame did not go out. She will be celebrated among the forge kin and her memory will be carried into legend.” Link took my hand as I placed my cut braid with the body of my fallen friend. “Thank you Listal. I met you in the rain and now I leave you in the rain. You are a guiding star.” Reaching up and spreading my arms the first drops of rain started landing and Kai’s face found a smile.

  My arms became wet before turning and flying back to the portal pad. The sounds of celebrating Leshenkai arose as the rain fell and captured Shaizi soldiers were being marched down the street. The last remaining gravity drone put away the maintenance forge as I passed it returning to my sister. The bloodshed was finally washing away and the ground becoming fertile and sacred again. The smoke that filled the air around the streets brought soot down to the bones of this city. Ownership of the dead was surrendered to the living once again.

  Looking back to my sister Link turned and nodded to Chip. “We are ready to follow Preti on her apprentice’s path.” Chip turned on the Portal pad opening the door to our next world ship stop on the way to the Forge terminal. Immediately a mighty roar of voices arose as I looked up to see the shape of a reef world just beyond the cloudy storm up in space. The Fellorn were now here to hunt us as Koleas reported our presence.

  Looking forward I followed Link through the door as the last one to leave Koleas and its rain. Looking back through the door Kai held my braid calling out from the other side. “Thank you for our dreams apprentice. Listal always loved the rain.” Turning on a shield blade from his arm guard he swung at the portal device before the door collapsed and beyond it was the view of old growth trees on buildings. One of many tall buildings that surrounded us on a warm world that looked like it should have been full of people but was strangely empty.

  Chapter 5

  Tychod’s nightmares

  The rooftops around us looked like jungles with ferns, flowers, vines and trees. Orange leaves and black fruits growing on the trees over green ferns and purple mosses. Vines trailed past a small block near the edge of the rooftop as I looked around the garden area. Leaves on the vines were green with orange stripes accenting the ground all around us. Chips arm pointed up between the trees to the sky as he spoke. “Welcome to the manufacturing world of Tychod. That world above us is Archon. It is what your people would call a super Earth.”

  In the sky Archons face of greens and blues was being overrun by the darkness of night reminding me of Earth. Turning away I walked towards the nearby block covered in plants feeling something was wrong. Pushing the leaves aside from the block there was a tiny doll made of fabric. I held up the dirty figure to show the others before putting it in my pocket with my gloves. Looking for more items there were small dishes covered in dirt and small seats alongside what was actually a table.

  Chip joined me at the table and picked up a small cup from under the vines. “The Borain people bought this place fifteen thousand years ago and made it a factory world. There seems to be no one here now.” Tolan spoke up. “Well this isn’t a dead world. Chip, can you talk to Tychod?” Chip was surprised as I lifted up more vines on the table. “I can’t communicate with anything. Power is down worldwide.”

  Pushing the vines aside they glowed when they moved giving me a question. “Why do these vines glow?” Link quickly moved me away from them before looking closely and sensing them. “These vines are moving electrons with metal molecules and a special kind of cellulose structure like a wire. Inside the cells I see something new. I see organic acids producing enzymes and modulating cellulose inside a new class of organelle. They seem to be hydrogen fuel cell organelles.”

  Glitch called out from behind. “The Borain must be desperate if they are using electricity. We should find them and discover what happened to their world’s power.” Turning away from the table I walked to Link as he moved along with the vines to the edge of the building. Preti called out to us. “To find the Borain we should look from the sky and see if there are any signs of them.”

  Chip turned on his wings as he agreed. “Preti is right. We need a higher perspective to find the Borain.” I turned on my wings like the others calling to my sister. “We are ready to follow you Preti.” Lifting off of the rooftop it took a few moments to rise above the tops of the taller buildings. The warm air and wind quickly dried my clothes as I looked down at the mixing of jungle and city. Flying hundreds of meters higher I spied as Link pointed out a two kilometer section of city leveled in the distance.

  Chip called out, “That was where Tychod’s power plant was located. It seems to have been destroyed.” Looking back across the horizon there were roads connecting jungle rooftops with their colored plants on the artificial mountains. The buildings were so tall that their shadows hid the ground below. Passing a giant humanoid machine hanging on the side of a building Chip called out to the rest of us. “Lights in the distance.” The shadow of Archon overtook the cityscape hiding us in darkness.

  Flying down to the lights they crossed on one of many streets connecting the building tops. Landing next to the lit bridge I set down on the farther roof before something beautiful happened. Plant leaves started to glow on the buildings as the trees and ferns took on distinctive blues and greens. The vines and small flowers turned many other colors as I knelt down to touch a patch of glowing purple fan brush flowers. My hand glowed in their light before a sound drew me to look over to a small shuttle landing on the lit road.

  I watched a ramp lower from the shuttle as little owl faced creatures exited. Standing at half a meter tall their rabbit like frames looked very human while covered in short fur and wooly clothes with block like armor. The soldiers from the shuttle ran forward in a single column towards us as the first one yelled out. “Ezrin take point! Open up a giant window next to the colony!”

  The first broke off and approached as Chip called to him. “We have been looking for you. We would like to speak to the leader of your world.” The leader of the small troops stopped in front of me with a warning. “You are in great danger outside. You must join us in the colony!” Preti stepped towards him answering. “We are apprentices of the forge and we are here to fix your world. What is happening?”

  The leader responded, “I am Quanik. The Balkor are attacking this settlement and they are dangerous. I saw you fly here so we will open a window for you to enter the building on that side.” Following its hand pointing to a building side he was nearly in the tiny roof door when I saw him call back to us. “Ten floors down!” Glitch advised my sister in the dark. “We should not run head first into another attack. We are safer here.”

  Something hit my legs and I fell to my side before seeing the creature now growling at me in the lights of the trees. It looked like a bat but with far more muscle and a dog like head howling with tiger like fangs. Link stood in between me and the beast calling back to me. “Do as the Borain said. There are thousands of these creatures in the sky!”

  Patches glowed on the creature’s arms and head as I looked up to see the glowing swirl of light in the sky. Preti pulled on my arm before we took off flying and diving over the building side. Looking back to Link he struck the creature down and took off after us. Glowing vines covered the building side while a light on a pole waved outside of an open window below.

  Following Tolan inside the building it was beautiful and horrifying as the glowing plants illuminated it all. The inside of the building was much more spacious than I had expected with wounded lining the hallway we had entered. The ceiling was twice t
he height of my robot guide with glowing leafy vines flowing down the hall to the sounds of howling. The hallway was very wide with pots holding plants like lanterns showing the blood on the floor.

  At last Link landed in the hallway before the two soldiers closed the large window and sealed it. The one that introduced himself as Quanik called back as they began running down the hallway. “Please help us throw the Balkor out. We only need to catch six of these monsters!” Chip was first to chase calling back to us. “Stay back from the fighting. Let us fix this.” Following my guide I passed the Borain mourning and lamenting in the hallway.

  Stepping past a flood of creatures escaping into the hallway the room opened up with honeycomb columns. It was wide and spacious between the columns as six of the Balkor jumped attacking the crowds of Borain. Easily two times the size of their victim’s one of the monsters was netted with steel and arcs of electricity. Link and the other guides took up nets from the soldiers before leaving us at the hallway opening.

  Looking for a weapon I found a large piece of door with two rings on it. Picking it up it wasn’t heavy as I looked up to my sister who pulled a net from the wall. Preti stood next to me as Tolan took up a snare pipe with a rope through its end. Glitch and chip managed to take another one of the creatures into a net before shocking it. Link helped another soldier take the third into a net as the last three scattered.

  One ran towards me as I moved forward and knelt down feeling my sore legs. I held the shield down as the creature dove and crashed into the bottom of my shield. It knocked me up as the thing slid under and pinned itself underneath me. Tolan jumped on with me as it kicked in fear and cried out in pain. The next howl forced me to look at the other two Balkor that now looked at us angrily.

  Preti threw her net forward catching one of the monsters before it started to drag her away. The last Balkor was netted before sliding next to my shield and shaking before my eyes. Looking back for Preti Link helped her get control of the beast shocking it before handing the rope over to the small soldiers. Quanik appeared by our side as the last Balkor struggled under my shield. The smaller soldier slid a snare under the shield with his pole and tightened it.

  The creature stopped struggling before we got off and moved the shield. The monster was still while being dragged away with the others. My relief was short lived as the masses of smaller creatures now returned from the hallways. Spotting one still body on the floor near me my eyes were drawn by its clothing moving. The body lay next to a hexagon shaped pillar that was probably as wide as Link was tall.

  The pillar was covered in a wooden honey comb structure made from vines that grew into each other. The honeycomb reminded me of storage boxes stacked together but with things you would see in a small home like clothing and tables. Stepping among the crowd to reach the strange sight I knelt as the crowds seemed to be busy. I watched them returning to their homes and pull door panels down before I again looked to the floor.

  The still Borain wore a long coat that twitched as I reached down and opened it. I lifted from it a blanket covering a baby that fit almost perfectly in my palm. I felt sorrow for the child’s mother but was happy to stand up holding a survivor of the attack. The child stretched yawning before looking at me with small curious eyes. I saw its curiosity as it looked to my hand before my eyes.

  My moment was broken as Preti again started asking questions. “Can you tell us who is in charge now?” Moving around I once again saw the soldier named Quanik as he answered my sister. “I am in charge now that I have returned. Thank all of your for your help. Your speed and assistance has saved many lives today. Who are you people?” I saw the baby yawn and close its eyes as Chip answered Quanik.

  “I would like to introduce Simran and Preti Singh and Tolan Torah. They are apprentices of the forge and we are there guides.” Quanik turned away calling to other soldiers around us. “Apprentices of the forge have been sent! Call an assembly of generals! Where are the musicians or singers? We must celebrate the arrival of the apprentices of the forge!” Mourning still filled the room as the survivors turned to their homes ignoring the calls for celebration.

  Touching my arm with a smile Preti followed with a question. “Do you remember Heal now my soul? That song we learned for our school performance. I have it on my armguard.” Nodding to my sister and thinking of grandpa clapping at that school recital the words would be comforting. Preti stepped forward calling out to the colony and their homes. “I hope you will hear me. We lost a friend today before coming to your home. We lost our grandfather the day before that when we fled our family for our safety.”

  Doors and windows opened in the honeycomb homes as Preti continued. “I guess I wanted to say that you aren’t the only ones who are in mourning right now. We would like to share a song with you as we mourn our family and friends.” Preti touched her arm guard and musical notes clearly flowed as my sister sang the first verse. “Heal now my soul, bind and temper pain. Wisdoms control, fear and rage made tame. With fiery words sing, light others love around you. Dawn’s coming brings, the veil’s peace now found. Heal now my soul, love more and tears will fade. Savior I am whole, as precious blood is paid.”

  Seeing my artwork glowing on my arms my verse was coming up. Looking past the baby more faces stared back at me eager as I smiled a little before focusing on my words. “Heal now my soul, write hymns to singing praise. Leave wrath behind, lest trials bind you’re days. Anguish loses power, wounds will soon be gone. Hope trains faith’s flower, works will break your bonds. Heal now my soul, mindful of my every path. Together made full, heavens peace comes at last.” As the music continued they began to leave their homes as many of these people listened intently.

  Feeling a cold hand on my shoulder Link stood by me as I saw Chip stand with my sister. The last verse was grandpa’s favorite part as I and my sister sang the last verse together. “Heal now my soul, god’s grace lovingly give. With mercies guide, at one we shall live. His spirit fires, holy words in hearts of clay. Writ and desired, spirits will mend today. Heal now my soul, let my strength stay. Your spirit my goal, bring us peace I pray.”

  As the last echoes of our voices crossed the thousands of homes the moods of the people had changed. A dozen Borain had begun with their own song as I watched soldiers move the stricken mother from before me. The baby lay soundly asleep in my hand as Quanik called us over to the hallway. “Apprentices! You must be hungry and tired from your travels. Follow me and I will show you where the giant’s quarters are.”

  Following Quanik to a tall door in the hallway the soldier hit a key pad to open a large door before leading us in. As the room opened the shorter creature called us in. “We have four beds with blankets. We use the softest plant fibers for the bedding. And if you follow me back to this plant near the window you will notice these glass cups. Place them under the ferns nozzle and you will receive a nutritious drink we call mana.”

  Quanik placed a large glass under a brass nozzle in a plant stem before the plant poured out a clear liquid into the glass. Preti stepped forward to pick up the glass that Quanik offered before Chip stepped in looking at it closely. “It is compatible with the apprentice’s biochemistry.” Watching Preti take a sip she smiled and licked her lips before offering me the glass. Holding the sleeping baby to my chest for balance my free hand reached for the cup.

  The drink tasted like cotton candy but it gave a warm feeling as it helped to relax my mind. Watching Tolan drink was funny as his smile looked fake because it was so big. He probably liked it more than I did. Turning to Link I asked him a question. “Can the baby have a drink?” Quanik stopped at the open door with my answer. “The child is not old enough for the mana from this plant. There is a milk plant two floors up. I will send in a nurse if you will watch him.”

  Turning to our host I asked another question. “What is his name?” Quanik stopped in the door his words uneasy. “His mother was supposed to name him in a few days. His father died months ago. He has family on the other sid
e of Tychod but no one to name him.” Looking at the young one I wanted to give him a name. “I will name you Rajesh. Tonight you are part of our family.” Quanik called back from the door. “You are most kind apprentice. I will return when the soldiers are ready and we shall save Tychod.”

  As the door closed I lay Raj in a woven basket to sleep on a table next to my bed. Removing the wing pack I watched Raj sleep for a few moments before exhaustion took me. Closing my eyes I opened them and I felt better. I lay on a street surrounded by the shadowy faces of buildings that stretched up nearly swallowing the sky. Standing up lights on the buildings gave me some idea of how they looked until I saw something blue down the street.

  Walking the dim road I could see on its sides were little spheres that glowed showing markings on the pavement. Nearing the blue light it looked like a star floating above the street as Terminus soft voice called to me saying. “Practice with your flame.” Facing the star I moved my hand up holding my palm to it and focusing. Imagining the ring, engines and the sail and artificial sun I could see it before whispering drew my attention to the roadside. The giant sphere waited witnessing between the buildings.

  The voice was small as it spoke again. “Build a world worthy of this hammer and anvil. Shape what is your future with a home for life and glory.” A flash of light poured down from the sky and my eyes were drawn above the Sphere. I saw a large brightly lit glass walkway between buildings far above the sphere. White and gold lights reminded me of stars for a moment before I returned to my task.


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