Forge Kin

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Forge Kin Page 12

by Jason Melzer

  Looking back to Link I had to be brief. “I have to get to the forge tonight.” Tolan awoke minutes later with a few tears in his eyes as I was finally standing up. Putting on my wings they brushed against my arms. Talalh stood up and spoke motioning to the box. “If you will be leaving then this box is for all of you. If you will excuse me I have a tour to conduct. Don’t forget about the trap doors.” Preti stood up as Talalh left and closed the door before she spoke up.

  “What do we need to do to reach the forge?” Our guides looked to Tolan for a second before he spoke up. “I’m in guys. Let’s get to the forge.” Glitch opened the box and pulled out six different helmets and handed them out explaining. “These camouflage helmets will do the trick. We just looped the last two hours of camera footage to give us enough time to leave through the room below.” Chip opened a panel in the floor revealing an empty room.

  Putting on my helmet I looked through it and saw my sister through it. But her form turned to a Pontu female wearing shiny red robes. Turning to Tolan he no longer looked Pontu but like a Leshenkai. Looking down at my own hands they were also Leshenkai. Our guides placed on their helmets before appearing to be Pontu. Link lowered me first through the hole in the floor and moments later we waited in the new room.

  Chip spoke to us before closing the trap door. “We look different. I will be leading Simran and Tolan to the shuttle, don’t get distracted and follow me.” Opening the door to crowds of aliens of different sizes I walked in silence in the metal hallway. We passed crowds in the space port open seating areas filled with people and beautiful view of space. Turning back for a moment I watched as three Pontu closed the door I had just left.

  Breathing heavily I looked back to my group and continued. Walking down a flight of stairs and past what smelled like a food court we turned to a doorway. Through it was a space dock with ships waiting next to shields and the open blackness of space. Walking through the door I saw Pontu maintenance crews staring at me as I passed them by. Ignoring them I was led to a waiting shuttle before the door on its back opened.

  I looked back to see three Pontu following from a distance behind us. Boarding the craft and waiting for my sister we were ready to fly in under a minute. As the doors to the shuttle closed our guides took off their helmets and I followed. My head was warm and my cheeks a little rosy as Chip moved forward to pilot the ship. Leaving the spaceport in Embers sail we flew down to the night time city scape below. Glitch started filling us in on the plan.

  “We will use the camouflage to enter the forge museum. It will work while portals and life scan detectors will not. The defenses were meant to stop kidnapping and theft of the forge. Through the forge museum we go to the parking structure and take the freight elevators to the forge room.” Looking out the window I was anxious as we flew down to the city as the buildings took shape. The trip had been short as our shuttle maneuvered down to the daytime city streets of Ember.

  Glitch pointed down to a large cube shaped building with a torch like spire on top of it. With a memory filled voice Glitch told us what was below. “Here in Hearth is the home of the forge young apprentices. All forge masters of the forge kin light that cauldron starting the great festival across many galaxies.” Looking down to the building it was really just a little taller than most of the other buildings in the city.

  Flying down into the city of tall buildings it was similar to Tychod as we landed alongside a street and the museum building. After touching down Chip came out from piloting with the question. “How are we going to do this?” Glitch held up his helmet before putting it on and appearing like a Fellorn soldier. Glitch spoke with a Fellorn voice as he answered.

  “We walk into the freight bay looking like this and go up the elevators to the forge room. There the apprentices will take different elevators up and run for the forge.” Handing out helmets again I put mine on now surrounded by my heavy breathing looking at my scaled hands and arms. Looking up to see five other Fellorn soldiers with me one of them turned to open the back of the shuttle.

  Waving for us to follow I walked to the street turning towards the museum. Pontu walked the streets between us as we moved forwards towards a large set of glass doors. One of the Fellorn guides opened the doors for the rest of us as we walked into a busy lobby. Entering Pontu stared at us with anger as I saw relics displayed in hallways nearby. Looking at a few of the relics as we passed them I saw more Fellorn already curiously looking at the objects.

  Passing the relics I spied mom and dad walking out of the museum hallways with Rodesh and Talalh. Tolan’s parents followed close behind as they walked turning towards what were the lobby elevators. Following them for a moment they stopped in front of the elevators as I began to pass them. I wanted to look back and see mom and dad’s faces but I didn’t dare look human right now.

  Passing them in the crowded lobby I followed the others to a ramp going down. Before reaching the doors ahead a familiar voice called out. “You there. Why are you going into the parking structure?” Turning back to look at who was addressing me I saw Judge Rodesh walking towards me before one of the guides responded in a Fellorn voice. “We are checking on the security stations as ordered your honor.” One of the other Fellorn moved forward between me and Rodesh as she continued.

  “I want a report on the apprentices by the end of the hour. Have Korgarm contact our watcher, I want to know how they are doing before we leave.” Talalh’s familiar voice called out. “The elevator is waiting your honor. I will hold the door for you.” Watching Rodesh turn around and hurry to the elevator she seemed very excited getting on it. For a second I got my glance of mom and dad before the doors closed.

  Turning back to the ramp I followed which ever guide was leading in the parking lot as we passed rows of shuttles. At the center of the parking area was a huge concrete room having a ramp with large doors. Walking up to a small door next to the large doors I heard the clanging of a metal hand on a metal door. The door opened and the silver helmet first appeared as the guard looked up to us. Without delay the guard opened the door letting us in.

  Walking inside there was seven of these real soldiers as one of them had a question. “Is it time to change shifts already? That can’t be. We just reported in three hours ago.” Our guides were quick as they took less than two seconds to attach square silver panels on the Fellorn’s chest plates. Before they could react they were shaking and dropping to the ground unconscious leaving me to close the door.

  As they stopped shaking on the ground the others took off their helmets and I followed suite. Breathing fresher air again Glitch lead us past the unconscious and their things with a warning. “We have to hurry now. The Fellorn will only need minutes to realize their soldiers are unconscious. This way to the freight elevators in the cargo room. I will take Tolan in freight elevator one Chip Elevator three is over there and Link has elevator five over there.”

  Glitch pointed to our elevators on different walls as we walked into a giant empty room that could have fit a movie theater. Seeing my elevator I ran with Link ready to go for the forge. Half way there I heard Glitch call out. “We leave together in one minute starting now!” Reaching the doors Link pressed the button and the elevator opened before we entered it. Link pressed another button inside and the door stayed open as we waited.

  Looking over to Preti and Tolan I called out. “Good luck guys! Make me proud!” Preti called back “I’ll beat you to the forge. Good luck!” Tolan seemed calm as he called out across the distance to me. “Good luck Simran! Good luck Preti!” As the echo became quiet I watched as the elevator doors began to close. Now my only path could be forward. Link stood by my side as I asked him a question. “Do you think the forge will choose me Link?”

  My guide placed his cold hand on my shoulder before answering. “I do not know if it will. But you have done great things and have earned it. I hope it does young apprentice.” Waiting in silence I felt the tug of gravity as we were moving up towards our future. I was excited and nervo
us in this race as I turned on my wings and waited ready for the sprint to the finish line.

  Chapter 10

  Sundance Born

  The elevator trip seemed short as the doors opened to a wall ending in a tunnel. A hatch covered the exit as Link hit a button on the wall causing the hatch to lower to the floor making a ramp up. Link bumped my right arm and gave words of encouragement. “Young apprentice, it’s time to fly.” Running and leaping out of the opening I lifted up into the air to see the Fellorn calling out the alarm.

  Swooping and circling the forge I saw a dozen guards in groups of threes. They walked on different levels of the large stadium room filled with boxes. At the top was Talalh, Judge Rodesh and our parents starting to scream for us to join them. I had to ignore them as a Fellorn with a colorful uniform started shouting orders. “Guards to the arena now!!! Net the apprentices! Destroy the guides!” Looking down to see the Fellorn raising weapons to me I started to maneuver.

  Flying for safety a black streak followed with a trail of fire as it opened into a net. I turned in the air stretching out a wing and rolling away as the net snapped pulling a feather from my wing. Continuing to swoop around the forge I saw the opening for the key as I turned and dove for it. Before I could reach it a shield around the forge bounced me back into the air forcing me to keep flying.

  Another missile was launched at me amidst my parent’s angry shouts. Link must have seen the missile coming for me as a box was thrown in the path of the weapon. The missile got stuck in the box falling to the ground as a few Fellorn opened up their own gravity wings. Chip threw a flying guard into the shielded barrier as I called out. “I can’t get past the shield. How do we get past it?” I flew up to the ceiling which had a ring installed on it as Link struck it answering.

  “The shield is a Halensto life sensing barrier for zoos. When I find its projection point I can destroy it.” Listening to a net miss me and strike the ceiling I again dove only to hear Tolan screaming below. Tolan was on the ground as a Fellorn held his wing with others landing to grab him. Glitch was fast as he crashed into the guards with enough force to break Tolan’s wing clean off his pack. Glitch turned to the last standing guard slamming him into the barrier before throwing him away.

  Tolan started to run away as I heard my sister call out. “Chip!!!” I watched the net throw my sister back into the cargo container holding her to it. Chip landed next to Preti and started to cut her out of it when the second missile struck not deploying its net. The missile pulled Chip into a cargo container next to Preti before fusing him to it. Diving for the Fellorn that shot down my sister I pushed a cargo box onto the group.

  The box dropped onto the three knocking them down as I dove to pick up their net launcher. I called over to Glitch. “Glitch. Use this!” Taking off and throwing the net launcher to him he started to fire nets out to catch guards. Fellorn shouting filled the upper arena as more guards entered while our parents were held back. Turning back to Chip he pulled himself from the container twisting and breaking his body. Falling to the ground Chip began to crawl as I watched in horror.

  My sister’s guide pulled himself onto Preti’s net and began to cut it as group of Fellorn reached them. They carried hand weapons before they started to break Chip into pieces. My sister cried for mercy to the mob as one of them struck her in the stomach silencing her. I was envious as Glitch flew in and began beating them as furiously as I wish I could. Helmets flew off the guards as they were sent sprawling down the stadium steps. Landing next to my sister I pulled a blade from chips body and Glitch took it with a silent voice.

  “Go young apprentice. I will defend your sister as you enter the forge.” Opening my wings I started to bound over the cargo containers and take off. From the air I saw Tolan held by both of his arms being dragged up the steps by guards. Looking up I noticed Link swooping down before I felt it. The missile hit me from behind and stopped in my back. The black point emerging from my left chest had both released euphoria and foreboding.

  I felt the air exit as I breathed out but I was too shocked and hurt to breathe in again. In pain I looked away from my body to see Links arm and chest covered in red. Coughing I dropped with my faithful guide to the floor next to the forge trying to breath. Worried about mom and dad I looked to them still held by guards as Rodesh called out to me. Looking for Preti I saw Glitch being beaten and my sister trapped screaming to me from her net.

  Looking up to Links cold face I could sense his concern before I placed a hand on his chest. The black, red and gold trim nail polish reminded me of Listal again as my warmth drained away. The sounds of worry disappeared as my thoughts went to meeting Link in the healing pool. His voice was the only one I heard as he held me above the ground. “I am sorry this happened Simran. But I don’t let friends go.” I closed my eyes as Link opened his chest plate grabbing something.

  I could feel the prick of the dart as I could still think but my thoughts started to wash away. Then I woke up. But inside some kind of a metal room with screaming on the outside. The room moved and I worked to keep my balance before looking around me. The first thing I saw was a survival drone turned on projecting towards me. Along the walls of the room was a small screen with Links voice coming from it. From the screen I saw everything Link saw and heard.

  Watching my body in his arms he stood up and stepped back through the shield holding me. I was no longer alive but I wasn’t really dead either so it let me through. As we moved to the front of the forge I wondered if grandpa felt like this when he visited dreams. Dozens of Fellorn lined the edge of the shield as we kept walking. Unable to reach us Link looked down pulling my key from my neck. Reaching the key port Rodesh and Talalh emerged between the frenzied guards.

  Talalh was yelling back to the main entrance. “The emergency medics need room! We can still save our apprentice!” Rodesh was in a panic calling back to more of the guards. “Have the technicians turn the shield off now! Find them! Then get the snares!” Link looked down and whispered to me. “Please be with me Simran. Speak through my mouth.” Voices became whispers as if everyone heard Link as he placed my hand and key in the box. The key looked dark as I spoke hoping that I was alive enough to make this work.

  “I light you with my flame.” The minor talking around us went completely silent as the key flickered before going dark again. Needing it to glow I screamed it out hoping the key would obey me from this grave. “I light you with my flame!!!” The dim glow soon brightened before I started to feel it. Quietly the forge opened a door next to the key and Link dove for it dropping my limp form ahead. Not sure why he dropped me he grabbed the floor and struggled to hold onto it.

  Lucky for me the screen didn’t come loose from its mounting as I looked up to it from the ground. Link’s chest storage door opened and I fell out with the survival drone to discover how small I was compared to the outside. My size was adjusted and I looked back to my guide struggling at the door. Links legs were being pulled through the door with what looked like lasso’s and rope. Slipping as the Fellorn pulled he was left to grab onto metallic grating along the walls.

  Struggling against it Link couldn’t pull himself in, angrily he reached for the console yelling. “If you want my legs so badly you can have them!” Hitting a button the door came crashing onto his legs breaking and leaving them outside. He cried out and lay on the floor for a moment before crawling forward reaching my still form. My guide placed my body on his back dragging me to a clear cylinder shaped bay. Gently I was placed inside with my wings and my key was returned.

  Placing a breathing hose over my mouth and closing the bay door Link looked back to my ghostly form. “I think we have made it my young apprentice. Bring me your drone and you can be reborn.” Walking over to him Link took the survival drone and hit a button on its side and everything went dark. Fire filled my senses again as my heart began to burn. Opening my eyes I was now in the clear tank but it was filled with water. Link was outside as the fire continued to focus in my heart.
  Looking down to my wound the missile was being pushed back by my healing body. My blood turned the water around me red as I hurt from the healing fire. Looking out to Link again pain was still there after I heard the missile drop to the bottom of the medical bay. The heat felt intense but my mind was still focused as I reached over to feel the hole in my chest close. The blaze moved deeper into the tissues of my heart as I felt my body heal. Breathing deeply I waited for the mending as I shuddered with a numb head.

  Looking back to Link he hit a few more buttons before a few tubes clamped onto my arms. I was surprised but too tired to react as a thick red substance flowed down the tubes. Large needles pierced my wrists and warmth began to fill my body again. As the warmth spread it reached my heart which stopped burning so intensely. I still shivered for minutes watching blood flow into me before the cold was finally gone.

  Floating in the water calm and serene I spied Link’s collapse as he started to shake. Not knowing it was coming, the electrical jolt caused me to curl up as if I was inside a womb. It was an odd sensation as my heart turned over and beat a few times. I knew the second shock was coming as I waited for it before my heart found its rhythm. Shivering again I started to feel the warm blood circulate everywhere as my breathing went from shallow to deep.


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