With Me in Seattle Bundle One

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With Me in Seattle Bundle One Page 25

by Kristen Proby

  Luke will most likely drive home.

  “I’m sorry, honey, but this might turn into a sad day for me. I don’t dwell on this often, but I’m usually not good company after I’ve been here.”

  He kisses my fingers gently and sighs heavily. “I wish you never had to go through this, Nat. It’s something I can’t fix for you, and I would do anything if I could.”

  “I know,” I whisper.

  I park on the single-lane-paved driveway a few rows back from my parents’ large headstone. After getting out of the car, I reach in the back seat for two bouquets of flowers, lilies for my dad and sunflowers for my mom. They were her favorite.

  I walk over to where they rest. Luke walks just a couple paces behind me, giving me space. He always knows what to do to comfort me. I’ll have to thank him later.

  This section of the cemetery sits up on a hill with a great view of downtown, the Space Needle, and the sound. I gaze around me, taking in their view, and then turn back to the large, black marble headstone.

  I kneel before it, not caring about the wet ground, and brush leaves and grass off the base, cleaning it up, keeping myself busy and my eyes averted from their names and dates of birth and death. I place the flowers beneath their names and then sit back on my heels and look up.

  CONNER is written in big, bold letters across the top, their names and dates are below. Written in script below that is: I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine.

  I lean forward and place my palms flat on the smooth, cold marble over each of their precious names and close my eyes, letting the memories flood my mind.

  Luke kneels next to me and places his hand on the center of my back.

  “Talk about them, baby.” His voice is rough, and he’s rubbing my back gently.

  I don’t look at him. I just keep my eyes closed and my hands on the stone, but I find myself talking.

  “My mom loved to bake. We would bake cookies every weekend, even when I was in college. She was pretty, and she hugged me all the time.” The tears are flowing now, running unchecked and unheeded down my face, mixing with the rain falling around us.

  “She had an MBA from Stanford, but rather than leave me in day care, she chose to stay home and raise me herself. And she always told me that it was the best thing she ever did and that she was so thankful for the opportunity to care for me and my dad.

  “She was so smart and funny, and she was my best friend,” I whisper and brush the tears off my cheeks before returning my hand to the marble.

  “My dad was funny, too, but in more of a dry way. He was crazy about my mom. The sun rose and set with her as far as he was concerned. He spoiled her incessantly, which is one of the things that reminds me of him when I think of you.” I smile to myself.

  “No matter how hectic his job got, he always came home to us, every night. He was a ruthless businessman, but he was the gentlest man I’d ever known. And when it was time to defend his daughter, he was voracious and tenacious, and there was no stopping him.

  “They were the center of my world.” I hang my head in my hands now, rocking back and forth, letting the grief settle over me. Luke wraps his arms around me and settles me against his chest, rocking me, murmuring words I don’t understand against the top of my head. He kisses me and tells me he’s sorry.

  Finally, when there are no more tears left, I wipe my nose on my sleeve and look at the black stone, again reading their names and dates and the inscription below.

  “They would have also been married thirty-five years this year.”

  He gasps and kisses my head again.

  “They tried to conceive me for seven years. They tried everything, but it never worked, so they gave up and resigned themselves to the idea of not having kids at all, or maybe adopting later. My mom got a partnership at a firm, and their lives were taking a very non-child-conducive path.

  “And then, suddenly, in the eighth year, she got pregnant. She almost lost me at five months and endured many months of bed rest, but here I am, safe and sound.”

  “Thank God,” Luke whispers.

  “I miss them.” I begin to weep again.

  “I know, baby.”

  We kneel there, on the wet ground with the rain falling on us, for a long time. It feels like hours, but it might only be minutes. Finally, Luke stands and lifts me into his arms, cradling me against his chest and takes me to the car. He buckles me into my seat and kisses my forehead. As he walks to the driver’s side, I raise my knees and wrap my arms around them, pulling myself into a ball, and cry all the way home.

  Luke carries me inside and up to his bedroom. I’m not crying anymore, but I’m exhausted, my eyes hurt, and I’m just sad.

  He sets me gently on the side of the bed and takes my shoes off for me.

  “Stand up, baby.” I comply, and he takes my dirty jeans off. “Arms up,” he says and pulls my shirt over my head.

  He takes my bra off and grips my shoulders in his hands, guiding me back down to the bed. He walks to a dresser and pulls out a white T-shirt, moves back to me and slips it over my head. He strips out of his own dirty clothes and grabs a fresh T-shirt and pajama pants.

  Luke pulls the covers on the bed back and lifts me into it.

  “It’s the middle of the day,” I protest, but he kisses my forehead and runs his fingers down my cheek.

  “Take a nap. You’re wrung out, baby. I’m going to grab my laptop and sit with you, okay?”

  “Thank you.” I grip his hand and bring it to my face, nuzzling his palm. “Thank you for today. I love you so much. I don’t know what I would do without you.” I feel the tears start again, and I’m mortified.

  “Hey, hush, baby.” He’s kissing my forehead and cheek, rubbing his free hand soothingly up and down my back. “Nothing’s going to happen to me. Go to sleep. I’ll be right back.”

  He pulls out his phone and turns it off and does the same to mine, pulls the covers around my shoulders and walks out of the room.

  A few minutes later, he’s back with a large bottle of water and his laptop.

  He crawls onto the bed next to me, and I turn so I’m facing him. Lifting his hand, he brushes my hair back with his fingers and smiles at me softly.

  “I love you, beautiful girl. Get some sleep. I’ll wake you in a few hours.”

  “Okay,” I whisper, and close my eyes, enjoying the rhythmic caresses of Luke’s fingers in my hair, and drift to sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Tonight is Luke’s parents’ party, and I couldn’t be more excited. I’m putting the finishing touches on my makeup—I’m getting pretty good at this!—while Luke is dressing in my bedroom. Jules keeps coming in and out of the room to borrow something, nag me about something, or just chatter because she is also nervous.

  I love her.

  I hear Luke laugh, and I walk out into the bedroom. He’s on the phone, and at the sight of me, his eyes darken and get glassy, and I give a satisfied nod.

  Mission accomplished.

  I’m wearing a black dress that hangs off one shoulder. There are rhinestones along the high waist, and it falls to my red Louboutin-clad feet. I’m wearing my hair up, thanks to Jules’ handiwork, and my pearls.

  I feel sophisticated and sexy.

  “Okay, Dad, I have to go. We’ll see you at the club. Just tell her you’re taking her out for dinner. Okay, bye.” He hangs up and crosses to me.

  He’s so handsome in his black suit and white shirt with black tie. His blond hair is in some sort of order, but I’m sure I’ll make a mess of it before long.

  He rakes his gaze over my dress and hair and runs his fingertip under my pearls against my skin. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” He kisses me, in that way that makes me swoon, and I run my hands down his smooth cheeks.

  “Thank you. You clean up pretty well yourself, handsome. Are you going to be okay tonight with all the people there?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be okay. I’m an actor, remember? I can play the part for
one night.”

  “I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.” He doesn’t fool me. I can see the nervousness in his eyes and the way he keeps fidgeting with his tie.

  “I’ll know most everyone there. My parents wouldn’t invite a bunch of strangers, so it should be cool.” He kisses my forehead, and his lips turn up on one side. “Are you worried about me?”

  “Of course I am. I love you.”

  His eyes soften. “I love you, too.”

  “Hey, Nat, can I borrow… Oh God. We don’t have time for this.” Jules shakes her head in disgust and stomps into my closet, coming out wearing a pair of my earrings. “Can I borrow these earrings?”

  “Yes.” I laugh. “That dress is to die for.”

  “I know, right?” She flashes a Cheshire cat grin and turns in a slow circle, showing off her strapless red dress. She’s stunning in red.

  “Are you bringing Nate tonight?” I ask.

  “No way, not introducing him to family.” Jules shakes her head adamantly, and I let it go. She’s still not talking much about Nate.

  “Okay.” I shrug and smile. “Want to ride with us?”

  “No, Isaac and Stacy are picking me up. I’ll see you there.”

  “Ready, baby?” Luke asks me.

  “Let’s go.”


  The anniversary party is being held at a country club in Bellevue that Luke’s family belongs to. The ballroom has been decorated beautifully, with colorful flower centerpieces, twinkling lights and candles. There is a two-person wooden bench sitting near the entrance, along with black markers, for everyone to sign in lieu of a guestbook. Neil will place it by Lucy’s favorite flower garden at home.

  “Luke, this is gorgeous. Samantha and your father did a great job. Your mom is going to be beside herself.”

  Luke smiles widely. “She’ll love it. Come on, let me introduce you to some people.”

  He snatches two glasses of champagne from a waiter and hands one to me as we begin mingling about the room. I am excited to see Gail and Steven have already arrived, and I hug them both.

  “Oh my goodness, you both look so wonderful!” Gail is simply stunning with her short blond hair styled around her face, and she’s wearing a beautiful royal-blue evening gown. Steven is dapper as can be in a black suit and tie. I couldn’t be more proud of them.

  “Darling, you are breathtaking.” Gail hugs me close, her eyes shining with love and happiness.

  “Thank you for coming, both of you. My parents will be delighted to see you.” Luke shakes Steven’s hand and kisses Gail on the cheek.

  “Thank you for inviting us. You look so handsome, dear.”

  “Happy to be here,” Steven responds and winks at Luke.

  Huh? I look up at Luke, wondering what that wink was about, but Luke’s face gives nothing away.

  The room is filling quickly with people, and Luke sticks close to my side, his hand on my back, introducing me to his family and friends.

  Finally, in a moment alone, he hands me a fresh glass of champagne and whispers in my ear, “You are unbelievably gorgeous tonight. And you are charming everyone in this room.”

  His smile is possessive and loving, and I warm at his words.

  “You’re the charming one. Are you having fun?”

  “Yeah, I’m excited to see my mom’s reaction. In fact”—he looks at his watch—“time to get everyone seated.”

  He has a word with the band leader who then announces, “Ladies and gentlemen, please find your seats. The guests of honor will be arriving shortly.”

  Luke and I are seated at the head table with his parents, Samantha and her date and Luke’s brother, Mark.

  “Luke, Natalie, this is my date, Paul,” Samantha says.

  Luke shakes his hand while giving him a speculative stare, and I smile to myself.

  Overprotective brother.

  “Hey, beautiful.” Mark flashes me that signature Williams grin and pulls me into a hug. “Good to see you’re still putting up with my brother’s shit. When you’ve had enough of him, give me a call.” He winks down at me, and I can’t help but laugh.

  “Stop fondling my girlfriend. Find your own.” Luke pulls me out of Mark’s grasp as Mark grins at him.

  Yes, these Williams men are charmers.

  Luke takes my hand and kisses my fingers as he guides me to my seat between him and Mark.

  Suddenly, the ballroom doors swing open, and the room erupts into applause. Neil is smiling lovingly down at his bride as Lucy’s mouth drops, and she looks around the large room, realizing that she recognizes everyone here.

  She turns to Neil with a shocked smile, and he dips her way down low and kisses her tenderly. I can’t hear what he says to her, but I’m quite sure he says, “Happy anniversary, my love.”

  I can’t stop smiling.

  Lucy is wearing a beautiful black evening dress, and Neil is in a black suit and red tie. They look young and happy and still very much in love.

  As they make their way through the crowd to our table, they stop to shake hands and give hugs to other guests.

  I turn to Luke and grin up at him. “They look so happy. I’m so happy for them.”

  “Me, too.” He kisses my forehead, and I decide to be the bigger person here, to try to make things right with his sister.

  “Samantha.” I lean around Luke toward his sister to get her attention. “This is a great party. You did a fantastic job.”

  She looks stunned for a moment, then plasters the fake smile on her face, and my heart sinks. No smoothing things over tonight. “Thanks, Natalie.”

  I look up at Luke and shrug. He shakes his head ruefully, and we turn our attention back to his parents.

  Lucy hugs me tightly on her way to her seat. “Oh, Natalie, this is amazing!”

  “I’m so happy that you’re surprised and happy, Lucy. Happy anniversary.”

  “Thank you.” She kisses my cheek and then enfolds Luke into a hug.

  “Hello, dear.” Neil sweeps me up in a hug, all smiles. “Were you able to finish the project you were working on?”

  “Yes, and I’ll have it with me tomorrow at brunch.” We are hosting brunch at Luke’s house tomorrow morning to give his parents their gifts and have a private family celebration.

  “Perfect. Thank you.” He smiles at me kindly and moves on around the table.

  “My parents love you,” Luke murmurs in my ear.

  “It’s mutual.”

  We take our seats, and Neil stands, tapping his water glass with his spoon, and the room hushes. Someone hands him a microphone.

  “I want to thank you all for coming tonight and extend a special thank you to my lovely daughter, Samantha, for being my partner in crime these past few months. It’s been daunting keeping this little secret from my beautiful bride.” He smiles down at her, and she blushes prettily. “I am a very lucky man. As of tomorrow, I have had the honor of spending every day with the best person I’ve ever known for thirty-five years. Luce, you are my best friend, the love of my life, and I would do it again every single day. Thank you for putting up with my shenanigans, for our three gorgeous children, and for teaching me how to cook a steak.”

  As we all laugh, Lucy wipes a tear from the corner of her eye and grins at her husband.

  “Happy anniversary, my love. Here’s to thirty-five more.” Lucy stands amongst the applause, and Neil kisses her soundly.

  The band starts to play a bluesy tune, and a delicious dinner is served.

  “So, Natalie, how was Tahiti?” Lucy smiles warmly across the table at me.

  “Warm, romantic, and completely perfect,” I respond with a wink. “I didn’t want to come home.”

  Luke kisses my fingers. “We’ll go back.”

  The band begins to play At Last by Etta James, and Neil stands. “I believe this is our song, beautiful.”

  He takes her hand, and we all watch as he moves her effortlessly across the dance floor. They are gazing at each other as though they’re the
only two in the room.

  “Your parents are so in love,” I murmur to Luke.

  “Yeah, it gets a bit gross for a kid to watch.” He shakes his head, but his eyes are full of humor. “Shall we join them?”


  As he leads me out to the dance floor, I see other couples, including Jules’ parents, get up to dance to the sweet song. Luke pulls me into his arms, and we glide around the floor.

  “I love dancing with you.” I run my fingers down his cheek, and his blue eyes light up.

  “We should do it more often then.”

  “Yes, we should.” I smile up at him, and his eyes are suddenly so serious. What’s wrong? Is he still nervous about the crowd?

  “Nat, I…”

  Jules sweeps by on the arm of one of Luke’s cousins. “Definitely glad I came stag,” she mumbles to me as she passes, smiles and shrugs, then gives us a finger wave, clearly enjoying her night.

  “You were saying?” I ask Luke.

  He exhales and pulls me tightly against him, nuzzles my ear with his nose, and whispers, “I love you.”

  The evening moves quickly, and magically. Luke keeps me tucked close to his side all night, glaring at anyone who dares ask me to dance, and I can’t help but laugh at my possessive man.

  No one asks for an autograph, and Luke poses politely for the photographer Samantha hired for the occasion, knowing the photos will be the property of the family.

  “There you are!” I turn at Stacy’s excited voice and hug her tightly.

  “Well, hello, pretty girl! I told you when we bought it that that dress is a knockout.” I stand back and admire her beautiful white off-the-shoulder dress. It fits her body perfectly, and she glows with happiness.

  “Thank you. Yours is stunning, too.”

  Isaac pulls me into a hug. “Hey, brat. Thanks for helping Stacy find that dress. It’s torture. I have two more weeks before I can touch her, and I think I’m going to die.”

  We all laugh at his pained expression, and I pat his cheek. “Poor boy. I think Sophie’s worth it.”

  “Yeah.” His face transforms into a sweet smile. “She is. Hey, dance with me?”

  I look up at Luke, and he shrugs and turns to Stacy. “Do me the honor, beautiful?”


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