Blossom and the Alien Actor

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Blossom and the Alien Actor Page 10

by Jessica Coulter Smith

  “It’s just a bio scan,” Yvis said. “You won’t feel anything, but it will give me a complete readout on what’s going on with your body. Any current or previous broken bones, if there are any abnormalities with your organs or bone structure, and if you’re pregnant I can even see that.”

  Her eyes went a little wide. “But we’ve only slept together a few times, and that was last night!”

  Yvis smiled. “Our technology is advanced enough that I could tell you on the day of conception.”

  Well, if she wasn’t nervous before, she was now. What would happen if she were already pregnant? Her periods had never been regular, so she had no idea if this was her fertile time or not. Not that she’d ever been able to track that kind of thing. She should have learned since she couldn’t afford birth control. Even though she’d had people urge her to sign up for the insurance through the government, she’d always hesitated. There had been too many horror stories from people in her building about how they’d been screwed over on medical care, so she’d decided to stick with the free clinic.

  Brexton sank to his haunches next to her. “It’s all right, Blossom. If you’re pregnant, I promise to be there every step of the way. You won’t be alone this time.”

  He always seemed to know exactly what she needed to hear.

  “You need to let go so I can scan all of her, Brexton,” Yvis said.

  Brexton let go and she laid her hands flat next to her on the chair. Her heart felt like it might pound right out of her chest as the machine hummed and a bright light scanned her from head to toe, twice. Yvis was reading something on a small screen, tapping every now and then. He pushed a few more buttons on the machine that had scanned her, and another scan started with a different colored light. She didn’t know if that was normal, or if he’d found something bad.

  “Just let me review the blood samples and then we’ll talk,” Yvis said, smiling at her.

  His smile didn’t do anything to make her less anxious though. Brexton helped her up and she sat on the padded table again. While they wanted, Brexton tried to distract her, playing with her hair, or stealing a kiss here and there. He didn’t seem the least bit worried, but Blossom felt like she might come unglued at any moment. What if they found something that meant she couldn’t be Brexton’s mate? What if she couldn’t have more children and they voided the mating between them?

  “Calm your mate,” Yvis said as he peered into a microscope. “I can hear her heart racing all the way over here.”

  Brexton glanced at Yvis, then down at Blossom. A grin spread across his face.

  “You’ll be a little bit, right?” he asked Yvis.

  “Why?” The doctor peered over at them.

  “I’m just going to take Blossom to another room for a moment. See if I can ease her fears,” Brexton said.

  Yvis snorted but waved a hand at the door. “Be my guest. Just don’t get too loud.”

  Too loud? What were they talking about? And where were they going? Brexton helped her off the table and they wandered further down the hall and into another empty exam room. Brexton left the lights off and only turned on some sort of lamp with a long arm that dimly lit the area with the padded table.

  Brexton toyed with the waistband of her shorts. “Are you still sore, mate?”

  Sore? Wait. “You want to have sex now?”

  He grinned. “Can you think of a better way to ease your fears and take your mind off the examination?”

  Well, when he put it like that…

  He tugged on her clothes. “Everything off. No one will walk in.”

  “Lock the door to be sure,” she said.

  Brexton twisted the lock, then leaned against the door while she undressed. His hungry gaze devoured her, and she’d never felt sexier. Despite the stretch marks from having two kids, and her breasts not being as perky as they were before breastfeeding, he looked at her like she was a goddess.

  Slowly, he came toward her, removing his clothes along the way. When he stopped in front of her, he gripped her hips and lifted her onto the table. He braced his arms on either side of her, caging her in, and leaned down to kiss her. His lips were hard and demanding, leaving her weak and wanting more. For someone who hadn’t had sex prior to last night, he seemed to know what he was doing. Just one touch from him, and she went up in flames. Blossom felt her nipples harden and she wished he’d do more than kiss her.

  “Brexton, please,” she begged as he trailed kisses down the column of her neck.

  “Please what, my mate?”

  “Make love to me.”

  He closed his lips around her nipple and sucked hard on the tip before lightly biting it. Blossom shuddered in response and ran her fingers through his hair, tugging on the strands. Brexton took his time, sucking and licking at her nipples. She ached and needed him in the worst way, but he seemed content to tease her.

  “Brexton,” she said, nearly breathless with anticipation.

  He gripped her hips and slid her ass to the edge of the table then rubbed his cock along her slick folds. She moaned and dug her fingers into his biceps, wishing he’d hurry up and take her. She no longer cared if anyone could hear them or knew what they were doing. All she wanted was to feel him inside of her.

  He slowly sank into her, one inch at a time, until he filled her. Blossom moaned and bit her lip as he started thrusting, long deep strokes that made her toes curl. She reached for her clit and started rubbing, wanting to come. Everything around them dimmed as she came long and hard, crying out as waves of pleasure flowed over her. Brexton took her faster, driving into her until she felt his release fill her.

  He kissed her hungrily, as if he’d never get enough of her, then withdrew from her body. Blossom stood on shaky legs and slowly dressed, eyeing Brexton the entire time. He really was gorgeous. It should be illegal for a man to look as delicious as him, and the fact he was a sweetheart just made him even more attractive.

  Brexton smoothed her hair back, gave her a heart stopping grin, then led her back to the exam room where Yvis waited.

  “Well,” the doctor said, drawing the word out. “If she weren’t already pregnant, she probably would be after that. I think half the Terran station heard you.”

  Blossom’s cheeks warmed. Then her eyes went wide and her mouth dropped.

  “Pregnant? Are you saying I’m pregnant?” she asked.

  Yvis nodded, smiling softly. “Yes, it seems Brexton is rather fertile, or maybe you both are. Whatever the case, congratulations!”

  Brexton looked a little dazed, but then he gave her a blinding smile before hugging her tight. She held on and felt her heart racing. She could do this, and she’d have Brexton by her side. She’d been through pregnancies before, even though one hadn’t ended well. For the first time, her baby’s daddy would be present and involved every step of the way. Or at least that’s what she hoped would happen.

  “Everything else was fine?” Brexton asked.

  “Perfect,” Yvis said. “She’s in excellent health, for the most part. I’m going to give her a shot of vitamins and that should help. I’m going to take a guess and say she hasn’t been eating healthy meals lately.”

  “She ate what she was able to,” Brexton said. “I’ll make sure she’s taken care of from this point forward.”

  Yvis nodded. “Good. I want to see her again next week to test her blood levels. She may need another vitamin injection. If not, regular prenatal vitamins should be sufficient.”

  “Then I guess we’ll go meet with Zlerak about a security detail for my family,” Brexton said. “Until Michael Moretti is caught, my mate and children aren’t safe. I can only imagine what he would do if he discovered she’s expecting.”

  “You know you can’t hide that for long,” Yvis said. “And with you being in the spotlight more than most, it will be splashed all over the papers.”

  Blossom reached for Brexton’s hand. Mike scared her, and if he thought he could make money off a half-alien baby? Yeah, he’d come for he
r. She trusted Brexton to keep her safe, her and the children. He’d sworn to protect her, and she didn’t doubt he would keep his word, even before they’d found out she was pregnant. It still baffled her that the aliens could tell that soon. She wondered if they would be willing to share that technology with the humans. So far, the Terrans hadn’t shared their knowledge so humans hadn’t advanced, even though the Terrans had set up stations across the globe. They seemed to like collecting human females as mates, but didn’t want to teach the people of Earth how to better protect itself or help the people living on the planet. Shouldn’t they share some of their technology and medical advances?

  She missed the rest of the conversation between Brexton and Yvis. Brexton led her out of the clinic and through the twisting halls of the station. She recognized the security area from her previous meeting with Zlerak. The alien’s office door stood open and Brexton went straight inside, tugging her along behind him. The head of security waved at them to have a seat, though he seemed completely engrossed in whatever was on his computer.

  “I have some news for you,” Zlerak said. “I explained the situation to Borgoz about your mate and children being in danger and that we didn’t have enough guards to spare to ensure their safety. He’s ordered Ryx and Malin to come to Earth and guard your family. He’s also requested that Marwick come here from a station on the other side of this country, as well as Asvyr.”

  “I’m familiar with Ryx and Malin,” Brexton said. “But not the other two.”

  “Marwick is currently in some state called Kentucky, and Asvyr is in Texas. Marwick is a bit older than you, and Asvyr is younger. He was trained after you left Zelthrane-3, and Marwick has probably been on Earth longer than you. He was one of the first sent down here.”

  “As long as they’re capable of keeping my family safe, that’s all that matters to me,” Brexton said. “Where will they stay while they’re here? Do I need to figure out housing?”

  “They’ll be provided an apartment to share in the building we own here in Los Angeles. When they aren’t on duty, they can rest there. One will stay with the children and the other with your mate, two on duty at all times in twelve-hour shifts.”

  Blossom stared at the alien. “Twelve-hour shifts? Won’t they get tired?”

  Zlerak seemed amused by her question. “Blossom, these are trained warriors. While Asvyr hasn’t seen much battle, the others have fought many times over and are used to staying awake for a day or more when necessary. I can assure you that your family will be safe while they’re on duty.”

  She nodded. “I didn’t mean any offense. I just worried the shifts would be too long for them. They should also have time to enjoy their stay on Earth, maybe find a mate while they’re here.”

  Zlerak leaned back in his chair. “You wish them to find mates?”

  “That’s what all of you want, right? Families? If they aren’t mated already, then maybe they’d like the chance to see what females are available here in Los Angeles.”

  The head of security nodded. “Very well. Ten-hour shifts to allow for extra downtime. What they do with it is entirely up to them.”

  “Thank you for your assistance,” Brexton said. “If there’s ever anything I can do to help more around here, please let me know.”

  “Just keep promoting goodwill for our people,” Zlerak asked. “Ever since you became a famous actor, the bride applications at this station have more than tripled. We have to weed out the crazy people and those who don’t meet the criteria, but it still leaves a much bigger pool of applicants than we had before. From what I’ve heard, every station across the country has experienced an influx of applicants. You’re loved by all human females, it seems.”

  “I’m glad my popularity is helping my people, but there’s only one female I’m interested in attracting,” Brexton said, giving Blossom a heated look.

  She smiled and leaned into his side.

  “Until your security detail arrives, I’m going to have Ranvik shadow your mate today, and I’ve already asked Pryntar to keep an eye on your children. The two warriors already on Earth should arrive here by tonight. The others will get here when they’re able. Ryx was off world at the time, but Borgoz ordered his return to Zelthrane-3 and will send him to Earth as soon as possible. Malin was already there and Borgoz assured me the warrior would be on the next shuttle arriving here, which is scheduled for late tonight,” Zlerak said.

  “Thank you for your help,” Blossom said.

  “You’re very welcome.” Zlerak smiled. “We’re very protective of mates, even if they are still living on Earth.”

  Brexton started to leave, but Blossom pulled on his hand to get him to stay a moment longer. She faced Zlerak and asked something she’d been dying to know for a while.

  “If your people are here, are there other aliens we may not be aware of? Maybe walking among us?” she asked.

  “You mean some who look more human?” Zlerak asked.

  “Yes. Or maybe have a way of camouflaging themselves?”

  He smiled. “Yes. There are other aliens on Earth. I believe a Keshpan is living in Texas, though he’s a pale blue so he doesn’t exactly blend in. Other races visit from time to time, but I think you’re asking if any others are living here?”

  She nodded.

  “The Keshpan is the only one I know of, but that doesn’t mean things won’t change in the future. Quite a few races are compatible with humans, and our people aren’t the only ones who are in desperate need of females. It hasn’t been made known to humans yet, other than Earth’s government, but there are currently negotiations for two other races to either share the current Terran stations or set up their own in several locations across your planet.”

  Blossom’s eyes went wide. “What kind of aliens?”

  “Markisites and Albions, neither of which Earth has ever heard of prior to this,” Zlerak said.

  “Albions?” Brexton asked, his full focus on Zlerak again.

  “Is something wrong?” Blossom asked.

  “Albions can be more… beastly,” Zlerak said. “Sort of like the shapeshifters you humans seem to like reading about, except their beast qualities are present at all times and they don’t fully turn into an animal. They mate based off scent and instinct, and simply want the ability to be among humans in case they run across a mate.”

  “And the other one?” Blossom asked.

  “Markisites are a very pale gray with white hair and bright blue eyes,” Zlerak said. “They’re also incredibly large. Most are similar in height and build to Brexton, and some are even bigger.”

  “Bigger?” she asked, eyeing her mate. She couldn’t imagine being with someone even larger. Especially if they were bigger all over. “I’m not sure human women are prepared for that.”

  Zlerak laughed. “Yes, well. We may find out soon enough. They’ve finalized negotiations with Borgoz, so now it’s merely a matter of getting Earth’s government to agree.”

  Blossom pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes, trying to think of a way to help humans and sweeten the deal for her planet.

  “Are they as technologically advanced as you?’ she asked. “Or medically?”

  “The Markisites are well-known across the galaxies for their healers,” Zlerak said. “Why?”

  “Earth would be more agreeable if they were to get something in exchange. Say a new vaccine to help with something we can’t currently cure, like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, or cancer. Or maybe an advanced way of correcting hearing loss or vision impairment?” Blossom suggested. “Offer them something good, and I’m sure they would agree without hesitation.”

  “Interesting,” Zlerak said. “Borgoz negotiated for protection when we asked to come here, though too many races are slipping past us and still capturing human females to keep as slaves. The Albions are fierce warriors. Perhaps they could aid in the protection of your planet in exchange for the right to seek mates here. I’ll make sure to bring it up with the Chief Councilor.”
r />   “If we’re finished, I’m due on set soon,” Brexton said.

  “Of course. I’ll make sure Ranvik is waiting for you up front.”

  Blossom followed Brexton back to the front of the Terran station, and hoped that her suggestions to the head of security would mean humans would have a better chance at survival. While modern medicine had cured many diseases, there were still far too many that killed people on a daily basis. If a vaccine could keep people from getting even just one of the illnesses she’d mentioned, then Earth would benefit a great deal from the aliens being here.

  She wondered what it would take to make Earth a more peaceful place, or if such a thing was even possible. Humans tended to be self-destructive.

  Chapter Nine

  Brexton had intended to keep Blossom with him while he prepared at the studio, but the studio executives had insisted that she remain on set, out of sight, and preferably quiet. He didn’t understand why, when so many other actors had their families drop in and shadow them. She hadn’t been upset that he could see, but seeing her seated in a darkened corner, out of the way, had upset him. She was his mate and deserved better treatment.

  “Stop scowling,” the makeup artist admonished.

  “They shoved her into a corner as if she doesn’t matter,” he said. “I don’t like it.”

  Betsy, the woman who had been doing his makeup for this particular film, drew back and studied him. Her lips pursed and she glanced around, almost as if she were making sure they were alone. When she spoke, her voice had lowered to a near whisper.

  “The director’s daughter is here,” she said. “He’s been hoping the two of you would get together.”

  “The annoying blonde woman with the voice that could shatter glass?” he asked.

  Betsy snickered. “Yeah. That one. It’s why she’s been here so often.”

  “I’m mated. It wouldn’t matter what female he paraded in front of me. I’m not leaving my mate and children, especially not when…” He clamped his lips shut.


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