Stealing Their Forever

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Stealing Their Forever Page 2

by Lonnie Doris

  As Nik sings the first line of the closing song, I make my way toward the backstage area, indicating to Shane with a nod of my head that I will meet him. He grins wickedly down at me, causing my belly to flip.

  I knew tonight would be the night he noticed me.

  As I stand backstage waiting for Shane, other girls and security start filling the area to wait on the band. I quickly switch out my press badge for my VIP badge. I don’t want to have to explain to Shane why or how I actually came by the press credential, and I don’t want to have to come up with a clever lie. That’s no way to start a relationship. I want a lasting romantic partnership with him. Shane is my forever.

  I spot him immediately, and our gazes lock, making my heart start to pound in anticipation. He makes his way through the crowd backstage to where I am leaning against a wall.

  “Hey there, pretty girl. What’s your name?”


  “I was hoping you would be back here waiting for me,” he says, leaning down to kiss my neck.

  “Well, here I am. What do you want to do with me?” I ask, running my hands down his chest.

  “I can think of a few things,” he whispers into my ear, making me shiver.

  “I can think of a few things I want to do to you too.” I murmur back. “But I don’t share well. I want you all to myself.”

  “Do you think you can handle me all by yourself?”

  “I know I can.”

  “Well, let’s get out of here, then… But, pretty girl—” he pins me with his eyes “—if I become too much to handle, we will call in reinforcements.” Then, taking my hand, he leads me out the back of the arena to a waiting SUV.

  He helps me into the back seat, climbs in behind me, and directs the driver to the hotel where he’s staying.


  Glancing at the clock, I see it’s just after nine in the morning. Checkout isn’t until twelve. Breathing a sigh of relief, I drop back down on the pillows. Shane is probably helping the roadies load the buses and the huge semi that hauls all the band’s equipment and stage gear. He’ll be back for his case—and me—any minute now.

  I lie there for a while longer, happier than I’ve ever been in my life. This is it. I’ve found the man I want to spend my happily ever after with. I know my parents are going to be upset that it is with a rocker rather than the Ivy League asshole they thought I should settle down with, but that just isn’t me. If they don’t like me marrying Shane Stevenson, they can go fuck themselves. And it isn’t like I would be throwing their money in their faces without a dime to fall back on. Shane is a successful rock star. With his adopted sister’s help, the band is reputed to be one of the most financially stable in the industry. He has enough money to keep me happy for the rest of our lives.

  Grinning to myself at that thought, I tuck the covers under my arms a little better and reach for the remote to the television on the nightstand. Before my fingertips can brush it, there is the distinct sound of a keycard sliding into the door. I lift my head, offering Shane a bright smile as the door opens.

  A harassed-looking Emmie Jameson walks in with two roadies behind her. If Emmie weren’t supposedly Shane’s adopted sister, I would be jealous of the girl. With her long auburn hair, big green eyes set in a beautiful face, and a tiny body like I’ve spent most of my life practically starving myself to achieve, she is definitely rival material. But since she’s Shane’s family, that means she is going to be my family, so I offer her a dimmer version of the smile I had ready for Shane just moments before.

  “Hi,” I greet her as I sit up in bed. I keep the covers tucked around me so as not to flash the two roadies who are already picking up Shane’s huge case and checking the room over to make sure nothing else is forgotten.

  Emmie barely spares me a second glance as she moves around the room like a whirlwind. “You’re still here?” She sighs and rolls her green eyes. “Awesome. He’s always leaving me to take out the trash.”

  The bite to her tone along with her bitchy words have my spine stiffening. “Excuse me?” Who does this bitch think she is talking to? I don’t care if she is family or not, I am not going to let this little slut talk to me like that. I am better than her in every way. Just because she is Shane’s precious little Emmie doesn’t mean shit to me. I’ll make sure real fast that Precious Emmie doesn’t stick around for long.

  She isn’t even paying attention to me, though. “Pock, take the case down and put it on the bus. Make sure Shane knows I’m not happy.”

  The roadie named Pock chuckles. “Sure thing, Emmie.” Shooting me an amused grin, Pock lifts the heavy case and heads out the door.

  The second roadie stands by the still-open door, looking menacing as he glances from me to Emmie and back again. I glare at him, daring him to say a word.

  Something lands beside me on the bed, and my eyes go straight to whatever it is Emmie has just thrown at me. A wad of cash. At least three hundred dollars are now scattered around me across the bed. Confused, I lift my head, turning my glare on the other woman once again. “What—?”

  Before I can say more, Emmie is already speaking. “That should cover your cost, yeah? You don’t look like you would charge more than that for a few nights in his bed.”

  “How dare you?” I sputter. Is she really calling me a whore? For real? I went to Yale. I have a degree in journalism, and my parents can buy and sell this girl a hundred times over. She has no right to insinuate I am a whore. “As soon as I tell Shane what you just said to me, you will be gone. Do you hear me? Gone. I won’t put up with having you around, little girl.”

  Green eyes narrow, but she surprises me when she starts to laugh. “Yeah, I’ve heard that one a time or ten. Go ahead. Try. I bet every dime I just handed over that he doesn’t even remember your name.”

  “Where is Shane?” I demand, so angry I am starting to shake. “I want to talk to him. Now.” He will put Emmie Jameson in her place, and then she will be sent packing back to wherever the hell the stupid bitch came from.

  Emmie pulls out her phone and waves it at me. “He’s probably on the bus by now. He stank to high heaven of nasty skank, so I made him shower.” She pushes something on her phone’s screen and then hits connect. When I hear the ring of the phone, I know she hit the speaker. My hands fist in the sheet tucked around me as I wait for whomever she’s just called to pick up.

  “Em?” Shane’s deep voice fills the room and makes my tummy do that silly somersault it always does whenever I hear it. Fuck, I love him so much. “Everything okay, honey?”

  “Hey. Did you forget to take your trash out again?” Her voice is cool, but I see the spark in her eyes. The affection shining out of those green depths makes my hands start to sweat.

  No. He wouldn’t. She can’t be right. He loves me as much as I love him.

  He loves me.

  He. Loves. Me.

  “Ah, fuck. Em, I’m sorry. I completely forgot the bitch was still there. I thought she would have hit the road by now. Sorry, sweetheart.” He blows out a tired breath. “Can you get rid of her for me? I’ll love you forever.”

  Emmie smirks. “Sure. No problem. See you soon.”

  “Thanks, Em. Love you.”

  “Love you too.” That evil smirk is still on her lips when she disconnects and lifts her eyes to mine. “Good thing you didn’t take my bet.”

  I shake my head, in complete denial. It isn’t true. It can’t be. Shane loves me. He loves me.




  It is all this bitch’s fault. Rage boils in my blood. Yes, it is Emmie Jameson’s fault. Shane loves me. He loves me, and she is trying to make him give me up. Well, I’m not going to let her. I’ll never let her. Shane is mine.


  A scream fills the air as I jump from the bed, not caring that I am completely naked, and I swing my hands at the redhead. My nails are long—fake, but long. I’ve used them before in a fight, and my father had to pay the other
girl’s plastic-surgery bills because I scratched her pretty face up so bad. I will do the same to Emmie. Her beautiful face won’t be the same once I get done with her.

  Strong hands wrap around my arms, locking them against my body. The second roadie holds me without trouble while Emmie stares dispassionately at me. “Well, good talk. See you never.” Tossing her long hair over her shoulder, she turns and walks out of the room as if I don’t warrant another thought.

  The roadie holds on to me for several minutes without saying a word. Once he’s given Emmie enough of a head start, he pushes me down onto the bed and follows her. I sit there, staring at the closed door, hating Ember Jameson more than I’ve ever hated anyone in my life.

  She’ll pay.

  One day she will pay for taking Shane away from me.

  But I can’t really think about how I am going to make her pay at this moment. I’m supposed to leave for home soon. I hadn’t planned to be going home at all. I had been confident I had accomplished my goal and I would be finishing Shane’s tour with him.

  And Emmie ruined everything

  What am I going to do now? I made a deal with my parents. One I am sure they are going to make me live up to. I don’t want a career in journalism. I don’t want a career in any field. I want to be taken care of like the queen I am—by Shane Stevenson.

  As I sit there contemplating my next move, I hear my cell phone chime, alerting me I have a text message. My heart races, thinking it’s Shane texting me that he’s sorry for what Emmie made him do. I reach over to the nightstand where I’d put it on the charger the night before after he’d made love to me for the third—or was it the fourth?—time. I will forgive him.

  Disappointment hits me when I look at my phone and see it’s not from Shane. The text is from Reginald.

  Reginald: Good morning, beautiful. When do you return to LA? I’d love to take you to dinner.

  I’d told Reginald I was visiting family in Florida for some time before I returned to LA. He didn’t need to know I was following the band for a few more shows. I’m glad I told him that. It appears Reginald may just have to be my Plan B.

  Me: Hey you. I get in later this evening.

  Reginald: May I pick you up from the airport? We can grab dinner.

  Me: I would love that. I’ve missed you. I’ll send you my flight itinerary.

  May as well start laying on the charm now. I pull up my flight info and send it to him. Shortly after, he responds.

  Reginald: I’ll meet you at baggage claim. I can’t wait to see you.

  I could do worse than becoming the wife of Rock America’s editor. It helps that he owns half of the magazine. Now, to come up with my plan to get him to fall in love with me and marry me, all the while convincing my parents why I shouldn’t be held to my end of our deal. Maybe I can tell them my future husband is going to give me a job and then worry about the rest later. I have a six-hour plane ride to figure it all out.

  I get out of the bed and head for the shower. I need to get back to my hotel and gather my stuff to make my flight.


  I have been having the time of my life over the last six months. Reginald and I are in a serious relationship, and with a little pressuring from my parents, he asked me to marry him a couple nights ago. I said yes, but I can’t help but think of Shane. Of course, the next day, the news of our engagement was everywhere, and then Shane ended up in the tabloids too. He had been drinking and got into a scuffle with some bar patron. The thing that caught my eye, though, was the female in the shot with him. She had caramel hair and violet-colored eyes. Was he so upset over my engagement that he not only got into a fight, but he latched on to the first woman who turned his head?

  Of course, I still love Shane, but Emmie ruined that for us, and I have to settle for a life with Reginald. For now. Although Reginald has been showing me the world, I definitely miss Shane and often think of how our life together would be. What it will be like once I eventually divorce Reginald, take half his money, and return to Shane. But that will have to wait a bit longer. My parents are still on my back, and I need to stay off their radar at least until after I’ve been married a few years. Especially after…everything.

  About six weeks after I returned home from my weekend with Shane, I found out I was pregnant. But because I wasn’t sure if the baby was Shane’s or Reginald’s, I had to make the choice to terminate it. It killed a little piece of me to do that, but I just couldn’t bring myself to have the baby and run the risk of it being Reginald’s. All I have left as proof is a sonogram that I have tucked away. Just one more thing Emmie took from me, took from us. And one more thing that bitch has to pay for.

  When she least expects it, though, I will make her pay for it all.

  As I am deep in thoughts about what Shane’s baby would have looked like, my phone starts buzzing. I pick it up to see Mira’s face. She was my roommate in college and is my best friend.

  “Hey, girl,” I say as I answer the phone.

  “And why am I reading on the internet that my best friend is getting married?” she gripes.

  “I’m sorry, really. It all happened so fast. My head has not stopped spinning yet.” I try to soothe her.

  “I swear, Helena, if I didn’t know you better, I would think you didn’t give a shit about me at all. You’ve kept some stuff from me in the past, but this takes the cake. Stop being selfish,” she continues.

  “Mira, I’m sorry,” I say again, contrite but still annoyed. “What can I say? You’re my only friend. I never really had friends until you. Forgive me,” I beg. “Will being my maid of honor make it up to you?”

  “Helena, you just said I’m your only friend, so it’s a given that I’m going to be your maid of honor,” she says with a snort before continuing, and I can hear the excitement in her voice. “Besides, I have my own news I’m excited about.”

  “Really? What has happened in your world? Have you found yourself a Mr. Right?” I ask. I honestly don’t care that she wants her news to outshine mine. Marrying Reginald is really just a means to an end for me. A short detour before my real future starts with Shane.

  “Better. I just landed the best job in the universe. I am now a publicist in one of the largest PR firms in the country,” she squeals.

  “Really? That’s awesome news,” I respond, trying to keep my boredom from seeping through.

  “And guess who one of our largest clients is?”

  “You’ve got me. I have no clue.”

  “Demon’s Wings!” she exclaims.

  I almost drop my phone. My best friend is going to have to cover and hide stuff from the tabloids about the best band ever—not to mention, my Shane Stevenson? Oh, this day couldn’t get any better.

  “Hello? Helena, did you hear what I said?”

  “Sorry, Mira, yes. That is awesome news. I am so happy for you,” I gush, trying to control how hard my heart is pounding. It is awesome news. Amazing, perfect news. Now, I can easily keep up with everything going on in my love’s life.

  I just have to figure out how to use this to my advantage. My best friend can give me the inside scoop and not even realize she is doing it. I never told her about my weekend with Shane. He is my secret—mine and mine alone—and I don’t want to share it or him with anyone. Now…to work on getting information out of her without Mira realizing what I’m doing. This is my in. Not only will I be able to keep tabs on Shane, but this is how I will get my revenge against Emmie Jameson for taking Shane away from me.

  “You seem to be deep in thought, Helena.” Mira breaks the silence.

  “Let’s get together soon, Mira. We have a wedding to plan, and I want to hear all about your new job.”

  “I arrive back in LA next week, so we’ll do dinner and drinks when I get there. I’ll call you soon.”

  I hit end on my phone and toss it back on the table.

  Mother has put together an engagement dinner for tonight. I swear, any reason to have a dinner party, and that woman is all over
it. I dread these kinds of things. I will probably know four people at this event—three of those people share my DNA, and I’m marrying the other one.

  I look in the mirror and run my finger over the birthmark on my chin. I hate it. It’s not the typical brownish color; it’s more red. I wanted to have it removed, but every dermatologist and plastic surgeon my mother took me to advised against it. Over the years, I have learned how to cover it up completely with makeup. But that doesn’t mean I like it. It’s a pain in the ass, really.

  Just as I turn from the mirror, there is a knock at my bedroom door, and I hear my mother’s voice.

  “Helena, darling. May I come in?”

  “Yes, Mother,” I call back, and she walks in with a garment bag in her arms.

  “Here is your dress for tonight’s dinner,” she says as she takes it to my walk-in closet and hangs it up.

  “Thank you, Mother,” I mutter, rolling my eyes behind her back before she walks toward me and wraps her arms around me. Ugh, I hate having to put on a happy face for this woman. If she really knew how much I disliked her, she probably wouldn’t dote on me so much. She has been even more over the top since I brought Reginald home to meet them.

  “I would like for your father to escort you downstairs this evening, while Reginald waits for you at the bottom of the staircase,” she says, unwrapping her arms from around me, outlining her plans for my entrance. That’s the thing about my mother. She is all about appearances, and a flashy entrance is high on her priority list.

  “Whatever makes you happy, Mother.”

  “Helena,” she scolds. “This is one of the many big events that lead up to your wedding. Please cooperate with me.”

  “I understand, Mother. But this is my engagement dinner, and I will only know you and Daddy, Sean, and Reginald. This is an event for your friends and Daddy’s colleagues. I just don’t understand why I have to do this,” I whine.


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