Stealing Their Forever

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Stealing Their Forever Page 4

by Lonnie Doris

  “Thanks for coming,” Harper says to Reginald as she kisses his cheek. “This means a lot to me that you and your wife would be here for us today.”

  “We wouldn’t have wanted to be anywhere else, would we, darling?” Reginald wraps his arm around my waist and smiles charmingly down at me.

  “No, of course not. It was an honor to be invited to your wedding reception. Thank you for having us,” I murmur, glancing at Harper as she smiles so lovingly up at Shane. “Congratulations to you both.”

  “Thanks,” Shane says with a smirk to me, but I can see the anger blazing out of his eyes. The hurt. The pain. My heart clenches at the sight. I’m so sorry, my love, I want to say but don’t. One day, I promise him with my eyes. One day, I will make this all up to you.

  After a few more minutes, the couple moves on to speak to their other guests, and I head back to our table with Reginald. While he goes off to get me another glass of champagne, I let my eyes drift to Shane, who is now out on the dance floor with his tiny niece in his arms.

  Little Mia Armstrong giggles as her beloved uncle swings her around to the music, singing along with her to the words of the popular pop song the little girl obviously enjoys. Even though I’ve never really liked children, the sight is cute, and I find myself actually smiling at the two. For a moment, my heart clenches, remembering the baby that might have been Shane’s. We would have been a beautiful, happy little family if I could have known for sure the baby was his and not Reginald’s.

  Shane would make a good father, and for him and only him would I dare to even think about having a child of my own. It would make him happy, so I am sure I will give him a son or daughter. Eventually. I still have a few more years to enjoy my stunning figure before I let him get me pregnant again.

  While I continue to watch, I see Emmie gazing adoringly after them, her big green eyes smiling happily at her daughter and adopted brother. The world knows that Emmie worships her daughter, the little creature who is her spitting image.

  What, I wonder as my hate for the woman continues to grow with each passing second that I look at her, would Emmie Armstrong do if something happened to that lovely little girl?


  On the ride home from the reception, I can’t help thinking about what I overheard in the bathroom earlier in the evening. No one knew I was in there. I had gone in to get away from Reginald for a few minutes so I could process my emotions without him watching over me.

  Vince Grady, that’s the name I heard. He’s had Jesse Thornton served with custody papers for little Lucy Thornton. And Layla is beside herself with fear. There had been real distress in her voice as she’d spoken to her sister Lana and Emmie, and I couldn’t help smiling as I’d listened to them. Emmie wouldn’t like it very much if something happened to someone in her family.

  It shouldn’t be too hard to find this Vince Grady. I’m sure he needs to make a few dollars. Why else would he come after his child? From what I heard Lana say about him, he doesn’t want Lucy; he wants money. Well, I’ll contribute if it means some heartache will come to Emmie.

  I text Sean.

  Me: Hey, cousin. Find me everything you can on Vincent Grady.

  Sean is brilliant at locating personal information on the internet.

  Sean: Sure thing, Helena. I’ll let you know what I find.

  I read the message and put my phone in my clutch, hiding a grin.

  “Everything okay, darling?” Reginald asks from the driver’s seat.

  “Just Sean checking in.”

  A couple days later, I’m sitting in front of a run-down motel, waiting for Vince Grady to exit his room. I have ten thousand dollars in cash with me, and by the looks of this place, in the middle of drug central, I’m sure this guy will do what I want. Ten thousand dollars will buy him a lot of drugs.

  Just as I’m about to give up, I see him leaving his room. I get out of my car and walk toward him.

  “Mr. Grady?” I call to him. He turns around.

  “Who’s askin’?” he questions.

  “That doesn’t matter. What does matter is that I’m here to help you.”

  “Sorry, darlin’, not sure what you can do to help me,” he grunts back.

  “Let’s just say I can get you closer to your goal of wreaking havoc on the Demon’s Wings family. They have your daughter Lucy, right?”

  “I don’t want the brat.” He spits on the ground between us. “I want the money she will bring me.”

  “I get that. But in the process, I want you to inflict some pain on the redhead they call Emmie. I’m willing to pay you.”

  “Who the fuck are you, lady?” he asks.

  “It doesn’t matter who I am. Do you want my money or not?” I demand.

  “I like money. What is it you want me to do to this redhead?”

  “The redhead will be taking Lucy to a friend’s house tonight for Halloween.” I begin to lay out the details Sean acquired from an unwitting Harper. “Follow her, and when the moment presents itself, take the kid. She will fight to protect Lucy,” I continue. “And really, I don’t care what you do to the redhead—beat her within an inch of her life, if you so choose. Rape her if that’s what gets you off. Just show no mercy.”

  “Seems you’ve thought this out for me.”

  “I don’t care what you do with the child, but it will probably get you the money you want if you kidnap her after you handle Emmie. They will pay just about anything to get the kid back.”

  I hand him the envelope with the cash in it. But before releasing it, I make my point clear.

  “Do not mention this conversation to anyone. Here is the first payment. I will keep giving you money as long as you never mention me to anyone, and you continue to wreak havoc on the redhead.” I release the envelope and turn to walk away.

  “Oh, and one other thing.” I turn back around and make eye contact with him. “I have eyes everywhere. Don’t follow through, and there will be no more cash coming your way.”

  I quickly head back to my rented vehicle, get in, and drive away.

  As soon as I am in traffic, I hit connect on my headset. “Sean, I’ve handled what I needed to with Vince Grady. I want you to follow Emmie tonight to make sure he does what I just paid him to do.”

  Sean agrees, and I press end on my phone and head to the gym. I feel the sudden urge to get a workout in, but it will also be a cover for the clothes I have on if Reginald gets home before I do.


  “Emmie and her new baby are fine now,” Mira confides as we sip our wine in my living room.

  “What happened to the guy who assaulted her and kidnapped Lucy?” I ask, trying to hide my disgust that Emmie is pregnant again.

  “Not sure. All Emmie said was the police have Vince Grady in custody.”

  What a fucking moron, I think to myself as I take another sip of wine.

  Emmie is pregnant again, Lucy is safe and sound with Jesse and Layla, and Vince Grady is in custody.

  Oh shit! Vince Grady is in custody. What if he mentions the mystery woman? I jump up from the couch in a panic.

  “I totally forgot. I have an appointment!” I exclaim. “Sorry to cut our wine afternoon short.”

  Mira stands up, and I take her wineglass from her.

  “Helena, are you okay?” she asks as I shuffle her to the front door.

  “I’m fine. I just forgot about a meeting with Mother. You know how she gets when I’m late.” I rush to cover my panic.

  Once I see Mira pull out of the driveway, my emotions get the better of me. I begin smashing everything in sight. Knocking vases full of beautiful flowers off tables, shattering pictures of Reginald and me, pulling items off the shelves.

  “That bitch has everything!” I scream.

  By the time Reginald gets home from work, I am in the fetal position in the middle of the floor, shattered glass all around me.

  “Helena!” he exclaims, rushing to me and picking me up in his arms. “Darling, talk to me,” he insists.
  I have nothing to say to him. I just lie there in his arms, looking off into the distance. I feel him shift to get his cell phone out of his pocket.

  “I need an ambulance!” I hear him say into the phone. It sounds like I’m underwater for the rest of his conversation. I’ve checked out.


  When I wake up, I’m in a dark hospital room. I can see Reginald sleeping in a chair next to me. I have no idea what time it is or how long I have been asleep. My arms are stinging with pain. I run my hands over them, and the hand with the IV stuck in it protests as I feel a tug against the bandaging.

  “Shit!” I cry out from the pain.

  Reginald wakes with a startle at my cry.

  “Darling, are you okay?” he asks and moves next to me.

  “What happened?” I ask. “Why am I here?”

  “You had some sort of meltdown. I came home to find you on the floor, bleeding from all the glass you shattered. Do you not remember?”

  “I don’t know what happened.” I murmur. Yes, I do. My world is falling apart.

  Reginald leans in and kisses my forehead. “We’ll get you feeling better, darling. The doctor thinks you may need a change in your medication.”

  “I don’t want to take medicine, Reginald,” I spit out. “It makes me feel bad.”

  “Let’s try a new one, then. Maybe it won’t make you feel that way.”

  “I’m sorry you have to see me like this,” I sob. “You probably hate me.” I couldn’t really care less if he hates me. But I still need him.

  “I could never hate you, darling. I love you.”


  It’s been a few months since my breakdown. Reginald has been hovering over me to the point of irritation. It’s almost like he is afraid to leave me alone. He has even been working from home a lot lately. Last night, I asked him to go back to work.

  I’m lying in our bed, and I hear the shower running in our bathroom. Thankfully, he is doing what I have asked him to do.

  Without him here, I won’t have to take these damn pills anymore. They are worse than the other ones I was on. All I need is my Shane. Once I get him back and we live our forever, I won’t need medication. I don’t need anything or anyone but him to feel good.

  And without Reginald at home hovering over me, I can go back to planning how to get rid of these two bitches who are standing in my way.

  Sean has told me he’s read Harper’s emails, and she is trying to get pregnant with the help of some foreign doctor. She is trying to trap my Shane into staying with her. I have to rescue him.


  Thanks to Mira, I know where Demon’s Wings are going to be for the next few stops of their tour. I convinced Reginald I need a few days at a spa to get my head together. I even started a few arguments with him so he could see I need some time alone. He claims he is worried about me.

  The only thing wrong with me is I am continuing to watch my life from the sidelines.

  Another woman is living my life.

  Touring with Shane, warming his bed. Loving him as I should be loving him.

  I am going to destroy her and Emmie and get my life back. I have got to stop Harper from manipulating Shane into staying with her by getting pregnant. I cannot believe Shane is allowing her to go to these lengths. He has to know that I will give him as many children as he wants. I am not going to be with Reginald much longer. I haven’t figured out if it will end by divorce or his death, but it is about to end—that, I know for sure.

  I have let Emmie and Harper stand in my way long enough. I am going to put an end to them once and for all.

  I grab the press badge I still have from the first night I spent with Reginald and pack it in my bag. I knew I kept this around for a reason. This will definitely come in handy for my little adventure. I’ll just flash it and get myself backstage and into crew areas where the buses will be parked.

  I walk downstairs with my luggage to find Reginald in the sitting room.

  Placing my bags at the foot of the staircase, I call out to him, “I’m getting ready to leave.”

  “Darling, let me drive you,” Reginald says as he walks toward me.

  “No!” I half shout and immediately regret it when I see the startled look on his face. I try to rein in my annoyance and anger. Really, I’m fed up with him and this entire relationship. I want to be with Shane so badly, and Reginald is just one more obstacle standing in my way. I’ve been researching ways to kill someone and make it look like an accident, but so far, nothing is even remotely believable for my husband’s sudden death, not without making me appear guilty. “I’m sorry, my love. I just feel out of sorts. I’ve burdened you enough.”

  “You’re not a burden to me. I’m just worried about you,” he says, reaching out for me to engulf me in a hug.

  I lay my head on his shoulder and pat him on the back even as I imagine thrusting a knife deep between his shoulder blades and just walking away while he bleeds out on the newly cleaned carpets. “I know the last couple months have been really rocky. I don’t know what is wrong with me,” I cry.

  I do know what is wrong with me. I hate this life. I want the life I was supposed to have with Shane. I’m watching and hearing about some plain Jane living the life I deserve, the one I crave with the man who was meant for only me.

  “It’s all going to be okay, darling. You’ll go get some rest at the spa, and when you get home, you’ll feel refreshed.” He kisses my forehead.

  “Maybe we’ll talk about starting a family.” I step out of his arms and look up at him, knowing it will make him more amenable. I can pretend a little longer. Just until I can finally get Harper and Emmie out of my Shane’s life.

  “That would be amazing. But only when you’re ready.”

  I turn, grab my suitcase handle, and walk to the front door. Reginald is walking behind me. I stop before opening the door and turn back to face him.

  “Sean is here to pick me up. I’ll see you in a few days.” The look on his face is one of utter defeat. But he doesn’t say a word. I turn back around, open the door, and get in the waiting car. Sean grabs my suitcase and places it in the trunk, waves at Reginald, then climbs back into the driver’s seat without a word to my husband. I face forward as Sean drives away, but I can still practically feel Reginald standing in the doorway, watching as we leave.

  After a few moments of silence, Sean starts asking questions.

  “Cousin, are you sure this is what you really want to do?”

  “Yes, Sean, it is. I’m going to get back what’s mine. I can’t do this anymore.”

  “But do you have to go to such extreme measures?” He shoots me a bewildered glance. “I mean, the plan you have laid out is kinda scary. I’m not even going to sugarcoat it.”

  “I know what I’m doing. Shane feels like he is trapped with that simpleton. If she does get pregnant, then he will be stuck with her even longer. But I’m going to fix everything for him—and for me.”

  “What if you get caught?” Sean asks.

  “I’m not going to get caught. I have thought of every single detail,” I remind him. “Besides, you’re the only other person who knows my plan, and I pay you very well to keep your mouth shut.”

  “I know, cousin. I know. I just worry about you if this doesn’t go as planned.”

  “It will.” We drive the remainder of the way in silence.

  Sean checks us in to our hotel room that is just a couple miles away from the venue. I have already covered my bases with Mira, making sure she is not going to be at the show tonight. She thinks the same thing as Reginald, that I am at a spa for the weekend. She is actually traveling to Michigan to spend some time with her family.

  We walk into our hotel room, nothing like what I’m used to staying at, but it will do. Two queen beds, a desk, a bathroom, and a closet. I don’t want to think about how dirty this room might really be, but this is the kind of place where no one will ask unnecessary questions. Thankfully, Sean is more like a brother than
even a cousin. He’s the sibling I always wanted but was thankful I never had because I don’t like sharing. We spent many nights sleeping in the same room when we were younger.

  I put my stuff down and plop onto the bed by the window.

  “I need five minutes, and then I’ll get myself ready,” I say, throwing my head back onto the pillow.

  Sean puts his bag down and sits down on the other queen-sized bed.

  “Five minutes is about all you have if you are going to keep your schedule.”

  “Yes, Daddy,” I say sarcastically.

  “No need for the attitude, I’m just trying to keep you on track. Isn’t that what you pay me to do?” he snips back.

  After my five minutes of rest, I get up and go into the bathroom with my clothes to change into—a dark hoodie, black yoga pants, and tennis shoes. I had Sean buy me this sweatshirt a couple sizes too big so I could hide my face a little better with it. I’m not going to cover my birthmark. I look like a different person when it isn’t covered, because that seems to be all anyone sees. So just in case something goes wrong or I run into Harper, she won’t recognize me. I pull my hair back into a ponytail and take one final look in the mirror.

  “I’m ready,” I say to Sean as I return to the bedroom.

  “Cousin, I’m going to ask you one more time. Is this what you really want to do?”

  “Sean, how many different ways do I need to say it to you, huh? I’m. Taking. Back. What. Is. Mine!” I scream at him.

  “Okay, okay.” He pales and practically cowers away, putting his hands up in surrender. “Let’s get this over with, then.”

  We take the back stairs out of the hotel to the parking lot, where we get in Sean’s car and head to the venue. I have a small black backpack with me which holds my black gloves, press pass, and a knife.

  Flashing my credentials, I make my way around to the area where the buses are parked. I see Harper and another woman I don’t recognize leaving a bus and figure it’s Shane’s. I can hear Demon’s Wings onstage in the distance. This is my chance. I’ll sneak onto the bus and wait for Harper to return.


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