A Companion to Assyria

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A Companion to Assyria Page 39

by Eckart Frahm


  For the abbreviations CTN, KAL 3, PNA, RIMA, RINAP, and SAA, see Further Reading below.


  Ahmad, A.Y. 2000. “Excavation at Qadhiah: The Texts of Tukulti‐Ninurta II (890–884 B.C.),” Al‐Rāfidān 21, 51–9.

  Altaweel, M. 2003. “The Roads of Ashur and Nineveh,” Akkadica 124, 221–8.

  Arnaud, D. 2007. Assurbanipal, roi d’Assyrie, Paris: Fayard.

  Asher‐Greve, J.M. 2006. “From ‘Semiramis of Babylon’ to ‘Semiramis of Hammersmith,’” in: Holloway 2006, 322–73.

  Bagg, A.M. 2000. Assyrische Wasserbauten: Landwirtschaftliche Wasserbauten im Kernland Assyriens zwischen der 2. Hälfte des 2. und der 1. Hälfte des 1. Jahrtausends v. Chr., Baghdader Forschungen 24, Mainz: von Zabern.

  Bagg, A.M. 2011. Die Assyrer und das Westland: Studien zur historischen Geographie und Herrschaftspraxis in der Levante im 1. Jt. v.u.Z., OLA 216, Leuven: Peeters.

  Balcioğlu, B. and Mayer, W.R. 2006. “Eine neuassyrische Votivstele aus Turlu Höyük,” Orientalia 75, 177–81.

  Battini, L. 2000. “Des rapports géométriques en architecture: le cas de Dur‐Šarrukin,” Revue d’Assyriologie 94, 33–56.

  Beaulieu, P.‐A. 1997a. “The Fourth Year of Hostilities in the Land,” Baghdader Mitteilungen 28, 367–94.

  Beaulieu, P.‐A. 1997b. “The Cult of AN.ŠÁR/Aššur in Babylonia after the Fall of the Assyrian Empire,” State Archives of Assyria Bulletin 11, 55–73.

  Beaulieu, P.‐A. 2006. “Official and Vernacular Languages: The Shifting Sands of Imperial and Cultural Identities in First‐Millennium B.C. Mesopotamia,” in: S.L. Sanders (ed.), Margins of Writing, Origins of Cultures, OIS 2, Chicago: Oriental Institute, 187–216.

  Beaulieu, P.‐A. 2008. “Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon as World Capital,” Journal of the Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies 3, 5–12.

  Beaulieu, P.‐A. 2010. “The Afterlife of Assyrian Scholarship in Hellenistic Babylonia,” in: J. Stackert et al. (eds.), Gazing on the Deep: Near Eastern and Other Studies in Honor of Tzvi Abusch, Bethesda, MD: CDL Press, 1–18.

  Becking, B. 1992. The Fall of Samaria: An Historical and Archaeological Study, Studies in the History of the Ancient Near East 2, Leiden: Brill.

  Berlejung, A. 2007. “Die Reduktion von Komplexität: Das theologische Profil einer Gottheit und seine Umsetzung in der Ikonographie am Beispiel des Gottes Aššur im Assyrien des 1. Jts.,” in: B. Groneberg and H. Spieckermann (eds.), Die Welt der Götterbilder, Berlin: De Gruyter, 9–56.

  Beyer, K. 1998. Die aramäischen Inschriften aus Assur, Hatra und dem übrigen Ostmesopotamien, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

  Bichler, R. and Rollinger, R. 2004. “Die Hängenden Gärten zu Ninive – Die Lösung eines Rätsels?,” in: R. Rollinger (ed.), Von Sumer bis Homer: Festschrift für Manfred Schretter zum 60. Geburtstag am 25. Februar 2004, AOAT 325, Münster: Ugarit‐Verlag, 153–218.

  Blocher, F. 2001. “Assyrische Würdenträger und Gouverneure des 9. und 8. Jh.: Eine Neubewertung ihrer Rolle,” Altorientalische Forschungen 28, 298–324.

  Bohrer, F.N. 2003. Orientalism and Visual Culture: Imagining Mesopotamia in Nineteenth Century Europe, Cambridge, UK/New York: Cambridge University Press.

  Borger, R. 1956. Die Inschriften Asarhaddons, Königs von Assyrien, AfO Beih. 9, Graz: Selbstverlag des Herausgebers.

  Borger, R. 1996. Beiträge zum Inschriftenwerk Assurbanipals. Mit einem Beitrag von Andreas Fuchs, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

  Brown, D. 2000. Mesopotamian Planetary Astronomy‐Astrology, CM 18, Groningen: Styx.

  Brown, S.C. 1986. “Media and Secondary State Formation in the Neo‐Assyrian Zagros: An Anthropological Approach to an Assyriological Problem,” Journal of Cuneiform Studies 38, 107–19.

  Cole, S.W. 1996. The Early Neo‐Babylonian Governor’s Archive from Nippur, OIP 114, Chicago: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.

  Curtis, J.E. et al. (eds.) 2008. New Light on Nimrud: Proceedings of the Nimrud Conference, 11th–13th March, 2002, London: British Institute for the Study of Iraq.

  Da Riva, R. 2001. “Sippar in the Reign of Sin‐šum‐lišir,” Altorientalische Forschungen 28, 40–64.

  Da Riva, R. 2008. The Neo‐Babylonian Royal Inscriptions: An Introduction, GMTR 4, Münster: Ugarit‐Verlag.

  Da Riva, R. 2013. The Inscriptions of Nabopolassar, Amel‐Marduk and Neriglissar, Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Records 3, Berlin: De Gruyter.

  Dalley, S. 1990. “Cuneiform and Assyria after c. 620 B.C.,” in: E. Aerts and H. Klengel (eds.), The Town as Regional Economic Centre in the Ancient Near East, Studies in Social and Economic History 20, Leuven: Leuven University Press, 74–84.

  Dalley, S. 1993. “Nineveh after 612 B.C.,” Altorientalische Forschungen 20, 134–47.

  Dalley, S. 2000. “Shamshi‐ilu, Language and Power in the Western Assyrian Empire,” in: G. Bunnens (ed.), Essays on Syria in the Iron Age, Ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplement 7, Leuven: Peeters, 79–88.

  Dalley, S. 2001. “Assyrian Court Narratives in Aramaic and Egyptian: Historical Fiction,” in: T. Abusch et al. (eds.), Historiography of the Cuneiform World, Bethesda, MD: Eisenbrauns, 149–61.

  Dalley, S. 2007. Esther’s Revenge at Susa: From Sennacherib to Ahasuerus, Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press.

  Dalley, S. 2008. “The Identity of the Princesses in Tomb II and a New Analysis of Events in 701 BC,” in: Curtis 2008, 171–5.

  Dalley, S. 2013. The Mystery of the Hanging Garden of Babylon: An Elusive World Wonder Traced, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

  De Odorico, M. 1995. The Use of Numbers and Quantifications in the Assyrian Royal Inscriptions, SAAS 3, Helsinki: The Neo‐Assyrian Text Corpus Project.

  Deller, K. 1988. “Bibliography of Neo‐Assyrian – 1988 and Updates,” State Archives of Assyria Bulletin 2, 129–35.

  Deller, K. 1999. “The Assyrian Eunuchs and Their Predecessors,” in: K. Watanabe (ed.), Priests and Officials in the Ancient Near East, Heidelberg: C. Winter, 304–11.

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  Fales, F.M. 2011. “Die Expansion Assyriens: Aramäer als Teil der assyrischen Gesellschaft,” in: Renger 2011, 211–37.

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  Frahm, E. 1999a. “Nabû‐zuqup‐kenu, das Gilgamesch‐Epos und der Tod Sargons II.,” Journal of Cuneiform Studies 51, 73–90.

  Frahm, E. 2003. “New Sources for Sennacherib’s First Campaign,” in: P. Miglus and J.M. Córdoba (eds.), Assur und sein Umland, ISIMU 6, Madrid: UAM Ediciones, 129–64.

  Frahm, E. 2005a. “On Some Recently Published Late Babylonian Copies of Royal Letters,” NABU 2005/43.

  Frahm, E. 2005b. “Observations on the Name of Sargon II and on Some Patterns of Assyrian Royal Onomastics,” NABU 2005/44.

  Frahm, E. 2009. “Warum die Brüder Böses planten: Anmerkungen zu einer alten Crux in Asarhaddons Ninive A‐Inschrift,” in: W. Arnold et. al. (eds.), Philologisches und Historisches zwischen Anatolien und Sokotra: Analecta Semitica In Memoriam Alexander Sima, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 27–50.

  Frahm, E. 2010. “Hochverrat in Assur” in: Maul/Heeßel 2010, 89–139.

  Frahm, E. 2011. “Mensch, Land und Volk: Assur im Alten Testament,” in: Renger 2011, 267–85.

  Frahm, E. 2013. “A Sculpted Slab with an Inscription of Sargon II Mentioning the Rebellion of Yaubi’di of Hamath,” Altorientalische Forschungen 40, 42–54.

  Frahm, E. 2014. “Family Matters: Psychohistorical Reflections on Sennacherib and His Times,” in: Kalimi and Richardson 2014, 163–222.

  Frahm, E. 2015a. “‘Whoever Destroys this Image’: A Neo‐Assyrian Statue from Tell ʿAǧāǧa (Šadikanni),” NABU 2015/51.

  Frahm, E. 2015b. “Some Like It Hot: Reflections on the Historical ‘Temperature’ of Letters from Mesopotamian Royal Archives,” in: L. Reinfandt et al. (eds.), Official Epistolography and the Language(s) of Power, Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 47–58.

  Frahm, E. 2016. “Of Doves, Fish, and Goddesses: Reflections on the Literary, Religious, and Historical Background of the Book of Jonah,” in: J. Baden et al. (eds.), Sibyls, Scriptures, and Scrolls: John Collins at Seventy, Leiden/Boston: Brill, 432–50.

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