The Putnam Hall Cadets; or, Good Times in School and Out

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The Putnam Hall Cadets; or, Good Times in School and Out Page 7

by Edward Stratemeyer


  As soon as the excitement attending Jack's election had subsided, CaptainPutnam announced that they would proceed next to the election of twocaptains, one for Company A, and one for Company B. For this purpose eachstudent was allowed to put down two names, making the total number ofvotes cast one hundred and fifty-four.

  True to their promise, many who had supported Jack voted in favor ofHenry Lee, and as a consequence he was made captain of the first company.Bart Conners became captain of Company B. Later still, Harry Blossombecame first lieutenant, and Dave Kearney a second lieutenant. For all ofthese positions Dan Baxter received not more than six votes, much to hisdisgust.

  "It's a put-up job," he growled. "But just wait--I'll fix them!" And thenhe and his cronies said no more.

  After the voting was over, Captain Putnam called the newly electedofficers together and gave them their instructions.

  "I shall leave the battalion in your hands from now on," he said to them."On parade and during drill you must see to it that every cadet does hisduty. Of course, during school hours and off hours, you will have no moreauthority than any of your fellow pupils."

  "I understand," said Jack, "and I don't want any authority excepting onparade and during drill."

  That evening the battalion celebrated on the campus of the Hall, with abig bonfire and singing. There was also a fancy drill and a short parade,and all enjoyed it excepting Baxter and his cronies. As soon as possiblethe latter sneaked off in a little crowd by themselves.

  "I'm satisfied that Ruddy and his crowd cooked this whole thing upagainst you, Dan," said Coulter. "Look at Lee. He sold out the majorshipjust to get a captaincy."

  "And Dave Kearney sold out so he could be sure of becoming a lieutenant,"put in Paxton. "It makes me sick."

  "Well, some of the others sold me out," growled the bully. "I know twelvefellows who said they'd vote for me, and the most votes I got wereseven!"

  "Jack Ruddy must have bought them up," put in Mumps. "He's a slipperyone, he is!"

  The majority of the cadets, however, were well satisfied over Jack'selection, and they told the newly elected major so. All shook him by thehand, and wished him the best of success in his position. He was calledon to speak and made a neat speech.

  "I thank you all for electing me," said he. "I trust we shall all befriends, and that our relations with one another will be pleasant frombeginning to end. I am going to try to do my duty, and I know you willtry to do yours. And because you have made me major, don't forgetthat--during school hours and off hours--I am one of you anyway."

  "That's the way to talk!" called out a cadet. "Jack's the right kind of amajor."

  "Three cheers for Major Ruddy," was the cry, and they were given loudly,and a tiger followed.

  A number of the boys, including Pepper and Andy, had worked hard to electJack and he felt that he ought to do something for them in return. Hethought the matter over carefully and then decided to ask a dozen of thecadets to go off on a picnic with him on the following Saturdayafternoon, which would be a half-holiday.

  "Just the thing, Jack," said Pepper, when the thing was mentioned. "Wecan have a jolly time, in the woods and along the lake shore."

  "Do we take any grub along?" came from Stuffer Singleton, anxiously."It's no picnic without grub."

  "Trust Stuffer to remember about food!" laughed Andy.

  "To be sure we shall take something to eat along," answered Jack. "I'llarrange it with the captain and Mrs. Green, and I'll buy some extras atCedarville."

  As soon as the picnic, as it was called, was announced those to take partbecame enthusiastic. Not to make the other cadets feel bad, it was kept asecret among those concerned. Captain Putnam allowed the housekeeper tohave two baskets of provisions packed for Jack, and the young major tookAndy and Pepper with him to town, where they purchased some extradainties.

  "This is going to be the dandiest of all picnics," declared Pepper. "Ared-letter day for Putnam Hall."

  "Don't you want to invite Dan Baxter?" said Andy, with a sly grin.

  "Not on your life, Andy!" cried Jack.

  "Oh, I was only joking."

  "He wouldn't come," put in Henry Lee. "He is as mad as hops because hewasn't elected an officer."

  "I don't want any such bully as he is to be an officer over me," camefrom Stuffer Singleton.

  There were signs of rain in the air on Friday and the students toparticipate in the picnic grew anxious, fearing they would have badweather. But by the next morning the sun was shining as brightly as ever,and soon all were ready for the start, which was to be made at oneo'clock.

  "Say, what do you think?" cried Mumps, coming up to where Baxter andPaxton were standing. "Jack Ruddy is going to take some of the fellowsout to the woods for a spread."

  "Who told you?" queried the bully of Putnam Hall.

  "I overheard them talking about it in the gym. They're going to take twoor three baskets of good things with them."

  "That's a shame!" cried Paxton.

  "We ought to spoil their game," suggested Gus Coulter. "Can't we do it,Dan?"

  "I don't know." Baxter became thoughtful. "Where are they going, Mumps?"

  "Up to Gerry's Point, on the lake. It's about two miles from here."

  "We might row up in one of the boats and see what we can do," answeredthe bully. So it was arranged, and Baxter, Paxton, and Mumps set offwithout delay. Coulter wished to go along but could not because he had anextra lesson to do, he having missed several times during the week.

  Jack and his friends started in high glee. They had three baskets filledwith good things to eat and to drink, and each basket was carried by twoboys, the handle having a stick passed through it for that purpose.

  "I'm going to have a swim," declared Andy. "I know it's a little late inthe season, but the water is pretty warm."

  "I'm with you," said Pepper. "I shan't mind the cold water. Why, I take acold bath two or three times a week, in the bathtub."

  "Cold baths are very healthy," came from another of the crowd. "My fatherused to be quite weak, but now he takes a cold bath every morning and itis wonderful how strong he is getting."

  The path led back of the Hall grounds and then through a dense woodsfronting the lake, where the shore made a sweeping turn. As the boys wereall good walkers, they covered the two miles with ease, reaching Gerry'sPoint inside of an hour after starting.

  "Now then for a rest and a swim," cried Pepper.

  "And then we'll sample some of the good things Jack has provided," addedStuffer, smacking his lips.

  "Say, Stuffer, you could eat about all the time, couldn't you?" queriedAndy.

  "No, not all the time--he must sleep," put in Jack, and this broughtforth a laugh.

  "I caught myself eating once in my sleep," said Stuffer. "I began tocough and woke up with a piece of pie in my hand. I had had thenightmare, gone down to the kitchen pantry, and helped myself. After thatma locked the pantry up and hid the key." And at this tale there wasanother laugh.

  After a short rest the boys went in bathing, placing their baskets in asecluded spot behind some bushes. Not far away was a small stream ofwater, and they did not know that in this one of the Hall rowboats washidden, containing Baxter, Paxton, and Mumps, who had watched theirarrival.

  "Now is our chance!" cried Baxter, when all but two of the boys had gonein bathing. "Let us take their baskets and make off with them. We can goup the lake shore and have a dandy time on the good things!"

  "Right you are," put in Paxton. "And won't Jack Ruddy and the others bemad!"

  "Be careful, or they'll spot you!" whispered Mumps, in a trembling tone.

  "Oh, don't get scared, Mumps," said Baxter. "They can't see us--thebushes are too thick."

  Leaving the rowboat, the party of three stole to the spot where thebaskets were resting.

  "Say but they are heavy," remarked Paxton in a low voice.

  "Hush!" came
warningly from the bully, and then nothing further was said.Each took a basket, and started back for the rowboat as fast as he couldcarry the load.

  Baxter and Paxton had just placed their baskets in the boat when therecame a crash. Mumps, who was bringing up the rear, had slipped and lethis basket fall, breaking a drinking glass and a bottle of ginger ale.

  "Hi, there, what's that?" came from Jack, who was standing in the waterup to his waist. "Who's breaking glass?"

  "I'm not," answered one of the cadets on shore. "It was----"

  "Hullo, there is Dan Baxter!" yelled Pepper. "He's got one of ourbaskets!"

  "They are running off with our things!" broke in Andy. "Hi, stop, Baxter!Stop, Paxton!"

  "Go to grass!" roared the bully of Putnam Hall. He flung himself into therowboat. "Quick, Paxton; quick, Mumps!"

  Paxton leaped in, basket in hand. But Mumps, becoming frightened, let hisload remain where it had fallen and scrambled in headlong. Then the oarswere taken up and the craft shoved out into the stream.

  "Stop them! Stop them!" came from Jack. "Don't let them get away, boys!"

  "Swim for the boat," said another cadet. "Come on!"

  "Baxter, stop your rowing!" called a cadet on shore. "Stop, or I'll throwthis!" And he held up a large and sharp stone.

  "Ain't going to stop!" muttered the bully. "Clear the track, youfellows!" And he shook his head at those in the water. "If you don't getout of the way, I'll run over you!" And then he began to pull with mightand main, while Paxton did the same.


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