Winter's Awakening (Light Coven Chronicles Book 1)

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Winter's Awakening (Light Coven Chronicles Book 1) Page 35

by Alessandra Jay

  Chapter 36

  The Caster Matches

  Day II


  I stare up at the ceiling as I wait for Scarlet to wake up. There are thousands of thoughts running rampant in my mind. But the one that sticks out the most is how lucky I am to have someone as powerful and kind as Scarlet as mine. Turning on my side, I gaze at the flawless goddess that I get to call my Anima Partem. Her now feather soft, curly hair is pulled back into a bun and away from her beautiful face. As much as I love her hair down, when it’s up I can see all of her facial features clearer. The Mark of the chosen resting just beside her eye gives me a thrill every time I see it. Knowing how essential she is to our world really turns me on. I have never seen or met anyone so divine. Her delicate appearance is the perfect illusion to her dynamic power.

  My eyes travel down to the kitten asleep in front of her stomach. Comet is what she named him. It’s clever, considering his cosmic eyes that eerily match Scarlet’s. He was waiting on the bed, as soon as we walked out of the bathroom last night and hasn’t left her side ever since. I am still in awe over the fact that she created him all on her own, out of nothing but sheer will. Hunter has taken a big liking to him, also. After the Matches yesterday, Scarlet and I got in the shower immediately.

  We indulged in our usual hot and steamy make-out session, but we were too exhausted and famished from the Matches to go beyond our comfort zone. By the time we got out of the shower, our stomachs were grumbling. We quickly dressed and raced down to her kitchen, where there was dinner waiting for us. Scarlet mind spoke earlier with her father and told him that we were cleaned, changed, and ready to eat. So her family and my cousins joined us for dinner. Hunter was there, too. Ava gracefully declined their invitation.

  During our meal, the results of our points for the first day of competing came in. The hologram appeared suddenly, causing a few of us to jump. Scarlet, of course, was at the top of the list, the only caster to get a clean 10.0 average. I was directly beneath her, at 9.8. Scarlet was right, though. Something is definitely going on with Dimitri. His usual fiery persona is now at a dimmed and dull level. When he did speak, it was only of Lenora. And whenever someone changed the subject, his eyes would glaze over and go blank. Rick pulled me to the side and told me he spoke with Ava prior to coming for dinner, and she also noticed a difference. She was out looking for information, when she should have been resting for the next day.

  Scarlet’s eyelashes flutter open, revealing her radiant silver eyes. She closes them again and peeks only one eye open, causing me to smile at her cuteness. “How long have you been watching me sleep?” She asks in her groggy voice that is so damn sexy. My smile turns into a smirk as I decide not to answer her question. I watch her cheeks go from flushed to bright red in seconds. She closes her eye and turns over to lie on her back, as she brings the blanket up over her face to hide her blushing. Comet’s head shoots straight up as he feels the sudden stirring. With a single meow, Scarlet brings the blanket back down, grabs Comet, then returns to her dark hiding place beneath the sheets.

  I remember her telling me about a cast that her sister did to her, when she first received her power. And with a sinister look on my face, I close my eyes and cast the blanket to disappear. Her eyes shoot open, and she looks at me with surprise, when she realizes what I just did. I try to hide my laughter, but it comes out a little at a time. “Evan!” She shouts. She looks flustered. Like she can’t believe I pulled a Demi on her. I snap my fingers and bring the blanket back, covering her from her shoulders down. “Now I see why Demi liked to do that cast to you,” I say, as I slide myself closer to her. She squints her eyes at me as I bring my hand up to her arm, softly caressing her silky soft skin. Her eyes roll from the comfort of our closeness, and she moans when I move my fingers to the side of her neck, to the outline of her hair. “Oh, My Ava,” she whispers. I smile at the rewarding effect that my touch has on her. Just then, breaking our intimate moment, our alarm goes off, telling us it’s time to get ready for day two of the Matches. She groans and flicks her wrist to cease the annoying sound of the alarm.

  “Ready for day two?” I ask her, as we both stretch to get up. “Would it be hypocritical for me to say no? I would much rather this day be over, so we could move on to helping Dimitri and the rest of the caster world.” She mumbles the last few words. Still holding Comet, she comes over to stand in front of me. And I place my hands on her rosy cheeks, shaking my head no to answer her question then bending down to gently leave her a sweet and subtle kiss.

  “I love you, Evan,” she says in my mind. “And I, you, my love. Always and forever,” I reply. “All right. Let’s do this,” she says, with a fresh and courageous attitude. We get dressed in fresh replicas of the exact same outfit as yesterday. And when we reach the kitchen, we walk in to see the counter filled with all kinds of breakfast goods. Rick, Hunter, Demi, and Silas are seated at the table, and my cousins are at the counter, filling their plates. “Where’s Dimitri?” Scarlet asks. Panic suddenly rising in her eyes. “He went home, honey. After he spoke with Lenora last night, he said he needed to be with her. So he just left,” Rick says, with a sad shrug of the shoulders.

  Scarlet hands Comet to Hunter, then sluggishly falls into the seat next to her father. With a loud sigh, she leans forward and drops her head on the table, into her folded arms. “What the hell?” She grumbles.

  We can barely hear her, but we can all feel her pain. Dimitri would never miss seeing Scarlet in the Caster Matches. Something is definitely going on. And we have to figure it out fast. Hunter visibly straightens her back, and her eyes go blank for a moment. When the life returns to them, she slowly stands and walks over to give Scarlet a loving pat on the back.

  “Ava is summoning me. We’ll find a solution, Scar. I know it. Get something to eat because we have to leave for the arena in 20 minutes. I’ll keep Comet today, so you can focus on the Matches. Keep your head up, girl,” she says, before walking out of the kitchen. I give Scarlet a moment with her family and go to get some food, connecting my mind with her. “Would you like me to get you a plate, love?” With her head still down on the table, she responds. “Yes, please,” Sadness clear in her tone. I feel terrible that none of us can take the time to investigate Dimitri's situation. The moment the Matches are over, I'm going to fix this. Fix him for her.

  After a very silent breakfast with tough contemplations about Dimitri, we mentally prepare ourselves for day two of the Matches. On our way to the arena, I had to convince Scarlet to focus on the events of the day. And that as soon as the last blast sounds, we would leave. With that promise given to her, her persona brightened. Now she looked focused and ready to take on the day’s events with full force. The arena is clear of any memory of what took place yesterday and was set up exactly the way it started out yesterday. Day two has always gone faster than day one because this day is really to test your stealth level, your quick thinking, and your physical strength.

  The stands are already filled with the same lively crowd, as the Elders materialize on the stage and we all take our seats. Ava stands at the elegant podium in the front of the stage, and my eyes go to Scarlet sitting on her throne. I can tell she’s thinking about her uncle, but she also looks focused. Ava raises her hand to silence the crowd, and the excitement quiets down. I take the moment to study our head Elder. She looks somewhat like Scarlet. She looks punctured, wounded. “Welcome, all casters, to the second and final day of the Caster Matches. When the day is over, we will have our Light Coven!” The crowd explodes with cheers then quiets back down to allow Ava to continue her introduction.

  “Today there is absolutely no casting to be done by any of the contestants. And just to be sure, we will temporarily lock your power inside of you, until the Matches are finished. Now to choose the Matches!” Ava shouts. It seems like she may be trying too hard to be happy, and I suddenly feel sorry for her. The pain she must be going through is something I never want to feel with Scarlet. Ava waves her hand, a
nd the podium disappears. With another wave the same floating blue cards appear in front of her. She gets on her tip toes and chooses the card in the right corner. The other Sisters take their pick of the cards, and they all seem to be moving at a brisk pace. We all must be ready for this day to be over.

  The final card is picked, and they double in size. The Elders join hands and repeat the chant to cast the reveal. The cards come to life, twisting and turning, showing their letters. And one by one the names begin to form.

  Game 1- Paintball War

  Game 2- Rock Climb Race

  Game 3- Patched Up

  Game 4- Maze Match

  Game 5- Target Drill

  Game 6- Balance Build Up

  Game 7- Survival Match

  Game 8- Fight Box

  Some of these Matches are definitely going to be entertaining. I watch Ava take a deep breath as she reads what events were picked. They are all efficient and fast paced. We should be done way before the sun sets. Ava walks forward as the podium appears in the same position. “It looks like it will be another eventful day,” Ava says, as the crowd booms their approval. “Competing casters, you will only have ten minutes today to prepare yourselves for the following events. An Elder will be there shortly to escort you back to the transformed arena.” She nods, and we all stand to leave. Taking Scarlet’s hand, I race to the room we were in yesterday. Quickly closing the door behind me, I begin right away. “We don't have much time to discuss the games, but I’ll do my best to keep it short.” Scarlet nods her head and comes over to sit on my lap.

  “First game is Paintball War. We’re all thrown into whatever type of field that resembles a war zone that the Sisters conjure up. We stick with our team, and we fight as a team to stay alive. If you get hit, you're out. Run to the exit to await the end of the war. This game is to test your ability to have your team’s back. It’s timed, so the points are applied when they see how many of the casters in your location are still standing. Game 2 is a simple race. Only you're climbing up a rigid rock-climbing wall. Again, we are all competing at the same time. Reach the top before the time is up. If you're still on that wall when the blast sounds, your points decrease a ton.” Scarlet rests her head on my shoulder and plays with the ends of my hair. “I'm listening,” she says, willing me to continue.

  My voice gets lower from the close distance of her and my neck. “Game 3 is Patched Up. You’ll get a wounded limb, and you have to treat it back to health. They're testing your ability to think fast in a brutal situation. This Match is quickly timed, so try to work in a rapid pace. Next is Maze Match. It’s a replica of the Blaze Maze you had yesterday. But this time the fireballs are frozen in place. You just have to get around them as quickly as you can. Game 5 is Target Drill. You will get to choose between a select few of weapons. The more targets you hit, the higher your points will be. Game 6 is all about your balance. You stand still on a variety of balance beams while it shrinks under your feet. The longer you stay on, the higher your points will be.” Scarlet takes a fist full of my hair and gently tugs on it, momentarily putting my mind in another state, a dangerous and hungry state. “Keep going, my love.” Her silky voice sounds in my head.

  Starting off slow, I continue, only because of our lack of time. Otherwise I would be all over her. “Game 7 is Survival Match. Just like the cards you and the other Elders picked for the games, there will be at least a hundred of them, with pictures on the faces; berries, plants, animals. There are two baskets given to you. One marked with an X, signifying the danger. And the other is marked with a check mark, signifying the safety. In the time given to you, you must get as many cards as you can in the right basket. And last is Fight Box. You fight the same creature you fought yesterday. But this time you get to use a weapon of your choice. And you don't have to return them to the box. You only have to make sure that they are really dead.” When she doesn't respond, I give her a small hug. “Love? Did you get all of that?” I ask her. She lifts her head up and leans her forehead on mine. “Got it all.” She leans forward and places a soft kiss on my lips. When the knock on the door interrupts our connection, she grunts and slowly stands. “Ready?” I take her hand and open the door for her to exit first. “Ready.”


  Walking out to the arena amazed me again. I still can’t believe how much they built in only ten minutes. I follow the crowd and stop when we reach the first event. It looks like a parking lot. There are old vehicles of all types, and buses are scattered all around the closed-in area. Ava appears in front of us and snaps her fingers. I feel my body get heavy with gear, and something big appears in my hands. I lift the mask off of my face and see that we’re now covered in padded uniforms. A black mask is placed on our heads. And in our hands, are paintball guns filled to the top with neon colored balls. I’ve only been paint balling once. Dimitri took me when we were bored at the house one day. I fell in love with the rush I got when I hit my target. Although I'm excited for this event, I am also quite intimidated. Some of these casters look like they've done this in real life, without the paintball gun and are ready to finish this. I'm hoping with my new abilities coming to fruition I’ll be able to protect myself and my teammates.

  “There will be only two blasts in this Match, when the event begins and when it ends. You don't have long, so try to stay alive and retaliate as best you can. Your team location has its own color of paint. That way we can see which location made the most hits. Good luck to you all.” Ava flicks her wrist and disappears to the Elders’ area. I try to connect to Evan’s mind, but it doesn't work at first. I try again and thankfully feel our minds intertwine. “I’ve got your back.” I tell him. His head swings in my direction, and I watch his eyes grow even bigger than they already are. He replies in mind speak, “We shouldn't be able to communicate like this. They sealed our powers,” he says, stunned. I shrug my shoulders. “Maybe our connection is so strong?”

  He nods his head in deep thought. “You are my Anima Partem. It could be possible that our connection is so intense that it overpowers the containment seal they placed on us,” he says. The blast sounds in the air, and we quickly put on our masks. Running inside the designated area and finding cover immediately. I run to the school bus with Evan right behind me. There’s paint balls hitting cars and zooming all around us. Evan comes at a full stance and aims his gun ahead. With a tug of his finger on the trigger, the ball shoots out of the gun to its intended target. He comes back down to my level and shouts, “Got one!” Just then a caster runs across us and suddenly gets hit directly in the mask, a bright yellow splattering all over the front. I hear the caster curse as he walks off. I search for where the paintball came from and find her instantly. She is inside one of the cars with her gun balanced on a window. Finding my target and sending my own ball her way, I got her in the exact same spot that she just hit that other caster. Neon green covers the whole right side of her mask. She gets out of the car and slams the door shut as she leaves the event.

  I look over at Evan to tell him I hit someone, when I see a caster take position behind him. Before I could say anything, I raise my gun and quickly fire off at the caster that’s trying to get Evan out. I watch my ball fly inches away from Evan’s face, right to the other caster’s head. Green paint drips down the front as he stands up and shakes his head, exiting like the others. “Thanks, love. Come on,” Evan says in my mind. I nod once and follow him to another position. We safely make it behind a pickup truck, and he checks in front of us as I check behind us. There is a rustling in the bed of the truck, and suddenly a caster hops up from under the tarp, with his gun pointed right at my face. But both Evan and I are faster than him. At the same exact time we both fire our guns, hitting each side of him. He angrily jumps out and walks off. We both balance our guns on the side of the truck. And I listen to both of our guns going off in each direction. As we move from car to car, closer to the edge of the event, I’ve lost count of all the casters that we’ve taken out. I see one of my teammates looking
around for a potential target, but she doesn't see the caster coming up behind her.

  I quickly pull the trigger and watch my paintball splatter all over his back. The caster from my team gives me a thankful nod, and I return the gesture. The blast sounds, and Evan and I walk towards each other, smacking hands in a high five. As we’re walking out, I take off my mask and instantly see the damage that we did. “That was awesome. We make a sick team.” I tell Evan in our own private conversation. He turns to me with a smug smile on his face, and I can’t help but match it. We walk over to the table set up with water. Unlike day one, day two has a table of refreshments awaiting the casters after each Match. I pick up one of the cups filled halfway and chug it in one swig, instantly feeling every pore in my body rejuvenate itself. I feel like I’m ready to run a marathon, my adrenaline feeling at an all-time high.

  Evan chuckles and takes a drink of his own. “The Sisters enchant the water to restore your body to its previous state, and more. It gives us an energy boost, keeping the casters healthy for the rest of the games. We didn't need it yesterday because, with our power, we could heal our own exhaustion,” he explains. “No wonder. I feel like I'm ready to run laps!” I say with vigor. He chuckles at me again and picks me up in a bear hug. With a single kiss, he puts me down and takes my hand, leading me to stand by his cousins. Ava appears in front of the waiting crowd of stimulated casters and snaps her fingers, returning us to the uniform we had on before she added all the padding. There is no trace of paint left over.


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