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Lani Page 12

by Ashers, LeAnn

  He screams and tries to push my legs away. “What’s the matter, do you feel uncomfortable? Am I scaring you?” I taunt him, wanting him to feel a small fucking fraction of what his other victim felt.

  He nods. “Good, because this is nothing compared to what you did to her. You took her against her will, you took her innocence and scarred her for the rest of her life. But know this, you will die and she will fucking live.” I put my face right in front of his, staring deep into the eyes of a dead man. “Without you in it.”

  His pants darken as he pees himself. I step away before he can get it on me. “I am done with this fucker.” I take my gun and shoot him three times in the dick, before planting a bullet in his head.

  “Everyone else is around back,” Techy tells us, and a prospect drags the fucker outside, then throws him down into a pit.

  Kyle is tossing a lighter up and down in his hand. “Now do we shoot them or burn these fuckers alive? A small taste of what they will be experiencing for eternity.”

  I look down into the fucking pit that is fifteen feet deep. They were dumped in there days ago.

  “We’re sorry! We didn’t know what was happening,” one of them cries out, but it’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.

  Kyle stares down at him. “Are you fucking telling me you didn’t know you were raping her or him? Did they beg you to stop?” he demands, and we all shift, angry.

  We’re all haunted by what we witnessed, seeing the faces of those girls and boys we rescued. Vinny is one of those faces and that fucking burns me alive. His sisters, his brother…

  One of the defiant ones steps forward. “That is the way of our life, so fucking what if they cried and whined? In the end they were jezebels, born to please us. We did what God demanded of us.”

  Kyle grins. “Decision made.”

  Butcher takes the gasoline can, pouring it all over them and they scream. Kyle flips open his lighter and throws it inside of the pit. Flames fly high into the air.

  We don’t watch, we turn around and we walk into the clubhouse for a meeting.

  Vinny sits next to me and I reach under the table to touch his leg. Kyle rubs his face. “I am not going to lie. Those girls have fucking haunted me. It made me realize all of the bad shit happening we don’t know about.”

  He looks at Vinny. “Brother, that shit that happened to you has hurt all of us. We are fucking family; that shit should never happen.”

  He sits forward, resting his elbows on the table.

  “I am going to put it to a vote. We have the fucking money. We are all fucking filthy rich, why not put that shit to use? Let’s find these fucking cults and take those fuckers out. For Vinny, Lynn, Etta and those girls. Let’s buy a shit ton of land and give them a true home.”

  Well fuck yeah, I’m all about that shit. “You have my vote, brother.” I tell Kyle.

  One by one we all agree to it.

  Kyle looks at Techy. “You track them down. You need help, let me know and we can hire some fuckers to help you.”

  Everything is going to fucking change. We are going to war with a whole bunch of fucking cults.

  I can’t wait to fucking take out some pilgrim fuckers.



  The guys took the doctor very seriously when it came to me staying in bed and resting. They have barely let me walk without them picking me up and carrying me. They’re worrying too much.

  The doctor gave me a clean bill of health a week ago, but Vinny and Trey are still treating me like I’m made of glass. The only good thing that came out of this is the chef/housekeeper/caregiver they hired, and apparently he can help take care of the baby whenever it comes if I need it.

  The guys hired him on the spot. He’s here full time, around the clock.

  He’s staying at the back of the property in a small cottage that I didn’t know existed until Trey offered it to him.

  He’s a godsend.

  The guys were put off with him being a guy, but his food is the best I’ve ever tasted and he’s gay, so that fixed their anxieties. Plus he’s so good for the girls. They’re getting spoiled and he helps with Michaela if Lynn needs it.

  There’s a knock at the door and Andy walks in, carrying a tray of little sandwiches along with a glass of milk.

  “Thank you, Andy. You want share it with me and watch Teen Mom?” I ask him and pat the bed beside me.

  He laughs. “You know it, girl,” he says in his sassy voice and piles up in the bed beside me. “Good thing I washed these sheets this morning or I wouldn’t dare touch these sheets crotch muffin.”

  I laugh loudly. “Oh god, you are killing me!” I love him. He’s been here a week and is fast becoming one of my best friends.

  “I think your doctor is coming by this evening to check on you. That’s what Vinny told me.”

  I smile, because even though it gets on my nerves, I love that they’re so thoughtful and they love me. Love makes people crazy, and with them, it’s driving them crazy with worry.

  Tonight I’m going to make it my mission to get them to fuck me. Seeing them every day and not touching them is beyond torture.

  I hand Andy a sandwich and turn on the TV. He pulls a blanket from the foot of the bed and covers up.

  I want to go see the girls. I want to check on them and see how everyone is doing. Lynn and Etta spend their days with them, so I haven’t seen much of them this past week either.

  I lean back into the pillows and pull the blanket up under my neck, and my stomach turns. I throw the blanket back, running to the bathroom.

  I hear Andy jump out of bed, running after me. I fall to my knees and puke over and over. “Lani, you in here?” Vinny asks, and I look out of the bathroom door.

  “What’s wrong, you okay?” Vinny runs to the bathroom and takes the washcloth from Andy, putting it on the back of my neck.

  “It’s probably morning sickness.” Andy points out.

  Vinny, helps me up off of the floor and sets me on top of the counter. “But it’s evening!”

  I smile and grab my toothbrush. “That happens. I think some women get sick at all times of the day.”

  Trey walks into the bathroom and takes in the scene. “You okay, baby?” Trey takes my toothbrush from me, then brushes my teeth for me.

  Vinny rubs my back, and both of them stare at me so intently, like they expect me to break any minute. “Oh yeah, the doctor will be here later. We can ask her to be sure.”

  I spit into the sink. Trey picks me up and carries me back to bed. “Hey, Andy, can you bring her some Gatorade or something?” Vinny yells.

  “Be right up!”

  Trey pulls me into his side and hugs me. “I don’t like seeing you sick.” He kisses my forehead and I shiver, chilled.

  “Vinny, she’s cold. Hand me the blanket, would you?” Trey asks Vinny. He climbs up on the other side of me and wraps me up like I’m in a cocoon.

  “Call her and tell her to come on over. I want to make sure it’s really just morning sickness.” Trey rubs my back soothingly, and I close my eyes, before I get the urge to throw up again.

  “Puke.” I cover my mouth and Trey scoots me up, carrying me into the bathroom. He sits down on the ground, with me in his lap.

  I puke whatever I have left in my stomach.

  “God, I hate puking!” I say, gasping for breath. I rest my head on the toilet seat, not even caring how gross it actually is.

  “Do you think you’re okay now?” Vinny asks and tries to hand me some mouthwash. I push his hand away and puke again.

  “This is not fucking okay! The doctor needs to get her ass here or I’m taking her to the emergency room,” Trey growls, and I can hear that he’s scared.

  “I’m okay. It could be a stomach flu,” I tell him shakily. Every time I get sick I always get super shaky because my blood sugar is always on the low side, and vomiting just makes that ten times worse.

  “I need to check my blood sugar. Sometimes it gets low.” I take the mouthwa
sh from Vinny and swish it around my mouth.

  So much for getting them to fuck me tonight. I’m sure fucking me is the furthest thing from their mind after seeing me getting sick.

  Andy walks into the bathroom. “Darlin’, are you okay? Did she get sick again?” he asks, and Vinny nods, taking the Gatorade from him.

  Trey stands up with me in his arms and carries me back to bed. “Andy, grab us a trashcan or something, can you?”

  I lie down in bed, holding still and trying to ease the queasiness. Andy passes Vinny a trashcan, and I close my eyes, begging for it to go away.

  I may be a big baby right now, but I just don't care, plus my shoulder hurts from the gunshot wound.

  “Do you think you can drink this?” Vinny asks, and I nod. I take small sips before lying back down.

  A buzzing sound resonates throughout the house, and Andy runs down to meet the doctor. Trey puts a cold washcloth on my forehead. I take his hand and kiss the back of it.

  “Thank you for taking care of me,” I whisper to the both of them.

  “We will always take care of you.” Vinny kisses my cheek, and I smile, before it falls because I am one move away from throwing up everywhere.

  Andy walks in with the doctor and she stomps in like she’s angry. She tosses her bag down onto the ground, and it rolls to the side, spilling out bottles of pills and gauze.

  I look at Andy, who is looking at her and then me in confusion. I want to return the what the fuck look, but I’m trying not to throw up.

  “What’s the matter with her now?” she asks in a snappy tone that doesn’t sit right with me. Trey gets up and moves over to the foot of the bed so she can reach me.

  “She’s been throwing up.”

  She looks at Trey like he’s stupid. “Of course she’s throwing up, she’s pregnant. She has morning sickness.”

  I don’t fucking like the way she looked down her nose at Trey. She’s been super nice up until now. I don’t understand what the problem is.

  Andy moves closer. “We thought that too, but she has been violently ill, throwing up multiple times,” he pipes up and rubs the top of my foot, ever the supportive best friend.

  I can’t hold it in anymore. I grab the trashcan and throw up again. I take the mouthwash from Andy and spit it into the trashcan.

  “Here, let me take it from you.” Andy takes my puke trashcan from me.

  “Andy, you don’t have to do that. I can clean it.”

  He gives me a sassy look and walks away.

  “Oh come on, don’t be so dramatic,” the doctor tells me. She grabs the washcloth that Vinny placed there off the back of my neck and throws it in my lap, wetting my leggings.

  “Now let me check your shoulder.” She reaches out to pull down my shirt when Trey’s hand grabs her arm. His face is thunderous. “You will not fucking touch her, you disrespectful—” Andy walks into the room and finishes the sentence, “Bitch.”

  Trey tosses her arm away. “You walked in here like you owned the place. She is sick. I don’t give a fuck if it’s just morning sickness. The point is, she’s sick and it’s your job to make her feel better.” He puts his face right in front of hers. She pales and tries to step back, but he follows her. “Not to fucking belittle her. She is our ole lady. We do not tolerate this shit. Leave or suffer the consequences. You being a woman be damned.”

  I know he would never ever hurt me, but I’m scared for her. She grabs her bag and runs out of the room then out of the house. I can hear the front door slam shut.

  “Fucking bitch.” Andy shakes his hand at the door she just went out of.

  “I need a new ob-gyn now.” I rub my face, aggravated that she behaved this way. She didn’t just disrespect me, she disrespected Trey.

  “My sister is an amazing doctor. She’s absolutely the sweetest! She usually doesn’t accept new patients, but she would for me,” Andy tells us.

  “If she’s anything like you, Andy, I will love her.”

  Andy’s eyes fill with tears. “Girl, I love you!” He hugs me, causing him to jostle me, and I try to hold back the vomit again.

  “Oops, I’m sorry!” When he hears Vinny growl, Andy takes out his phone and leaves the room to call his sister.

  He comes in the room a minute later. “She’ll be here in ten or fifteen minutes. She lives close by, right beside the MC property actually.”

  I reach for the trashcan. I try to vomit, but I have nothing else to throw up. My stomach heaves.

  “God, I wish I could take it from you,” Vinny whispers and presses his face against the small of my back while I’m hunched over the trashcan.

  This is miserable.

  I settle back in bed, and the guys tuck the blanket around me. “She’s outside the gate.” Andy walks down and I breathe in and out of my mouth.

  Trey runs his fingers down the top of my head, soothing me, and I close my eyes, trying to relax.

  “This is my sister Anna.” I open my eyes and I smile at the petite woman that looks so much like Andy.

  “I guess this is my patient?” She looks at me and walks over. Trey scoots down, but he’s keeping a close eye on her. I can tell he’s still on edge from what happened.

  “Andy told me you’ve been throwing up nonstop for the last hour?”

  “Yes, it just came on suddenly. I’m around eight weeks pregnant. I was shot a week ago and I’ve been on bed rest since.”

  “First I’d like to check on your wound to make sure it’s not infected.” I sit up and Vinny pulls down my shirt. Anna takes off the bandage and looks at my shoulder.

  “It’s healing nicely!” she says cheerfully.

  “I think you may just have a stomach bug. Let’s hope that it’s not extreme morning sickness, but we’ll deal with that if we have to. When was the last time you had an ultrasound?”

  “Just three or four days ago,” Vinny tells her.

  She smiles. “Good, good. First, I can tell she’s dehydrated, and I’ll add in some medicine for her stomach that should settle it.”

  She walks over to her bag. “Andy, can you put that together for me?” She motions to an IV stand.

  “So, fluids for you, sweetheart, and medicine for your stomach. Try to relax as much as possible, and Andy, if you can, some soup would be helpful.”

  Around an hour or so later, I feel much better. The fluids and the medicine did the trick. Andy is making some homemade soup and the smell is driving me crazy.

  Doctor Anna left the guys her personal number to call her if I get sick like that again and she’ll be over. The guys will have taken her to heart, without a doubt.

  “I really want to shower.”

  Trey slides out of bed and picks me up bridal style. “Your wish is my command, darlin’.” Vinny walks in ahead of us and starts the water.

  Trey sets me down onto the bathroom counter. “Do you know this place is perfect for…” I trail off, giving them my best come-fuck-me look.

  Vinny laughs and gives me the look. “Baby, are you wanting your pussy ate?” He splits the distance, rubbing my inner thighs.

  Then I think about how they’ve witnessed my throwing up for the last couple of hours. “Unless you’re disgusted by me.”

  Trey’s head snaps to me so fast that I’m not sure how he doesn’t have whiplash. “What the fuck is that meaning? Darlin’, you’re sick because you’re carrying our baby. I would never be disgusted by you. You’re the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.”

  Vinny nods his head in agreement, “He’s right, baby.”

  “Vinny, get on your knees. Let’s reassure our woman how much we want her.” Trey grips my shirt, lifting it above my head. His hand drifts down my chest to my belly. “I can’t wait to see you showing.”

  God, the way he’s looking at me right now. I touch his face, running my finger over his cheekbone. “I love you both, so much.”

  At random times it hits me how much I truly love them. I love them so much it hurts. Then I have a deep-rooted fear in m
y heart of how I’d ever live if something happened to them.

  Being in the MC is dangerous, but I also know that this is a brotherhood and they watch out for each other.

  Vinny pulls my panties and shorts down in one swoop, throwing them to the side. “I love you too, baby, and I love your pussy.”

  He grips my thighs, pulling me down until my ass is pretty much hanging off of the counter.

  He licks his lips. “I fucking love the taste of you. I could feast on you for hours.”

  I’m sure I’m dripping at this point. It’s been a week and I’m more than ready to come. “I think she liked that, Vinny. Taste her pussy.” Trey pushes his head until he’s licking my folds.

  “Hmm, I think I want a taste next.” Trey grips Vinny’s hair in his fist, pulling him back so Trey can lick me. He holds my folds open so he can suck my clit.

  I slam my hand against the mirror. Trey stops and Vinny takes over again.

  This happens over and over. I’m right on the edge of coming over and over. “She’s begging to come, Vinny, fuck her.”

  Vinny stands, slipping his dick inside of me. I moan loudly, loving being filled up. “God, I missed this so much.”

  Trey reaches between me and Vinny and presses his thumb against my clit, and I come instantly.

  “FUCK!” I scream loudly. Vinny moves faster, hammering into me hard, bringing me to the brink of another orgasm.

  Trey grips my throat gently. “Don’t come, that one is mine.”

  I watch as Trey slips his hand behind Vinny. “Come on, Vinny, fill her up.” He kisses the side of his neck.

  I hold on and try not to come, but I’m burning inside, I need it so bad. Vinny comes hard, jerking as he fills me up.

  Trey takes his place, really fucking me. I have to brace myself against the sink. “I’m so close,” I plead, dying to come. I’m trying to think of something else to distract me.

  His thumb strokes my clit. “Come for me, baby, let me have it.” I do as he asks and let him have it, my whole body shaking.

  “Hmm.” Trey kisses me, “Now my girl is happy, yes?”

  I laugh. “Damn right I’m happy.”


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