
Home > Other > #CassiNova > Page 15
#CassiNova Page 15

by Lori G. Matthews

  She remained rooted in place, getting jostled by the other passengers fighting to get to their bags. She knew the exact moment Alex saw her. Mirrored sunglasses hid her eyes, but a slow smile gave it away. A wide grin split Sam’s face. This was a romance movie come to life, with Princess Charming waiting to claim her. Sam rode the escalator down and walked over to Alex.

  “Hi, I’m Sarah.”

  Alex’s head bowed slightly. “Miss Cassidy, your taxi awaits.”

  Sam wanted to hug the shit out of her, but they were in a public place so it wouldn’t be kosher. “Those sunglasses new?”

  Eyebrows rose above the frames. “Yes, you like?”

  “I do.”

  “I thought they’d look good on you. When you take them from me later.”

  Sam swapped their sunglasses. “Why wait ’til later?”

  Alex laughed. “How are you? You look tired.”

  “I’m exhausted. Flying always makes me sleepy.”

  “Well, let’s get you home and tucked into bed.” Alex took Sam’s bag, and they went to the baggage carousel to wait for the rest of her luggage.

  A short time later, with all her bags in tow, they walked through the automated double doors and into the short-term parking lot.

  “Anything from the publisher?” Sam asked.

  Alex grimaced. “Nothing yet. Zach said it’s still with their reviewers.”

  “Stay positive. It’s a great book.”

  Alex put the suitcases in the back of the truck and opened the passenger-side door, making sure Sam was safely tucked in before closing it. When she slid into the driver’s side, she glanced at Sam. “Go to sleep. I’ll get you home safe.”

  “Okay.” Sam yawned. “Hey.”


  “I kinda missed you.”

  “I kinda missed you too.”

  Sam snuggled into the seat, practically purring with happiness. She slid a hand into Alex’s and shut her eyes with a soft sigh. All the angst and worry of the past two months melted away, and she drifted off to sleep.

  * * *

  Sam was still asleep when Alex pulled into the driveway. Her face was serene and childlike. Alex resisted the urge to softly explore cheekbones and lips with her fingertips.

  “Hey, sleepyhead, you’re home.”

  Sam’s lashes fluttered open. With a soft moan, she stretched her arms, lips curling in a lazy, sleepy smile. “Thanks for getting me home safe and sound.” She opened the door and climbed down from the truck.

  “I’ll get your suitcases, babe.” Alex winced. Was it too soon for endearments?

  “Did you just call me babe?”

  “Yeah, it kinda slipped out. I’m hoping you’ll forget it by morning.”

  “I’m sleepy, not drunk.”

  “Well, maybe I’ll slip you some tequila. I seem to remember that giving you amnesia.”

  “Oh, I’m gonna remember this.” Sam showed Alex her phone. “Welcome to my new favorite thing: voice memos.” She hit the mic button. “Alex called me babe at nine p.m.”

  Alex laughed. “You just discovered that?”

  “Yeah, I never knew how useful it could be until the last few weeks on set.”

  Sam unlocked the front door and Alex brought the luggage in. The next thing she knew, Sam was in her arms. “This is the hug I owed you at the airport.” Sam rested her lips against the pulse in Alex’s neck.

  Alex’s hands wandered down Sam’s back, coming to rest at the top of her jeans. If Sam wasn’t so out of it, something more might be happening, but instead Alex simply held her. When Sam’s head bobbed, Alex pulled back from the hug to cup her face. “You’re exhausted. You should go to bed.”

  “No! I’m fine. Just let me lay on the couch for a minute.” Sam moved some pillows aside and crawled onto the couch, patting the space behind her. “Where’s my baby goat? I owe cuddles. Get over here.”

  Alex didn’t need to be asked twice. “You do owe cuddles, and lots of them.”

  Shoes were kicked to the curb and she climbed aboard, burrowing behind Sam. Not sure what to do with her hands, she rested one on Sam’s hip and tucked the other under her own head.

  Sam clutched Alex’s arm and pulled it tight against her belly. Scooting backward, she snuggled into Alex with a deep, contented sigh. “Mmhmm. This is nice.”

  Soon she was breathing evenly.

  Alex nuzzled her neck, feeling happy and satisfied.

  She woke an hour later with one arm pinned beneath Sam. Tiny needles radiated along the trapped limb and she tried to shift without disturbing Sam.

  “Don’t go,” Sam whispered softly.

  Alex froze as she let the words sink in. Various women had uttered the same words over the past four years. And every time, she would slip from their arms and get dressed in a rush to escape the intimacy.

  This time, a quick exit was the furthest thing from her mind. She wanted to be here. “I’m not going anywhere,” she whispered into Sam’s ear. Sliding an arm under Sam’s neck, she pulled her closer. How had she gotten here? A few months ago, there was a gaping hole in her heart, and she’d thought it would never be mended. Now she was snuggling a woman who made her believe that maybe, just maybe, she could find love again.

  * * *

  When Sam opened her eyes the following morning, her brows scrunched together in confusion. As things came into focus, she found herself lying on top of Alex, ear pressed to her chest. She listened to the slow, steady thump of Alex’s heartbeat. A warm hand pressed against her bare back. The events of the previous evening came rushing back and a smile touched her lips. Was it possible to stay here forever? She inhaled the scent of Alex, subtle yet intoxicating, fresh and clean, with a hint of lavender.

  Something had shifted between them last night. This was more than your standard cuddle, and it left her unsure of where to go next. She wanted that first kiss badly, but not with stale morning breath. The heartbeat in her ear quickened as Alex awoke. Sam stretched to relieve the crick in her back and sat up.

  “Where you going?” Alex asked sleepily.

  “I feel like I’ve been sleeping for twenty-four hours. It’s time to get up.”

  It was Alex’s turn to stretch. “Good cuddle session.”

  Sam laughed. “Yeah, marathon cuddle session.”

  “Well, you owed me. I was beginning to think I wasn’t cuddle worthy.”

  “Oh, you’re a little cuddle worthy.”

  Alex looped strong arms around Sam and pulled her back down. “Just a little? Tough crowd.”

  “Well, we can’t have your head getting any bigger than it already is, can we?”

  “My head’s not that big.”

  “It is. I have your hat.”

  Sam had every intention of leaving the couch but found it difficult to pull away from the warmth and comfort of Alex. She whimpered when Alex’s hand slipped under her shirt and slowly rubbed her lower back. But a shower was in order, and toothpaste. She found the strength and peeled herself off Alex.

  “I’m going upstairs to freshen up. I’ll be right back.”

  Alex lay prone on the couch, hands behind her head, tousled hair framing her gorgeous face. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  Sam stared, fighting the urge to take a flying leap right back on top of Alex. Her rumbling stomach provided a needed distraction. “You’re gonna make me breakfast, right?” She headed for the stairs. “’Cause you will not believe the color of my eggs.”

  Alex laughed. “Yes, I’ll make breakfast.”

  “Yeah! I’ll be right back.” Sam grabbed her suitcases and hustled upstairs.

  * * *

  Alex was poking around the fridge when her phone buzzed with a text from Lenna.

  Where you at? You’re supposed to be here to meet that couple about their new patio. They’re gonna be here in half an hour.

  “Oh shit.” Alex had totally forgotten. “Shit, shit, shit.”

  I’m coming, she texted. Be there in a few. She cursed herse
lf for forgetting the appointment.

  Sam came bouncing down the steps. “I don’t smell anything.” When she entered the kitchen, her playful expression changed. “What’s going on? What happened?”

  Alex briefly closed her eyes. “I’m so sorry. Nothing happened. I have this appointment I totally forgot about, and I have to go.” She sighed. “I feel awful because I said I would make you breakfast. And I wanted to show you around the yard, but I gotta go.” She began gathering her things in the living room.

  “It’s okay. I mean, I’m devastated about the no breakfast thing, but I’ll get over it. And you’ll owe me.”

  Alex put her shoes on and stood. “I will make it up to you. I promise.”

  Sam followed her to the door. “You look like you’re doing the walk of shame, with your messy hair and wrinkled shirt.”

  Alex grinned and they shared a hug. Pulling back, she gave Sam a quick peck on the lips. “I wish it were the walk of shame.” She winked. “I’ll catch you later.”

  “Don’t forget. You owe me.” Sam pointed at her. “I’m good at collecting my debts.”

  “How about I make you dinner tonight?”

  “Deal. Bring my dog.”

  “I will.” Alex turned and ran to the truck.

  * * *

  Later that afternoon, as Alex bustled around the kitchen, Lenna came in and leaned against the counter, arms crossed, watching her. “What are you doing?”

  Alex continued to pile things into bags, not looking at her sister. “I’m making Sam dinner at her place, and I don’t know what she has. I wanna make sure I have everything.”

  “Should we expect you home tonight?”

  “I don’t know. Why?” Alex focused on the spices in the cabinet, going over the recipe in her head. She shrugged and put a bunch of them in the bag. This was special, and not having something like basil or rosemary could be a deal breaker.

  “Just asking.”

  Alex stared at the large frying pan in the cupboard, Sophia’s go-to pan. She put it in the bag too. “Well, don’t wait up.”

  “Okay. Do you need a pep talk?”

  Alex finally made eye contact. “A pep talk? What the fuck? Am I sixteen?”

  “It’s been a while since you’ve done this.”

  Alex huffed and continued her mission. “Hasn’t been that long.” She took her favorite chopping knife and put it in the bag.

  “Almost ten years, since before you met Madison.”

  Alex paused. “Has it been that long?”

  “Yeah, you nervous?”

  Alex hesitated, doubtful now. “No. Should I be?”

  “I don’t know, Romeo, should you be?”

  “I don’t think so… No. I’m not.” Alex chewed on her bottom lip. “And don’t call me Romeo. It has bad connotations.” She brushed past Lenna to get to the fridge.

  “Why does it have bad connotations?”

  “It implies I’ve been with a lot of women.” She bent over to get to the produce drawer.

  “You have been with a lot of women.”

  “Well, not anymore.” She pulled out a bag of red peppers and hunted for onions.

  “Did you get her something, like flowers?”

  Alex stood. “Shit. Should I get flowers?”

  “You’re making her dinner, you haven’t seen her in two months. You should get flowers. Jesus Christ. I’m embarrassed to call you my sister.”

  Sophia walked into the kitchen. “Who’s getting flowers?”

  “I told this one to get Sam flowers, and she looked at me like she never had a date before.”

  Alex tried to defend herself, raising a hand in the air. “I don’t know if this is a date.”

  Lenna snorted. “C’mon, moron. Don’t tell me you’re still ‘just friends.’ Friends don’t spend the night wrapped around each other on the couch. I don’t care how much someone loves to cuddle.”

  “Agreed. I’m with your sister on this, for once. Except the moron part. Get flowers. Be romantic.”

  “It’s been a while since I’ve had to be romantic.”

  “It’ll come back to you. Start with flowers,” Sophia said. “Do you need me to make the dinner?”

  Lenna nodded her approval. “Great idea, babe. I can’t have this one ruining Thanksgiving.”

  Sophia began opening and closing cabinet doors. “Where is everything?”

  Lenna smirked. “Alex is taking our kitchen with her. Evidently, Sam’s kitchen is a barren wasteland, devoid of pots and pans and spices and utensils.”

  “Shut up!” Alex punched Lenna. “I want this to be perfect.”

  “Did you shower?” Lenna asked with a straight face.

  “Did I…what?” Alex curled her lip. “No. No I didn’t. I’m gonna go cook dinner for a beautiful woman, and I thought it would be cool if I smelled like a trash can. What the fuck kind of question is that?”

  Lenna didn’t bat an eye, her poker face remaining in place. “Just checking. Sometimes when you get nervous, you forget stuff.”

  “I said I’m not nervous.” Alex took one last glimpse into the bags. “All right, I have to go. I’ll get some flowers on the way. Wish me luck.”

  “Good luck.” Sophia hugged her.

  “Hey.” Lenna slapped Alex twice on the cheek for encouragement, like The Godfather. “Romance the shit out of her.”

  “Jesus, you’re rough.” Alex rubbed the side of her face. “A hug works, too, you know.”

  “Suck it up. You better have something more to report tomorrow than hugs and kisses on the cheek.”

  “Well, all I’m hoping for is a kiss on the lips, to be honest. This is Sam, after all.”

  “You guys will be screwing like rabbits in no time,” Lenna assured her.

  Alex shook her head. “That’s so crude.”

  Lenna pointed. “Think Thanksgiving.”

  “What is this obsession with Thanksgiving?”

  Sophia gave her another hug. “Ignore her. Have fun. Tell Sam we said hi.”

  * * *

  Sam threw open the front door when Alex knocked. “Hey, you, and hey, my Yogi Bear. I missed you, buddy.” Sam bent over to give hugs and rubs to her favorite dog, then stood and embraced Alex. “Here, give me some of those.” She peeked into the bags. “Wow, what all you got in here?”

  “I wasn’t sure what you had, so I raided our kitchen. And here, these are for you.” With a sheepish grin, she handed a bouquet of lilac and gardenia to Sam.

  “Flowers?” A surprised Sam inhaled the floral scents. “That is so sweet, thank you. So romantic. I’m impressed.”

  They both walked into the kitchen and began emptying bags.

  Sam laughed at the frying pan. “I do have pots and pans.”

  Alex grinned. “I wasn’t sure. Best to be prepared. And,” she whipped the knife out. “Just in case.”

  “Most kitchens do come with knives, mine being one of them.”

  Alex pouted. “But it’s my super, special, secret knife.”

  “Oh, well, if it’s super, special, and secret, I get it. I would’ve had a problem if it was just super and special. The secret part sealed the deal.”

  Alex winked. “I’m glad we agree.”

  “What are you making?” Sam found a vase and put the flowers in water.

  “I plan to show you the proper way to make chicken.”

  “Oh, it’s gonna be a cooking lesson, is it?” She rested her elbows on the countertop, putting her chin in her hand.

  “You will be my sous chef.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to learn my secret recipe for purple chicken?”

  Alex ambled over to the sink to wash her hands. “It’s called secret for a reason. Nobody should know it. How good are you with a knife?”

  “Not bad. I’ve yet to lose a finger.” Sam presented both hands, showing all digits intact.

  Alex turned on the burner and poured olive oil in the frying pan. “You cut and sauté the vegetables. After they’re done, I�
�ll throw the chicken breasts into the same pan.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” Sam sliced and diced and then put the veggies into the pan.

  “I’m going to coat the chicken. Do you need help stirring those veggies?”

  “I can stir, ma’am.”

  “I don’t have to frisk you for any purple food dye, do I?”

  “No, not unless you wanna frisk me,” Sam sassed while stirring the sizzling vegetables.

  Alex put her lips next to Sam’s ear and whispered, “Don’t tempt me.”

  Sam shivered, and tingles shot all the way to her toes.

  When Alex finished mixing the marinade, she nestled against Sam’s back, putting arms on either side of her and resting her hands on the stove. She leaned her chin on Sam’s shoulder, looking down at the frying pan. “You ready for me?”

  Sam hid a smile and shifted back, grinding her butt softly into Alex. Two could play at this game. “I’ve been ready for you.” She turned her face toward Alex and their cheeks brushed.

  Alex’s eyes closed, and she turned her smiling face into Sam’s hair, inhaling deeply. “Smells good.”

  Alex’s husky voice sent sexual shock waves through Sam’s body. She bit her bottom lip as her eyes glassed over before completely shutting. God help her if—no, when—they got to first base.

  Alex groaned, and Sam’s eyes snapped open. “What?”

  Alex wore a pained expression. “Nothing.” She moved away to get the chicken.

  Something she’d done had struck a sexual cord. Sam needed to figure out what and take a memo. “Is my work here done?” Steam rose from the perfectly browned veggies.

  “Yep. We’ll put the chicken in and let it cook for a bit.”

  “Do you want some wine?” Sam asked.


  Sam poured them both a glass while Alex took the veggies out of the pan and put the chicken in.

  “Now what’ll we do?” Sam asked suggestively, itching to get to first base.

  “We wait.”

  “For how long?”

  “’Til the time is right.”

  Sam’s gaze raked over Alex, thinking ahead to later in the evening and her first true Alex kiss. The thought of Alex’s lips brushing hers made Sam’s legs weak. She nibbled on her bottom lip again.


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