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#CassiNova Page 23

by Lori G. Matthews

  “You know, actual talking.” Jade lowered her voice. “With actual words.”

  Emma turned to Sam, who mouthed back, “I love you.”

  The hundred-watt lightbulb flashed on. “Oh my God.” Emma hugged her. “You guys said it? Awesome! Congrats, Sam!”

  “That’s what I meant when I said she Notting Hill’ed me, E.”

  “‘I’m just a girl standing in front of a boy’? I love that movie,” Emma said.

  “Me too. Julia is hot. I met her one time at a party. She is so freaking funny,” Sam said. “Is it weird to say I miss her? And it’s only been like an hour?”

  “Who, Julia Roberts?” Jade asked.

  Sam whacked her.

  Emma put an arm around Sam. “Not weird, girl. You’re in love.”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy.” Sam wanted to raise her hands in the air and yell out her love. But her arms remained by her side. Someday.

  * * *

  Sitting in traffic on the drive home Monday night gave Alex ample time to reflect on the last forty-eight hours. She still found it hard to believe this was all happening. Would she wake up and find out it was all just a dream?

  When she finally arrived home, Alex had quite the pep in her step. And it did not go unnoticed by Sophia and Lenna.

  “Hey, bouncy, what’s up?” Lenna asked.

  Alex responded with a hug and kiss.

  Lenna pulled back and held Alex at arm’s length. “You’re glowing. Are you pregnant?”

  “Nope.” Alex ignored the sarcasm and made a plate of leftovers, which she carried to the living room to eat in front of the TV. She was starving, and nothing hit the spot like Sophia’s garlic mashed potatoes. As Alex raised a healthy forkful to her lips, she found Sophia, Lenna, and Yogi sitting on the couch across the way with a bowl of popcorn, staring. Alex swore she’d just left them in the kitchen, but Lenna could be quick as a cat.

  “How’s Sam?” Lenna asked before putting a handful of popcorn in her mouth.

  “Jesus, popcorn?”

  “We’re gonna watch a movie tonight. So how’s Sam?”

  “She’s awesome.”

  “How many times did you do it?”

  Sophia pushed her shoulder into Lenna’s. “How do you know they did it?”

  “Look at her. She oozes sexual satisfaction. How many times?”

  Alex put the fork down and began counting on one hand, then moved to the other.

  “Whoa! Impressive!” Lenna bebopped over, sat next to Alex, and kissed her forehead. Next came the headlock, and an added noogie for good measure.

  Alex took the sisterly abuse in stride, smiling and continuing to eat dinner.

  The delight on Sophia’s face was evident. “We’re so happy for the both of you.” She came over to join in the hug.

  “So how was it?” Lenna asked.

  “I’m not gonna kiss and tell.” Alex raised a finger in the air. “I will say this. It was probably the most incredible weekend of my life.” She kept the finger up and gave it a shake. “And, I will say one more thing. Thanksgiving? Book it, Danno, ’cause I’m not letting this one go.”

  Lenna whooped and high-fived both Alex and Sophia.

  They all gave a start when the doorbell rang. Yogi began barking excitedly.

  “Who could that be?” Lenna jumped up to answer the door. She was back in a few seconds. “Alex, it’s for you.”

  Alex shrugged and hustled to the foyer, where she stopped short, mouth dropping open in surprise. The woman of her dreams stood before her.

  “Holy shit!” She hugged Sam and lifted her off the ground. “You look hot. What are you doing here?”

  Sam’s grin stretched from ear to ear. “I thought I would pop in, you know, say hi.”

  They kissed long and hard.

  “I can’t believe you drove all the way here.” Alex caressed Sam’s cheek. “I love you.”

  Sam’s eyes filled. “I love you, too. And I kinda missed you, so really, I had no choice.”

  “I feel like I haven’t seen you for days, and it’s kinda pathetic, because it’s only been hours.”

  “Well, we’re both pathetic.”

  “You’re staying over, right? Did you bring your PJs?” Alex asked with raised eyebrows, pointing to Sam’s backpack.


  “Yummy. My bedroom is getting christened tonight! C’mon in.”

  Sam walked into the living room and gave Sophia a hug, and they all sat and chatted for an hour. In that time span, the photo albums came out, and Alex spent most of the hour groaning over pictures from her youth.

  Lenna pointed at sixteen-year-old Alex. “Here you go, Sam, little Miss Hearteyes. And she thinks we’re dorks.”

  Sam laughed at the picture of gawky Alex. “Honey, what’s the matter with your hair?”

  Alex peered over Sam’s shoulder. “Well, it was a little frizzy back then.” She didn’t mind all the humiliation, really. Sam was here, and soon she’d be taking off her PJs.

  Sophia nudged Lenna. “We’re gonna head upstairs. Sam, great seeing you. I expect you’ll be around a lot now.”

  They both hugged Sam and disappeared.

  Sam turned to Alex. “What are we gonna do now?”

  “Hm, I don’t know. We could look at more pictures.” Alex slowly pushed Sam onto her back, and began to play with her lips. “Or watch a movie.” Alex gently nibbled on Sam’s neck. And a wayward hand wandered under Sam’s shirt and began teasing pebbled nipples.

  Sam gasped. “Let’s continue this in your bedroom.”

  Alex laughed and stood, throwing Sam’s overnight bag over her shoulder. She pulled Sam off the couch and they headed for the stairs. When they arrived at the bottom step, she offered Sam her back.

  “Oh no, let me.” Sam turned. “Hop aboard.”

  “You’re kidding, right?” Alex asked.

  “No, I’m serious.”

  “We tried this the other day. You dropped me.”

  “Yeah, but I’ve been working out. I’m stronger now.”

  “In two days?”

  “C’mon, this is different. Last time you threw yourself at me.”

  “Threw myself? You told me to jump.”

  “Get on, let’s go.”

  “Okay, ready?” Alex gingerly hopped onto Sam’s back.

  “This is easy. I’ve got you.” Sam took the first step and teetered.

  “You okay, sport?” Alex asked.

  “Phew, yeah. How much further?”

  “To the second step? About six inches.”

  “No smartass, to the third step.”

  Alex laughed. “Put me down before you hurt yourself.”

  “I can do this…oh God…okay…success!” Sam boasted as she reached the second step.

  “Congratulations. Only twelve more to go.”

  “Jesus Christ, how did you do this?”

  “And you wondered why my legs were shot on Sunday morning.”

  Sam wheezed as she tried for another step. “I have a newfound appreciation for your stamina. Okay, I’m done. You’re the official piggybacker in this relationship.” She let go of Alex’s legs.

  Alex offered her back to Sam, who hopped aboard, and up the stairs they went. When they reached the doorway to the bedroom, Sam slid off. Alex bowed, ushering Sam into the room.

  “Oh crap, I have to let Yogi out. Here’s your bag, and there’s the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”

  When Alex made it back upstairs to the bedroom, she found Sam perusing the family pictures on the bookshelf. In her PJs. Alex softly closed the door. “Ah, the PJs.”

  Sam put a hand over her heart. “Well, I didn’t wanna deny you the pleasure of taking them off.”

  Alex walked slowly across the room, eyes roaming over Sam, drinking in every inch. When they stood toe to toe, Alex gently caressed Sam’s cheek, then dipped her head down to capture Sam’s lips while one hand undid the top button of the PJs. Her mouth sank down and found the n
ewly revealed skin, kissing it gently. Alex brought her lips back to Sam’s as her eager fingers flicked open the next button, and then her mouth sought creamier pastures again as each opened button exposed more and more soft, silky flesh. When the last button came undone, Alex straightened and pushed the top off Sam’s shoulders.

  Sam’s breathing became erratic. “How far away is their bedroom?”

  “At the end of the hallway.” Alex’s lips and tongue headed south, leaving a hot, wet trail down Sam’s body.

  “I guess I have to be quiet.”

  “Mmm,” was all Alex could manage as she sank to her knees and removed the rest of Sam’s PJs.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  The following weekend, Alex stood at the stove making breakfast. “Who all’s coming?” She placed a western omelet on Sam’s plate.

  “Most of the people who were at Lenna’s party. Wow, this smells delicious. Did you bring your suit? It would be nice to ogle you in a bikini again.”

  “I did.” Alex refilled both their coffee mugs. “And is ogling okay around this group?”

  “Yes. Everyone who’s coming is aware of the situation. Ogle away.” Sam took a bite of the omelet and her eyelashes fluttered. “This is heavenly.”

  “What about PDA? Do I have to behave myself?” Alex snapped a piece of bacon in half, holding a piece to Sam’s lips.

  Sam opened her mouth and took the offered bacon, kissing Alex’s fingers before chewing. “No. Misbehave away.”

  “And why are we having this party?”

  “Jade is calling it our ‘Look who finally had sex’ party.”

  Alex laughed. “Okay.”

  By three thirty, the whole gang was relaxing by the pool.

  Sophia gazed around in awe. “Sam, your backyard is incredible! Did Alex design all this?”

  “She did.” Sam proudly wrapped an arm around Alex’s waist.

  “How am I gonna replace you if this writing career of yours takes off?” Lenna asked.

  Sophia nudged a shoulder into hers. “If? You mean when. We all need to stay positive.”

  “Well, when my writing career takes off,” Alex nodded at Sophia, “I doubt I’ll be an overnight sensation. I won’t be quitting right away.”

  Lenna’s mouth turned down at the corners. “I’ll miss having you around.”

  Alex playfully punched her in the arm. “Are you getting sentimental? Besides, I’ll still be living with you, unless Sam needs a live-in landscaper at some point.” She shot Sam a questioning glance.

  “Oh, I’m sure I’ll need one at some point. Lenna, make it happen.”

  “Alex, move out!” Lenna shouted.

  They all laughed.

  A few minutes later, Zach stood and cleared his throat. “If I could have everyone’s attention.”

  Jade and Calynn began pouring champagne into plastic glasses and handing them out.

  Alex leaned into Sam’s ear. “Wow. Was us having sex that big of a deal?”

  “I hope not.”

  After everyone had a glass, Jade stood beside Zach.

  He nudged her. “Do you wanna announce it?”

  “Hell yes!” Jade raised her glass. “Hear ye, hear ye!”

  Sam cringed. “Jesus, is this really happening?” she whispered to Alex.

  “I guess they’re really excited for us.”

  When all eyes were on Jade, she continued, “Please raise your glasses. I have a very special announcement.” She paused and looked around. “For the last three weeks, Zach and I have been hammering out a contract.”

  “Am I signing a prenup?” Alex asked Sam quietly.

  Sam snickered. “Not that I know of.”

  Jade continued, “This contract is for our very own…Alex Novato.” She raised her glass in Alex’s direction. “Alex, you’re being fucking published!”

  Alex’s mouth dropped open. “What?”

  It took a few beats for everyone to digest the information. When it sank in, the gang screamed with excitement.

  “Holy shit!” Sam shrieked and jumped into her arms.

  Alex caught her, dropping her glass into the pool in the process.

  Lenna and Sophia came up and wrapped their arms around Sam and Alex.

  Jade pushed the foursome into the pool. Emma shoved Jade in, Calynn returned the favor, and soon everyone was splashing around and dunking each other.

  More bottles were popped, and the champagne flowed freely.

  Jade jumped on Alex’s back, and raised a fist in the air. “I kept that shit quiet for three damn weeks!”

  The gang was impressed with Jade and her weeks-long bout with discretion.

  Emma clapped. “You should get an award.”

  “I guess there’s a first time for everything.” Riley fist-bumped Jade.

  “You actually kept a secret? I don’t believe it,” Sam said.

  “Believe it, Sami. I mean, it was a struggle, but I did it.”

  The next toast was for Jade, unlikely keeper of secrets.

  Alex grabbed Sam and kissed her long and hard. When she pulled back, her eyes were filled with joyous tears. “I can’t believe this is happening. I would’ve never gotten here without you.”

  “I think it would’ve happened someday.” Sam wrapped her arms around Alex’s neck. “My girlfriend. The published author. Congratulations, baby.”

  “Thank you, beautiful. Thank you for everything.”

  “It was my pleasure. And speaking of thanks, let’s be thankful they weren’t toasting our sex life. ’Cause that would’ve been weird. Even for my idiot friends.”

  * * *

  The sun sank low on the horizon, and after many beers and much food, most of the gang relaxed on lounge chairs around the firepit.

  Emma, the tipsiest of the bunch, had some advice for the new couple. “Sam, now that you guys are sexually active, you should be careful what you do in your backyard.”

  “What do you mean?” Sam asked. Her arms were wrapped around Alex, who lay in front of her on the chaise. The blanket they were snuggled up under hid their wayward hands.

  “Well, I heard the paparazzi use drones now, with cameras, to get pictures of celebrities in compromising positions.”

  Riley, currently second place on the tipsy scale, chimed in, “I heard that too.”

  “I’ve never heard that,” Jade said.

  Emma crossed her arms. “The National Enquirer did a story on it last week. There were pictures and everything. They caught Angelina Jolie naked by her pool. At least, it kinda looked like her. It was a little fuzzy.”

  Riley pointed at Emma. “I saw it too, but I thought it looked like you.”

  “What? Oh, no shit?” Emma bit her bottom lip, a worried expression on her face.

  Jade cackled. “It was probably you, E!”

  “Very funny.” Emma stuck her tongue out at Jade, then turned back to Sam. “I think you can wear, like, aluminum foil on your head. It kinda acts as a barrier, and the camera can’t penetrate it.”

  Jade and Calynn stared at Emma with open mouths and raised brows.

  “Oh boy.” Sam giggled into Alex’s ear. “Here we go.”

  “What now?” Jade asked.

  “Yeah, I read it somewhere,” Emma said.

  “So is that what you do, E? Walk around your backyard with a tinfoil hat on your head?” Jade asked.

  “I don’t know. Maybe?”

  Jade looked at Calynn. “Honey, I don’t even have a retort.”

  “Give it a minute.”

  The minute took a second. “You wear a tinfoil hat on your head, around your backyard, in the middle of the day? In the sun? You know you cook on aluminum foil, right? So you’re probably frying the shit out of your brain. Which would explain a lot.”

  Calynn spoke up. “Actually, E, you’re confusing the tinfoil hat thing. Some people believe it blocks aliens from penetrating your brain.”

  A drunken Emma ruminated over this new intel for a good six seconds. “Oh, right, right. Tha
t’s what it was. Never mind. I had a dream once I was kidnapped by aliens.”

  “And the hits keep coming,” Sam mumbled in Alex’s ear.

  “They were probably attracted to your hat,” Jade said. “Bright, shiny objects and all. Why bother with a cornfield when there’s Emma in a tinfoil hat? It probably actually happened.”

  Emma paused. “Really? No. The dream was pretty vivid, though.” She absently touched her head, probably hoping to find a tinfoil hat.

  Lenna and Sophia came over to the fire, interrupting the conversation. They plopped down on a lounge chair together.

  “We’re taking a poll on best slow songs to dance to,” Sophia said.

  “Bee Gees!” Alex put a fist in the air. “To Love Somebody.”

  “Yeah! I love the Bee Gees!” Emma yelled. She took a running jump onto Sam and Alex’s lounge chair, landing hard and knocking the wind out of them.

  Jade was incredulous. “What the hell, PS10?”

  “I kinda love them too,” Sam admitted.

  Emma snuggled in with Sam and Alex. “Sam and I are closet Bee Gees fans. We listen when you’re not around, Jade.” She abruptly stood and plugged her phone into the speakers. The opening notes to the song started to play. “Who’s gonna dance with me?”

  Alex stood. “E, I will not leave a fellow Bee Gees lover hanging.”

  They slow danced and sang along. Soon others joined them on the makeshift dance floor.

  Sam recorded on her phone. “You guys are tone deaf!”

  Yogi barked and scooted around the swaying couples.

  Jade, who had disappeared briefly, returned and placed a tinfoil hat on Emma’s head. “Keeping you safe, girl. Keeping you safe.” Jade patted her ass.

  Logan tapped Alex on the shoulder, wanting to cut in. “Why are you wearing a tinfoil hat, babe?” he asked, taking Emma into his arms.

  “Because Jade loves me, and she doesn’t want me kidnapped by aliens.”

  Alex approached Sam with a slight bow. “May I have this dance?”

  Sam jumped to her feet and slid into Alex’s arms. Almost everyone was singing along now.

  Jade tapped away on her phone. “Jesus Christ, this song is from 1967. I’m embarrassed for all of you.”

  Calynn pulled Jade onto the dance floor. And then, to Jade’s horror, started singing.


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