Clash: A High School Bully Romance - Madison Falls High Book 2

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Clash: A High School Bully Romance - Madison Falls High Book 2 Page 13

by K. Walker

  I narrowed my eyes. “Excuse me?”

  “Did Minor just ask you to the party?” he asked, staring down at me.

  “Are you seriously spying on me, Wes?” I was angry, and I crossed my hands across my chest. “I might be your girlfriend, but I’m free to go where I want to, with or without an invitation.”

  “Really? Is this how you’re going to play it? I saw the way he was looking at you,” he accused, his brown eyes getting darker.

  “Wes, I can’t control the way Chad might look at me, or if he talks to me. Are you for real?”

  “I don’t want to go, and I don’t want you to go, either,” he demanded.

  “Too bad,” I replied and slammed the locker shut. “I’m not your damn puppet. I’m your girlfriend and you’re going to have to trust me.”

  He punched the locker and I jumped. “I know him. He wants you back, and I’ll be damned if he gets that.”

  I had to defuse the situation before it blew out of proportion. We were already attracting unnecessary attention. “If you’re so worried about what Chad might do, then how about you stay close to me? Problem solved.”

  He grunted. “I just might,” he said as he gripped my ass tight and pressed his lips down hard onto mine. “I’m heading to practice. See you later. Don’t go without me.”

  “What the hell?” Amanda asked when he was out of earshot.

  “That’s what I’m talking about. He’s never been like this,” I told her and walked off in the opposite direction as him.

  “That was some scary shit. Nothing I’ve never seen before, but still…damn!” Amanda walked alongside me and then we both rounded a corner.

  “I don’t know. Maybe this thing with us was really to piss off Chad. He’s coming undone because he feels like it’s not working.” I said.

  “You think so?”

  “I don’t know what I think. All I know is he wasn’t like this all along.”

  “Just be careful with him, but maybe it’s just jealousy,” Amanda cautioned. “You want a ride later?”

  “You know what? Yeah, I’ll have that ride. Maybe by the end of the night I won’t feel like driving. I have a feeling it’s going to be an interesting party.”

  “Okay, pick you up at six. I just got a blast that the party starts at five by the pool.”

  “Okay. Should I bring a bikini?” I asked.

  “Why the hell not? It’s a pool party,” she laughed.

  “Yeah, you’re right. Six it is.”

  “Cool,” she said as we reached my car. Then she threw her arms around me, which surprised me. “I’m so glad we’re friends.”

  “Me too, Amanda,” I said and hugged her back. “Now get the hell out of here before you make me get all weepy.”

  She laughed and backed away, and I got inside my car. Mom wasn’t home when I got there, which wasn’t something new. I had gotten used to being in the house by myself. I reached for the phone and texted her.

  Sophia: Maybe we should just get you a bed at the Humprys.

  Mom: Very funny. It’s crazy over here sometimes. Travis requires constant attention. How are you? Anything interesting happened today?

  Sophia: When has something happened at Madison Falls that wasn’t interesting. That school is a magnet for drama and trouble. Too many rich kids.

  Mom: And that’s the down side?

  Sophia: Yeah, pretty much. Maybe life would have been easier at a public school, but why make things easier for Jack? I mean, dad.

  Mom: I know you deliberately did that.

  Sophia: Anyway, I just wanted you to know I’ll be going to Zoe’s for a little while, just in case you come home and I’m not here. Oh, did anything weird happen with Mrs. Humpry?

  Mom: Weird how?

  Sophia: Guess not. Anyway, later. Love you.

  Mom: Love you too, baby. And don’t stay out too late.

  The fact that Mom hadn’t heard or seen anything weird happening at the Humprys suggested that Callie had been bluffing after all. No way would they fire Mom. Then she would have to take the time to find and hire a new nurse when her brother was already so close to death.

  I breathed a sigh of relief and began to search for my best bikini. I found a nice white suit that I readied and got dressed in, before slipping into a coverup.

  “Nice,” Amanda said when I went out to the car. “You really going to wait for Wes?”

  I smeared lipstick on as Amanda pulled out of the driveway. “Nope. He’s being ridiculous and I don’t answer to anyone.”

  “Okay then,” Amanda replied skeptically. “Long as you know what you’re doing.”

  Chapter 18

  The place was buzzing when we got there. Cars lined up along either side of the long driveway, and bodies littered the property all the way to the pool.

  “Holy shit! I don’t know why I thought this place would be any different from all the others I had seen before.”

  “Glad you came,” Chad whispered in my ear.

  I turned and smiled when I saw him. Anxiety seized me right away as I started looking around for Wes – he was bound to be somewhere watching. “Yeah, what else was I going to do?” I asked sarcastically.

  “Do you need a drink or something?”

  “Um,” I said and turned to Amanda. “Yeah. I could use one. You?” She nodded. “Make that two.”

  He snapped and a junior ran up. “Get these ladies what they need.”

  The teen nodded and ran off. I had also forgotten how he was around his ‘subjects’. Chad really was something like royalty in this town.

  “You look really nice,” he said as his eyes swept my body. I felt naked when he looked at me, and the parts of me that recognized him began to throb. Oh, God, this is embarrassing. Especially considering I already had a boyfriend.

  “Thanks. You don’t look so bad yourself.”

  He laughed so loudly it surprised me. It was one of those hearty laughs you would get from someone who didn’t have a care in the world. Or who had just won the lottery or something.

  “So, is your boyfriend around?”

  I rocked my head to the side. “Here somewhere, I guess. Why? You want to save him a dance?” I joked.

  “Don’t joke about that,” he said and hardened his face.

  The boy returned with the drinks, and I instantly downed like half the cup. “Whoa!” Chad said and took the cup from my hand. “You only get these if you drink them properly.”

  “Fine,” I said and took it from him. He pretended he was giving it back, but then, he turned the cup to where my lipstick imprint was, and drank from it too. “Chad,” I said and snatched the cup back. “What are you doing?”

  “Nothing. I was just thirsty.” He winked.

  I heard Amanda next to me trying hard not to snicker. I was sweating like I was standing close to a furnace. I needed a dip in the pool. “You should get your own.”

  “I liked that one better.”

  “Chad! We need you over here!” Deven called from the pool house.

  The disappointment was unmistakable on his face. “I’ll catch up with you later.”

  “Not a word,” I told Amanda as we walked off to find the others.

  “Chad being Chad,” Amanda giggled and looped her hand through mine. “Good thing Wes wasn’t here to see. He would have blown a fuse or something. But it was hot what he did.” She smiled and rocked into me.

  “Shut up!” I laughed and sipped again. It was hard to ignore the fact that he had just drunk from my cup. I placed my lips on the opposite side, as if drinking from where he had just put his lips could be classified as cheating.

  We weaved our way through the litter of bodies, all scantily dressed, as we headed toward the pool. I hoped we wouldn’t actually run into the cheer idiots. With any luck they would all be on a pedestal of having body shots somewhere exclusive on the property. We saw the flailing arms of Liz, Stacey, and Alexi as we scanned the crowd swarming the pool.

  The shouts and screams deafen
ed me, and I cringed and ducked to get past some unruly boys shoving guests into the pool.

  “I was thinking I would go swimming before, but I changed my mind,” Amanda said as she plopped down onto the chair next to Alexi.

  “Me neither. Think I’ll just stretch out here and look pretty.” Liz grinned.

  “Yeah, before Cody decides you look nicer on a bed spread out like a starfish,” Stacey mocked and stuck out her tongue when Liz showed her the middle finger.

  “Ew!” I crooned. “You’d actually do it here? At this house?”

  “Why the hell not?” Liz giggled. “I would fuck him right on Callie’s bed.”

  “Such a slut.” I laughed with the others who were clearly more accustomed to Liz’s craziness by this.

  The other girls laughed, right before I noticed Wes and the others walking towards us. It was like he always knew where to find me.

  “Hey, baby,” he said and leaned in for a kiss.

  “Hi,” I smiled.

  “Thought I told you to wait for me,” he said in a stern voice.

  “Wes, it’s not such a big deal,” I replied, concern thick in my voice.

  “I’m going to get some drinks. You coming?”

  “No, I think I’ll stay here with the girls.”

  His brown eyes got darker and a scowl flashed across his face before he quickly replaced it with something plainer. I didn’t like it.

  “Fine. I’ll be back.” He turned and stalked off inside toward the kitchen.

  “What the hell?” Alexi asked. “What’s his deal?”

  “You know,” I replied. I was embarrassed that he would be acting the way he did in front of my friends. All without justified reason.

  “Everything okay?” Chad asked as he magically appeared next to us.

  “Yeah. We’re fine,” I answered quickly and tried to look over his shoulder. I didn’t need Wes returning with more drama.

  “Sure, because he didn’t look like it?”

  “Incoming,” I heard Stacey say under her breath.


  “Why the fuck are you over here?” Wes asked as he came up behind Chad. “I hope you weren’t talking to my girl.”

  Chad chuckled. “My, Wesley, again with the insecurity.”

  Wes scowled and pointed at me. “See why I didn’t want you coming here?”

  “She isn’t an animal, Wes. She can go where she wants to,” Chad countered, his tone cool and calm.

  “Who fucking asked you?” he shot and brushed past Chad. He reached down and grabbed my hand. “Come on. We’re leaving.”

  “Wes! No!” I shouted and yanked my hand back. “I’m not going anywhere with you.”

  His eyes were wicked when he turned, and for the first time since I’d been with him, he scared me. “Yes, you are. Now!” I could see the veins pop in his neck.

  “No, she’s not,” Chad replied and stepped up closer to him.

  “Who the fuck asked you?” Wes asked and shoved Chad. He reached for me again. “Sophia, we’re leaving this shit party. You’re coming or it’s over!”

  “Then we’re over, Wes!” I replied and folded my hands across my chest.

  “Are you seriously breaking up with me?” he asked, and pointed to his chest for dramatics. “That must be a joke.” He choked out a laugh.

  “I didn’t say anything funny,” I said angrily. “You’re being a world class asshole right now, and I don’t want anything to do with it!”

  “That’s a fucking laugh,” Wes smirked. “You can’t break up with me!”

  “I think I just did,” I shot back. I’d had it with his petty jealousy and ordering me around. It had been cute at first, but not when he was grabbing me and trying to pull me away from a party with my friends.

  “So, what, you can go back to this jerk!” He thumbed at Chad. “You two deserve each other. Don’t know why I was wasting my time in the first place,” he said bitterly.

  Chad’s expression turned cold, and he grabbed Wes, and punched him in the face. He fell back and crashed into a lounge chair, toppling over the girl sitting on it. Her drink spilled and they tumbled around before Wes got free and ran at Chad.

  The trio of girls squealed and hurled curse words at Wes who didn’t care that he might have hurt them.

  “Such an asshole,” one of them snarled as she picked up her bag and moved.

  Brody pulled Wes back and held him as Chad punched him in the face again, and his stomach. Wes kicked and it landed in Chad’s groin. He doubled over for a couple of seconds before Deven, Zeke, and Jake strong-armed Wes and dragged him out of the party.

  “You’re gonna be sorry, Minor!” he shouted as they pulled him away. “You hear me!”

  I was wide-eyed for the whole thing, but I couldn’t believe what happened. “Someone pinch me and tell me I’m not dreaming.”

  “I think I need a pinch too,” Stacey replied.

  Fucking hell!” Alexi said, and then looked over at me. “You okay?”

  “I’m not sure,” I replied. “But why am I not surprised? He really just wanted to get back at Chad.”

  “Sorry, Sophia,” Liz said softly. “You didn’t deserve that.”

  “Or maybe I did for being such an idiot. Of course it was all about Chad,” I said and threw my hands in the air. “I need another drink.”

  I got up and walked away before anyone else could say anything to me. I felt the tears rushing upwards, and like I wanted to throw up. I could feel the eyes that followed me, and I hurried past and held my head low, just so I couldn’t see them.

  “Sophia,” Chad called to me as I was hurling myself past everyone who had witnessed my shame and hurt.

  “Chad, not now, please,” I said when he ran up to me. “I just need a drink. Can you get that?”

  “Sure,” he murmured. “Don’t move.” I remained in the spot until he returned with the drink. “Here.”

  “On second thought, I would like to go home,” I told him.

  His green eyes darkened with sadness. “You sure?”

  “Yeah, pretty sure.” I gulped as the hurt engulfed me, and I brushed the tears away as they started to spill over onto my cheeks.

  He wiped a tear from my cheek and then grabbed my hand. “Come on. I’ll take you.”

  I was glad I didn’t drive. I wouldn’t have been able to focus on the ride home. I was silent for the entire time I was with Chad in his car. He never tried to say anything, and I was reminded of how sensitive he could be when he wanted.

  But it was probably too late for us, too. Wes and Callie had made sure of that. The pain of that alone sent waterfalls cascading down my face and as soon as the car pulled up into the driveway, I sprang out and ran inside.

  I didn’t say a word to him. I was glad I didn’t see Mom’s car either. I headed straight for my room. The door slammed shut behind me, and I flung myself onto the bed as fresh, hot tears escaped my eyes and drenched my pillows.

  Right before I fell asleep.

  Chapter 19

  I couldn’t help but to keep thinking about what Wesley had done to me. Damn piece of shit but thank God he showed me his true colors sooner than later. I was just on the verge of developing feelings for him, but I learned that I actually had suppressed my true feelings for Chad all along.

  I stepped into the steamed shower and under the hot spray, reveling in the sheets of hot water that coursed down my skin. I let the water wash over my face, pondering the thoughts of what it would be like to be with Chad again, marveling about what had just happened and his confession. I couldn’t shake the fact that he had been forced to dump me. Reaching out, I began to wash my hair, working the shampoo into a rich, foamy lather amidst my long locks. I closed my eyes and began to hum a song when the noise from the shower muffled the sound of the bathroom door.

  I kept my eyes closed as I heard the glass door swing open with the smallest click and then it closed again. Strong hands began to caress my body. Every part of me was suddenly on fire in the wak
e of what was happening. I was instantly wet, a heat wholly unrelated to the water now flooding between my thighs.

  It was Chad, but how did he get in?

  I remembered his touch from our first time together.

  I craved it.

  I pushed my ass back slightly, and was rewarded - much to my titillated surprise - by a light stroke of his hand. I shuddered with delight.

  I was greedy for him.

  Oh God!

  His touch felt so good. I placed both of my hands against the wall and spread my legs farther apart, the better to give him access to my most private parts. His tongue never ceased its slow torment, pressing it against my tight hole, seeking entry, only to pull back with a series of light licks.

  My nipples were hard pebbles that ached, a sure sign that an orgasm was coming. Long locks hung down my face, moving in exaggerated time to the way I tossed my head with the pleasure he caused.

  His thumb never moved, so I began to move against it, working in time with his tongue, savoring the way his finger grazed against my swelling nub.

  Oh God. I was so close.

  My breath began to come in ragged pants, and my hips began to buck of their own volition. My moans were loud now, unrestrained by any need to behave myself for him.

  I was now simply a girl of pure desire.

  Somehow, he knew that, because he stood and pushed into me, the hard, thick length of his cock filling me so abruptly, stretching my walls, that I cried out as the pleasure of my orgasm ripped through my body.

  I leaned against the wet tiled wall for support, my knees weak from the sensation as my body heaved with pleasure. He began to move in and out of me, purposefully denying me any relief from the powerful sensations coursing through me through his own actions. It was driving me towards a new orgasm.

  The worst and best part of it all was that he seemed totally immune to this intoxicating pleasure that we had achieved. I tried to outlast him but never even came close.

  As I clutched the tiled wall, my pussy throbbed with need and pleasure, the smell of sex mingling with the hot mist of the shower and I wondered how did he know how to manipulate my body like this? I didn't really care, as long as I came again.


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