Bane (Angel's Rebellion MC: #7)

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Bane (Angel's Rebellion MC: #7) Page 3

by Jeneveir Evans

  “Oh my god, just look at them,” Cathy uttered as she stared at the men.

  I looked in that direction while shaking my head. My eyes were immediately captured by the most intense blue eyes I’d ever seen. I shouldn’t be able to see them that clearly from the thirty or so feet our table was from theirs, but I could. They were so dynamic they pulled me into them. I swear I felt like I was drowning. I felt sparks running up and down my body from his gaze alone. I’d never felt anything like it in my life. It was instant lust. The feeling was so intense, it frightened me. I felt like I was being consumed by just his look alone.

  God, he was gorgeous. His blonde hair was shaved close to the sides of his head with it longer on top that he wore spiked. His darker blonde brows arched a little over his magnificent deep-set blue eyes. The left nostril of his Greek shaped nose was pierced and he was wearing a small hoop in it. Oh sweet, Jesus. His lips were heart shaped and so very kissable. His top one with its slight dip in the center was full and his bottom lip was plump. I mentally groaned. I wanted to feel those lips ravishing mine.

  His broad forehead tapered down to high cheekbones. His sharp jaw angled down to a square chin. What was turning me inside out was the short beard and mustache he wore. I loved a beard on a man and this man wore it well. I could see a flash of light catch on the earring he wore in his left ear.

  This guy had it all. Even sitting down, I could tell he was tall. The black t-shirt he was wearing lovingly hugged his wide shoulders that had a cut resting on them. Tattoos ran up both arms only to disappear under the sleeves of his shirt. This man hit every single mark of my dream man on the secret list that I kept buried in my head. He was rugged, manly, strong, and I wanted to feel him pressed against me from head to toe.

  My body was flushed with heat. I didn’t even have to check to know I was already wet with wanting him. I had never felt instant desire before, ever, and I wasn’t sure how to deal with it or what to do. The draw I felt for him scared me.

  “Oh my god,” Rachel whispered. “The Greek Adonis is heading our way. I want him bad, girls.”

  She wasn’t the only one. His eyes never left mine as he walked across the room. I was totally captivated.

  He stopped at the table, his eyes still on mine and said, “Hey, would you care to dance?”

  It took everything I had inside me to be able to speak. Even then, my voice came out breathy sounding.

  He held his hand out to me and I took it. I almost came on the spot. I took a deep shaky breath. This man was playing hell on all my senses. I’d never been in immediate lust like I was with him. He led me to the dance floor and wrapped his arms around me. I buried my nose in his chest and breathed in deeply. His aroma was divine. He smelled of dark chocolate. It was heady and I was drunk on his fragrance alone. I kid you not, his scent made me want to lick his entire body.

  “I’m Eagle,” he murmured, his lips touching my hair.

  God, I was jealous of my own hair. I wanted to feel his lips on mine. I leaned back and looked at him, surprisingly, I managed to tell him my name.

  “First time I’ve seen you come in here.”

  I smiled at him as I informed him that this was the first time I’d ever come here before. Then he told me he was glad I had come because he would have hated missing out ever seeing me. I almost swooned on the spot. God, Kenzie, get ahold of yourself. You’re acting like an untried virgin.

  “Yeah, I’m kinda glad we came tonight too,” I told him as I stared into his sparkling blue eyes.

  “Do you live in Rogers?” His voice rumbled deep in his chest and I could feel the movement across my breasts. My nipples pebbled in reaction. I wanted to rub myself against him like a cat and purr.

  I know I told him where I lived, I had to because I felt my mouth open and the words pour out. He didn’t look at me like I hadn’t answered his question so maybe I hadn’t said some off the wall thing to him.

  “What brought you to the bar tonight?” his voice drawled out lazily.

  Heaven help me, how do I answer that. His gaze held me mesmerized and I started chewing on my bottom lip. I did that when I was nervous.

  “You’ll think it’s bad if I tell you,” I breathed out.

  “Try me.”

  I wanted to groan at hearing that. He had no idea how badly I wanted to try him. I wanted to crawl up his body and attach myself to him like glue.

  “My friends heard that bikers frequented this bar and were, umm...” I couldn’t say another word. I was embarrassed saying what I did.

  “Looking for some action from a biker, huh?” he asked me with a slightly naughty grin on his face.

  I could feel my whole body blush. “Yeah,” I mumbled.

  “How about you sweet Kenzie? You looking for some action from a biker?”

  I didn’t think I could possibly get any redder. I was wrong. My body felt like it was about to go up into flames. I looked up at him through my eyelashes trying to figure out how to answer him. I started chewing on my lip again as I tried to decide how to tell the man he could throw me down on the floor and have his way with me right now. I almost swallowed my tongue when I felt his cock go hard against my stomach. What he said next almost sent me over the edge.

  “Darlin’, if you keep it up with that lip, I’m gonna have to rescue it.”

  I licked my bottom lip at hearing that. Yes, oh yes, he needed to rescue me before my body melted into a puddle at his feet.

  He tilted my head back and cupped my face in his strong hands. Then he leaned down and sucked my bottom lip into his mouth and I was a goner. The pleasure was instant. I felt a gush of wetness hit my panties. I whimpered at the feeling this man was drawing from me. He thrust his tongue into my mouth and I slid mine across his. God, it was so good.

  Not even realizing I was doing it, I stood on my tiptoes and slid my hands up his shoulders until they were around his neck. I tilted my head a little and started kissing him back. It wasn’t a gentle kiss, it was more like a ravaging tornado. He was destroying all of my senses. Our tongues were doing what my body was so desperately craving, they mated.

  I was so lost in him that time seemed to stand still. There was nowhere else that I wanted to be other than in this man’s arms. I couldn’t tell you how many songs we might have kissed our way through. I was that consumed by him.

  I only vaguely heard his friend come up and talk to him. I couldn’t really tell you what he said. My body was only concentrating on the man whose body mine was against.

  The next thing I knew, Eagle was staring into my eyes and asking, “You want to go over there or stay here and dance some more?”

  I heard the guy he was talking to mumbling something that what we were doing wasn’t dancing. I could have gladly kicked the guy in the shins for interrupting us. I wanted to tell the man to go away, that we were busy and to leave us the hell alone.

  “It’s whatever you want to do, babe,” Eagle told me.

  The way I wanted this man made me fear that he would sweep me away with a passion so deep I might not ever recover from it, especially when he walked away from me. I knew he would because a man like this wouldn’t want a boring woman like me. I brushed some of my hair behind my ear and wondered how he would respond if I told him I wanted him to take me somewhere and fuck me senseless. I mentally groaned. I had to be careful with him, guard my emotions and not make a fool of myself over him.

  Thankfully, I didn’t tell him what I was thinking, instead I said to him, “I guess we can go over there for a little bit if you’ll bring me back to dance again.”

  I had no clue that leaving his arms and walking to where my friends were at would change my entire world from that very moment.


  Chapter 3

  Maybe that’s what Hell is. You go mad. And all your demons come and get you just as fast as you can think them up.

  ~Anne Rice~


  July 11th, 1998

  As soon as the women walked into the bar
, I noticed Eagle sit up and focus on the group. While all the ladies were damn fine, one stood out above the rest and I knew she was who Eagle was intently studying. The red headed bombshell. His kryptonite. This woman checked every box he looked for in a woman. I’d never seen him become so consumed by a woman this fast. It was like every single one of us disappeared. He was that enthralled with the girl. I felt a sliver of something run down my spine.

  “Holy shit,” I drawled trying to get a raise out of Eagle. “Will you fucking looked what just walked through the door?”

  I didn’t know what the fuck was wrong with me. If I didn’t know better, I would swear I was jealous of Eagle, but I wasn’t, I didn’t want the woman at all. Still an irrational fear settled low in my gut. For some reason, I felt threatened by that little slip of a girl. Threatened of what, I didn’t have a fucking clue. I only knew that I felt a dread way down deep inside me. A dread of what, I didn’t know.

  Eagle never reacted to what I said, instead he got up, walked over to their table and claimed the woman right in front of my eyes. That’s what it was too, a claiming. He took her to the dance floor, pulled her into his arms, spoke a few words, then then he proceeded to make love to her with his mouth.

  The longer it went on, the tighter my gut got. I don’t know why, but it suddenly felt like I was about to lose my best friend. I know the thought was stupid. He wasn’t going anywhere, yet I couldn’t shake the feeling. It had a hold of me and wouldn’t let go. Every nerve in my body started going haywire, and that insidious voice in my mind was trying to make itself heard. I fought with myself even as I slid my chair back.

  “What the fuck you about to do, Bane?” Blood asked me.

  “Not a thing.” Oh, but I was. A driving force was pushing me to break up what was going on with Eagle and the girl.

  “Bane, leave them the fuck alone. Don’t go messing that up for Eagle.”

  “Fuck off, Blood,” I muttered as I stood up. I couldn’t believe I’d just said that to my friend who was also the Enforcer and Sgt of Arms for the club.

  I vaguely heard Slaughter say, “Blood, man, this isn’t good. What the hell is he doing?”

  It didn’t seem to matter what they had just said, I heard it, yet it was like it didn’t register at all. Almost as if someone else had control of my body, I made my way out to the dance floor and busted up their little make out session. I managed to convince the girl to come back over to the tables that my Brothers and I had taken over by the pool tables.

  Blood and Slaughter had invited the other girls she was with to come sit with us. It hadn’t taken much convincing, I could already tell what type those three were, biker bunnies. They wanted biker dick and I’m sure my Brothers were more than willing to give them some too. The girl with Eagle was different. I felt it. There was a haunting sadness that seemed to linger underneath her smile. She hadn’t come for biker cock the way her friends had.

  I led Eagle’s girl over to the table and pulled out a chair for her. I should have left it right there. I didn’t because my demon was talking. Mentally screaming at myself not to do this, I took the chair right next to hers and scooted mine up against the one she was sitting on.

  The demon inside was pushing me, telling me I needed to keep the girl away from Eagle. What I did next, I’ll regret for the rest of my life. I betrayed my best friend. The monster made the irrational fear that had a hold of me keep pushing me to do something, anything, before the girl got her hands onto Eagle.

  The next few minutes will haunt me forever. I caused something to happen that damn near destroyed my soul. I ruined a friendship that I’d had with the one person who had my back since we were in diapers. The demon inside of me made the fear in my mind so powerful that I made the worst decision I’d ever made in my life. I took away Eagle’s chance with the girl, thinking if I did, I wouldn’t lose my best friend.

  Hearing murmurs from my Brothers behind me telling me to stop, I ignored them. The demon’s hold on me was simply too strong. He had control over my thoughts and actions.

  “What’s your name?” I murmured into the red hair above the girl’s ear.


  Speaking low so none of the Brothers could hear me, I uttered the damning words that I would give anything to take back, “Well, Kenzie, you look like your head is in the clouds because Eagle was kissing you. I hate to tell you this darlin’, Eagle likes to see how many women’s pants he can get into. He keeps count of them. He’s not into long term. He just likes easy pussy.”

  The look on her face shot straight through my heart, the black bastard that it was. I hadn’t ever done anything like this before and I couldn’t believe I was doing it now. It was like I had something inside egging me on, pushing me to continue what I had already started. I did. My demon had managed to come unleashed.

  “Now me on the other hand, I’m the staying kind, darlin’. I don’t use women like that. I’m not the love ‘em and leave ‘em type that he is.”

  I saw Eagle step out of the hallway of the bathrooms. I lifted Kenzie up and turned her so she was facing me and sat her down on my lap until she was straddling my body. Her eyes flew up to mine in shock. I could tell she was about to protest, so I leaned forward fast, put my mouth above her ear and blew into it.

  She giggled and murmured, “Stop, that tickles.”

  Kenzie turned her face away from me not realizing that Eagle was watching what was going on.

  “Please quit,” she said quietly.

  Instead, I leaned forward and kissed her jaw up to her ear, there I took her earlobe into my mouth and sucked on it hard.

  Kenzie started squirming on me, trying to get away from me.

  “Please quit,” she murmured again, only this time her breath came out slightly airy.

  God help me, I didn’t. Looking across the room into the eyes of the man who was my Brother, my cousin, and my best friend, I let my teeth rake off her earlobe. Then I smiled cockily at Eagle before I started kissing Kenzie. At first, she moved her head trying to break away from me, but I held hers firmly to mine and continued assaulting her mouth. I was sick at my stomach, hating myself at what I was doing, still for some reason I couldn’t make myself quit. I kept kissing her until she was kissing me back.



  By the time I had a beer in my hand and started walking to the table, Bane had Kenzie on his lap and she was straddling him. I stopped in disbelief. I couldn’t fucking believe what I was seeing. He was whispering things into her ear and she was giggling to whatever it was he was saying. I watched him lean forward and kiss her jaw. Then he made his way to her ear where he sucked her earlobe into his mouth.

  Kenzie was squirming on him like she was enjoying what he was doing to her. He looked at me and smirked as he reached up with one hand and turned her face toward him. He then proceeded to kiss Kenzie and damned if she wasn’t kissing him back.

  I felt like I had been stabbed in the back. He knew me. He knew that I didn’t normally take an interest in a woman the way I had tonight. He was fucking deliberately trying to take her away from me. I stalked over to the table and slammed my bottle down. Kenzie jumped and ripped her mouth away from Bane’s. She looked up at me and guilt flashed across her face.

  “He who you want a ride on tonight, little girl?” I snarled angrily.

  She looked at him then back at me. Indecision written all over her face.

  “I don’t know,” she whispered as if she was torn and couldn’t decide between the two of us.

  “You liked his kisses better than mine?”

  “No, I… umm, I…” she stuttered to a halt and looked down.

  “Obviously, the decision on which cock you want to ride tonight is hard for you to make. I’ll fucking make it easy for you since you’re having such a hard time deciding,” I told her, then I turned and walked out of the bar.

  I left the only girl who I wanted with a passion that went soul deep in the arms of Bane. It was apparent to m
e that if she was having that hard of a time answering my question that Bane had somehow gotten to her. I guess my first impression wasn’t as good as Bane’s was, fucking story of my life.



  I had my head slanted just enough so I could watch Eagle stride angrily toward us as I kept kissing Kenzie. With each step he took, I felt a nail hammered into my coffin. I had broken every vow that I had ever made to the man that was currently making his way to our table and, fuck me, but it was already eating a hole in my soul.

  You’d think I would have quit what I was doing, knowing I was causing Eagle all kinds of pain. I didn’t though, something kept driving me onward. It’s like my body was possessed, like I had no control of what I was doing. I knew deep inside me that was a lie. I had full control over myself, I know I did. Still I didn’t stop, the demon in my head kept pushing me onward until I ended up killing one of the things that ever meant anything to me. Eagle’s friendship. The one thing I had been trying to save.

  When Eagle got next to the table, he slammed his beer down on it. Kenzie jumped like a cat who had gotten its tail caught under a rocking chair. She tore her mouth away from mine and looked up at Eagle, guilt written all over her face.

  Eagle stared at her angrily and growled, “He who you want a ride on tonight, little girl?”

  She looked at me then back at me. I could tell what I’d said earlier was going through her head. Her hesitation in replying made it appear like she couldn’t make up her mind. She told him she didn’t know. Fuck me, her reply actually sounded like she was torn between us. I knew I had to be imagining things. I’d seen how much she wanted him earlier.

  He asked her if she liked my kisses better than his and she stammered out, “No,” then her voice petered out and she dropped her head and stared at her hands.


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