Bane (Angel's Rebellion MC: #7)

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Bane (Angel's Rebellion MC: #7) Page 19

by Jeneveir Evans

  “Show off,” she muttered.

  I laughed.

  “Do you want to eat in bed or in here,” I asked her as I poured more batter into the pan.

  “Hmm, here. I don’t want to get anything on the sheets.”

  “Here it is,” I told her as I turned around, took her into my arms and leaned down for a kiss. “I hope you don’t have anything planned for the day.”

  “Why’s that?” she asked me curiously.

  “I thought we’d go out for a while.”

  “Ooh, where are we going?” she bounced on her feet as she questioned me.


  Her bottom lip immediately came out. That was cute as fuck. I leaned down and sucked it into my mouth and got lost in our kiss. The smell of something burning reminded me I had pancakes on the stove. Kenzie giggled as I grumbled while I dumped out the pancake, washed the pan and got it ready to cook in again. Finally, I managed to get enough made to eat and we sat down at the table for breakfast.

  “I need to know where we're going so I know how to dress,” she said casually. She was trying to sneakily get the information out of me.

  “You’ll see, babe. We need to eat so we can take a shower and get ready to go. You can dress casual.”

  After our shower, which I made sure was long and drawn out. First by washing Kenzie’s beautiful body, then by having it for dessert. After that, I took her up against the shower wall, plunging into her repeatedly while listening to every tiny sound she made. I couldn’t get enough of hearing the sexy little noises that escaped her as I made love to her. Hearing her beg me, hearing her plead with me, hearing her call my name never failed to make me so fucking hard that I ached until I could come inside her.

  Barely managing to pull out of her before I came, I marked her body with my cum. She rubbed it all over her even as the water washed it away. That started the whole process of having to wash her all over again. This time I managed to restrain myself from taking her again. Barely.

  After we got dressed, we headed out to her car. She thought she’d trick me by getting into the driver’s seat. She knew if she drove I’d have to tell her where we were going.

  “Nice try, babe. Out.” I smirked at her.

  “Fine,” she huffed and flounced around to the passenger side.

  All that did was make me chuckle.

  “You are being a meanie,” she muttered under her breath.

  “A meanie? What are you ten?” I glanced briefly at her before I concentrated on backing out. As I turned back around, I caught her sticking her tongue out at me.

  “Babe, I know what you can do with that tongue.”

  “Oh, yeah? If I use it doing what you’re thinking will you tell me where we’re going?”

  Fuck, that was a hard decision to make. Her mouth on my dick or keep the surprise.

  I groaned. Hell, I was about to lose out on a bj.

  “As tempting as the thought is and, babe, it is tempting, you’ll just have to wait to find out your surprise.”

  We pulled out of Springdale onto Highway 71, once at Rogers we took Highway 62 and headed toward Eureka Springs. Kenzie acted like she’d never traveled the way we were going. I drove us through Pea Ridge Military Park to kill a little time before continuing on our journey. Her eyes were busy taking everything in. I was busy taking in the feeling of completeness as Kenzie held my hand while we drove.

  Once at Eureka Springs, I drove the zig zag roads until we were at the Crescent Hotel. I pulled in and parked. Kenzie turned toward me with eyes opened wide.

  “What are we doing here?” she whispered.

  I smiled lazily at her, got out, headed around the car, opened her door and held my hand out. She put hers in mine and got out. I entwined our fingers and started walking up to the doors. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kenzie’s head swiveling back and forth trying to take in the hotel. It was a thing of beauty that was for sure, built in 1886, six stories high with wide balconies overlooking the Ozark Mountains.

  As we walked through the doors, I led us to the left and the check-in counter. The desk clerk gave us a cheerful smile and inquired, “How may I help you?”

  “Reservation for Mr. James.”

  Kenzie was squeezing my hand hard as her eyes roved over the reception area.

  “Ah, yes. Here we are. Mr. James, you have reserved the South Penthouse. Everything is ready for you. Would you like someone to show you to your room?”

  I smiled at her. “No, thanks. We’ll find it on our own.”

  “Very good, sir.”

  I gently tugged an opened mouth Kenzie behind me and hit the stairs. It didn’t take us long to find our room. After I opened the door, she ran in and spun in a circle taking it all in before she went to stand before the picture windows to take in the view.

  I walked up behind her and slid my arms around her.

  “I take it you like it?” I uttered huskily as I leaned down to kiss her neck.

  “I love it, but what did you do? This has to cost a ton of money.”

  “Not worried about the money, baby. Wanted to do something special for you.”

  “We didn’t even bring any clothes with us.”

  “What we have on is fine, we won’t need many clothes anyway.”

  Her eyebrows raised at what I said.

  “Planning on keeping me naked, huh?”

  “You could say that.” I grinned wickedly at her.

  Checking the time, I realized it was time for the first of the things I had planned for us.

  “C’mon, babe. We have somewhere to be.”

  I wandered around the hotel until I found the salon. Kenzie looked at me quizzically. Again, I smiled at her, opened the door and walked in. I walked to the reservation desk and said my name. Soon, Kenz and I were sitting in a chair getting a pedicure. I’d arranged for her to have a manicure and facial as well. I can’t say I was real comfortable having a pedicure, but I’d decided I wanted to experience some of this with Kenzie. I sure as hell wasn’t getting a manicure or facial.

  As I tried to pull each leg of my pants as high as I could get them, I was rethinking the whole idea. It was Kenzie’s turn to grin wickedly at me. We spent over an hour there getting pampered with all the services I’d ordered. When we walked out, Kenz was smiling from ear to ear and admiring her fingernails. I took her hand in mine and led us to the spa area.

  There we checked in and were led to a couple’s room. Once again, Kenzie was wide-eyed. Our attendant gave us a few minutes to remove our clothes and get on the massage tables, what went on for the following hour was nothing short of heaven.

  “Fuck, this feels good,” I groaned as the masseuse pressed into muscles I hadn’t realized were tight.

  Kenzie couldn’t even form words, her answer was in a moan of pure pleasure. Hearing that caused my damn dick to twitch. It’s bad when you have to focus on another woman’s hands on your body so you don’t get hard. Yet that was what I was having to do as Kenzie made sexy little noises as she was being massaged.

  By the time we left the spa, both of us were feeling good.

  “Oh, my god. That was heavenly. I have so got to do that again sometime in my life,” Kenzie vowed as she leaned her head against my arm.

  “Hungry, babe?”

  “Yeah, I could eat.”

  I took us to the Crystal Dining Room where I had reservations at a secluded table for two. We dined on steak and seafood. As we ate, darkness fully descended. After leaving the restaurant, I walked over to the hotel’s concierge and requested a blanket. The woman behind the desk smiled and proceeded to get me one. Kenzie was looking at me like I was crazy. I had to laugh as I took her hand and headed out the door. I led us to a spot beside where the cars were parked and stood.

  “What are we doing?” she whispered.

  “Babe, why are you whispering?”

  “I dunno, seemed like the thing to do. What are we doing, Bane?”

  “You’ll see.”

; She started shivering so I opened the blanket and wrapped her up in it. Then I wrapped my arms around her holding her back to my chest. We stood there for about fifteen minutes when I heard the sound that told me we didn’t have long to wait for our next adventure. As the white horse drawn carriage came into view, Kenzie gasped.

  “Oh, my god. Are we going on that?” she squealed.

  “Yeah, babe. We’re going on that.”

  Soon we were seated in the carriage and being taken on a nighttime tour of Eureka. Up and down the streets the horse pulled us while the driver told of us of the history of the town. It never failed to amaze me how the houses were built literally into the sides of the mountains.

  I loved looking at the Victorian houses that had been carefully preserved and, even though it was dark, the majority of the homes were lit up with crystal clear mini lights. Here and there we’d see a house that needed renovations, overall, most of the houses were breathtaking.

  On the way back to the hotel, I leaned in and kissed Kenzie in a slow passionate kiss. We got out of the carriage and made our way back to our room. Once inside, Kenzie turned out the overhead lights only leaving on a small lamp. She tugged me to the sitting area and pushed me down in a chair. Then she unbuttoned my pants and proceeded to do what only she could do. She blew my mind.

  We spent the night making love. With all of our lights off in the room, I took her with her hands splayed open wide on the picture window. While the grounds were lit up showing shadowy glimpses of the beautiful yard below, all I could see was Kenzie’s sexy body.

  Later, we settled into the whirlpool tub that sat before a large picture window that reflected our bodies. With Kenzie facing away from me, I lowered her onto my cock and proceeded to slowly make love to her. When we finally made it to the bed, I didn’t give her any rest. There I ravished her until she could barely even talk anymore. As she drifted off to sleep she managed to mumble, “Best day, ever.”

  While I agreed with her that it had been a fucking awesome day, for me, any day with Kenzie was the best day ever.


  Chapter 21

  The Heart is like a candle, longing to be lit!



  February 14th, 1999

  I slept in as long as I could knowing I didn’t have a damn thing to do and nowhere to go. After I woke up, I watched a documentary on PBS about the Vietnam War before finally dragging my ass out of bed. I showered, brushed my teeth, trimmed my beard and mustache, got dressed and headed downstairs. Why the hell I had done all that, I had no clue. There wasn’t anyone I needed to impress.

  It was eleven a.m. I needed coffee and food in that order. When I stepped in the kitchen, it was to find all the girls hard at work. Some of them were scrubbing potatoes, some were punching holes with a fork into the spuds that were wet from being washed off, others were wrapping the ones that were ready in foil and putting them in one of the ovens.

  I grabbed a cup of coffee and looked around hopefully for something to eat. All I saw were several bowls full of some kind of brown water. Curiously, I walked over and looked in one of them. Fuck, I was looking at a prime rib steak. I started looking in the other bowls. T-bones, New York strips, rib eyes, more prime ribs. I now knew that the brown water was - marinade. I groaned as the smell of it hit me. Damn, I was hungry.

  “This for dinner?” I asked hopefully. Although come to think of it, dinner was an awful long time away.

  “Lunch. We’ll be eating at one,” Clair looked over at me and smiled.

  “Sweet baby Jesus, I just might survive then if I can find something to snack on,” I responded.

  “Breakfast biscuits in the warming oven,” she replied.

  I flashed her a smile as I walked over to her. I know there is a mutiny going on right now, however, I was a grateful man and I was giving the woman with the good news a kiss. Clair had a loaf of Texas toast in each hand, so I cupped her face in my hands, leaned down, eased my lips against hers, slid my tongue lightly across hers until they parted, then I thrust my tongue inside her mouth and proceeded to kiss the woman senseless. By the time I pulled back, I had a hard on that wouldn’t quit. Damned if it hadn’t been worth it. Clair’s eyes were glazed and she was breathing hard.

  She leaned forward until her mouth was close to my ear and whispered, “After lunch, your room or mine?”

  She eased back and looked at me. I knew that my eyes had widened and hope had to be on my face. She nodded at me. I knew then that the drought was about to be over. Thank God.

  Yeah, for months while everything had gone on with Kenzie I’d used my damn hand because I didn’t want anyone but her. Yet once I’d gotten my head out of my ass, I’d been making full use of the club girls again. I’d hated having to use my hand for the last couple of weeks. My dick was wanting pussy, so was my tongue and Clair was one meal that I thoroughly enjoyed eating.

  “Yours is closer,” I said almost silently.

  She licked her tongue over her bottom lip and I barely managed to not groan loudly. I was so damn horny I almost creamed my pants. Damned, if I didn’t miss having a warm place to plant my cock and my tongue.

  Clair leaned back in and murmured into my ear again, “I’m not wearing any panties and you’ve made me very wet.”

  This time I did groan out loud. She smiled naughtily at me, turned and walked away. As I reached down and adjusted my rod, my eyes followed her ass. Hell, I didn’t even want the steak now. I just wanted lunch to be over with.

  Somehow I managed to make my way to the warming oven, get a biscuit, walk into the dining room and sit down. Just when I’d gotten my damn dick under control, I started hearing moans coming from the kitchen.

  Oh. Sweet. Heaven.

  It sounded like someone was in the throes of passion. My cock went from zero to sixty in a nanosecond. I tried to raise the biscuit to my mouth only to hear another moan.

  Jesus. Christ.

  How was a man who hadn’t been with a woman in a couple weeks supposed to be able to handle sounds like that without busting a nut?

  I looked at the biscuit in my hand, set it back down on the foil, and wrapped it back up while hearing the moans increasing. My damn dick was so excited he was leaking precum. I stood up and started walking toward the dining room entryway. I glanced briefly into the kitchen to see Ava dipping a strawberry into chocolate then lift it to her mouth and start sucking the chocolate off while she bit into the berry.

  Holy. Fuck.

  If Prez heard his woman right now, the man would probably fuck her where she sat. I lifted my eyes to the other women in the room and they were all watching Ava and squirming. Yeah, this shit had been hard on all of us. Clair caught my eyes right as I was about to leave and licked her bottom lip then bit it.

  That was all it took, my ass hit the stairs fast. I made it to my room, stripped and hit the shower for the second time this morning. As the hot water rolled down me, I concentrated on the things I was going to do to Clair once I had her in my arms later today. With those moans echoing in my head, my mind picturing Clair naked, it didn’t take long and my groan echoed around the room.

  Hell, I was kinda glad I had jacked off. Now I would last longer with Clair. Maybe. Then again, it was Clair. I was going to go with the motto, if at first you don’t succeed, try, try, again, and believe me, I’d be trying again with Clair until I was spent.


  Later that night, the day replayed in my mind. Me along with everyone else wondered about the removable cast on Dog’s right hand. He’d shown up wearing it this morning. I hadn’t heard of him hurting himself so I was curious what he’d done to it. I listened as Doom asked if anyone knew what happened and I saw Blood’s eyes briefly cut toward the Prez. I could tell he knew what had caused Dog’s injury. He wouldn’t tell anyone though, not unless Dog wanted it known. That was one thing our Sgt at Arms was good at, he kept shit close to the vest.

  After we ate, all sound in the room seized as everyone watc
hed Ava get up then go sit on Dog’s lap. I’d glanced over at Clair to see her looking at me. That was all I needed. I got up and started casually easing my way in her direction.

  Ava apologized to Dog for letting their personal problems affect the club, he’d told her it was his fault, Ava forgave him then started kissing him. That was all Dog needed, he’d carried her ass out of the room. Since I had been sufficiently warned, my happy ass was at Clair’s side as soon as Dog got up.

  Clair and I weren’t far behind Dog and Ava as they made their way down the hall. We barely got the door shut before clothes started flying. For the next several hours, I had my way with Clair and by damn if she didn’t have her way with me. I enjoyed the hell out of it too. I wasn’t much on Valentine’s Day, however this one had been the best of my entire life.

  As the last of today’s events finished running through my mind, I lay there in the still of the night and tried not to let myself have that feeling I’d been fighting for the last seven and a half months. I was missing something in my life.

  I knew what it was too. I was missing having a woman to call my own. I sighed deeply as a slight pain hit my heart. I was pretty sure that wouldn’t happen for me for a long time now. No, I didn’t want Kenzie. I wanted what she represented. A future with someone.

  Sometimes, what could have beens is a hard thing to wipe from your mind. They can also be the things that hurt the most.


  Chapter 22

  There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.

  ~Laurell K. Hamilton~


  February 16th, 1999

  I hadn’t gone over to Kenzie’s last night. Despite knowing Bane meant what he said about wanting to spend time with me, I decided I would try to only go a couple times during the week because I felt that maybe I was taking up too much of their time. I figured if he got on to me about it, I would simply tell him that a Brother needed a club girl now and then.

  Hopefully, now that the club girls were once again available and the Brothers were in a better frame of mind, Bane and Kenzie would start coming back to the Clubhouse for the weekends. That way I could be around them and when they got ready for alone time, they could go do that without having to worry about leaving me by myself.


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