Freddy vs. Ash

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Freddy vs. Ash Page 10

by A. Eggleston

  On the outside, it appeared as if innocent, young Kyle was just sleeping normally. The movements he made were the lifting and lowering of his chest as he breathed, and his eyes twitching from under his lids as he dreamt. But past the seemingly calm exterior, Kyle's soul was in jeopardy.

  When he thought that his suffering could not be reached any higher, he felt his entire body begin to burn. He sensed his skin melting off of him. WHAT'S HAPPENING TO

  ME?! He frantically wondered. AM I DYING?! NO! PLEASE! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!!

  Just as quickly as he felt himself burn, he was now overcome by petrifying cold. He was stiff, freezing, and numb. He was no different than a dead body. Just then, he felt the impact of his entire body hitting the surface.

  Kyle was gone.

  But his body had a new host.

  His eyes opened wide. While poor Kyle was wasting away in the realm of the Deadites, Freddy was taking his body out for a test drive. Freddy stood up, flaring his nostrils, and twitching the corner of his mouth into a sinister smile.

  Meg had just entered the hallway. She tousled her short hair and wiped off the excess chap stick from her lips. She grabbed the doorknob, and paused to take a deep breath in, and then out.

  Freddy's eyes darted straight at the door as he heard the knob turn. He was instantly met with the sight of a beautiful, young, red-head. Her small, green eyes twinkled when she looked at him. She appeared nervous and innocent before him.

  Just how I like them. Freddy thought.

  Freddy quickly composed himself, getting rid of the grin on his face. He tried to look caring and overwhelmed by her. He wanted to lure her in close, because as of right then, she was his prey. He could have just put her against the wall and strangled her right then...

  But, where's the fun in that?

  "Could you lock the door?" he said.

  Meg turned the lock on the doorknob. She walked over to who she thought was Kyle, and cupped his face with the palms of her hands. "Are you nervous, too?" she asked him.

  He smiled and chuckled. "Yeah. But," Freddy pulled her in closer to him until she was sitting on his lap. "I'm not going to do anything you're not comfortable with."

  "Promise?" she asked as she smiled.

  "Promise." He opened his mouth and kissed her. He pulled her in so tight that there was no space between them. Freddy moved his mouth from hers, to her cheeks, down to her milk-white neck. He inhaled the scent of her perfume.

  Meg felt his tongue run up and down the length of her neck. It was wet and slobbery. He moved back to her lips, her neck felt cold from the moisture of the saliva.

  Freddy ran his hands over every part of her body he could grab, squeezing her hard and wretchedly. He stroked her legs and her breasts, gripping and groping them.

  Even though she was surprised at his behavior, she smiled and giggled. "You really came around, didn't you?"

  She felt his hot breath on her neck. He nodded in response. "Mmm hmm." He then resumed kissing her neck. He moved up slightly, biting her ear, growling quietly.

  She felt his hand on her butt, and the other on her neck. Before she could react, he flipped her over on the bed. He was now on top of her. She smiled and said, "My God, Kyle, you've never acted like this." She laughed out of nervousness.

  Since Freddy had possessed his body, the voice still belonged to Kyle, but sounded more guttural than normal. "You like it?"

  Meg nodded and giggled. "Yeah."

  "Good." said Freddy. "There's more where that came from." He lowered down and kissed her as Meg wrapped her hands around his neck. His tongue entered her mouth, swirling around hers. His hands grazed over her skin, groping every inch of her.

  He then grabbed her thigh, and slowly spread her legs apart. His hand traced over her hip and lingered on her vagina. He groped her, probing her with his fingers.

  Meg’s eyes widened. She wanted him to stop. She muffled in protest. "Mmm mmm! Mmm mmm!" She pushed him away, separating his mouth from hers. "Okay, Kyle." she said, timidly and out of breath. "That's too much." He wouldn't let go. He just held her tighter.

  He could feel her struggling. He loved it, he absolutely loved it. Freddy grabbed her legs and her arms tightly, so she couldn't get away. He smiled widely and breathed a little harder.

  "Stop!" Meg said. She was so afraid, that she wanted to cry. "I said stop it!" She tried desperately to move.

  He laid on top of her and grabbed both of her arms, crossing one wrist over the other, and pinned them down over her head.

  Meg started to scream. Tears ran down both of her eyes. In between her cries, she pleaded, ""

  Meg's limbs were twitching and flailing, trying to force Freddy off of her. But, it wouldn't work. Her cries became louder. When she wasn't screaming for help, she was sobbing uncontrollably. She felt his hand cinch her shirt and then rip it apart, baring her lacy, blue bra. Meg screamed again. There was no one upstairs, and the music was too loud for anyone downstairs to hear her. She might as well have been in space.

  Quickly and roughly, Freddy took off her jeans. Her frail body was writhing in fear against his. He couldn't help but laugh.

  Freddy Krueger was truly a sick bastard.

  He gripped her thigh and forced her legs apart. Meg's eyes welled up with more tears. She knew that she could not escape, and she knew the pain she was about to endure would be indescribable. All she did...all she could do...was cry.

  As he looked at her, he took one hand away from her wrists and slid it down to the hem of her underwear. "Before we get to the main event," He quickly and roughly took her underwear off, leaving her exposed to him. "let's work on your opening!" He stuck his fingers inside of her, moving them around in a violent fashion.

  Meg screamed. "Aaaaah!" Tears escaped her eyes as the sharp pain grew in intensity. "No! No!" she cried.

  She acted quickly. Meg launched her knee at his groin and punched him in the nose, stopping him.

  The impact was enough to knock Freddy back. As he looked back down, he saw Meg crawling away from him. His demented smile was replaced with a look of scorn. He grabbed a chuck of hair from the back of her head, and pulled her right back.

  He hovered over her, snarling in anger. "You don't want to piss me off, bitch."

  Although frightened, she managed to say, "Why not?" Why is he doing this to me? she thought. I thought he loved me. What happened to him?

  In a quick, but smooth, transition, Kyle's sweet and innocent face was replaced by Freddy's. Kyle's “Avenged Sevenfold” shirt was replaced by Freddy's sweater. It was now him who appeared before her, ragged sweater and all.

  In a flash, Freddy's image had left and Kyle's had returned.

  Meg began to scream in horror. She felt suffocated from him being on top of her. Her breaths became shorter and shorter. The pinching and binding of having her wrists pinned down only made her feel that much more helpless.

  Freddy hovered over her, no more than an inch from her teary face. His voice morphed and sunk lower, sounding more like himself. "Open wide..." he growled. "bitch."

  And then she felt it.

  The excruciating pain from between her legs shot through her like a bullet. She gasped. The pain from inside her only spread and escalated. She reacted the only way she could.

  Meg screamed bloody murder from the top of her lungs. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!" Before, she screamed in distress, hoping someone would find and save her. Now, she screamed out of hopelessness, out of pure, agonizing, torture. Her shouts had mixed with her crying. It became difficult to distinguish whether she was screaming, or sobbing.

  Soon enough, blood began to stream down from her inner thighs. It quickly spread out and all around the base of her legs. Meg wanted to die. And she wasn't the only one who wanted that so badly.

  Back downstairs, Steven and the rest of the gang were about to head upstairs. He had the same album playing in his stereo for the past two hours, and was getting tired of hearing “Born of Osiris�
�� on Repeat. He felt the party needed to be livened up, and they were the only ones he trusted to go through his album collection.

  "Steven, why did you put all of your albums in your room?" Evelyn pondered. "You could put them all next to your stereo, you know?"

  "He's afraid someone's going to steal his White Zombie." Cooper countered.

  Jill snorted. "Oh yeah, the one that has a typo on the sleeve, so it's a 'collector's item'." She mocked her brother with air quotes.

  "Hey!" Steven intruded as he took the disk out. "You never know with some people!" He pointed to Cooper. "And it is a collector's item. I paid fifty dollars for it." He turned to open his door. He heard Cooper say,

  Evelyn chimed in. "Exactly how does a typo automatically make it worth a lot of money?"

  Steven snapped. "Don't judge me." He stopped before took the first step forward. He forgot to get drinks earlier. He turned back around. "Hey Faith, could you get me something to drink, please?"

  She scrunched her eyebrows and crossed her arms in front of her. She leered at him. "And, why do you send the woman out to do things for you?" she asked. "Why not Cooper? I mean, he screams like a girl, but still..."

  Steven's face dropped, and he instantly felt embarrassed. He really liked Faith, and he didn't want to do anything to make her reject him. "Oh--uh--" Steven tried to save himself. "I'm sorry," he said, sincerely. "I didn't mean to sound rude--"

  "I'm messing with you." Faith smiled again and uncrossed her arms. "You know I like seeing that befuddled look on your face." She pat him gently on the side of his face. "It's cute." She walked into the kitchen.

  Evelyn smiled at him. "You're so afraid of her." she noticed. "You're afraid of a lot of things, actually."

  "Hey," Steven retaliated. "as long as I have this," he tugged the neck on his t-shirt and brought out a small, silver crucifix. "I have nothing to be afraid of." he placed it back under his shirt. "Come on." he said and placed his left foot on the step that led upstairs. "This time, I'll let you pick out the music." he said to Evelyn. "I know you like Black Sabb--"


  Everyone downstairs heard Meg's blood-curdling scream coming from the room at the end of the hall. They ran over as quickly as they could. The hallway was now crowded with kids. Steven tried to open the door, but it was locked. "Damn it, it's locked!" said Steven. "Cooper, help!"

  Cooper stood next to Steven as they both tried to ram the door open.

  Evelyn was behind them. Her hands shook and her eyes went wide. Oh God, what's happening to her? she thought.

  Cooper and Steven listened on the other side. They could hear Meg sobbing and shrieking.

  “That sounds like Meg.“ said Steven.

  There was something else, too. It was quieter, but they could definitely sense it must have been whoever else was in the room with her. It sounded like heavy breathing and...


  Meg's throat was dry and sore from all of her screaming. Her eyes were red and her vision was clouded from the tears. She couldn't bear it anymore. Her legs still convulsed from the pain, but otherwise, she felt numb all over.

  And then she remembered. She kept a small pocket knife in her jeans. They were thrown in the far corner of the bed, which wasn't too far from her. Meg hoped she could slip away from his sweaty palms long enough to get the knife and stab him right in the eyes.

  She twisted and fought as hard as she could. Finally, she was able to break away from his grip. Grabbing the pant leg, she quickly pulled it closer to her, and reached into the pocket.

  Freddy smacked her in the face, causing her to whimper. "What do we have here?" he said maliciously. He yanked the small knife from her hand. "Oh..." he opened up the blade and breathed noxiously. "...perfect." he said.

  He lowered his head and locked eyes with the beautiful girl he had just defiled, tortured beyond belief, and robbed of all innocence. He smiled from the power he had over her. Freddy held the knife over Meg's throat. "Was it good for you?" Freddy said contemptuously.

  Meg screamed in fear. It would be her last. In mid-shriek, Freddy sliced her from ear to ear. Her howl had been mixed with the gurgling of her own fresh, blood. He jerked the knife away from her neck. The excess blood splattered on Freddy's face and chest. He felt a rush of adrenaline flow all through him. There was just something about the kill, feeling the warmth of his victim's spilt blood run down all over him, standing above the lifeless young bodies. Taking away the youth, that was what he loved the most. Eliminating those with a future, as it was something Freddy would never have.

  Admiring her naked, bloody, body, Freddy held the knife tightly in his hands until his knuckles ran white with desire. Suddenly, he heard the door bust open.

  Steven and Cooper had knocked the door right off its hinges. When they ran into the room, they saw a guy who looked a lot like Kyle, but acted nothing like him.

  Freddy moved his shoulder back and turned his head to look behind him. Oh, good. he thought. More. His eyes had shifted from the pale blue that they once were, to a blank white all over. He lifted his leg and shifted himself away from Meg's dead body, allowing Steven, Cooper, and Evelyn to see her freshly mutilated and violated corpse, which had now been bathing in a pool of her own blood.

  "Oh my God!" shouted Evelyn. She stepped away from view and placed her hand over her mouth, feeling like she wanted to throw up. Jill put both hands on her arm, leading her away.

  Steven and Cooper's eyes both widened and their mouths gaped in shock and disgust. Cooper ran over to him and grabbed him by his shirt collar. "GET THE FUCK OFF OF HER!!!" he yelled. Cooper yanked him off the bed, but he quickly leapt back up. He grabbed Cooper's throat and strangled him. He gasped for breath.

  Steven ran to his aid and punched Freddy in the jaw. The blow caused Freddy to let go of Cooper, and a drop of blood to shoot out of his mouth. He realized he still had the knife in his hand, so without a second thought, he struck the knife in Steven's shoulder.

  "Aaaah!" yelled Steven as the blood poured down his shirt.

  Freddy yanked the knife out, caused Steven's blood and some muscle tissue to pour out. His eyes looked, and then his head shifted to look out into the hallway. There were probably ten kids standing in shock. Evelyn was there, holding her cell phone, frantically dialing 911. Jill had already ran after Evelyn refused to move. He sprinted out the door, past Cooper and raised the knife.

  Instead of shoving the teenagers out of his way, Freddy used the knife to stab them in the chest and slit their throats as he ran past. Some of them ran downstairs before he could get to them, but those not so lucky were stabbed once or twice in fatal areas before falling down, dead. Their pained screams filled the hall.

  As Evelyn tried to run away, she spotted Freddy running towards her. Quickly, she headed towards the stairs. Cooper followed behind them. As they neared the balcony next to the stairs, Freddy started grabbing her arm and pieces of her shirt, hoping to catch her. "Stop!" Evelyn shouted. She jabbed him in the eye with her elbow, filling him with rage. Finally, Freddy leapt on top of her, which caused both of them to lean and fall over the railing on the balcony.

  Cooper ran as fast as he could to save her. "EVELYN!!!" he shouted as he reached to grab her ankle before she could fall from the second story.

  Downstairs, everyone else had witnessed what had happened. Most of the guests had fled the house, screaming. Faith and Jill were among the crowd. Both girls were petrified, they didn't want to leave them, but they were afraid of what might happen if they stayed. As soon as they saw "Kyle", waving a knife, with those pale, expressionless eyes of his, every last one of them, except Jill and Faith, had ran out of the house.

  Freddy knew the impact of the fall would kill his host body, thus forcing him to leave the land of the living. He didn't want to go away without doing a little more damage, so before he plunged to the ground, he stabbed Evelyn in the Achilles' tendon with the knife. The next thing Freddy saw was the hard wood flo
or. He landed on his head, and the impact caused his neck to snap. The sound was sharp and gut-wrenching, like a celery stalk being broken in half.

  Cooper held both of Evelyn's arms and pulled her back up. As soon as her foot touched the ground, she reacted with a groan of pain. She wanted to scream, but the kept her mouth tightly shut. Evelyn didn't want to be weak, she figured now wasn't the time to let her guard down. She sat down on the ground and tried to pull the knife out of her ankle, but she was so nervous that her hand was shaking. She didn't want to inflict anymore pain on herself. She was bleeding so much already.

  Cooper moved her hand away from her foot. "No." he protested. "It's okay, you'll be fine. Just relax." he pulled the knife out of her quickly, like ripping off a band-aid. Evelyn held back another scream by covering both of her hands over her mouth.

  Chapter Twelve

  Ash's skull throbbed as he picked himself up from the floor. He staggered and stumbled, still reeling from the intensity of his latest encounter from Freddy. Ash mumbled, trying to verbalize and make sense of the whole situation, but it seemed impossible at that point.

  When he stood up, and the pain subsided, Ash knew he had two options: He could skip town and let Freddy be the kids' problem as usual, or he could take matters into his own hands and send him to Hell permanently. As much as he had a pattern with screwing things up, endangering both him and the rest of the world, Ash also had a tendency to run away when it became too overwhelming, especially when he was younger.

  He realized that it was time to stop running away. This problem with Krueger was a ticking time-bomb. If Ash didn't do anything to stop him, his reign of terror would only spread and get worse. The more powerful he became, the more control he would have over the Necronomicon, and he wouldn’t have to wait for the children of Elm Street, or anywhere else for that matter, to fall asleep for him to collect their souls. Soon, he'll have dominion over the dream world, the waking world...and whatever else lies beyond.


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