Filthy Boss: A Forbidden Office Romance (Wynton Book 1)

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Filthy Boss: A Forbidden Office Romance (Wynton Book 1) Page 3

by Bianca Cole

  “No problem, Bryson, I’ll wait right here for you.”

  “All right. I’ll be out as quick as I can,” I say.

  “No rush, take your time.” Tom climbs back into the driver’s seat of the limo.

  It is time to prove I can be calm under pressure. I stare up at the towering stone mansion in front of me. My father has changed homes so many times, each time the new house is larger. The wrought iron doors are more intimidating than ever before.

  I need to get through this next hour. Then I can go home and chill. I hope everything goes as I expect, and I get the keys to the kingdom by the end. Deep down, I’m sure it won’t be that easy.

  I punch in the code and let myself into my father’s home. He fitted a security system without the hassle of manual locks and keys.

  Once inside the grand entryway, I walk towards the vast foyer, standing on a black and white tile floor. The expansive towering staircase juts out in front of me, wrapping around the circular hall. The house feels so hollow. Even more so today, as there are usually various members of staff walking around the house and one or two of Dad’s ex-wives.

  I contemplate how my father has lived his life. He has had more wives than I can count since the death of our mother. They never make him happy, and they’re all in it for the money. My father is in his seventies now, and his most recent wife is younger than me.

  I walk up the stairs, trying not to worry about the meeting. I have a feeling my dad isn’t about to hand over the role of CEO to me, not after all the shit I’ve pulled in the past.

  This late-night meeting makes it more likely. A way to keep me from making some kind of scene during the day. Not that I’d make a scene, but it’s the sort of thing he would do in case.

  “Look who finally turned up,” Theo says, smirking at me.

  “I was busy. There were a lot of details of the deal for Mr. Gates I had to iron out today,” I reply.

  “Translation, there are a lot of things you’re unfamiliar with because you spent too much time on fast cars and fast women rather than learning the business.” He raises an eyebrow. “The Gates deal should have been finalized weeks ago.” He walks ahead of me. “I told you you would regret not studying more when the time came.” Theo leads the way down the long corridor to our father’s room. “But if my hunch is right.” He glances at me as he grabs the doorknob. “You may not have to worry about it, and you’ll be able to go back to your life of philandering.”

  I open my mouth to defend myself, but before I have the chance, Theo flings the door open. He glides in, and I watch him cross the floor toward our father. I make my way in as well and close the door behind me. When I turn around, Dad has stood from his high-backed leather chair.

  My dad, even as an aging man with a bone disease, is still intimidating. The harsh lines carved into his face, his large, deep-set eyes, and gray hair give him a look that tells you he won’t take any shit.

  He opens his arms wide to pull me into a hug. For such a serious man on the outside, my father has always been a loving person, although most wouldn’t believe it outside of our family.

  It’s contrasting with the severe demands he puts on both of us. He has high standards for us in all aspects of life, standards I’m certain I’m yet to achieve in his eyes.

  “Here, come take a seat.” Dad gestures to the other two chairs. Theo rushes past me and sits down in the chair closest to our father. We sit in awkward silence for a moment.

  “I know you both know why I’ve called this meeting. I apologize for the hour, but it is the best time for me. Old age,” he sighs and points at the both of us. “Avoid it if possible.”

  Theo chuckles, but the nerves dancing in my gut make it impossible to laugh. He looks between us once more, his gaze lingering on me longer than I’m comfortable with.

  “Neither of you need to be uncomfortable. This is a family chat.” He claps his hands together. “I’m proud of the men you’ve become. You’ve both been through rough spots we’ve had to iron out.” Dad’s eyes linger on me. “But, all of that is in the past, and we must concentrate on the future. I expect both of you to remember and respect your heritage, as you carry out the tasks I’m about to set you.”

  “And what would those be?” Theo asks.

  “Patience, I’m getting to that.” He holds a hand out in front of him. “My health is not what it used to be–”

  “Of course.” Theo rubs his forehead. “What did your oncologist say when you went for your appointment today?”

  “That’s part of what I’m trying to get to if you would stop interrupting me.” He shoots Theo a stern look.

  “What appointment with the oncologist?” I sit up, ready to rush to my father’s side.

  Is he that ill?

  Theo cocks his head. “If you bothered to visit more often, you’d know how unwell Dad has been.”

  Dad raises his hand. “I appreciate your concern, Theo, but there is no need for all of that. Your brother does what he can.”

  Guilt coils through my gut. It’s all well him saying it’s not a big deal, but Theo’s right, I haven’t been here. I don’t even know how ill my father is.

  “So, what did they say?” I ask, my voice cracking in anticipation.

  He takes a sip of his whiskey. “I spoke with the doctor today.” He pauses. “They told me I have a little more than a year. The prostate cancer they thought they’d caught early enough turned out to more aggressive than expected.” Dad gazes at us calmly again before continuing, “It has spread to my bladder, and it will only be a matter of time before it spreads further. They can’t operate.” He shuffles slightly in his chair. “Do you understand why it’s important to discuss the future of the company?”

  “Yes, father,” Theo says.

  I can’t speak, as my throat has closed up, and tears prickle my eyes. It feels like someone has knocked the wind out of me. A clinching pain in my chest makes it difficult to breathe. My father is dying, and I’ve been off gallivanting about like an idiot at parties.

  “Now that we have gotten the bad news out of the way, down to business. I have a plan I know you may not like.” His eyes settle on me for a few beats too long. “I feel it necessary to see which of you is most capable of taking on the company after I’m gone.”

  I look up from my hands into my father’s eyes.

  “With that in mind. I’ve made provisions for the both of you to take over my position as acting CEO of Stafford Financial Group for trial periods. Bryson, I will have you be the first to take over for three months, and we’ll see how you do.”

  He turns his attention to Theo, who is smiling. “After, I will allow your brother to run the company as he pleases for the following three months. After six months, we’ll have another meeting to determine who takes over the company.”

  “That sounds like a fair plan.” Theo turns to face me. “What do you think, Bryson? Does it sound fair to you?” His gaze lingers on me. I have a sneaking suspicion he already knew about Dad’s proposal.

  It feels like all the air has been knocked out of me for a different reason. The news that my father will not hand the company to me doesn’t shock me, not after the shit I’ve pulled over the years, but it doesn’t hurt any less. I know I’ve got what it takes to run the company, but my father doesn’t.

  “It sounds fair, as long as you’re up to the challenge,” I say.

  “I think the challenge is on you, not me,” Theo says.

  Dad stands from his chair, signifying that he is tired and ready for us to leave. “All right, boys, save the competition for the next six months.”

  We both stand and straighten our suits before hugging our father. Theo shoots me a dirty look before he leaves the room. My father’s hands settle on my shoulders, forcing my attention to him. We gaze at each other for a moment, before my father says, “I’m counting on you, son.”

  I smile. “Don’t worry, father. I won’t disappoint you.” I mean it this time.


/>   Tessa

  “Ray’s bar, please, it’s on Queen’s street,” I say as I slide into the back of the cab.

  The taxi driver nods. “No problem, I know the place.”

  I let out a long sigh and relax into the seat. The taxi driver is friendly enough, and I engage in some small talk, hoping it will distract me from the issue whirring around in my head.

  As I politely listen to him talk about his kids and aging mother he struggles to care for on a pitiful salary, I realize it’s not going to help. All I can think about is the fact that The Stafford Financial Group is a den of thieves. They’re no different from the rest of the financial companies, and I’m a part of it now.

  I don’t care about the cost. There is no way I’m letting them brush this under the carpet. I’m thankful to see the flashing neon sign of Ray’s bar come into view as the cab pulls to a stop. I thank the driver and tip him to help with his mother’s care.

  He thanks me in his broken English and tells me if I need anything else to call the number on his cab and ask for him. I make a mental note even though I rarely use cabs. I march toward the bar in desperate need of a drink.

  I make it to the single door entrance of the bar where a large, burly biker opens it for me with a smile. I thank him as I nearly had to shimmy past him to get into the place.

  I glance at the chalkboard sign with the all too familiar handwriting of my best friend. “Seat yourselves.” I laugh at how short, to the point, and not in the least bit polite it is. It’s a testament to Elena’s abrasive personality.

  “Hey, Tessa,” Elena calls, grabbing my attention. It’s difficult to see more than her waving hand from behind the group of men sitting at the bar—she’s a short-ass.

  She would be sure to correct me and say she’s fun-sized rather than challenged in the height department. I don’t let her height fool me, Elena is a force to be reckoned with, not someone I would want to get on the wrong side of.

  I walk across the sticky floor and make it to the bar, settling down on a stool opposite Elena.

  She glances up at me. “Hard day at work?” She continues drafting a beer while staring at me. Elena is good at multitasking.

  She passes the pint to the awaiting fingers, before making her way over to me and slapping her palms down on the bar.

  “You’ve got no idea,” I say.

  “Oh, no, let me get you a drink,” Elena says, grabbing a bottle down from the top shelf and taking it to the blender and adding a mix of things. She pours the drink and heads over to me, setting a watermelon Cosmo down.

  Elena nods. “All right, spill.”

  I sigh, wondering where to start. “Something odd happened at work today.” I rap my fingers on the bar counter. “I was getting ready to leave, and I got an email in my work hub. I hadn’t realized it was meant for the third floor. Anyway, I decided to go over the file.”

  “Figures.” She shakes her head. “It’s so like you to do work that isn’t meant for you.”

  I frown. “I told you I hadn’t noticed until my manager pointed it out.”

  “Let me guess you got flack for it?”

  I take a sip of my drink. “Well, yeah, but that isn’t the problem.”

  “Hmm, okay, carry on.” She waves her hand in the air.

  I cock my head to the side “In the file. I came across figures that didn’t make any sense. The money is going into health and wellness, but the people it’s delegated to aren’t allowed to use it.”

  “Oh, go on,” Elena says, nodding her head.

  “From the looks of things, this has been going on for the last few months, and no one has caught on to it, until now. I don’t see how, though, because it adds up to a quarter of a million dollars.”

  “Oh, shit, now that’s illegal,” she whispers her hands on her hips. “How are the feds not involved?”

  I shake my head. “No one has caught onto it, I guess.” I take another sip of my drink. “I took it to my department supervisor and told her about it. She told me I didn’t need to say or do anything about it.”

  “Why the hell not?”

  “Well, she told me it could cause a panic that would get me fired.”

  “Oh, she did, did she?” Her eyes narrow. “Well, honey, it goes to show you can’t trust middle or lower management. You know, that bitch is in on it.”

  It’s hard to imagine Mrs. Davis being in on a scheme. “Do you think so? I mean, she’s been there practically forever.”

  “Don’t be so innocent.” She rests a hand against her forehead. “The fact she’s been there so long makes it more likely. They think they can get away with shit like this and brush it under the carpet. I’ll tell you what you do.”

  “What?” I lean toward her.

  “You take the evidence and go to the big boss. You tell him what’s going on, and he’ll sort it out. That way, if anything does go down, you’re not the one responsible for getting anyone fired or investigated. That is another thing. If she’s in on it, you’re going to find a target on your back. They could frame you.”

  A wave of uneasiness washes over me. She is right. I need to take the evidence higher above the management right to the top. I already knew that. It was my intention, but Elena confirming my opinion helps.

  “Now, enough about work.” She grabs my hand.

  If she intends to force some so-called ‘fun’ on me, I will sprint out of this bar. “Yeah, what did you have in mind?” I ask, less than enthusiastically.

  “Don’t give me that tone of voice. You haven’t even heard my idea yet,” she says.

  “Okay, what did you have in mind?” I repeat in a cheerful tone.

  “That’s better, now do you see that scrumptious morsel seated at the end of the bar?” Elena motions to a tall man in his forties. He’s not bad looking, but he doesn’t interest me in the slightest.

  I shake my head. “No, thanks.”

  “I told him I would talk to you for him when you came in,” she says.

  “Ugh, Elena, no,” I reply, bringing her attention back to me.

  “Why not? He’s kind of cute, right?” Elena asks.

  “He’s okay. I guess if you’re into older men,” I say.

  “When will you be ready? It’s about time you got over that jerk, Ted,” Elena says.

  “I’m over him, and I don’t need to get laid to prove it,” I reply.

  “Fair enough, I get worried about you sometimes, is all,” she says, squeezing my hand. “He’s not the only hot guy in the room, though. Some guy in a suit came in a few minutes before you. He’s sitting at the back on his own.” She nods her head toward the back.

  I glance back the way she is looking, and my heart skips a beat. Hot is an understatement if you ask me. The guy she is referring to looks like a male model. He is way out of my league.

  She raises an eyebrow. “Why don’t you say, hello?”

  I shake my head. “No way, he’s out of my league.”

  Her brow furrows. “Tessa, you’re a beautiful woman. He’d be lucky if you approached him.”

  I glance back at him, and his eyes meet mine, making my heart race and my body heat.

  “Go on, what have you got to lose?”

  She is right. What do I have to lose? I give Elena a small nod. “Okay, I’ll speak to him.”

  She squeals and then grabs my hand. “Okay, let me fix you two some drinks.” She busies herself, getting me another cocktail and pouring him a bourbon.

  I glance back at him to find his eyes fixed on me. I can’t believe I’m about to approach a guy in a bar. What if he refuses to talk to me?

  Elena sets the two drinks down. “Get him, tiger.”

  I roll my eyes and then grab the drinks, standing and heading toward him. My heart is beating hard against my rib cage with each step I take. The closer I get to him, the more attractive he is. Suddenly, my confidence is waning, and my whole body is trembling. I consider heading right past him and into the bathroom.

  Then he speaks, “I h
ope you’re coming over here to speak to me.” He flashes me a heart-fluttering smile. His voice a deep and confident baritone.

  Obviously, he noticed I was losing my resolve to approach him and took it into his own hands. I nod. “Yes, if you don’t mind. I saw you were on your own and…”

  He smiles. “Take a seat, what’s your name?”

  “Tessa.” I slide into the booth, setting down his drink.

  He smiles. “Thanks for the drink.” He extends his hand toward me. “It’s lovely to meet you, Tessa. I’m Bryson.” His large hand encases my own and sends a shot of need through me.

  “Nice to meet you too.” I smile.

  This guy can’t be interested in me. He’s far too attractive. He is the most attractive man I’ve ever seen with beautiful, piercing blue eyes. His dark hair is longer on the top and shorter on the sides, and he has the perfect amount of stubble over his jaw. My eyes roam his muscled chest framed in an expensive white shirt.

  “What brings you to this bar tonight?” he asks.

  “I come here a lot. My best friend and roommate is the bartender.” I nod toward Elena, who keeps glancing over at us. “How about you?”

  He takes a long sip of his drink before speaking, “Rough night, not something I want to talk about.”

  I nod and drum my fingers on the table. “What would you like to talk about?”

  He laces his fingers together on the table. “You.”

  Heat floods my entire body, making my pussy wet and drip into my panties. He stares at me with such a hungry, fierce look in his eyes, and his voice melts me.

  “What do you do for work?” he asks.

  “I’m an accounting analyst.”

  He licks his lips, drawing my eyes to them. “Hmm, sexy and smart.”

  The way he calls me sexy makes me heat more. My whole body is on fire right now. No one has ever called me sexy. “What about you?”

  He shakes his head. “I told you. I want to talk about you.” His commanding tone sends a spark of need through me, making my pussy ache.

  I can’t believe how turned on I am, staring into the oceanic eyes of this man makes me want more. He asks me questions about my childhood and where I grew up. I answer him, reminiscing on my happy childhood, even though it dredges up some painful memories associated with Jack.


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