The Complete Quake Series Boxset

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The Complete Quake Series Boxset Page 53

by Jacob Chance

  “Only a few more,” the photographer calls out looking through the lens. Hurry up and take the fucking picture. I’m dying, here. I’m not sure how much more of Josh’s nearness I can handle. We’ve been dutifully posing for pictures for thirty minutes and for the last ten, I’ve been fighting the urge to run away. I’m not sure how much longer I can hold it together with his arms wrapped around my waist and his muscular chest pressed to my back. Add in his warm breath against my neck and I’m completely on edge. Caught between my desire for him and the fear of letting him in, my thoughts wage war inside my head.

  Turn around and lay a kiss on him he’ll never forget, the reckless side of me urges.

  Breathe and relax. This will be over soon; my cautious side reminds me.

  Rational thought prevails, and we’re finally done. I exhale a large sigh as I slip out of his arms and head straight for the bar. I need a drink. Fate must be smiling down on me, when a waiter holding a tray of champagne stops me. I flash him a grin. “You have no idea how much I need this, right now.” He returns my smile and I wink as I grab a second glass. I down the first one in two large gulps and the second one soon follows. Placing the two empty glasses on his tray, I say, “thank you,” before grabbing a third.

  “Elle,” I hear Kenna calling my name as she approaches. “We need to take our seats at the table for dinner.”

  “Great,” I mumble.

  “What’s wrong?” Her brow is furrowed as she studies me.

  “I don’t want to sit next to Josh for another hour,” I answer, honestly. I run a hand over my forehead. “I don’t know what it is about him that irks me so.”

  Kenna smiles knowingly. “You don’t?”

  “Well, I’m sure I can come up with a long list of annoying things he does.”

  “That’s not what I mean and you know it.” She presses her lips together. “You guys remind me of what Derek and I used to be like. The sexual tension between you is thick enough to cut with a knife. It’s hot.” She wiggles her eyebrows.

  I laugh and shake my head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Deny, deny, deny. It doesn’t change anything. The tension is there whether you admit it exists or not. When you two decide to give in, it will be the sex of your life. Take it from me.” She winks.

  I scrunch my nose up and shake my head. “You’re crazy. Joshua Dawson and I will never do anything naked together. Lately, we can barely tolerate each other fully clothed.”

  She pats my shoulder. “Okay, we’ll revisit this conversation at a later date when you can tell me how I called it correctly and how epic the sex was. For now, we need to grab our seats before Janny has a nervous breakdown.”

  Staring down at my prime rib, I do my best not to think about Josh’s muscular thigh which keeps bumping into mine. I’m struggling to do this meal justice. It’s delicious I’m sure, but I’m not even tasting it. It could be cardboard for all I can tell. I’m too distracted by Josh’s arm pressing into mine and his masculine scent that keeps wafting over to me. It smells better than this meal and that’s saying something. I love prime rib which is one of the reasons it’s even an option. Janny added it for me and now I’m not even able to finish it. Instead, I’m merely shifting the meat and potatoes to different parts of the plate.

  “Are you okay?” Josh leans over and asks softly. His warm breath against my ear makes me shiver. It angers me that he has this effect on me.

  “I’m fine.” My answer is short.

  “Are you sure?”

  Why can’t he simply ignore me? It would be so much easier. “Look, I said I was fine. I don’t need you to be your boy scout self and look out for my wellbeing. You’re not going to earn any merit badges tonight,” I say in a bitchy tone and motion with my hand for him to move away as if he’s an insect.

  He chuckles. “I get it. You’re not used to guys who ask how you are or even care.” He grips my chin and turns my face toward his. “What you need to know is I’m not going to change how I act because you want me to. I understand that your expectations of people are less.” His light green eyes narrow and flare with anger. “But I’m not going to be an asshole because that’s all you know. When I ask you if you’re okay it’s not motivated by anything other than concern. I’m a nice person and you’re not going to change me.” He stands abruptly; his chair slides backward with a screech. Throwing his napkin down on top of his plate, he stalks away without another glance.

  Watching him move further away, my stomach sinks. I didn’t mean to be such a bitch to him, but I can’t seem to help myself. These new feelings I have for him go beyond friendship and they confuse me. One moment I want to kiss his masculine lips and the next, I want to piss him off. There’s no rhyme or reason to how I shift unexpectedly from one extreme to the other and there doesn’t seem to be any way to control it.

  Spreading the white cloth napkin over my lap, I think about the words he gritted out at me. Josh is one of the nicest people. He’s respectful and kind to those he cares about and he doesn’t deserve my behavior. Maybe later I can find a way to smooth things over between us.

  Chapter Four


  Why does she have to look so fucking hot all the time?

  Groaning, I knock back another shot of Jack Daniel’s. I will my brain to purge itself of her image. Get out of my goddamn head, Elle.

  Slamming the small glass down on the bar, my fingers clench into fists and squeeze. I don’t have the time or energy to deal with any more of her passive aggressive bullshit. After being subjected to her company and biting remarks at last night’s rehearsal dinner and then again today at Kyle and Janny’s wedding, I’ve had enough of Elle Johnson to last me a lifetime. Her continuous need to insult me at any opportunity has worn out my last nerve. I had to put some distance between us before I snapped and did something I’d regret, like smash our lips together and never let them part.

  Which is why I’m drinking shots at this very moment. I have no plan to stop any time soon - or at least until she’s no longer at the forefront of my thoughts.

  “How you doin’, man?” Derek sidles up next to me at the bar and takes the vacant stool to my right. His eyes track the path of my heated stare. “When are you gonna go for it, dude? She’s yours for the taking - so take her.”

  Shaking my head, I slide the rim of another shot glass between my lips and tip back the cold liquid. It teases a path down to my chest, kind of like Elle does. Only she’s not a cool burning sensation; she’s a fiery ball of destruction annihilating everything in her path. She makes my chest ache and not in a good way. Rubbing my hand over the exact spot, I try to soothe the discomfort only she can cause.

  I’m sick of wanting her and longing for something that will never be.

  I miss the days when we enjoyed each other’s company and things were simple - before attraction got in the way of our friendship.

  Pounding the empty glass down with more force than intended, I watch as it clatters, then wobbles from side to side, before stilling.

  My eyes flick to Derek. “It’s never going to happen and I’m okay with that. It’s time for me to find someone who will appreciate me.” Running a hand over my short dark blonde hair, I study Elle on the other side of the room with narrowed eyes. “She’s never going to see me clearly. She’s too stuck in her preconceived notions of who she thinks I am.”

  Why can’t she see the real me?

  “Ignoring the attraction you guys have, won’t be easy. It’s only going to become more difficult over time. Trust me; I know. Kenna and I danced around each other for seven years before finally doing something about it,” Derek says, before raising his bottle of beer to his lips. He takes a deep pull, swallowing it down before continuing. “We wasted a lot of time - time I wish we could get back because every minute we’re together is a fucking gift. No matter how long we have, it will never be enough.”

  I don’t say anything. Instead, I flag down the bartender and gesture for ano
ther shot for myself and a beer for Derek.

  It’s not like I don’t think there’s merit in what he said. I absolutely do. But all his wisdom’s wasted on Elle. She likes to date guys who use her for sex and treat her like dirt. She’s been this way for as long as I’ve known her and she’s never going to change.

  I could be that guy for her...if she wanted. I could fuck her for days then ignore her every time we saw one another after. But I don’t want that with Elle. I want more, but I’m done waiting for a fantasy to come to fruition.

  I smell the fruity scent of her perfume before noticing her standing beside me at the bar. My stomach rolls and clenches and I’m not sure what’s causing it.

  Is it the deep seated need I feel to have her naked underneath me, screaming my name as my cock slams into her scorching hot pussy?

  Or is it that I can finally admit she and I will never happen?

  My head swivels in her direction and my green eyes slowly trace the delicate lines of her profile, before moving down the long, graceful length of her neck. Her dark hair is up in some fancy arrangement on the top of her head, exposing the sharp lines of her collarbones. The black strapless dress she’s wearing leaves little to the imagination. The top is fitted to her body like a second skin, leaving her full tits on display for my hungry eyes. I can see the deep valley between them and imagining my cock buried there has my teeth clenching.

  Forcing my eyes away from her chest, I notice her narrow waist, the luscious curves of her hips and fullness of her ass beneath the shiny black material. I want to tug that dress up, bend her over the nearest stool and spank her ass until all the disdainful barbs she enjoys slinging my way have disappeared. Then I’d be showing her just how ‘nice’ I can be.

  I find myself powerless to resist the tempting lure of her five-foot six frame. She’s everything I find attractive from the top of her long, dark brown hair all the way down to her red toenails, revealed in her sexy as fuck high heels.

  If I could custom order a woman for myself she’d look exactly like Elle. Every single inch of her is perfection.

  Sensing the heat of my stare she turns to face me. Our eyes lock and both of us are trapped by the invisible tethers of the attraction we feel for each other. When I inch closer, our shoulders almost touching, her eyes flare with desire.

  Resting my forearms on the bar, I focus on her shiny red lips, skimming over their full shape before my gaze raises to meet her warm chocolate brown one. “What’s your poison?” I ask.

  Her pink tongue peeks out to lick the inside edge of her bottom lip. “You...I mean…you want to buy me a drink?” She closes her eyes for a moment and when she opens them they immediately lock on mine.

  “I want to give you whatever you want, Elle.” I say my voice suddenly husky.

  She pauses and then visibly swallows. “What if I’m not sure what I want?”

  “I can help you figure it out.”

  She nervously chews on her bottom lip while her deep brown eyes stare intently into mine.

  “Let’s start with a drink, Elle. What’ll you have?”

  She glances down at my empty shot glasses on the bar. “What are you drinking?”

  “Whiskey. Jack Daniel’s.” I raise an eyebrow. “You want to join me?”

  She presses her lips together and gives a slight nod of her head. Flagging down the bartender, I gesture for a refill and hold up five fingers - three for me and two for Elle.

  This is the first time my eyes have left her since she sat down next to me and I realize Derek has vacated the spot on the other side of me. Scanning the dance floor, I find him with his wife, Kenna. The two of them are focused only on each other, lost in their private moment in the middle of a crowded room.

  What’s it like to be so in tune with someone? To care so deeply for another person the rest of the world could fall away without you noticing?

  I’ll probably never know because I went and fell in love with the one girl who’s completely unattainable. The last thing she’s looking for is an emotional connection.

  The bartender places the shots down in front of us and I tuck a folded twenty inside his tip cup. Sliding a shot in Elle’s direction, I grab one for myself. Tapping her glass with mine I say, “Cheers,” and watch as she downs the golden liquid. Aside from squeezing her eyes shut, she takes it like a champ.

  Smiling at her, I knock mine back. Tipping the empty glass over I slam it down on the bar, adding to the rapidly increasing line of them.

  “What do you think? Have you got one more in you?” Pushing her next shot toward her with the tip of my index finger, I study her beautiful face. Her slightly parted, shiny lips remind me of the one time I gave into temptation and kissed her. Alcohol, anger and Elle are a lethal combination.

  Four months have passed and I can still remember how sweet her mouth tasted. Her lips were so soft and full under mine. At the first touch of our tongues she moaned so sexily it was all I could do not to fuck her against the night club wall.

  I’ve tried to erase that particular night from my mind - goddamn I’ve tried. Unfortunately, my thoughts are more often than not occupied with Elle. Wondering what she’s doing and who she’s doing it with, I drive myself insane.

  “It’s not bad. I kind of like the taste.” She licks her lips, removing the leftover traces of whiskey.

  “Are you ready for another?” Picking up my next shot, I wait for her to do the same. She nods and we both tip them back. Placing my empty on the rim, I slide it toward the rest. “There’s one more. Do you want it?” I ask, enjoying this mellow version of Elle. I’m surprised she hasn’t insulted me yet. Must be the alcohol.

  “No, you have it. Two is good for me.” She smiles and smooths a hand over her hair.

  “Come on. Go ahead.” I lean toward her, holding the glass in front of her lips. I’m not ready for our time together to end.

  Her eyes catch my yearning ones above the golden liquid. Can she see how much I want her? Never one to back down, she closes her fingers over the back of my hand. One simple touch from her makes me desire so much more. Does she feel it too?

  When her lips close over the edge of the glass, my other hand slides up the back of her neck to cradle her head, holding it in place. The fine hairs on the nape of her neck tickle my palm as I tip the glass back. Watching the alcohol slide into her mouth is the most fascinating thing I’ve seen all day. I swallow with her, imagining the burning warmth of the whiskey on my tongue. When I pull the rim away a drop temptingly balances on her bottom lip. I release the glass and it falls to the bar with a bang. My hand cups her cheek as my lips crash down on hers. My tongue licks up all the remnants of whiskey before thrusting to meet hers. When our tongues collide, she moans into my mouth making my cock solid as fucking steel.

  Her fingernails dig into my shoulders through the material of my tux, pulling me closer. I want them raking into my bare skin as I fuck her senseless.

  My hand leaves the nape of her neck, caressing down the middle of her back, urging her chest tighter to mine. I want to fuse our bodies together permanently. She’s already in my head and my heart.

  My lips leave hers trailing across her warm, flushed cheek to graze the unblemished skin of her neck. Sucking and biting my way down to her collarbone, I dance kisses across the delicate length, then run my nose up the front of her neck, inhaling her delicious fruity scent. I pause when our lips are only a hair’s breadth apart, our passion filled gazes locked. “What do you want, Elle?” I question, her rapid breaths fanning across my lips. “I want to give you whatever you want.” My eyes implore her to say the answer I want to hear...the answer I need to hear, but I’m afraid to hope for.

  “You...I want you.”

  Slipping off the stool, I take her wrist and gently guide her down from her perch. My hands move to her upper arms holding her close. “Let’s go up to my room.” Leaning down, I rub my nose against hers.

  “Yes,” she whispers, staring up at me with those bottomless brown ey
es. My fingers slide down her arms to clasp both her hands. I raise them to my lips one at a time, kissing the back of each, before releasing one.

  “Come on.” Tugging on the hand I’m still holding I take a step backward and let my eyes drink their fill of her in her short black dress. I raise our joined hands above her head and slowly spin her around. She giggles as she turns and my eyes immediately slide down to her heart shaped ass.

  “Hey, you look so beautiful I needed the three hundred sixty-degree view,” I say as she faces me once more.

  “Thank you. That’s sweet of you to say.”

  I step forward, closing in until we’re chest to chest. “There’s nothing sweet about what I want to do to you.” Turning, I walk with purpose, her palm clasped against mine, clearing a path through the crowd of people gathered around the bar. We don’t stop to say goodbye to the bride and groom or anyone else. Both of us are focused on what we know is about to go down.

  Things are about to get ugly in the best of ways.

  When we enter the elevator, I press the button for the tenth floor. I don’t dare look at Elle standing beside me. If I do I won’t be able to control myself. As it is, seeing her reflection in the stainless-steel doors is difficult enough. My eyes glance at the red flashing numbers, eight...nine...ten and the doors slide open. We move down the hall side by side, our hands joined even as I slide in the key card and turn the handle.

  I gesture for her to enter first and I’m close on her heels. We’ve barely cleared the jamb when I kick the door closed and use our connected hands to pull her back against the front of my body. My free hand wraps around her waist and my fingers spread out over her lower stomach. Moving my lips down, I place kisses across the top of her shoulder and up her graceful neck. Both hands raise to her shoulders, spinning her around to face me. Slamming my lips down on hers, I swallow her gasp of surprise with my mouth and scoop her up in my arms. Legs wrapped around my waist, she presses her pussy into my cock while my hands cradle her ass.


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