The Hybrid Princess

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The Hybrid Princess Page 10

by Latrisha Holmes

   “You are not some powerless peasant! Use your gifts girl.” The queen shrieked and her aura flashed a brilliant red that terrified Neala. As soon as the aura came it left, and the queen closed her eyes and stretched her neck.

  “Dear girl, let the earth lift you to your horse.” She said, much more composed. Neala got up trembling and held her palms to the earth and asked for help. The earth responded to her call and rose so that Neala could slide onto the saddle. Then the ground returned undisturbed.

   Queen Roisin brought her horse close, and she grabbed Neala’s cheeks with one hand so she couldn’t turn away.

   “Interesting, your eyes are both as green as emeralds, not a touch of red. Shoot out your flame I want to see your eyes.” Neala was getting the idea that the queen was used to getting what she wanted when she wanted. She obliged and held out a palm of her hand, feeling the heat rise and a fireball exploded from her hand and landed in the field sparking an instant grass fire.

   “There they are, those are the eyes of your mother. Show those eyes when you meet your people.” The queen faked a smile and turned her horse to the east with a quick trot. Neala stole a glance back in the direction her father had gone and with deep regret followed the queen.

   When they were a safe distance away, the queen stopped and turned back to where they came. She held out one hand and a fire creature escaped the queen’s hand. Neala stared at it with freight as the fire took the form of a giant grizzly bear. It rose into the sky and flew in the direction that the warriors went.

   “Don’t worry dear girl, I am calling back my warriors and sending our enemy’s a warning not to follow. I’ve grown rather fond of my new fire animal, after your father stole you from me” She let the bear go on its own and continued to ride. The flame seemed to have a mind of its own and flew to the battle, then with a giant roar it dove into the ground and the entire prairie was on fire. Neala was regretting her decision, this was the most powerful person she had ever laid eyes on.

   As they rode on Neala was too frightened to speak out loud. Whatever power the queen had over Gemma rendered her quiet and docile. She laid her head down on her stallions’ neck and placed one hand on his cheek. She could feel the grey cloud that was fogging up his mind.

   “Can you hear me?” she whispered to the horse. She felt him nod up and down. “Can you talk? I am scared and could use a friendly voice.” Neala stroked the side of the horse’s neck and the horse shook from side to side. “Is it because of her?” Neala said, but she had already guessed the answer. The horse nodded again. She rested into the horse and closed her eyes, letting the tears fall and the horse take her to her uncertain future.

   The queen did not stop or change course throughout the night. When the dawn broke Neala blinked to her new surroundings. For as far as the eye could see the ground was barren. The dirt was so dry that it broke and crumbled beneath their feet. The only vegetation that stood were old shrubs and trees that had been long ago scorched black. She had never seen such a lifeless place.

   “Welcome to the Ashen Badlands. It didn’t used to be this way. The great wars have made this place a permanent wasteland. It does however set clear boundaries into Pyre territory. Yes, my dear, you are home.” The queen beamed at her own land. She then stopped and dismounted her horse. “We will wait here for our brethren to rejoin us. Why don’t you explore this great land?” Neala dismounted and looked around. There was a beauty to the land. It was almost peaceful and void of sound. Neala went to the queen’s side, who set some food out on a woven blanket on the ground.

   She took out some hard bread, salted pork, and water for the two of them to share. Neala thanked her and ate, grateful for some sustenance. The queen ate and then took out a bottle of red wine to wash it down with. They sat in silence staring out into the abyss. The queen’s presence both terrified her and intrigued her at the same time.

   “There is a great need for you among our people. We need sustainable food. The ground we have is not suitable for farmland. The tide people have traded seeds, but every time we try to grow, we fail. We have hunting parties that must travel great distances because animals don’t have grazing lands. You will be the savior we have prayed for.” She said, taking another big drink of wine.

   “I am not great at controlling my abilities yet. I set my shelter on fire the other night. I will do whatever I can though.” Neala said staring at the ground afraid to look this woman in the eyes.

   “That will come in time. Practice will hone all your skills, and from what I’ve seen already you have very strong abilities. That cat of yours for instance, it is a large animal for you to control on your first time.”

   “Oh, I don’t control her, she is my friend. She stays with me because she wants to. I raised her after we killed her mother.” Neala said.

  “Gemma.” She called and the big cat trotted over and flopped down next to Neala scattering dust about. Neala touched the cat’s fir and focused on the grey fog that surrounded her and washed it away. Gemma swayed back and then growled at the Queen.

  “It is ok, don’t draw attention to yourself.” Neala said silently to her friend and Gemma lay still by Neala but never took her eyes off the Queen.

   “You can speak to her? That must be your Terra side. Have you been able to make people do or feel things yet?” the queen said, cocking her head to the side as she watched for Neala’s answer. She blushed and nodded. “Excellent.” The queen said, smiling into her cup.

   “Royal Pyre, myself included, can make people do things we want if we can touch their skin. But, I can also change their mood just by projection, it can come in handy. Pyre may not be as powerful as the Terra, but we are much more cunning.” The queen said and continued her meal.

   A little while later Neala could see dust rising into the sky from a distance. As they drew near, she could see two men on horses. Two wild looking, shirtless men came riding full force towards them. Their long-braided hair whipping around as they rode hard toward them. As they got closer, she could see one of them men had salt and pepper hair and looked to be her father’s age. The other one looked like he could’ve been the same man just years younger.

   The older man jumped down first. Not much taller than herself, but he was battle hardened with scars that crossed his face from eye to chin. His bare chest revealed scars that continued throughout his torso. The same dark red Pyre eyes observed Neala.

  When he reached the Queen’s feet, he bowed down onto one knee, crossing his arms over the other. He stayed down like this until she spoke.

   “Only two of four remain. I am saddened by their sacrifice but see here it was not in vain. This is the Princess.” The queen said, holding her arm out. The man looked up at her still on one knee and placed an arm over his chest.

   “My Princess.” The younger man hopped down from his horse and knelt by the side of the older man and mimicked the gesture.

   “Rise my brave warriors. Do we need to make haste to the castle, or do we have time for rest?” The queen said.

   “The Terra have retreated. King Kendrick went south with that son of his.” The younger man said, he snarled when he said son.

   “South is not where their lands are and ours is to the east. Dear girl, what is south?” The queen said, looking at Neala. Neala felt a strange sensation and saw that the queen’s aura had changed to green. She felt a pull to tell the queen about the map, the beach, and their plan. She mustered up the strength to keep the secret hidden.

   “I heard my father talking to Queen Deanna about a meeting. Maybe they are rallying with the Avians.” Neala offered trying to sound as if she followed the Queen’s silent command. The queen stared at her for a while. Neala did not know if the Queen’s abilities were like hers and feared she could see her aura too. The Queen broke contact and turned to her soldier.

   “We had better be going. The Avians are weak, but right now, we are not at full force. We must reach the walls wh
ere we are impenetrable.” The queen said and her dutiful subjects nodded.

   Neala looked at their poor horses, nostrils flared, they looked like they may falter at any minute. She knelt on the ground in front of her own horse and put her hands on the ground. She closed her eyes focusing on the lush grass at home, praying that there was enough life on this earth to work. The dirt vibrated under her hands and when she opened them, there was lush green grass beneath her entire body. She smiled at her work. She turned to find her Pyre company was just as impressed.

   After the horses had a quick bite and some of her leftover water, they were back on their way. She pondered about her father and brother. They had said they were together. Maybe they would be out to get her now thinking she turned traitor. Or, maybe he had convinced her brother she was good. How sad he would be when she was not at the rendezvous point.

   She rode on with her new companions in the blazing sun. She marveled at the fact that she could not feel the heat bearing down on them, it felt like any other day. She always hated waking up freezing cold or sweating in the sun. Now she seemed to be immune to any changes in the weather. One thing she was thrilled for in her new Pyre powers. There was an excitement wondering what other unknown abilities she has yet to discover.

   It was almost dawn before she saw a glimpse of their destination on the horizon. It looked like a giant lake from afar, but it seemed impossible for there to be any water in these wastelands. As they rode closer, the vision became clear and could see it was a wall of blue flames 20 feet tall surrounding a giant fortress. It was a true castle; one she heard about in Della’s if fairy tales. Except instead of being surrounded by water it was bright blue fire.

   There was a horse stable outside, so they brought in the horses and settled them in for the night. Neala gave her stallion an extra hug and patted him. She walked trembling to the Queen who was waiting for her at what Neala could only assume was the entrance. Neala looked up at the wild looking flames and with no other obvious way of getting through to the other side, she had to trust the Queen.

   “Sound the trumpets. Let the village know that the princess is home. We will be in soon.” The Queen said and Neala watched in horror as the two men bowed and walked straight into the flames. “They cannot hurt you; you are Pyre. Fire fuels our soul and therefore cannot hurt us.” She said at Neala’s reaction.

   “I have a lot to learn from you my Queen.” Neala said, giving a curtsey.

   “Oh, dear child, call me mother.” With that, the Queen held out an arm for her daughter and together they walked through the flames.

  Chapter 13

  The Welcoming Party

   Whatever Neala was expecting would be behind those flames they were nothing compared to what she saw. She saw a high symmetrical stone wall. In the middle a door stood open, made of sturdy oak, that arched high above their heads. Hundreds of daemons were already surrounding the entryway. They lined daemons of all ages up to cheer the arriving party. They reached for Neala and shouted to her as they walked through. The Pyre were as different from her old tribe as they could be. All the adult daemons had the same ruby eyes as the queen, and they were all rail thin. But, they were diverse in all other ways.

   Neala’s hand was shook and kissed more times than she could count, and little black-eyed children ran alongside them laughing. Her mother led the way up a platform so they could see all the people. They lined the platform with more shirtless warriors, she could see them lined up along the wall, as well as in the turrets of the castle and on the upper levels.

   “Daemons of the Pyre, I give you our long-lost princess, Neala.” The queen said as the crowd’s applause and screams rose louder and louder. The queen held out her arms for silence, which they obeyed.

  “This is my daughter, the one they stole from us. My blood runs strong through her veins. She is Pyre through and through, but with the Terra gifts she will save us from this famine!” The crowd erupted with cheers and applause. It died down when the Queen raised her hand for silence.

  “This means we will set forth our sustainable crops and thrive once more. And the power of the Pyre will grow strong once again.” This must’ve been the cue they were all waiting for because the castle walls erupted with cheers and screams and the queen let them echo throughout.

   The queen arm in arm with Neala again led her for a tour of the grounds. The main area that Neala saw as she first came in went all the way around the grounds. There were small huts all throughout that had various animals and food. Some of them also housed families. The entrance to the castle had a main hall with lots of tables and chairs and a large stage for entertainment. There were dozens of different paths to take to different rooms.

   “You will have plenty of time to explore as you wish. Most of the rooms on this floor are the rooms of the daemons on my staff and help throughout the castle. The rest of the village is housed outside. The second-floor rooms are for the infirmary, school, a loom for weaving cloth and such. The third floor is for my warriors and their families, we must keep them close. The rest of the levels are for the royal families to do as they wish. I keep the topmost floor to myself; you’ll understand. But there is plenty of room beneath for you and your sister.”

  The Queen said, still walking across the entrance hall. Neala had stopped dead and let go of the Queen.

   “I have a sister?” Neala said in a whisper. The queen turned with a half-smile on her face.

   “Yes, you have a sibling. Do you think I would let your father rob me of the royal lineage when you took you? Did you think I would let him destroy the Pyre by not bearing anymore royal children? I needed a suitable name for the crown before those savages came for my head.” The anger pulsed from the queen again.

   “I am sorry, mother. I did not mean offense. I am delighted to learn I have a sister.” Neala said, trying to dispense the anger now directed at her.

   “She is not like you. She is small and timid, not at all worthy of the crown. One of the other obvious reasons to get you back home. Maybe you can be a better influence on her than I am.” The queen said and held out her arm for their continued journey.

   The castle was bright with all the fires that burned. It was also dusty and dry, nothing like the wet mossy environment she was used to. The walk up to the royal levels was long and tiring. When they reached the fourth floor, the queen led her to a room to the right. When she opened it, she couldn’t believe her eyes? There was a four-poster bed with intricate Terra designs on it. It was a full feather bed with red silk sheets. There was a large wardrobe with silk dresses. And a shelf with tiaras and jewels that she had never seen before. At the window stood a tube for her baths. She had never taken a rightful bath before.

   Neala walked around mesmerized that this was hers. She touched the bed afraid to get in it due to her dirty state.

   “There was once a time when Terra and Pyre worked together. They built this castle and much of the furniture. That was another time. You have had quite the journey. I will send up your own personal handmaid who will help you bathe and dress. Take this day to rest and recoup, tomorrow we need to feed this village.” And with that, she disappeared.

   Neala set her bag down and walked around the grand room. She touched all the furniture, the bed and clothes almost afraid that it was not real. A place that embraced her for who she was and treated her like actual royalty. She felt like she could breathe for the first time in her life.

  “Not too shabby is it?” She said to Gemma. The cat circled the room rubbing her sent on it all.

  “If we were not surrounded by an evil Queen, I could get used to it.” She said, finding a comfortable spot to stretch out.

  “We do not know she is evil. There seems to be two sides of her. I just don’t know which one is stronger.”

   A knock on the door brought her back to reality, and Gemma let out a low growl. A young woman walked in keeping her eyes on the floor. She had short curly blonde hair t
ied back and looked disheveled like she had been on her feet all day. When she came within a few feet of Neala, she bowed and then went straight to the tub filling it up with buckets of boiling water. Neala watched as she put in flower petals, oils, and a milky substance. The room was soon aromatic as a field of blooming flowers. When the tub was full, the girl placed her hands in and Neala saw steam rise from the water.

   The woman walked over to Neala and motioned for her to get in the bath. The woman acted as if she did not speak. Neala focused on her aura, which was a dark grey, something she hadn’t seen before.

   “I am very capable of giving myself a bath, thank you for the help.” Neala said as she watched the woman nod and then hurried to the closet. She laid out a beautiful red silk nightgown and then bowed out of sight. That encounter and being waited on made Neala uncomfortable, she was too independent for a shadow to follow her around.

   Neala took off her dirty warrior suit and slid into the hot bath. Neala let the water sink into her muscles and relaxed back. The aroma was intoxicating as she washed away the dirt and grim. Her skin soon shone, and her hair was back to its vibrant red again. She climbed out of the tub, drying on and stepping into the silk nightgown. It felt like heaven on her skin.

   Laying back on the feather bed, she fell asleep as soon as her eyes closed. That night the same dream came back but instead of the evil ugly monster that haunted her dreams, a beautiful Pyre Queen with red eyes. She approached the podium with the entire cheering village and then opened her mouth and a fire dragon appeared and incinerated the whole crowd. She woke up with a start, drenched in sweat, and saw that she was not alone in her room.


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