Chase the Storm

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Chase the Storm Page 14

by Geri Foster

  Snooky pouted, rubbing his injured leg. “We still don’t have that thumb drive. We’re right where we started, except now we’re both wounded and half the gang is gone.”

  “Wounded but not dead. I’m not giving up on getting that piece of evidence. I know that lawyer has it and I’m going after it, I don’t care who I have to kill.”

  Marcus woke early, his gaze gently caressing Kendall, sleeping soundly. He smiled and made his way to the bathroom to dress for the day. Finished with his daily routine, he kissed her gently then left, careful not to wake her. Kendall had set her phone alarm for later, when her first customer was expected for the day. He hoped nothing came up to screw with their timing. Lucas had to know what the thumb drive contained.

  They had agreed to meet at Gert’s Diner later in the afternoon. Calvin, his geek buddy, would be there. Lucas planned to also join them. Since he had several things to do before dealing with Calvin, Marcus headed off to work.

  He planned on locking the thing in his safe for fear someone might break in and try to take it. As potential evidence, he had to take precautions. They wanted nothing more than to deliver it to the Attorney General and put the person responsible behind bars.

  He personally wanted Bobby Joe to spend a considerable amount of time in prison as well. Away from Kendall and out of their lives. He’d pay a fortune for that to happen.

  He arrived at his office to find Lucas waiting. “You have breakfast yet?” the Sheriff asked.

  “No, and I’m starving. Gert’s?”

  “I’m in the mood for donuts. How about Fred’s?”

  “I’m game for just about anything,” Marcus said, turning to head back out the door. He passed his secretary on the way. “If Farris comes early tell him to wait, I won’t be long.”

  She nodded sleepily. He loved her to death and she had always been good at her job, but the poor girl suffered from insomnia and some days were really difficult for her.

  Lucas and Marcus hit the bright morning sun and walked from his office to the place that sold the best donuts between Rainwater and Dallas.

  The bell rang overhead and tall, skinny Fred came around from the back of his shop. “Mornin’ boys. You want coffee?”

  He was already in the process of filling their cups when he asked. They’d been coming here since they were old enough to scrounge up enough money to pay for a donut. The place brought back lots of memories, all of them good.

  “I’ll also have a couple of glazed,” Lucas said, reaching in his pocket for money. “And Marcus will have his usual, plain old cake.”

  “Two?” Fred asked.

  Lucas nodded his head. “He never changes.”

  Marcus cleared his throat. “You’re one to talk. You’ve been eating the same kind of donut since you were six.”

  “At least I like something besides a boring cake donut. It’s like eating cake without frosting.”

  “I like to dip them in my coffee and I don’t want any frosting in my coffee, if you don’t mind.”

  They took a seat where they could both watch the front of the store. It was a quiet Tuesday, without much going on. People tended to stay inside because of the heat. And today promised to be a scorcher.

  Lucas leaned closer. “You still have the thing?”

  “Yes.” He nodded toward his briefcase beside the chair. “Right in there. I was going to put it in the safe at work but, for now, I won’t let it out of my sight. Way too important for that.”

  “And you have this guy lined up solid?”

  “Yes, he’s reliable. Used to work for the NSA.”

  Lucas’s brow wrinkled. “What happened?”

  “He didn’t like spying on Americans and decided to set up his own shop. Repairs computers and phones. Does pretty well, but it doesn’t come with the benefits of working for the government.”

  “I’d say not. Takes a lot for a guy to walk away from something like that.”

  “What’s right, is right. That’s his motto.”

  “Can’t say I blame him. I hate politics.”

  “Anyway, he’s the best I know. I used him once for a case. It was white collar crime and the guy had everything hidden on his laptop. Took Calvin less than an hour to find everything. The client went away for ten years.”

  “Sounds good. I just want you to be careful with the evidence. If we lose it, we’ve lost the whole case.”

  “I’m being careful. I have a vested interest in this. I want Bobby Joe out of Kendall’s life and this just might do the trick.”

  “It could. I can tell you, the AG is going to be really mad Bobby Joe held on to this when they worked overtime to find out who killed the District Attorney only to wind up empty handed for the past six years.”

  “I know, after all this time. Bobby Joe is going to be facing some hard time.”

  “And he should.” Lucas averted his gaze. “Remember when he was a friend?”

  “I remember when he was a good guy who was a little on the wild side, but nothing serious. I’ve often wondered what turned him bad. He had a lot going for him in the looks department.”

  Lucas laughed. “He had that all right. I think Kendall really loved him at one time, but he ruined that with his craziness.”

  “Yeah. I’m sorry that she went through that, but I can’t say I mind being given a second chance to let my feelings be known.”

  Lucas patted him on the back. “Don’t worry, buddy, she’s not one to shop around a lot. I think she understands that you love her and you’re nothing like Bobby Joe.”

  Marcus wiped his brow. “I sure hope so. It seems that way right now, but she’s had a lot to overcome.”

  “You two spend the night at your place last night?”

  “Yes.” He scowled. “And don’t ask anything else. It’s none of your business.”

  Lucas leaned back and shook his head. “Hey, I only asked where you spent the night. I’m concerned for the thumb drive. I don’t want details.”

  “Good, because you’re not getting them.”

  Lucas held up his finger as the bell above the door rang. “Now, Rachel is another story.”

  They both watched as Lucas’ soon to be wife came in the door smiling. “Hi you two. I came by to get me and Kendall coffee and donuts. I have a hair appointment in ten minutes.”

  “Good,” Lucas said. “Marcus and Kendall stayed at his house last night.”

  Her eyes widened with delight and Marcus groaned. “Thanks pal.”

  “Don’t mention it, pal.”

  James drove into Rainwater and went straight to the beauty shop. A guy at the gas station said Kendall Cochran owned The Hair Pin Beauty Salon on Main Street. He hoped she’d be there and alone. They had plans for her.

  “You want to kidnap her?” Snooky asked. “But have you considered where you’re going to take her?”

  “I might kill her before I make it to the city limits. She tells me where I can find the flash drive, or she’s dead.”

  “And what about that lawyer and the Sheriff?”

  “I’m not worried about them. It’s her I want. And if I have her, I have what I need. If I threaten to kill her, they’ll turn over the evidence without a single shot.”

  “I hope you’re telling the truth because I’m honestly tired of all this gun play. We never used to do business like this. We always worked undercover. Hell, now we’re everywhere.”

  “Don’t worry. I have this under control. I snatch her up, call the Sheriff and give him an ultimatum. It’s that simple.”

  “And you think he’ll do what you want without a fight?”

  “I think he cares enough about that beautician to do what’s right. He’s not going to want a woman’s death on his conscience. Not from what I’ve heard of him.”

  “Why don’t you just get the lawyer or Sheriff and make them tell you?”

  “Neither of them will talk. I can tell you that. If they’re willing to stand in the middle of the street and shoot at us, why just give us the
thumb drive?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “The girl is incentive. I have her, they’ll give up the evidence. Then we’re on our way to California. I want out of Texas. Too much law and order for me.”

  Snooky turned and gazed at him. “California? Since when did you decide that? We never talked about moving our operation to the West Coast.”

  “I’ve been thinking about it for a long time.”

  “Well, I ain’t. I don’t want to move. My whole family lives here.”

  James snarled at his partner. He didn’t like his judgement questioned. “Since when does your family mean so much? You don’t even visit them. Hell, you’ve spent every Christmas with me and the gang.”

  “Well, as close as we are I just figured we’d discuss a move like this before you made plans and all.”

  Little did Snooky know, James had no intention of taking him. No, he’d stay here where he belonged.

  Kendall saw Rachel standing outside her shop with a tray of coffee and donuts. That certainly brightened her day. She didn’t have time to run to Fred’s and thankfully Rachel had been thoughtful enough to provide breakfast.

  Unlocking the door to her beauty shop, Kendall smiled and inhaled deeply. “You are a woman after my own heart.”

  “I certainly am.” They walked inside and Rachel held out the tray. “This is a bribe.”

  “Why?” Kendall asked. “Just give me the coffee and I’ll tell you what you want to know.”

  “I heard from a little birdy that you and Marcus spent the night together last night.”

  “We did.” Kendall took the cup from Rachel’s hand. “Who told you?”

  “Lucas and Marcus were at Fred’s when I stopped by. My fiancé mentioned it.”

  Kendall didn’t think Marcus the kind of guy to kiss and tell. “And who told him?”

  “Not Marcus. Well, not intentionally. Lucas asked where you guys spent the night because he was concerned for your safety. Marcus only said you two were at his house last night. No details.”

  “Good, I’d hate to think he blabbed. I mean, it is private.”

  “Yeah, like how private I tried to keep mine and Lucas’ business? You wanted to know every single detail.” She pointed her finger. “And I mean everything. You were relentless.”

  Kendall lifted her chin. “I admit I was, but you two were so blind to your own feelings. I mean, you absolutely refused to admit how much you loved him. And you know, I was stuck in the middle. Both of you are my friends. So, I figured you owed me.”

  “Okay, that’s a given, but give me a hint.”

  “No, I won’t. We had a beautiful night and I’m not going to jinx it by telling you every, little, intimate thing that happened. A girl has to have a few secrets.”

  They laughed and Rachel sat in the chair for Kendall to do her hair. “So, last night quite a fight took place at your apartment complex.” Rachel turned to look in the mirror. “I’m glad no one on our side was hurt.”

  “My apartment was shot up pretty bad. Later today I’m going to go clean up a little.”

  Rachel grabbed her hand. “I’m just glad you’re okay. You all could’ve been killed.”

  “I know, and I really laid into Grandma Hope for showing up with her shotgun.”

  Rachel stilled. “What? Are you kidding me? She was there?”

  “Yes, and she even managed to take out one of the bad guys.”

  Rachel put her hand on her chest, her mouth wide. “I don’t know what to say. Those three sisters are insane. What on earth are we going to do with them?”

  “Leave them alone. If you get too close, they bite. I mind my own business when it comes to them. Besides, I’m one of the few people in town not related to one of them.”

  “Marcus is. If you marry him then you’ll be too.”

  Kendall shook out the plastic cape and draped it in front of Rachel, then led her to the hair washing sink. “I’m not counting that far ahead.”

  “Oh, sure.” Rachel eased in the chair and leaned back. “I know you Kendall. Don’t tell me your thoughts haven’t gone there. You wouldn’t have spent the night at his house if it wasn’t serious.”

  “I’m pleading the fifth.” Kendall squirted shampoo on Rachel’s hair and lathered up the suds. She hoped Rachel would change the subject, but she was stubborn as a bulldog. “I’ll only say, we’re a long way from the altar.”

  “So you say.” She grabbed Kendall’s wrist, bringing her movements to a halt. “Maybe we can have a double wedding. Wouldn’t that be great?”

  “No,” Kendall said flatly. “You’re getting married in less than three months. I’m not in that big of a hurry.”

  “But just think of all the fun we’d have. Picking out wedding dresses, the cake, the music, the flowers.”

  Kendall put her wet hands on her hips. “That’s not my idea of fun. Besides, we’d have to put up with the grandmas. If I marry Marcus, we’re eloping.”

  “You wouldn’t dare. The whole town would have a fit. Not just the three grandmas. I’m warning you. Don’t even think of it.”

  “Do me a favor and let’s stop talking about weddings and all that stuff. Marcus and Lucas have a lot on their minds right now. We’re meeting a guy later today to find out if there is anything on that flash drive we got from Josh.”

  “Oh, can I come?”

  Kendall thought for a few minutes as water dripped off Rachel’s hair and ran down the cape, making a puddle on the floor. “I don’t know. You’ll have to ask Lucas. I’m lucky they asked me. I think the only reason they did was because I had possession of it at one time.”

  “Shoot, I’m so curious.” Rachel relaxed and leaned back so Kendall could finish washing her hair. With the towel wrapped around her head, Kendall led Rachel back to the barber chair.

  “What are you wanting to do today?” she asked. “Anything drastic?”

  “Not before the wedding. Just a trim.”

  “Coward,” Kendall taunted. “You should color it purple.”

  “Not on your life. My mama would have my head in the kitchen sink before dinner. You know how she is. Me and this wedding better be perfect.”

  “Yeah, you’re lucky your mom can handle most of the stuff.”

  “With my dad still in prison, it gives her something to do. Something she really likes. Between her and Grandma Faith I only have to nod or shake my head. That’s all they want.”

  “So, no opinions?”

  “None yet, but I’m holding out hope that there will be something at the wedding that’s my idea.”

  “You’ll be so happy to be married to Lucas, you won’t care.” Kendall winked at her through the mirror. “And you do have the honeymoon. They won’t have anything to do with that.”

  Rachel smiled. “True. We’ll be in Hawaii basking in the sun.”

  Kendall sighed. “How romantic.”

  “It is, I can hardly wait. I’m just surprised my grandma hasn’t raised too much of a stink over me staying out at Lucas’ ranch. I expected a battle over that.”

  “No, I don’t think Lucas would allow that. He’s got you back after eight years. He would never let you go.”

  Rachel beamed brightly. “I do love him so much.”

  “I know.”

  “So, how busy is your day? Time for lunch?”

  “I have two more after you. Ed Forrester, from the trucking company your daddy used to work for, his wife, Betty, is coming in. Then you’ll never guess who’s getting her hair done.”


  “Nancy Wigan.”

  “Really? I can hardly believe that. She was so instrumental in my dad’s case.”

  “Yeah, I’m glad she’s moving out of the fifties.”

  “Poor girl. I really like her.”

  “Me too. After her, I’m meeting Lucas and Marcus. When we finish, Candi has an appointment. She’s getting a cut and highlights.”

  “I really like her, too, and that makes me hate Aaron. I’d love t
o see him get what he deserves.”

  Kendall would too, but Bobby Joe taught her the hard way that life isn’t always fair. Not when it came to guys and girls. Aaron had gotten Candi pregnant then denied he was the father. What a coward. But, she suspected his father had a lot to do with that. He was a widower and he only had Aaron. Kendall imagined old man Travis had high hopes for the perfect woman his son would marry.

  Too bad for everyone concerned. Candi had a wonderful five-year-old boy who she simply adored. Kendall was glad Candi didn’t want Aaron in his life. If he were smart, he’d leave her alone. But, much like Bobby Joe, he never did.

  “I like Candi, too, and she’s way too good for Aaron Travis. I can’t stand that lying dog. The whole town knows Tyler is Aaron’s son.”

  “Absolutely correct. I’m surprised Grandma Faith didn’t shoot him with her shotgun. I still don’t put it past her. That boy did her granddaughter wrong. The whole town thinks so.”

  “I’m calling Lucas when we finish to see if he’ll let me join you guys at Gert’s Diner.”

  Kendall shook her head. “You know better.”

  Chapter 16

  The day couldn’t crawl any slower to Marcus. It seemed the clock hands didn’t move at all. He wanted to be at Gert’s Diner now and he wanted to know what that thumb drive held.

  His last client left, and he had to do a web search about the case when his secretary, Helen, came in. She had several letters he wanted sent out in her hand, waiting for his signature. She sat in front of him. “If it’s okay, I’d like to go home early. I’m exhausted.”

  “I don’t have a problem with that. Only thing is I have an appointment at two. When I get back from there, you’re free to go.”

  Helen smiled and stood. “Thanks boss. I couldn’t sleep last night if my life depended on it. I don’t know what to do about this insomnia. The doctor wants to put me on pills, but they make me so groggy the next day.”

  “Have you tried alternatives? There is no lack of things at the drug store to take to help you sleep.”

  “I know, but nothing helps.” Helen tapped her fingers on her chin, deep in thought. “Maybe I should get a night job. Something from midnight to eight. That way, I could sleep all day.”


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