Taming a Wicked Rake

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Taming a Wicked Rake Page 8

by Andresen, Tammy

  He bloody did but he wouldn’t be getting any. He’d give anything to crawl into bed next to Maddie. Hold her in his arms and know that nothing would happen to her.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Maddie left the house in the early morning hours, sneaking out the back door by the kitchen. Since Maddie never rose this early, it would be hours before Mary discovered her absence. Getting by cook had been a bit of a trick, but she’d done it in the end.

  Delaney’s note crinkled in her pocket. The man had demanded two hundred pounds in exchange for his silence. She was to bring the money to Westland Park at half past ten in the morning and meet him under the great oak tree. In return, he’d give her back all the correspondence she’d written to do with as she saw fit. He’d warned that she needed to come alone or he’d expose her.

  She felt her other dress pocket, where a small pistol softly bumped her leg as she walked. It was risky, meeting him alone, so she needed the protection the weapon would provide though she hoped not to have to use it. But she’d caused enough scandal with her family and the letters would only bring more.

  She’d taken all the precautions she could, even leaving her brother a note informing him that if she weren’t back by lunch, Delaney was the man to seek out. She could only pray Bar didn’t find the note too soon.

  She clutched a satchel. Before her meeting at the park, she needed to visit the pawn shop on Drury Street. She hadn’t enough pin money so she’d no choice but to sell a sapphire necklace and earring set her mother had given her. It pained Maddie to part with them, but she couldn’t very well ask Bar for the money and she’d not involve Adam any more than she already had.

  Her heart twisted in her chest. Why did Adam need to go and ruin everything? Why did he have to prove her right that women were better off relying on themselves?

  But she pushed thoughts of him aside. He was a problem for another day. She turned the corner onto Drury and halfway down the street entered the pawn shop. It took near a half hour to complete the transaction, but she managed to make enough to pay the two hundred. But it was getting close to her appointment time as she rushed down the street. If she didn’t hurry, she’d be late.

  Lifting her skirts, she found the entrance of the garden. Two men stood nearby giving her a long, hard stare.

  Drawing in a deep breath, she hurried past them. Despite her anger with Adam, she suddenly wished he was there. Much as she hated to admit this, there were times when a man’s strength came in handy.

  Spotting the large oak tree, she rushed toward it, wanting this whole business completed.

  Perhaps she’d even pay a visit to Adam after this. Fear had a funny way of putting her anger in perspective and Bar’s words came back to her. Mayhap, he needed her help sifting through his feelings.

  “There you are.” Delaney stepped from behind the tree in front of the path, causing her to stop short.

  Her heart beat wildly in her chest. “Here I am,” she answered, standing several feet away. “And I’ve brought the money. Where are the letters?”

  He pulled out a large bundle from his jacket. “I have them. But I also have a counter offer.”

  “No counter offers,” she said just managing to keep the tremor from her voice. This had been a terrible idea. “I’ve met your demands. Let’s be done with this.”

  He took a half step closer and she stepped back. “Stop moving,” he barked. “Or you won’t get your letters, and this will be for nothing.”

  She stilled, her feet spread, with one back. “Toss me the letters and I’ll toss the money at the same moment.”

  “Madeline,” his voice dropped as though he intended to be soothing. His attempt at intimacy made her stomach roil. “We’ve lost our way here. Only a few days ago we were discussing a future where we shaped the world together.”

  Nausea made her knees weak. “How could there ever be a future with a man who is blackmailing me?”

  His mouth drew in a hard line. “What’s Kingsley doing? He intentionally ruined you to make a match.”

  She shook her head. “His actions were anything but intentional.” Not that it was any of Delaney’s business and she had no intention of explaining the difference between Delaney’s actions and Adam’s. “But it doesn’t matter. The contracts have been signed. The match is done. Now will you please hand me the letters.”

  “I don’t think so,” he gritted out, showing his teeth and then he lunged toward her. She turned and fled but he was too quick and in a few paces, he grabbed her, tripping her to the ground. She fell hard, the air whooshing from her lungs.

  Before she could recover, he was on top of her. For a wild second, she wondered what he would do but then, a sharp pain wrenched through her skull and the world went black.

  * * *

  Adam took the steps to Lord Devon’s townhouse two at a time then knocked on the door.

  Several seconds passed without an answer and he raised his hand to knock again when the butler wrenched the door open, his face filled with unmasked worry. “Thank goodness it’s you, my lord,” the man said pulling him inside.

  What the devil? The other man, still holding Adam’s arm began speaking in a rush of words. “It’s Lady Madeline. She’s gone and left a note that she was meeting Mr. Delaney this morning.”

  “What?” the single word fell from his lips like a lead ball as his heart hammered in his chest.

  “Who has gone to meet Delaney?” another man asked from behind him.

  “Who the bloody hell are you?” Adam spit as he turned.

  The man stopped. “Detective Jones.” He put his hands up in the air. “And you sir?”

  “The Earl of Kingsley.”

  The man’s shoulders slumped. “Thank the lord. I followed Delaney to a park near the Docklands. I managed to just catch him driving a carriage out of the city.”

  “A carriage?” A coil of tension knotted in Adam’s stomach.

  “What park?” the butler asked. “Not Westland?”

  “Yes,” the detective replied. “And I found the carriage curious too. He never drives a vehicle. Only rides a horse.”

  The pieces fit together in Adam’s mind like a demented puzzle. Whatever Delaney had handed Maddie last night had prompted her to meet him this morning. And he’d bet his entire fortune that Maddie was in that carriage now. “Did you see him at the park? Did you see Lady Madeline?”

  The man paled. “Lady Madeline? No, of course not. Had I thought the lady was involved I would have continued pursuit rather than doubling back to tell his lordship what I’d seen.”

  Damn it all to hell. “What road were they on?

  “North road.” The man clutched at his walking stick. “Sincerely, I never expected the lady.”

  “I’m going after them on horse. How long ago did you leave them?”

  “Less than an hour, my lord.” His words came out in a rush.

  “The moment Lord Devon returns you are to inform him what I’ve done so that he might follow.” He turned to the butler. “Is Harry home yet?”

  “No, my lord.” The butler finally let go of his collar. “He had business to attend.”

  His chest constricted. Maddie needed him and she hadn’t told him about her predicament because he’d pushed her away with his insistence to maintain an emotional distance. Now he might lose her. And his emotions jumbled inside his body like a tangle of ropes, knotting painfully around his chest. He’d have to go alone. With every second that passed, she grew further away, he couldn’t afford to wait. “Fetch my horse then. I’ll leave at once.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Maddie woke to the swaying of the carriage and the certainty she was about to perish. Her head was throbbing in pain as her stomach roiled. Her mouth tasted of foul cotton and as she tried to swipe the flavor away with her tongue, she realized that she’d been gagged. A quick inspection told her that her hands and feet were bound as well.

  Panic made her already throbbing head dizzy as she tried to swallow down
her fear. She had no idea how long she’d been asleep but the lighting in the carriage was dim. Which didn’t mean much. It could be evening or just cloudy.

  There was little noise outside save for the sound of birds and the rolling of the wheels.

  She tried to sit up, but her head hurt too much and spun wildly as soon as she lifted it. But as she lay back down, her forehead bumped along the floor making her headache worse.

  Suddenly her stomach pitched violently, and she was afraid she’d be sick. Wild panic curled in her stomach. With the gag in her mouth, she may very well choke to death. There was only one thing to do. Bringing her knees into her stomach, she kicked out, banging her boots into the side of the carriage.

  “Whoa,” someone called and the carriage stopped. The sloshing of her stomach immediately lessoned once the carriage ceased rocking. Letting out a long breath, she slumped against the floor, allowing her body to relax.

  But she only had a moment of reprieve when the door flew open. “What do you think you are doing?”

  Delaney. He grabbed her hair and pulled. The pain at her scalp momentarily deadened all the other sensation as he yanked her up to sitting. Tears stung her eyes, but she blinked them clear. She needed all her senses now.

  Hooking his finger at the back of the gag, he pulled it down around her neck. “You’ve got ten seconds to tell me why you’re making such a racket.”

  She tried to speak but her throat refused to work. Clearing it several times, she finally managed to push out the words. “I thought I would be sick. I’d choke to death with that gag in my mouth.”

  His lip curled. “We can’t have that, can we?” He leaned in, his eyes travelling down her and over her body. “I’ll say this. You’re a pretty one in addition to being rich. You might even be the woman I allow to make my children. They’ll be comely at least. We can only hope they get my brains. While you’ve got a few good thoughts, you don’t have a lick of sense. Not to worry though, most women don’t. It’s why your foolish ideas would never work.”

  Her breath came in short gasps as she shook her head. She forced her breathing to slow as she straightened her shoulders. “Men like you are exactly why they have to.”

  His hand came down across her face and her cheek exploded in pain. “Listen to me.” He hooked his hand behind her neck and pulled her face close to his. His features were set in hard cruel lines that made her shiver in fear. “You will marry me once we reach Scotland. And tonight, you will share my bed at the inn. If you don’t, you already know what’s coming to you.” And he tightened his grip on her neck, giving it a shake.

  Hot tears trailed down her cheeks as he snapped the door closed again. At least she was sitting up and she didn’t have the gag in her mouth. Though it might have been better if she’d just choked on her own vomit. She’d die before she let that man touch her.

  * * *

  Adam rode his horse until the beast was frothing at the mouth. He’d paid triple the going rate at the last post stop for a fresh horse and pressed on. His ample fee had also gotten him information. A man matching Delaney’s description had been through not a quarter hour before. He was gaining on them.

  He pushed the fresh beast faster. The sun would set soon and he wanted to find Maddie before that. It would become harder in the dark and once they stopped for the night, she’d truly be alone with Delaney.

  Every muscle in his body was taut as a bow string. Adam was going to kill the bastard. Slowly and with great delight. And if Delaney touched her he would make that death last for days.

  The beast beneath him sensed his menacing mood and picked up speed rounding a corner as dust billowed out behind him and quite suddenly in front of him.

  A carriage creaked and groaned just ahead. Squinting into the dust, he recognized the narrow shoulders of Charles Delaney. His lips pulled tight over his teeth and he leaned out over the horse’s neck. The animal responded by moving faster still and as Adam pulled up next to the carriage, Delaney looked back. Adam let out a guttural growl, like a beast about to catch his prey. The man tried to whip the horses faster, but momentum was on Adam’s side and with a decisive blow, he punched Delaney square in the jaw, sending him flying from the seat.

  He heard the thud of the man’s body as he hit the ground. A most satisfying sound, he decided, as he let out a whoop of victory. But this was far from over. He needed to see Maddie for himself and know that she was all right. Drawing further ahead, he grabbed the nearest horse and slowed the carriage to a stop. Jumping from his own animal he sprinted around the carriage, his heart racing in his chest.

  Wrenching open the door, Maddie’s clear blue eyes met his. He’d recognize them anywhere. The rest of her face, however made his ache with pain. Bruised and battered at the hands of that mad man. Panic choked his throat. “Maddie.” He pushed out the words surveying her body for more damage.

  “I’m all right.” Her voice quivered but her chin notched. “At least I will be now that you’re here.”

  Damn right she would be. “I’ll be right back, love.” He touched her bound hands even as his head turned, his gaze spearing the man trying to rise from the dirt. “Will you be fine for just a minute more?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  The gravel crunched under his boots as the cool evening air filled his lungs. He took a deep full breath, attempting to keep his mind clear as he prepared for what was to come.

  Delaney crawled along the ground toward the ditch in a pathetic attempt at escape. “I saw what you did to my fiancée,” Adam slowed his words, his steps. “I need you to know that I’m going to take every bruise on her lovely face out of your skin. Every mark will equal one broken bone. And your fingers…you’ll never wield a pen again.”

  He heard the man whimper and the smell of urine rent the air. The man pissed himself. Good. He was going to break his cock and stuff it into his mouth and…

  “Adam,” Maddie called from the doorway of the carriage. She was on her hands and knees, her head hanging out the door.

  “Yes, love.” He reached Delaney and grabbed him by the hair, pulling the man off the ground.

  “Tie him up and we’ll bring him to town in the carriage. I’d like him to know how it feels to bounce about the floor bound and gagged.” She took a ragged breath. “And retrieve the letters. They’re in his breast pocket.”

  Adam smiled at Maddie. Her words cleared his head and filled him with relief. She was herself. Clever girl. “An excellent idea. Do you have any other revenge in mind?”

  “Yes. Oh yes,” she answered.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Maddie heard Delaney crying from inside the carriage as she sat next to Adam on the driver’s seat, his horse tied behind.

  She was not a vindictive person by nature, but his pain brought her a great deal of satisfaction.

  “What else are we doing to him?” Adam asked next to her.

  Despite the throbbing in her head and the ache in every muscle of her body, she had to smile. “My plot is rather devious.”

  “Oh, that is exciting,” he reached for her hand holding it in his. The large, strong fingers gripped around hers, anchoring her.

  She scooted closer, her head resting on shoulder. Closing her eyes, she sighed with relief to feel his large muscular body pressed to hers. “I’m going to let him rot in prison.”

  He tensed underneath her. “You called me to stop for that? Jail? It isn’t nearly enough.”

  “He’ll lose his position, his freedom, his reputation,” she answered gently. “He’ll have a nice long time to consider his crimes.”

  “Before he hangs,” Adam said, spitting on the other side of the carriage.

  “Hangs?” Did men hang for kidnapping women?

  “You’re not the first woman who’s fallen for his lies, but you will be the last.” His teeth were clenched as he spoke the words.

  “Not the first?” she repeated, her stomach, which had calmed, lurched again. “What do you mean?”

; “Your brother had a detective dig into his past, follow him. It’s how I found you so quickly and he discovered that Delaney has quite the past.”

  She closed her eyes a hand pressing to her stomach. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  He let go of her hand, and slipped it about her waist, his lips brushing her temple. “Why did you go after him on your own?”

  “I would never have done it if you’d told me.” She lifted her head, looking up into his eyes. “This is information I should have known. I do want your protection. I’d be a fool not to, but with information, I could have better protected myself.”

  He gave her waist a squeeze. “You’re right. It is. But I’d like to hear you say that you should have told me about the meeting and allowed me to help you. You didn’t make me your partner either.”

  Maddie winced. He had a point there. “Noted.” She laid her head back down. “I honestly thought I’d involved you enough. And I wasn’t even sure we’d marry—” She stopped.

  “There is no doubt that you will be my wife,” he said as he slowed the horses. The village stood just ahead. “But we will discuss this after we’ve gotten you settled.”

  Weak as she was, she wouldn’t do this with him again. It was time they straightened a few things out. “We will discuss it after I am settled. And there is doubt.” She lifted her head from his shoulder. “I’ll not be your wife just because you’ve said it will be. Just as I wasn’t going to become his simply because he spoke the words. It’s my choice and one of the few rights I am actually afforded.”

  They began riding through the main square of the town. Passing the inn, a few shops, and a set of homes, they came to the end of the square where a large church stood. Just to its left, a general store. Next to that, the local constable’s office.


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