Risking it All for a Lady's Heart: A Historical Regency Romance Book

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Risking it All for a Lady's Heart: A Historical Regency Romance Book Page 28

by Aria Norton


  Freddi had just seen Mrs Blunt off when another maid came hurrying to her.

  “Amelia, why do you seem to be in such a hurry today?”

  “I have come to you, Miss Dunn. I have been told to relate a message to you.”

  Freddi's eyebrows lifted. “A message? What would this message be?”

  “You are to go to the stables, someone is waiting for you there.”

  “Why the stables? Why could they not come to me?”

  The maid shrugged. “I am only following orders, Miss Dunn. Please, do not get me into trouble.”

  “I shall go, but only because I do not wish you to be in trouble. Can you at least tell me if it is a male or female?”

  “No, I was told to tell you nothing but to meet the person at the stables.”

  Who would want her to go to the stables? No one rode horses except Lord Blackmore.

  “How very mysterious this all is. By any chance, has Lord Blackmore decided to finish me off in the stables?”

  Horrified, the maid stepped back. “Miss Dunn?”

  “Goodness, I said it in jest, Amelia. Do relax. Tell me, when am I supposed to go to the stables? Now or at a later stage?”

  The young woman first gave it some thought, her tongue coming out as she was probably trying to remember her exact orders. Finally, she looked at Freddi, distressed.

  “I do not know, Miss Dunn. A time was not given, only that you should go to the stables.”

  “Never mind. I suppose that the person wishes to see me right away. You may return to your work, Amelia, and a word of advice to you: do not take everything so seriously. You might enjoy your work more that way.”

  The woman gave a confused smiled. “Yes, thank you, Miss Dunn.”

  Freddi watched the woman hurry away, sighing. “They seem to grow more foolish every year.”

  Shaking her head, she went straight to the stables. If Lord Blackmore had more words to say to her, she would ask him to keep them to himself. That might mean that he would send her packing straight away, but Freddi had a new lease on life. I feel different somehow.

  As she neared the stables, she realised that they were deserted. Not even the stable hands were present. That is strange, someone is usually always around the stables. Freddi arrived at the point where she would go no further. It was the very same spot where Nash had had his accident, the spot where her life had changed for the worse. Where could the person be? If someone were playing a prank on her, they would be sorry.

  “Hello?” she called out. “Is anyone there?”

  “Come closer, Freddi. Why are you stopping by the doorway?”

  “Nash? What on earth on you doing in the stables? Were you the one that called me?”

  “Who else did you think it would be?”

  Freddi peered inside, still seeing no one. “Where precisely are you?”

  “Come inside, and you will see.”

  But Freddi did not want to venture any further inside. “I cannot, Nash.”

  “Let go of your fear, Freddi, and walk towards my voice.”

  Freddi shut her eyes. “Why have you come here? Why did you call me here?”

  "I want us to rewrite our history. This must no longer be a place of pain but of new beginnings. But that can only take place if you put one step in front of the other. I am with you, Freddi, you know that there is nothing to fear."

  She ran her hands through her hair. It was still loose as she had not bothered to put it up yet.

  "All right, I am coming in. Promise me that no snakes are lurking in the corners?"

  “I have combed through the stables thoroughly, I promise that there is nothing to harm us again.”

  I cannot believe that I am doing this. Freddi drew in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. She did this three more times before she felt able to walk into the barn. She put one foot in front of the other just as Nash had suggested, looking at her feet as she walked.

  “Okay, now look up.”

  Freddi did so, following Nash's voice. There he stood waiting for her with two horses that were saddled and waiting to be ridden. Why is he smiling like that? Does he expect me to jump on a horse?

  “What are you doing, Nash? Why do you have two horses with you?”

  “To ride them, of course. Come, let me help you up.”

  Freddi took a step back. “No, I do not ride horses anymore.”

  Nash let go of the horses' reins, stepping closer to her. “Did my accident affect you so terribly?”

  “You already know the answer to that, Nash. I do not know how it is that you can bear to jump on a horse again.”

  “Because I wish to begin anew, to chase away the nightmares of our past. Freddi, I will allow nothing to happen to you, you have to trust me in this.”

  “It is not about trust, Nash! Do you not get it? Your accident has scarred me emotionally, I was never the same again. How do I just forget what happened here?”

  She took a look around the stables, seeing that it looked much the same as it had done ten years ago Freddi felt him take her hand, bringing it to his lips. She quickly snatched her hand away, holding it to her chest.

  “What, what are you doing, Nash Blackmore?”

  “Claiming what is rightfully mine. Trust me in this, all right? Allow me to put you on a horse and take you to a special spot. I will be with you every step of the way.”

  Biting the inside of her cheek, she opened her eyes slowly. She did trust him, but was her trust for him greater than her fear? They say that love conquers fear, and I love him.

  Freddi nodded her head. “Very well, I will go with you.”

  Being back on a horse was not as bad as Freddi had thought it would be. In fact, it felt wonderful.

  “Are you enjoying yourself?” Nash asked.

  “Surprisingly, yes. I have missed being back on a horse, and I have missed riding with you.”

  “Do you see? I said that nothing would happen to you as long as I was here with you.”

  Freddi looked at his injured leg, surprised that he was able to ride with it.

  “Does it not hurt?”

  “My leg?”

  Freddi nodded.

  "When I am with you, I have found that I do not experience as much pain. Perhaps it is all in my head, but that is the way it is. I just have to look at you, and I feel better."

  Freddi grinned. “What sort of flattery is this? I have never heard of a man being healed by looking at a friend.”

  He looked at her meaningfully. “We are far more than just friends, Freddi. You should know that by now.”

  Freddi looked away, unable to handle the intensity in his eyes. What did he mean by his words? Is he trying to say that he loves me without uttering the actual words? Freddi wanted to hear those three words, so she would assume nothing until he had said them.

  “Let us stop here, this is the spot.”

  She looked around, immediately recognising it. “This is where we were before the...”

  “Yes, I know. Do not think about the accident now, Freddi, it is time to make new memories.”

  Nash got down from his horse, and when she moved to do the same, he stopped her.

  “No, let me help you down.”

  “But your leg!”

  “Is fine. Come, you do not weigh much, but you are considerably heavier than you were ten years ago.”

  "If you continue to speak like that, you might find that I am not all that good-natured."

  “When did I ever say that you were? I know you better than anyone else, Frederica Dunn. Come, see what I have prepared for us, or rather, what I had Cook prepare for us.”

  Freddi allowed him to help her down, still worried that his leg would give out and they would fall. Amazingly, that did not happen.

  “Do you see? I was made to carry you, injured leg or not.”

  Freddi fought the rising heat in her face, but she knew that she was likely as red as a tomato. Nash proceeded to lead her to the very spot wh
ere they had shared their first kiss. It had been their spot before that, but ever since that kiss, Freddi had known it in her mind to be the 'Kissing Spot'.

  “There will be a feast later on today, and you are invited, but I wanted us to have a little something to eat now. We have not had any breakfast yet, so I asked Cook to put together a light meal to tide us over until the feast.”

  “I have been invited to a feast in Blackmore Mansion? I do not believe you. Your father hates me, he would not want to sit anywhere near me.”

  “Never mind father, I want you there, Freddi.”


  “Why not sit first then we can talk?”

  They settled on the blanket, Nash sitting a little too close for comfort. Freddi tried to widen the space, but he would just come closer again. He seems to think that this is a game or something. All right, I will show him that I am not affected in the slightest.

  “What is it that you wished to tell me, Nash?”

  “Congratulate me because I have my inheritance back.”

  Her hand went to her chest. “Oh, thank goodness! I was worried that your father would go back on his word.”

  “No. I think that he is in a good mood which is not a frequent occurrence for my father.”

  “I am truly happy for you, Nash. You have what belongs to you.”

  He shook his head. “Not everything, not yet.”

  “Is your father withholding a part of the inheritance?”

  Nash did not answer but took out a beautiful silk handkerchief and placed it in her hand. The stitching was exquisite, she knew that it had to have fetched a tidy sum.

  "What is this, Nash? It is beautiful, but why are you giving me a handkerchief? Do I perhaps have something on my nose?"

  He laughed. “No, your nose is perfect. You have to open it.”

  Intrigued, Freddi did so, lifting away one folded corner at a time. What she saw resting in her hand was enough to stop her heart.

  “I think that I may have stopped breathing.”

  “Do not say things like that. If you go, I shall follow straight after you. Do you like it? It was my mother's.”

  Freddi's brow puckered, her confusion great. “Why are you giving me your mother's ring? Should you not keep it for your wife-to-be?”

  “Silly woman, I have just given it to my wife-to-be.”

  Freddi's whole body went deathly still. Was he proposing? Is he proposing to me?

  “Tell me what this is,” she breathed.

  Nash got to his knees, took the ring and her hand. “Frederica Dunn, would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?”

  “Wife?” she squeaked.

  “That's the idea. I no longer wish to live without you. Frederica Dunn, I love you with all that I am, and I need you by my side. Will you become mine?”

  Hot tears filled her eyes. “Do you have any idea how long I have waited for you to say these words to me? I despaired of ever hearing them.”

  “But why did you not say so?” he accused. “Why did you make me wait so long?”

  “I could ask you the same thing. You were the one planning to return to France without me.”

  “You would have come with me?”

  She nodded. “Of course. I love you, Nash. I probably always have, and always will. So I suggest that you fit this ring on my finger.”

  He grinned, kissing her hand before sliding the ring on.

  "Perfect fit," she said.

  “In more ways than one. I hope that you are ready to take on my name.”

  She laughed. “I imagine that I was always ready, I just needed you to make up your mind.”

  “Is this made up enough for you?”

  Nash proceeded to give her the sweetest kiss, a brief peck on the lips, but it was enough for her.

  "That is the perfect amount of made up," she said unsteadily.


  Several months later

  Freddi looked at the many flowers in her room. When did Nash have the time to do all of this? She left her bed, sniffing every flower there was.

  “He must have had one of the maids sneak them in while I was sound asleep.”

  Nash had turned out to be one of the most romantic people she had ever known. Apparently, his romantic ways were a result of his daydreaming about what he would do for her once they were reunited again.

  "He must have daydreamed a lot about us, because he is never without surprises."

  Stretching a little, she gazed at her wedding dress, hardly able to believe that she would be married in a matter of hours. Their spring wedding was set to take place late morning, starting with a small ceremony and ending with the bigger celebration that would include the servants. Freddi had insisted that the servants join them because she had been one herself.

  “I suppose that Mrs Blunt now has the news that she was hoping for.”

  What was more significant than a maid set to marry the heir of the very estate she had worked for? Simply put, it was a fairy tale, but it was her own one turned into a reality.

  “My dear, may I come in?” Lady Blackmore called from the doorway.

  “Of course, Mother.”

  That was taking a while to get used to. Lady Blackmore had insisted that Freddi call her mother, as she had always wanted a daughter. From Mistress to Mother, that is a leap. The woman entered the room already dressed, her dress a lovely shade of yellow.

  “You look the perfect picture of spring, Mother.”

  “Truly? That was the look I was hoping for. I have come to help you get ready.” She looked around the room. “I take it that this is Nash's work?” Freddi chuckled. “Who else can it be? If I was in doubt that I was having a spring wedding, these flowers have undoubtedly reminded me of it.”

  “Well, we have a wedding to prepare for. I suggest that we have Amelia draw you a bath with some of these petals inside, and you can have a lovely soak. What do you think about having flowers woven into your hair? You have such lovely honey-blonde hair, I think a few white flowers would look stunning.”

  “A happy yes to all of your suggestions, Mother.”

  The woman clapped her hands. “Perfect! Let us begin- we would not want Nash coming here to find out why his bride was not ready to walk down the aisle at exactly ten o'clock.”


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