Hard Earned Cash: A Dark Mafia Romance

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Hard Earned Cash: A Dark Mafia Romance Page 14

by K. L. Hiers

  Jimmy felt sick as all of his earlier confidence drained away. He left the interrogation room with his head hanging low, staying close to Christine. He ignored all the prying eyes and reached out to open the door for her.

  There, just for a moment, he caught a whiff of cloves.

  Jimmy turned his head quickly, scanning over the precinct. He caught a glimpse of a petite blond man walking into the back with Detective Davis. Jimmy couldn’t be sure, but...

  Charlie was blond. He also smoked clove cigarettes.

  Jimmy’s suspicions were on high alert now, and it was a struggle to talk himself down from the wild accusations popping up in his head.

  The smell of cloves meant nothing. Charlie wasn’t the only person in the world who smoked them. Besides, it made sense for him to be at the police station because he had also witnessed Mr. Waugh’s suicide. He was probably here giving his statement.

  Champignon was just messing with him and leading his brain to these wild ideas.

  “You did well,” Christine said once they were outside. “Just leave that prick Champignon to me.”

  “Thanks,” Jimmy said, his attention drawn to the limo when he heard raised voices.

  Jules and Jerry were arguing again in a broken mix of French and English. Jerry did not sound very happy.

  “What’s up?” Christine asked briskly. “Your face looks like a cat’s ass.”

  “Sorry. Just something Champignon said in there is bugging me. Do you think... do you think he’s been listening in on our phone calls?”

  “I’m sure he has a warrant for them,” Christine replied, “but I know Cold would never use a line he didn’t trust was completely safe.” She seemed to be holding something back, but Jimmy couldn’t be sure.


  “Try not to worry too much,” Christine said, offering a semblance of a friendly smile. “It’s gonna be fine.”

  “Right.” Jimmy tried to smile back. He felt a buzz in his pocket, pulling out his cell phone to find he had several text messages from his father.

  roderick was arrested????

  call me ASAP slugger

  what is going on i love u

  at maurys and he says theres feds??? call me now

  “Well, shit.”

  Chapter Seven

  “What the heck is going on?” David demanded the moment Jimmy walked in through the door of Maury’s pawn shop. “It’s all over the news! I even saw you on there!”

  “I’m so sorry, Dad!” Jimmy urgently began, trying to explain himself as quickly as possible. He didn’t realize how close he was to tears until they were already spilling out. “Everything’s been so fucked up, and I know you were busy working at the prison!”

  “Son, it’s all right!”

  “But Dad, Rod got arrested! The cops? They came and they raided the freakin’ house, and Mr. Waugh, God, poor Mr. Waugh.”

  “Hey, hey!” David quickly pulled Jimmy into a firm hug. “First things first. Are you okay, slugger?”

  Those words took the air right out of Jimmy’s lungs. “No... No, I don’t think I am,” he croaked.

  “Fuckin’ cock-gobblin’ pigs!” Maury’s charming voice bellowed out from the back of the shop. “Tryin’ to get their dick up in my ass business with no dinner, fuckin’ turd-suckin’ bastards!”

  There was a disastrously loud clang followed by several beats of silence.

  David and Jimmy looked at each other quizzically and froze when they heard more aggressive pounding. Everything was quiet for several more seconds before Maury called out, “Oh! Hey, Jimmy! How’s yous doin’?”

  Laughing weakly, Jimmy groaned, “I’m sooo not okay right now.”

  “Sorry, kid. I know it’s been real shitty for yous.” Maury waddled up to the counter, holding something in his hands. It was small, metal, and looked as if it had been smashed repeatedly with a hammer.

  “What the heck is that?”

  “Fuckin’ pigs tryin’ to bug my place,” Maury scoffed. “Can you fuckin’ imagine the damn nerve?”

  “Is it... is it safe to talk here?” Jimmy frowned, suddenly hyper aware that people could actually be listening in on their conversations. He thought back to what Champignon had said down at the station and shivered.

  “Yeah, it’s cool,” Maury said, waving his hand. “I got it all cleaned out.”

  “I’m gathering Roderick is in some pretty serious trouble,” David said, his brow furrowed with concern. “They found a body by his club, and they think he did it?”

  “Yes,” Jimmy said, still hesitating to speak too freely. “There’s a lot of really bad evidence against him, but he’s pretty confident that he can beat it.”

  “Of course he is.” David snorted and ran a hand through his hair. “Only Roderick could be arrested for murder and not be breaking a sweat.” He frowned at Jimmy. “What about this Mr. Waugh fellow? What happened?”

  “He owns—owned—the flower shop,” Jimmy explained. “You know the one we always stop at to get flowers for Mom? It’s that one. He was always so cool with Rod and me. I never had to pay for flowers, not ever.”

  “But he was going to testify against Rod?”

  “Yeah,” Jimmy sighed. “Him and two other people were all going to say that Rod was in a relationship with the dead guy.”

  “That’s a load of shit!” Maury piped up, fumbling with a remote to turn on a small television he had up on the counter. “Marco Luchesi was a fuckin’ pervert kiddy diddlin’ piece of garbage! He deserves whatever Cold gave him!” He cleared his throat. “You know, allegedly and all that shit.”

  “You knew him?”

  “Kid, I’m Maury the fuckin’ Mouth,” Maury said with a sly smirk. “I knows fuckin’ everybody.”

  “Wait!” The gears of Jimmy’s mind were starting to turn. “Would you be willing to testify?”

  “Who? Me?” Maury blinked at Jimmy in surprise. “You wanna get my old ass up in court? I don’t thinks that’s such a hot idea, kiddo.”

  “You would make one hell of a character witness,” David said affectionately.

  “Thanks, but no thanks.” Maury went back to fiddling with the television, shaking his head. “Yous guys can sub-penis me or whatever, but I’m not pokin’ my head up in that mess. Besides, don’t you think if Cold wanted my help that I’d know about it?”

  “Look,” Jimmy said, “we need witnesses to counter the prosecution’s witnesses. They still have two more people that are going to claim Marco and Rod had a romantic relationship and that Rod was like, I don’t know, seducing him or something.”

  “Which is total shit.”

  “Right, but we need someone in court to say that.”

  “Lemme think,” Maury sighed, and he scratched the top of his head, his attention drawn in by the television. He grunted. “Huh.”

  “What is it?” Jimmy looked toward the screen. The sound was muted, but he could see the news was on.

  Maury turned the television so Jimmy could read the scrolling headline, correcting grimly, “Make that one fuckin’ witness.”

  Murder Witness Dies in Prison Riot

  Jimmy read the words, and he immediately felt sick. He knew it had to be Tamerlane; he was still in prison, and this was exactly why. Cold had placed him there to take out the witness. “Christ.”

  “Son, are you okay?” David placed a firm hand on Jimmy’s shoulder. “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t want anyone else to die,” Jimmy said quietly, biting back tears and looking desperately to Maury. “There has to be someone else. Someone who can testify about Marco. Please!”

  Maury exchanged a worried glance with David, stammering, “Lemme, lemme think, kid. I’m tryin’ here. The old brain pan runs dry, you get me? Just... fuck, hang on.”

  Jimmy waited and prayed that Maury’s geriatric brain could spit out something useful. He knew Cold would do anything to stop himself from going to prison, but there had to be another way. That third witness was certainly living on
borrowed time.

  “Okay,” Maury said, slapping his hands on the counter, “there’s a guy. Old guy, used to cook up meth or somethin’ for the Luchesi family. He’s still kickin’ around, but he got all sexually fucked up by Marco when he was short on a delivery or somethin’. Made him pay in trade when he didn’t want to, you know what I mean?”

  “What’s his name?”

  “Ronald Holliford. Now, keep in mind, he’s a career fuckin’ drug dealer. Doesn’t exactly scream ideal witness, kid.”

  “Still,” Jimmy insisted, “he’s someone that was personally assaulted by Marco. The defense needs him.”

  “Jimmy, why don’t you let Cold know and have him handle this?” David frowned, glancing over to the television. “This is getting really dangerous, slugger.”

  “What is it now?”

  “There were four other people killed in that riot,” David replied grimly. “There are many different shades of gray in the world, but I can almost guarantee that those men didn’t deserve to die like that. They probably had nothing to do with Cold or the Gentlemen.”

  “Collateral damage,” Maury added in with a scoff.

  “That’s why I want to go find this Holliford guy,” Jimmy said, gesturing earnestly. “If I can strengthen the defense, then nobody else has to die. This can end.”

  “Son,” David began with a long sigh, “I don’t doubt that Roderick loves you. I wouldn’t have given him permission to marry you if I didn’t. But I do understand what kind of man he is. He will do whatever it takes to beat those murder charges.”

  “He’s better than this,” Jimmy insisted passionately. “Trust me, Dad. There is a better way. This is it. If I can get this guy to talk, I can go to Rod, and I know he’ll listen to me.”

  “Well,” David huffed, “you’re not going to visit some drug dealer by yourself!”

  “No, of course not.” Jimmy grinned. “Maury’s gonna come with me.”

  “Maury’s gonna fuckin’ what now?” Maury glared grumpily at Jimmy.

  “Look, Jules and Jerry will go with us, too,” Jimmy said with a big smile. “You know this guy, right? You can introduce us or whatever.”

  “I don’t fuckin’ think so.”

  “Come on, Maury! Do it for Rod!” Jimmy pleaded.

  “Fuck that big ugly prick!” Maury scowled. “I ain’t doin’ shit for him.”

  “Do it for me?” Jimmy asked sweetly, batting his eyes at Maury.

  “Ugh! Fuckin’ fine!” Maury threw his hands up. “Just quit makin’ that fuckin’ face! You look all mentally irregular twisting your lips up like that. Fuckin’ weirdo!”

  “You’re the best, Maury!” Jimmy cheered. He turned to give his father a hug. “I’ll let you know what we find out.”

  “I still don’t think this is a wise idea, slugger,” David sighed, patting Jimmy’s back. “Promise me that you’ll be safe.”

  “I swear.”

  “I’m gonna head back down to the prison,” David said, his face still creased with worry. “See what I can do to help out down there. I love you, Jimmy.”

  “Love you, too, Dad,” Jimmy said, waving excitedly for Maury to follow him. “Come on, let’s go!”

  “Hold your fuckin’ horses,” Maury grumbled as he turned off the television and came waddling out from behind the counter. “I got one fuckin’ speed, and this is all you’re gettin’ out of me.”

  They filed outside together and Maury locked up, Jimmy saying one final farewell to David before turning to speak to Jerry and Jules. “Hey! So! What if I told you Maury knows where to find a witness that will be a huge help for Rod’s case?”

  “No,” Jules said flatly.

  “Absolutely not,” Jerry chimed in.

  “What? Why?” Jimmy glared. “This could be a huge help. His name is Holliford, used to work for the Luchesis. Look, I already know that Rod has this big master plan—”

  “Then leave it alone, Twig,” Jules cautioned gruffly.

  “Come on!” Jimmy crossed his arms furiously. “This guy could testify that Marco Luchesi was a total freakin’ creep. This is important.”


  “Fine!” Jimmy held his head up high. “We’ll go without you.” He started walking down the sidewalk with no clue as to where he was going, waving for Maury to follow him. “Come on, Maury!”

  “I ain’t walkin’ there,” Maury huffed stubbornly. “We’ll take a cab.” He brushed by Jules, snapping, “Move aside, you fuckin’ gorilla. We got fuckin’ business to handle.”

  “You guys are not seriously goin’,” Jules groaned in frustration. “I got orders. I gotta keep your little ass safe or Cold is gonna be really, really pissed.”

  “Do not give in, Price,” Jerry tutted. “This is a ruse!”

  “Nope! We’re going! Bye!” Jimmy waved, having to slow down his dramatic march a bit so Maury could keep up.

  “So long, suckers!” Maury said cheerfully.

  Jules growled, snapping furiously, “Fine! You two, get in the fuckin’ car. We’ll go talk to Holliford. If he’s got dirt, we’ll take him to Cold. Got it?”

  “Got it!” Jimmy cheered, quickly turning back around and hopping into the limo.

  Maury was panting by the time he joined him, and Jimmy could hear Jerry loudly sighing, “Oh, Monsieur Price, you poor weak-minded fool. Whatever Mademoiselle Queen sees in you, I shall never understand.”

  “Shut up and drive, you ass-licking creep,” Jules growled before shuffling into the back with Jimmy and Maury.

  Jerry mumbled in French before he complied, driving them away from downtown and toward the industrial area of the city. Jimmy didn’t question how Jerry knew exactly where to go. He was too excited that he was going to be able to help.

  If they had their own witness to contest the prosecution’s witness, there wouldn’t be any reason to kill him or her.



  Shit. Doubt was creeping in, and Jimmy wondered if this really was such a good idea.

  As if reading Jimmy’s mind, Maury clapped his hand on his shoulder and grunted, “Hey, kid. This is either gonna go one o’two ways. Either Holliford is gonna fuckin’ talk or he’s not. That’s all there is to it. Even if he won’t, at least you fuckin’ tried.”

  “Thanks, Maury.” Jimmy tried to remain optimistic, and he turned to watch the city roll by as they drove to Holliford’s.

  The limo was hardly inconspicuous in this part of the city, and Jimmy was glad he had Jerry and Jules here. Many of the buildings were abandoned and run down, trash littering the streets, and Jimmy could feel people watching him even from inside the safety of the tinted glass.

  Jerry pulled up to one of the dilapidated buildings, and Jules warned firmly, “Lemme go first.”

  Jimmy nodded, watching him exit the limo and survey the block for a long moment. He could see Jules’ hand hovering at his hip briefly, and he felt a little queasy. When Jules’ hand dropped and waved at him to get out, Jimmy relaxed.

  Maury stumbled onto the sidewalk, and Jimmy followed behind him, Maury leading the charge into the building. The smell of old moisture and rotten garbage hit Jimmy’s nose, and he had to swallow back the urge to gag.

  Jules nodded at the first door, grunting, “Make it quick, Twig.”

  Maury took the initiative to knock, and Jimmy took his place beside him as they waited. Jerry stayed by the front door, looking casual but ever watchful while Jules stayed right behind Jimmy.

  The door opened to reveal an older man with long curly hair. He stared at Jimmy and Maury, screamed, and promptly slammed the door.

  “What the fuck?” Maury blinked, raising his hand to knock again. “Hey! Holliford! It’s fuckin’ Maury! Open up, you fuckin’ tweaker! We’s just wanna talk!”

  The door opened again, Holliford’s expression completely calm as he said, “Right! Sorry, man. I didn’t know if you guys were real or not.”

  “We’re plenty real, I swears,” Maury promised.

  “Whatcha need, Mouth?” Holliford swayed and grabbed the door frame to steady himself.

  “My friend Jimmy wants t’ask you some stuff about Marco Luchesi. That cool with you, Holli?”

  “Oh, sure, man,” Holliford said with a bright smile. “I heard they found that prick in six feet of cement. It’s awesome. Just, uh... one quick question.”

  “What?” Jimmy tilted his head curiously.

  “Who’s the sasquatch?” Holliford pointed at Jules.

  Jules showed his teeth in what might have been his attempt at a friendly smile.

  It failed.

  “He’s a friend, too,” Maury answered. “Don’t worry about him. He just needs a snack.”

  “Mr. Holliford,” Jimmy said quickly. “I know this is probably a very sensitive subject, but I really want to ask you about any times that Marco may have hurt you.”

  “Que fais-tu ici?” Jerry suddenly exclaimed, jumping back from the front door in surprise.

  It was Charlie, wedding planner and very suspicious human being, declaring, “Je sauve la situation.”

  “Charlie?” Jimmy stared stupidly as Charlie sidled up right beside him. “What the hell?”

  “Oh!” Charlie grinned sheepishly. “I was just in the neighborhood—”

  “This neighborhood?” Maury scoffed. “You lookin’ for some smack, pretty boy?”

  “Is that a reference to narcotics?” Charlie asked innocently. “I saw the limousine and thought I’d pop over for a quick chat! I had the most amazing idea for these gorgeous engraved silver flasks for all the guests!”

  “Who the fuck is this guy?” Maury snapped, nudging Jimmy’s arm for an explanation.

  “My wedding planner,” Jimmy grumbled.

  “Hey, you’re getting married?” Holliford chimed in. “That’s awesome, man! Congratulations!”

  “Thanks! But please, can we get back to Marco?” Jimmy asked urgently. “Charlie, I’ll talk to you later. Sort of busy right now.”

  “But I would really, really like to speak to you now, Mr. Poe,” Charlie insisted. “We only have a few weeks left to plan—”

  “Jules, can you please remove Mr. Swenson?” Jimmy suddenly snapped.


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