Hard Earned Cash: A Dark Mafia Romance

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Hard Earned Cash: A Dark Mafia Romance Page 32

by K. L. Hiers

  “Yous need my help?” Maury eyed Rowena suspiciously, leaning back in his seat to put some distance between them. “What kinda help?”

  “It’s so easy,” Rowena said, licking her lips slowly. “You don’t even have to go anywhere! I just need you to pretty pretty please... take off all of your clothes.”

  “Huh?” Instead of looking titillated, Maury was alarmed. “What’sa matter with yous? You hit your head and gone all mentally irregular?”

  Deflated that her technique wasn’t working, Rowena took the garment bag from Jimmy and plopped it on the counter as she groaned, “You need to try on this damn tuxedo! Our tailor’s been trying to get up with you for days!”

  “Well, why the fuck didn’t yous just say that? If it’s for Jimmy’s fuckin’ wedding, all yous gotta do was ask me!” Maury huffed, glancing over at Jimmy worriedly. “I think she’s losin’ it.”

  Jimmy did his best not to snicker, clearing his throat as he said, “She’s fine, I promise! If anything, she’s just worn out from trying to take me shopping.”

  “Shopping? What kinda shoppin’?”

  “Ring shopping,” Rowena huffed.

  “Trying to find a ring for Rod,” Jimmy explained with a weary smile. “Hasn’t exactly been going well. We’ve pretty much been everywhere in the city, and I can’t find anything that I like. Or, I guess, I can’t find anything that I think he would like.”

  “Hey, I got jewelry!” Maury protested. “Why didn’t you ask me?”

  “The last piece of jewelry I got from you almost got me killed,” Jimmy grumbled, remembering all too well the drama surrounding the murdered don’s ring he’d unknowingly found amongst his mother’s pawned valuables.

  “Oh, come on! One fuckin’ time!” Maury argued. “It’s not my fault I didn’t know what it fuckin’ was! I hadn’t seen the fuckin’ thing in like twenty years!”

  “Fine,” Jimmy conceded. “Let’s see what you have, Maury.”

  “Worth a look!” Rowena chimed in, wiggling her fingers excitedly as Maury brought out several large trays packed full of rings. “Mmmm, pretties!”

  Jimmy glanced over them and did his best to stay positive. It didn’t hurt to look, but at first he only saw more of the same glitzy and tired baubles that all the other jewelry stores had.

  Then he saw a flash of pearl and paused, picking up a thick silver-colored band with a gleaming pearl inlay. He was instantly reminded of Cold’s pearl handled guns and felt a shiver, feeling the weight of the ring in his palm. It was heavier than it looked, and it seemed old.

  It was different than anything else he had looked at today, and there was something about the pearl that made him smile. It reminded him of how truly dangerous his husband was, and in spite of that he still loved him, monster and all.

  “This one.” Jimmy paused, asking carefully, “As long as you’re sure it didn’t belong to any dead gangsters or anything like that?”

  “Of course not!” Maury scratched his chin. “Pretty sure.”

  “Oooh, it’s pretty!” Rowena cooed, gushing over the shiny band. “Hope it fits him! Trying to resize it with that inlay would be a bitch! Let me see it.” She stuck the ring on her thumb and nodded approvingly. “It’ll fit!”

  “How do you know that?” Jimmy stared.

  “Because I am the best sister-in-law ever, and I know that my brother’s left ring finger is the size of my right thumb!” Rowena smirked.

  “You are amazing!” Jimmy gushed, taking the ring back and grinning at Maury. “So, how much will it be, Maury?”

  “Meh,” Maury grunted, scrunching up his face. “How about you just take it? Consider it an early weddin’ present.”

  “Maury, are you sure?” Jimmy frowned, turning the ring over between his fingers. “I mean, what is this even made out of?”

  “Ehhh. Platinum,” Maury said casually.

  “Maury,” Jimmy scolded lightly. “Are you really sure?”

  “Damn! Does takin’ all that dick make you deaf or somethin’?” Maury scoffed affectionately, reaching out to ruffle Jimmy’s hair. “I said yes, you fuckin’ putz! Take the goddamn thing!”

  “Thank you, Maury!” Jimmy beamed happily, clasping the ring to his chest.

  “Rod is gonna love it,” Rowena promised, giving Jimmy a gentle nudge. She fixed her eyes on Maury. “Now, are you gonna try on your tuxedo and make sure it fits?”

  Maury eyed the garment bag with a sour face. “Fuckin’ fine. Gonna be like puttin’ a fat ass ham sandwich in a tube sock, but fuckin’ sure.”

  Despite all of his fussing, Maury looked quite dapper in his tuxedo and agreed to keep it clean until the big day. Rowena received a text message from Jules that preparations for the party were complete and to get their asses back to the house. They bid farewell to Maury and soon arrived back at the mansion, where the celebration was in full swing.

  There was a large buffet of food set up by the pool, and music was blasting away while Thirdsies, Pym, and Lorre splashed around in the water. Valdemar was passing around drinks with umbrellas, and Tamerlane was quietly watching the festivities from a respectable distance despite how hard Lorre was trying to get him into the pool.

  Dr. Queen was here, certainly in a personal capacity judging by how she was lounging in Jules’ lap, and Dario was working the blender at the bar to whip up another batch of drinks for Valdemar to distribute.

  Everyone was having an awesome time.

  Except Cold. He was nowhere to be seen.

  “Upstairs,” Jules grunted with a jerk of his head, answering Jimmy’s unspoken question.

  Rowena skipped over to greet Dario with a kiss on his cheek, calling out to Jimmy, “Hey! Tell my stupid brother to get his ass down here! He’s missing his own damn party!”

  “Got it!” Jimmy slung the garment bags over his shoulder and hurried upstairs to find Cold. He heard the sink running in their bathroom and hung the suits up in their respective closets. He took a peek at the slick tuxedos, certain each one cost as much as a small car.

  Cold’s ring was in his pocket, and it felt like it weighed a thousand pounds. He couldn’t wait to show it to him, and he found himself pacing anxiously while Cold finished up in the bathroom. He finally made himself sit down on the chaise at the foot of their bed, taking the ring out and holding it tight with both hands.

  Cold emerged from the bathroom, smiling when he saw Jimmy waiting for him. “Ah, right on time.”

  Jimmy glanced at his watch and laughed. He shouldn’t have been surprised to see ten hours and two minutes had passed since this morning. “Hey, Rod.”

  Cold glanced at the open closets, noting, “Mmm, I see you got our tuxedos.” His gaze moved back to Jimmy, focusing on his hands. “That’s not all you got today, is it?”

  “No.” Jimmy shyly approached, and his pulse started to flutter in his ears as he kneeled in front of Cold. He offered out the ring, his own hands shaking as he took Cold’s to slide the ring into place.

  Just as Rowena predicted, it fit perfectly.

  “Do... do you like it?” Jimmy asked anxiously. “The pearl, it just, it made me think of you and, and that I love you. I love all of you, even the parts you try to keep from me and—”

  “Jimmy,” Cold soothed gently, shaking his head to silence his worried rambling. He took Jimmy’s hands in his and squeezed. There was something soft in his eyes that made Jimmy’s heart ache to witness, and he was almost afraid that he was about to see Cold cry.

  The tears never came, but Cold’s voice was tender as he confirmed, “It’s perfect. Thank you.”

  Relieved, Jimmy smiled brightly and stood up to embrace Cold. He kissed him, the affection quickly turning heated, and Cold’s hand went to Jimmy’s belt. Jimmy pulled back to catch his breath, gasping as Cold began to work his pants off. “Wh-what about the party?”

  “How about we have our own little party right here?” Cold smiled wickedly, urging Jimmy back into bed and sliding his pants down his legs.

“Are you all done planning whatever it was you were planning?” Jimmy moaned when Cold’s hot mouth pressed against his inner thigh. “I, I understand if you have to work on gangster stuff!”

  “Not quite,” Cold confessed honestly. “You see, Mr. Poe, I’m currently planning to ravage you all night long and push your body to impossible limits of physical pleasure to show my sincere appreciation for the ring you got me. I also owe you a very exquisite punishment for how you’ve mocked my suffering while I was trapped with that terrible device around my ankle. It’s quite the task ahead of me, to both reward and defile you thoroughly. So, no, my plans are not technically concluded for the evening.”

  “That, that sounds like a really good plan,” Jimmy hiccupped, wiggling out of his shirt as quickly as he could. “Such a good plan.”

  “Are we then in agreement to forego the party?”


  Chapter Twenty-One

  “I had a feeling you’d be interested,” Cold drawled as he pulled Jimmy’s underwear down. “You do so want to be a good boy for me, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” Jimmy replied, naked now and earnestly gazing up at Cold. “Tell me what to do, sir.”

  “As I said, I’m eager to reward you, but I also have to punish you,” Cold said, squeezing Jimmy’s hips. “It’s going to take some time for you to appreciate what I have planned, so it’s a very good thing we have all night.” He smiled. “Just the two of us.”

  “Yes, sir.” Jimmy’s cock was growing from the anticipation.

  “I want you to get ready for me,” Cold said, nodding at the bedside drawer. “Open up your hole for me, nice and slow.”

  Jimmy reached inside to grab a brand new dildo and some lubricant as Cold moved to stand at the foot of the bed to watch. He stretched out with his head on the pillows, parting his legs so Cold could see.

  He was already lubing up the toy when Cold chided, “Ah, ah. Use your hands first, Mr. Poe.”

  Taking a deep breath, Jimmy nodded. He squirted the lubricant on his fingers, reaching down to rub over his hole. He was so eager to get going, to be fucked and used, but he had to slow down.

  He had to be good.

  Jimmy circled the edge of his asshole, letting it get wet but still not pressing inside yet. He used his other hand to reach down and massage his taint, his cock flexing from the precise attention.

  “Good boy,” Cold murmured, his icy gaze unmoving.

  Jimmy moaned softly at the praise, and he finally let the tips of his fingers push in. He moved in and out, feeling around the tight muscle and encouraging it to relax.

  He got lost to it, wrapped up in the gentle tug of his own hand as he worked his fingers deeper.

  “Go on,” Cold urged. “Give yourself a little more...”

  Jimmy slipped his fingers in as far as he could, hooking his arm around his leg and bringing his knee to his chest. “Mmm... sir...”

  “Does it feel good, Mr. Poe?”

  “Yes,” Jimmy sighed, holding his fingers in and grinding on his hand. “Mmm, but I want more... I need more, sir.”

  “You want the toy now?”

  “Yes, please!” Jimmy replied urgently. “I can take it so good, please! I’m ready, sir!”

  Cold was considering it, waiting several long moments before he said, “Go on, Mr. Poe. Show me.”

  Jimmy snatched the dildo up immediately, having to remind himself to take his time before he did something to anger Cold. He had to do this right. He had to be good.

  Keeping his leg tucked against his chest, Jimmy positioned the tip of the dildo up against his hole. He pushed in, inhaling sharply when he felt the unyielding pressure of rubber and his body’s initial resistance.

  He waited patiently, groaning in relief as the toy slid in a few inches. He pulled it back and pressed in again, the friction reduced by the slick film of lubricant. He could feel his body swallowing it up, the toy moving deeper and deeper.

  Jimmy gripped the end of the dildo and started a steady rhythm, closing his eyes as he rocked down on the toy. He was getting loud, gasping, and he knew Cold was watching him intently.

  He couldn’t help it, trying to resist the urge to move faster, but it felt fantastic. His hand sped up, and he bit down on his knee as he fucked himself. He bottomed out with the toy over and over, wearing his teeth into his leg as he moaned.

  “Stop,” Cold ordered.

  “Mmmph!” Jimmy whined, but stilled his hand.

  “Greedy little thing,” Cold tutted as he walked around the side of the bed.


  “Couldn’t wait for my cock. Just had to fuck your little hole, hmm?”

  “It felt good, sir,” Jimmy pleaded. “Please... I... I was just trying to get myself ready for you!”

  “Pull the toy out,” Cold commanded. “Let me see what you’ve done.”

  Jimmy turned his head to hide his blushing face in the pillows as he removed the dildo, lifting up his leg so Cold could get a good look between them.

  Dragging his fingers down the cleft of Jimmy’s ass, Cold paused to stroke around the edge of his hole.

  Inhaling shakily, Jimmy tensed as Cold traced a finger around the slick muscle. He was open, wet, and he gasped when Cold sank a finger inside of him. “S-sir...?”

  Cold didn’t immediately respond, reaching up to squeeze Jimmy’s balls. He held them tight and gave them a quick tug.

  “Mmm, sir?” Jimmy asked again.

  “Maybe since you enjoy your toy so much, that’s all I should give you,” Cold mused, his eyes scanning over Jimmy’s lean body. “Let you play with yourself, hmm?”

  “No, sir,” Jimmy said immediately. “Please, I want your cock. I worked so hard for you.”

  Cold’s hand came down quickly, slapping the back of Jimmy’s inner thigh.

  Yelping, Jimmy jerked away with a low cry. He could feel his pulse there now, and he panted through the raw sting. “I’m sorry, sir!”

  “Up on your knees, Mr. Poe,” Cold said, throwing his foot up on the edge of the mattress. “Take off my shoe.”

  Jimmy got up as he was told, shuffling over to untie Cold’s shoe.

  “No.” Cold reached over to pop Jimmy’s hip. “Don’t use your hands. I want you to keep fucking yourself with that precious little toy you love so much.”

  His face burning, Jimmy nodded obediently. He dropped on his elbow, picking up the toy and pushing it back inside of himself with a low groan. He looked now to Cold’s slick black shoe, and his mind scrambled to figure out what to do.

  There was only one clear option.

  Jimmy leaned forward, grabbing the end of one lace in his mouth and pulling at the knot.

  “Yes,” Cold sighed happily. “Just like that, Mr. Poe... use your mouth like a good boy...”

  Looping his tongue, Jimmy was able to untie the knot. He kept pushing the dildo in and out, trying to overcome the awkward angle as he bit down on the remaining laces to loosen them up.

  It was hard to focus on both tasks, and his hand paused while he grabbed the tongue of Cold’s shoe.

  Cold grabbed Jimmy’s hair and yanked his head up, warning, “Don’t neglect your toy, Mr. Poe.”

  “I’m sorry, sir!” Jimmy groaned. “I didn’t mean to!”

  “Try again,” Cold said sternly, “or I’ll make sure you don’t like the rest of your punishment.”

  “Yes, sir.” Jimmy licked his lips, readjusting himself and starting to fuck his ass with the toy again. He grabbed the tongue of Cold’s shoe between his teeth once more and pulled.

  Cold lifted up his heel, and Jimmy was able to slip the shoe off by biting at the toe. As it clattered to the floor, he began to work at the edge of Cold’s sock. Once he had a hold of it, it was easy to peel it off.

  It was hard to keep his hand moving, but he did his best and looked up to Cold for his approval.

  “Lovely job, Mr. Poe,” Cold said as he petted Jimmy’s hair. “You did very well for me.”

bsp; “Good enough to have your cock?” Jimmy asked hopefully.


  “Please, sir?”

  “Now, you know how much I hate to be uneven,” Cold said with a nasty smile. “Can’t have you do just one, can we?” He switched up his legs to present Jimmy with his other foot.

  Jimmy’s hand faltered on the toy, and he cried out when Cold’s hand spanked his ass.

  “Focus, Mr. Poe.”

  Panting hard, Jimmy tried to get his thoughts in order. He had to keep fucking himself, ignoring the sting from where Cold had spanked him, as he got to work on the second shoe.

  It was easier this time, and Jimmy got the laces undone much quicker than before. He was drooling in his haste when he tugged at the toe, pulling off the shoe and flinging it to the floor. He yanked the sock off with a jerk of his head, grinning triumphantly up at Cold.

  “Good boy,” Cold said, wiping some of the spit from Jimmy’s chin.

  “Your cock,” Jimmy pleaded. “Can I please have your cock now?”

  “No,” was Cold’s flat reply. “Lie back on the bed. You can have my cock when I say so. We’re still not done with your punishment, Mr. Poe.”

  Whining quietly, Jimmy flopped over onto his back. He spread his thighs, awkwardly twisting his hand to keep pushing the toy inside of himself.

  “You may stop now,” Cold said, reaching down to claim the dildo and put it aside.

  Jimmy was relieved, stretching out his legs while he watched Cold rummage around in their bedside table. He was still gaping and wet, his cock twitching with residual interest as he waited for Cold to make his next move.

  “Because you’ve been so bad,” Cold began, “I’m going to tie your hands to the bed.” He pulled out a section of silken rope and began to wind it around Jimmy’s wrists.

  “I wanna be good, sir,” Jimmy whispered, letting his arms go limp as Cold fastened them to the headboard. “All I want is to be good for you.”

  “And you will be,” Cold assured him, lightly trailing a hand down Jimmy’s wrist to his shoulder. He paused to trace the line of his collarbone, praising, “You always look especially beautiful like this.”


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