The Chronicles of Amberdrake

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The Chronicles of Amberdrake Page 12

by Loren K. Jones

  Mellody giggled. Gavin never changes. “Gavin, allow me to present you to Lord Drake Carstairs, my husband.”

  Gavin let go of Mellody to bow deeply to Drake. “Lord Drake, welcome to your home.”

  Drake bowed in return, then focused a questioning gaze on Mellody. She understood immediately. “Drake, Gavin is our Lord Chamberlain. He’s been in control of our lands since father died.”

  Now Drake smiled broadly. “I am pleased to meet you, Lord Gavin.”

  Gavin again bowed deeply. “The pleasure is all mine, Lord Drake. Your home stands ready to receive you. What shall I show you first?”

  “I believe our suite would be best, Gavin,” Mellody said before Drake could. “I need a bath.”

  Gavin smiled tolerantly and bowed. “As you wish, Lady Mel. Come along. The grooms will see to your horses. Do you have any baggage?”

  Mellody shook her head as she walked toward the castle. “Just a packet of Army robes, Gavin. We left Mount Royal in such a hurry that I left everything else behind.” Her eyes narrowed as she glared at Drake. “Some people are just too impatient for their own good.”

  “Now, Lady Mel, Lord Drake’s arrival was very convenient for us. The Bresardians hadn’t tried the walls yet, but they would have within a day or two. As it stands, we didn’t suffer any losses except for the outlying areas and the path the Bresardians took on their way in.”

  “And the trail of destruction he left as he drove them back out,” Mellody said sourly as she glanced sideways at Drake.

  Drake grinned. “I had to keep ‘em on their toes, Mel. General Boatwright expected me to let him camp early in nice spots of his choosing. He even expected me to respect the sanctity of Bresardian soil and leave him alone once he crossed the border.” Drake smiled and chuckled a little. “He seemed quite put out by my actions.”

  “You shouldn’t have crossed into Bresardian territory without Roe’s approval, Drake,” Mellody said seriously. “That was overstepping yourself by quite a bit.”

  “Maybe so, but I bet she forgives me.”

  Mellody grinned and then giggled. “I bet she does.”

  Gavin had been leading them through the castle and stopped in front of a large wooden door. “Lady Mel, you didn’t bring along any maids. Shall I have Rica and Casey come up?”

  “Yes, Gavin, thank you. And send up Sawyer to see to Drake’s needs as well. Those three will do until our servants arrive from Mount Royal.”

  Gavin bowed deeply, then smiled and stepped back to allow Mellody and Drake to enter their suite.

  Drake took one step into the suite and froze. The antechamber was huge, and apparently did double-duty as a library as well. Shelves of books lined the room, row upon row, from floor to ceiling. Four large, comfortable-looking chairs were by the window.

  Walking slowly forward, he passed through to the sitting room. Here he found a simply decorated room with a low, round table in its center, surrounded by more comfortable-looking chairs. More shelves lined the walls, but these held knick-knacks and busts of men and women. A few large books were spaced around the shelves as well, and Drake noticed that they were ornately bound.

  Mellody had taken his arm and was leading him to a door on the left wall. This turned out to be the bedchamber. Once again Drake let his amazement stop him in his tracks. This was easily the equal of the Royal Bedchamber of Queen Rochelle back in Mount Royal.

  Mellody left him standing in the doorway and walked over to a door at the side of the chamber. “I’m going to take a bath, Drake. Want to join me?” She smiled impishly, and that drew him out of his stupor.

  “Indeed, Mellody. Indeed I do.”

  Gavin quickly slipped into the bathing room past Mellody and then returned, smiling sheepishly. “I’m afraid the water heater wasn’t lit, Lady Mel. Unless you’d care to take a cold bath, you’ll have to wait.” Turning to Drake, he bowed deeply. “Your forgiveness, Lord Drake, but we weren’t expecting you.”

  Drake nodded. “Don’t fret, Gavin. I can see to the water. Excuse us, please.” Drake gestured toward the door and Gavin left, but not before he received a nod from Mellody. Drake smiled at that. “He seems to be your devoted mother hen.”

  Mellody let loose a snort of laughter at that observation. “He’s been in charge here for a long time. When Father died, Mother took over, but she stayed with Queen Leda and for the most part left the estate in his hands. When Mother died seven years ago, he became my regent. When I turned sixteen, I officially took over, but I stayed with Roe. So he’s been the acting lord of the Carstairs lands since before I was born.”

  Drake nodded, then crossed the room to where an elaborate copper and brass water heater stood against one wall. A hearty charcoal fire burned beneath it, but Drake wasn’t in the mood to wait for the fire to do its job. Placing one hand on the side of the vessel, he poured energy into it until he had to pull his hand back because of the heat. “This should do,” he said softly as he opened the tap. A stream of steaming hot water sluiced down into a tub that was more than big enough for the two of them.

  Mellody chuckled. “Showoff. But I’m glad you did that. I didn’t want to wait that long, and I’m itching all over now. It’s amazing that the grime didn’t bother me until I was within sight of our suite, but as soon as I knew I was about to get a bath, I started itching everywhere.”

  Drake chuckled, then quickly stripped out of his robes. The kitten meowed softly, then hissed at the water and backed away. Drake and Mellody ignored it and quickly slid into the tub.

  The young lovers took their time getting clean. Backs were scrubbed while they embraced. Fronts were scrubbed in much the same fashion. For nearly an hour they washed and soaked, never losing contact between them.

  When Mellody finally pronounced her hair clean enough, they stepped out of the bath together. Drake, as usual, simply created clothing for himself, but Mellody shook a finger at him. “You’ve got to stop doing that, Drake.”


  “Because there are tailors here who will be vying for your business. There’s a lot of prestige associated with being the lord’s tailor.”

  Drake considered that statement for a moment, then nodded. “And seamstresses who will be fighting over who dresses you.”

  “Exactly. No more making your own clothes, Drake. Unless it’s an emergency.”

  Drake nodded his understanding, then jumped when the kitten attacked his leg. “I suppose I’d better see to my little friend’s needs right away. He’s going to need a sand box.”

  Mellody smiled and turned toward the door. In her time with Drake she had learned to not be surprised by the little things he did. The kitten had been his constant companion for weeks, and he simply smiled without explaining when she asked him why.

  Two young maids and a middle-aged man were waiting in the anteroom when Mellody emerged. Rica and Casey stood and curtsied to their mistress, while Sawyer bowed and kept his eyes on the doorway behind her. When Drake emerged, he bowed more deeply and stepped forward.

  “Lord Drake, welcome. I’m Sawyer Whittier, Lord Gavin’s valet, and I would be happy to see to your needs.”

  Mellody turned to look over her shoulder at Drake. “Go with Sawyer and let him get you settled, Drake. I’m going into town with Casey and Rica to see some seamstresses. Sawyer,” she waited until Sawyer’s eyes were on her before continuing, “take Lord Drake to the Weaver’s Quarter and introduce him to the Weaver’s Guild Officers. The new Lord of Carstairs is going to need a lot of clothing. To be precise, he’s going to need a full wardrobe. Since Elwin isn’t here and he has no idea what kinds of clothes he needs, you are going to have tell the tailors what to make him. Just don’t let them clean out our treasury.”

  Sawyer gave Mellody a wide grin and bowed. “As you wish, Lady Mellody. Lord Drake, this way if you please.” He made a sweeping bow toward the door and Drake led the way out of the suite.

  Chapter 14

the way down to the stables. There they were met by the head groom and stable master.

  “Jules, this is our new lord, Lord Drake,” Sawyer said as he followed half a pace behind Drake as they entered the stables. “We are going to need the carriage.” When Drake looked over his shoulder, he quickly added, “Unless you’d care to ride, Lord Drake.”

  Drake considered for a moment, then nodded. “I think I’d prefer to ride, Sawyer.”

  Sawyer and Jules bowed deeply, then Jules snapped his fingers at a pair of young men who were peeking around the corner. “You heard the lord. Saddle two horses.” When his helpers disappeared to do his bidding, he turned back to Drake. “I am honored to meet you, Lord Drake. Since Sawyer’s being his normal talkative self, I’ll have to complete our introduction myself.” He flashed an amused grin at Sawyer’s scowling face. “I am Jules Beaudrey, Head Groom and Stable Master of the Carstairs Estate for the past fifteen years. My father was Head Groom before me, and his before him, stretching back eight generations.”

  Drake nodded deeply. “I’m pleased to meet you, Jules.”

  The two young men quickly reappeared leading a pair of saddled horses, and Jules smiled at them. “Lord Drake, these are my apprentices. My son, Desmond,” the older of the pair bowed, “and this other young man is Halsey Dixon.” Halsey bowed deeply, and Drake inclined his head slightly in acknowledgement. Desmond looked like he was about twenty-five, while Halsey couldn’t have been more than fourteen.

  Sawyer gestured to the horses, and since neither of them was the horse Drake had ridden in on, he chose the closest. Sawyer took the other horse and led off toward a different gate than the one Drake and Mellody had entered.

  * * *

  Mellody watched Sawyer lead Drake away, then looked at the two young women facing her. Both wore broad grins. “He’s mine, so stop thinking like that.”

  Both of the maids began giggling, covering their mouths with their hands. “Yes, Lady Mellody,” Rica finally said as she got control of herself.

  Mellody smiled and shook her head. “I really don’t need that much as far as my wardrobe is concerned. Mistress Jean will be bringing along most of my things when our servants come out here. Come along, we have to visit the kitchens before we go into town.”

  Mellody led the two maids down to the estate kitchens and quickly approached the head cook. “Crandal, Lord Drake adopted a kitten and brought it with him. Please have a sand-box filled and placed in our bathing room for it to use. It is also going to need bowls of food and water. And a caretaker. Drake and I are going to be very busy for a year or two.”

  Crandal bowed deeply as he replied, “Yes, Lady Mellody.” Turning his attention to the rest of his staff, he focused on a tousle-haired young man and nodded. “Cevin, see to it immediately.” The young man took off at a run to do the head cook’s bidding and Crandal smiled as he shook his head. Turning back to Mellody, he bowed, then chuckled at her quizzical expression. “He’s always trying to adopt the stray cats that come around here, Lady Mel. He’ll be the perfect caretaker for Lord Drake’s pet.”

  Mellody chuckled as she nodded, then took the two maids and went down to the stables. Drake and Sawyer were already gone, and Jules met her at the doors. “Did Drake take the carriage, Jules?”

  “No, Lady Mellody. He preferred to ride.”

  “Well, I don’t. I’ve spent quite enough time in the saddle for a while. Have the carriage prepared, please.”

  Jules smiled and led the way to a side door. “I thought you might be going to town as well, Lady Mellody, and the carriage is ready. Desmond will drive for you, if that meets your approval.”

  Mellody smiled and allowed Desmond to seat her in the carriage. She noticed that he took just a little longer than necessary to help Rica into the carriage, and hid her own smile. Casey almost had to climb in without his aid because he was so engrossed with Rica.

  Once the women were secure, Desmond climbed up to the driver’s seat and turned to look back at Mellody. “Where are we headed, Lady Mellody?”

  “Mistress Vidalia’s Seamstress shop, on Evergreen Terrace Row.”

  * * *

  Sawyer led Drake to the Weaver’s Quarter, and Drake felt a pang of homesickness. It had been over eight hundred years since he’d run headlong to his fate, but weaver’s districts the world ‘round still drew his heart. Sawyer didn’t seem to consider Drake’s silence to be significant as he led the way to an imposing structure with the Loom and Shears of the Weaver’s Guild prominently displayed over the door.

  Sawyer gestured for Drake to precede him to the door, then darted ahead at the last moment to open the door in front of Drake so he could enter the building without breaking stride, then followed him in.

  A middle-aged man sat behind a desk in the building’s foyer and stared at Drake for a moment before speaking. “How may I help you, gentlemen?”

  Sawyer stepped to Drake’s side and answered immediately. “This is Lord Drake Carstairs, Lord of Carstairs.”

  The man behind the desk sat back abruptly, almost as if he’d been struck, then he scrambled to his feet and bowed. “Lord Drake, welcome. Please forgive my rudeness, I didn’t know who you were.”

  Drake nodded. “Quite all right.”

  “Lord Drake is here to meet the Guild Officers. He’ll be needing some tailors as well. He wasn’t able to bring much with him from Mount Royal,” Sawyer explained and saw the man relax slightly.

  Looking at Drake, he smiled and bowed. “A moment, please, Lord Drake, and I’ll announce you to the masters.” He bowed and, at Drake’s nod, quickly left through a door that was directly behind his desk.

  Drake looked around the room and felt the muscles in his shoulders relax. The room was decorated with ancient tools of the trade, tools that young Drake had learned to use at his father’s knee. He was running a fond finger over a time-blackened shuttle when the man returned.

  “This way, if you please, Lord Drake, and the Officers of the Guild would be pleased to receive you.”

  Drake followed the man down a short corridor to a room marked with the Weaver’s Guild crest on the door. Opening the door and stepping aside, he bowed deeply. “Lord Drake, I present you to the Weaver’s Guild of Carstairs.”

  Drake nodded his thanks, then entered the room. Three men and two women stood in a semicircle in front of a long table. Almost as one the men bowed while the women curtseyed deeply.

  The man in the center of the group spoke once everyone had straightened. “Lord Drake, I am Master Weaver Leman Killean, Grand Master Weaver of the Carstairs Lands. To my right is Master Weaver Roxanne Anklam. To my left is Master Weaver Alard Jaffe. To Roxanne’s right is Master Weaver Garth Acron, and to Alard’s left is Master Weaver Annelise Isaac. The five of us are the ruling council of the Weaver’s Guild in your lands and holdings.”

  Drake nodded to each master in turn, then more deeply as the introductions were completed. “I am pleased to meet you all. This is Sawyer Whittier. He’s filling in as my valet for the time being.”

  Master Killean nodded to Sawyer, then turned his attention back to Drake. “Frazer informs us that you are in need of a tailor, Lord Drake. Our ranks include many Master Tailors, and we would be pleased to introduce you to them so you may make your selection.”

  Drake nodded, but Sawyer spoke before he could say anything. “Lord Drake will be needing a full wardrobe, Master Weaver Killean. What you see, and a few Army Mage Robes, represent his full wardrobe as of this time.”

  The masters exchanged glances and a few shocked comments quickly before Master Killean silenced them. “That will either take a long time, or a large number of tailors, Lord Drake.”

  Drake nodded. “I would prefer to use a number of tailors, Master Weaver. That way I can sample several tailors’ wares before choosing who will be my official tailor. Sawyer, how many suits of clothes am I going to be needing?”

  Sawyer managed to repress his amusement, though there was a definite twinkle in his eye whe
n he replied. “Thirty-one, Lord Drake, minus what your servants bring from Blue Ridge.”

  Drake nodded and ignored the stunned looks he was receiving from the Master Weavers. “In that case, we’d better plan on about twenty-three. I didn’t have much of a wardrobe in the palace.” The sound of someone clearing his throat drew Drake’s attention. “Yes, Master Killean?”

  “Lord Drake, there are currently only nine Master Tailors in Blue Ridge. There hasn’t been enough business to keep more employed.”

  Drake nodded. “That should be sufficient. I don’t need everything immediately. Are their shops close by?”

  * * *

  Desmond pulled the carriage to a stop at the entrance of Mistress Vidalia’s Seamstress shop and scrambled down to help the women. The Carstairs Crest on the carriage door drew the attention of those who walked past, and a small crowd soon gathered. Mellody smiled brightly at everyone. She hadn’t been home in more than a year, and she greeted everyone who approached her.

  Mistress Vidalia came out of her shop to see what the commotion was and stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the carriage. It had been years since Lady Ravina had died, and Lady Shelina had only come out to the estate once a year to hold Lord’s Court. Lady Mellody hadn’t even done that, delegating that duty to Lord Gavin. Now, once again, the Lady of Carstairs was in residence.

  Mistress Vidalia stepped toward the young women and smiled brightly at them. “Lady Mellody, welcome to my humble shop.”

  Mellody turned and smiled at Vidalia. Though she’d never met the woman in person before, she’d been regaled with tales of Vidalia’s wondrous fashions for most of her life. Her mother and grandmother had both raved of Vidalia’s skill, and Queen Leda had even made a special trip to Blue Ridge to have Vidalia design and make a gown for the celebration of King Bevan’s tenth year on the throne. Now it was Mellody’s turn.


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