
Home > Young Adult > Significance > Page 35
Significance Page 35

by Shelly Crane

  “Maggie, she’s your mother,” he repeated with more inflection.

  “She’s your wife! It’s not the same thing.”

  “You’re right. It’s not the same thing.” Dad came up to me. “You can’t hold what your mother did to me against her. She and I will work out our problems or we won’t, but that doesn’t have anything to do with you and her.”

  I did not want to talk to her or be talking about her anymore. You just don’t do that to people. They were married for a long time, they promised to love each other forever and she just left. How can you do that to someone who had devoted their life to you? What kind of chance did people who loved each other have if they had to worry about the other person flipping out and leaving you one day for no apparent reason. I didn’t think that Caleb would ever do that to me but it’s only because of the imprint. He can’t leave me. His body wouldn’t let him.

  “Don’t,” Caleb said across the room and looked at me sternly. “Don’t you do that.”

  I looked at him and bit my lip, suddenly wanting to cry. One minute everything seemed so sure and certain and the next I was in limbo. The truth was...that I missed my mom. I missed her the way she used to be and yet I was so angry at her for the way she was now. She did leave me and as much as I wanted to never see her again, if she walked through that door, I had no idea what I’d do.

  I’m sorry, baby.

  Caleb walked over and pulled me to him. I breathed him in and put my arms around his middle, letting him calm me.

  I’m sorry. I’m such a girl.

  He laughed and pulled back to look at me.

  “That’s the way I like you.”

  “What am I missing?” Bish muttered under his breath.

  “Nothing,” I said and scolded myself for forgetting that he doesn’t understand everything. “Um, we better get going if we’re going to make lunch at the Jacobson’s.” Crap, Bish. “Oh, uh. Bish is here.”

  “It’s fine,” Peter assured. “We made plenty I’m sure. Bish you’re welcome to join us.”

  “Ok. Great,” he said and looked at me with a raised brow. “Maggie, why don’t you ride with me?”

  I halted my steps, my body protesting, but, it was only a ride down the street, right? I’d see Caleb in like five minutes. Normally, it wouldn’t matter so much but I didn’t want to be away from him at all for a while. I sighed and got a grip on myself. I’d have to learn to function like a normal person.

  “Yeah,” I agreed, my fingers scratching at the side of my thigh and glanced at Caleb, he smiled.

  I know it’s hard. It’s just really bad right now because of everything that happened the past few days. Go with him and I’ll see you at Kyle’s.

  I smiled and nodded, then told Bish I had to go grab my shoes. Caleb, Peter and dad went on and were gone by the time I came back down.

  “Ok. Before we leave,” Bish said and cornered me on the stairs. “What the heck is going on with you and this kid?”

  “Everything,” I answered softly and truthfully. “Everything is going on with us.”

  “What do you mean everything,” he boomed.

  “Not that. Everything as in- I’m in love him.”

  “Crap.” He sat down roughly on the bottom stair. “What happened to Chad?”

  “What do you mean what happened?” I sat down beside him. “You know exactly what happened. He dumped me.”

  “Yeah. But I thought you...I don’t know.”

  “And what’s up with you? Why were you being such a jerk to Caleb?”

  “Why haven’t you told me about him?” he countered.

  “I don’t know.” I laid my head on his shoulder. “It’s different with him.”

  “Chad was a tool.”

  I laughed.

  “Yeah. But I thought you liked Chad.”

  “I did but that’s only because I knew he was a tool and nothing bad would come out of you two dating.”

  “Why does everyone say that?” I muttered.

  “And I’m protective with you and all your boyfriends. Chad got his fair share, it’s Caleb’s turn.”

  “He’s nice, Bish. He’s really good to me. He loves me.”

  “How long have you known him?”

  “Doesn’t matter. Just be nice to him. He’s gonna be around for a while.”

  “Alright. He did save your life. I can be nice I guess.”

  He pulled me from the step and opened the door for me.

  “How long are you here for?” I asked and as much as I missed him, I hoped he’d be leaving soon.

  I was supposed to be leaving with Caleb tonight and Bish knows dad wouldn’t let me go on a vaca with a guy. He’d think something was off if I made up something about staying at a friends the night after I was kidnapped.

  “No idea.” He opened my car door and slumped roughly into the drivers seat of his rented Ford Taurus from the airport. This was so not a Bish car. He leaned his head back on the seat. “I hadn’t thought about it. I just couldn’t sit up there and wait for news from dad anymore. So I spent my savings on a plane ticket.”

  “Ah, Bish. I wish you hadn’t. I miss you and I love you but I hate that you have to struggle so much. Your boss is such a jerk.”

  “It’s ok. It was worth it. I just don’t know what I’m gonna do now. New York is like a different universe, Mags. Everything is so expensive. I barely have any money left over after my bills. I’ve been working for this guy for almost three years thinking he’d promote me but I’m still his intern.”

  He looked over at me. I was trying to keep my face neutral so he wouldn’t know but his thoughts were desperate.

  He hadn’t been telling dad and I what a hard time he was having. Apparently, it was really bad. His apartment was crap and he was behind on rent. His job was tedious and his boss always had him doing extra errands and things for no extra pay and on his time, threatening to fire him if he didn’t do them without complaint. He had to do odd jobs, give blood and walk dogs on weekends just to have money for food. He was thinking about quitting but there was nothing else to do. He’d looked. He wanted to come home but didn’t want to ask. He felt like a failure.

  “I’m sorry. Maybe you should just come home? Dad would let you move back for a while until you get settled into another job.”

  He brightened a little.

  “I’ve actually been thinking about that. I even looked at the classifieds in the city so I could commute from dad’s. I don’t know.” He shook his head. “I’m not sure what I want.”

  I leaned over and kissed his cheek and he smiled in surprise at me.

  “You should do what makes you happy,” I chimed sweetly. “So, how about girls?” I said conspiratorially.

  “Girls?” he scoffed. “Got no time for girls,” he laughed and cranked the car. “Unless she worked at my boss’s coffee shop, I’d never see her.”

  I laughed and then he did too. It was a sad truth and I didn’t blame him but it still sucked. I wanted him to be happy. He wasn’t. I hated it.

  “I can’t believe you’re dating that guy. He’s very strange.”

  “What?” I asked, puzzled by why he was bringing it up again.

  “I didn’t say anything.” Crap. I’d read his thoughts. I’d have to watch it around him more carefully. “Where we headed?”

  I spouted the directions and he pulled out.

  “So. How’s Beck?” he asked.

  “Crap!” I yelled. “I completely forgot about Beck. Can I borrow your cell?”


  He tossed it to me and I dialed her number. She picked up and I could hear her thoughts. Ralph was there and she was irritated about being interrupted.


  “Maggie! Maggie, where are you?”

  “I’m fine. I was brought home last night.”

  “Oh my- I can’t believe this. You’re like a celebrity around here.”

  “I am?”

  Oh, man I hoped not.

  “Yes! Of c
ourse! Everyone knew about it. Are you ok? Where were you? What happened?”

  “Beck, I’m sorry. I can’t talk right now police and family and all. I just wanted to call and tell you I was home safe.”

  “Ok,” she said and I could tell she was perturbed but she let it go. “Call me later. Mags, I’ve been so worried about you.”

  “I know” I muttered. “I’m sorry. I’ll call you, k?”

  “K. Love you, Mags. I’m glad you’re ok.”

  “Love you too.”

  I hung up just as we pulled onto Kyle’s street and...oh boy. The street looked like a parking lot. There were cars everywhere.

  “What’s going on? Fair in town?” he grumbled as he pulled into a spot way away from Kyle’s.

  “It’s kinda for me,” I admitted softly.

  “What? What do you mean? Oh. Because you were rescued and all. But...this is his parent’s right? They’re making a big deal over you, huh? They must like you.”

  “You have no idea.”

  We made out way down the sidewalk and I was grabbed sideways and lifted as we passed the hedges on the edge of Kyle’s yard.

  “Holy crap, Mags! I’ve been worried sick about you.”

  “Kyle. Hey.”

  He put me down and kissed my cheek, especially close to my lips and beamed at me. His hand still held mine and I glanced over to see a confused Bish.

  Now who is this Joker?

  I pulled away quickly and was hit with Kyle’s thoughts and wow. I had no idea before how he really felt about me. This was not some crush. He was in love with me, seriously in love with me. And I felt nauseas.

  “Wow, Mags. You look awesome.”

  I wanted to take it all back. To block him from the start and not have listened to his thoughts about me but it was too late.

  He had been so worried he’d barely slept while I was away. He was angry at his family for not thinking it was important to keep him updated, because he was my friend. He hadn’t even been told that I’d been found until this morning, by his mom. He was mad at me and Caleb for not telling him ourselves. He thought I looked hotter than I ever had and wanted nothing more right this second than to kiss me, like he’s wanted to kiss me for two years straight.

  I wanted to hurl.

  I felt terrible, horrible inside. I hated hurting people and I was hurting Kyle though I never meant to.

  “Bish, you remember Kyle?”

  “Oh, yeah, man. How are ya?”

  “Good, man. How’s New York treating you?”

  “Awesome,” Bish muttered sarcastically and was thinking about finding dad and what the heck I was doing with this boy if I was with Caleb.

  “Alright, well everyone’s waiting for you, may as well get it over with. Come on,” Kyle said and tried to take my hand again.

  “I need a second with Bish,” I stalled.

  “Alright.” He smiled. “I’m so glad you’re ok, Maggie.”

  “Thanks, Kyle.” He left and I turned to Bish to see his what-the face. “I know, ok. I know. He’s Caleb’s cousin. I went to school with him. He was friends with Chad and me before all this. It’s all very complex.”

  He grinned.

  “Look at my little sister. A player,” he laughed.

  “Shut up!” I smacked his arm and he laughed louder. “I can’t help it if someone has a crush on me.”

  “Well, you are pretty great.”

  “Oh, please.” I rolled my eyes. “Can we go in now?”

  “I’m ready if you are.”

  It was my turn to grin.

  “You have no idea what you’re getting into.”

  I pulled him through the yard to the porch and as the door opened it exploded with light and laughter, blaring thoughts, my name called on lips on minds. Add their concern and relief to that and I was overloaded.

  I fainted, right there on the porch in front of everyone.

  Twenty Nine

  Well, fainted is a strong word. Pre-faint is better. I could hear them. It was like I wasn’t completely conscious but not completely asleep either. Bish steadied me as I swayed and sat in the rocker on the porch with me in his lap. My head pounded as I rubbed my temple.


  “Someone get Caleb!” I heard Gran yell. “Back up everyone. She’s fine, just got a little overwhelmed.”

  “Overwhelmed?” Bish said angrily. “Why are you calling Caleb? Call 911!”

  “She’ll be ok, son. I’m Caleb’s grandmother. You must be Bish.”

  “This is not the time for introductions. Why are you all just standing there? Call an ambulance.”

  “I’m fine, just dizzy,” I insisted.

  “Maggie,” Bish breathed and then I felt Caleb pushing through the throng of people gathered around me as I heard his thoughts blaring to me before I even saw him.

  He was angry.

  “Guys. I told you before she got here to turn it off,” he growled and went to take me from Bish but Bish held tight.

  “What are you talking about, turn it off? What?”

  “Nothing,” Caleb muttered and knelt down beside me to brush my cheek with his fingers and my headache instantly went away. “You ok?”

  “Yeah. Just, uh-” I looked up at Bish and back to Caleb, Gran and the others watching me. “I’m sorry. I just can’t seem to-”

  Crap. I couldn’t even explain myself with Bish here.

  It’s ok. They know what’s going on. My dad and I told them to keep their thoughts quiet when you got here but they were so excited... It’s too easy to get overloaded in the beginning. It takes a while to control it but dad said that it’s easy once you get the hang of it.

  Ok. Will you please take me inside so everyone will stop staring at me.

  He smiled and held out his hand to me. I took it but Bish grabbed my other one.

  “You need to go to the hospital, Maggie. You don’t just pass out for no reason.”

  “I’m fine, just haven’t eaten anything today. Really, let’s go find dad.”

  “Whatever,” he said and threw his hands up like he was giving up.

  I turned to see Gran still waiting.

  “Hey, Gran.”

  “Hey, pretty girl. You make a good entrance,” she said with a twinkle of amusement in her eyes. She hugged me tightly and rubbed my hair. “It’s so good to have you back, safe and sound.”

  “Thanks. It’s good to be back.”

  “I didn’t think you could get much prettier,” she crooned and lifted my arms out to my sides. “But my, my...”

  I smiled shyly and I’m sure I was blushing.

  “Yeah. My, my,” Caleb repeated and smiled down at me.

  “Yeah. It’s...something,” I muttered.

  “You doing alright?” Gran asked me.

  “Yeah, just thinking about the- about everything.” I remembered thinking about Gran in my cell. About how she’d been through the withdrawals like I had. She and Caleb were the only ones who had been through anything like that. “I, uh- well, I...wanted to say that what you told me before, I...”

  “I know.” She shook her head. “You can never understand until you go through it, can you? And I’m so sorry that you had to, both of you.” She looked at Caleb and back at me. She swallowed and I winced as I watched her memory of her withdrawal. “But never again. You keep each other safe from now on and all will be well.”

  I nodded and turned to Bish.

  “This is my brother, Bish. Bish, this is Gran.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Bish.” She grabbed his arm, lacing hers through it. “So. New York. I went to New York once.”

  She pulled him away and I was grateful. I squeezed Caleb’s hand as we passed through the doorway. After we explained to dad that I was fine we continued on. I was hugged and patted by everyone.

  Kyle’s parents said they barely recognized me. I wasn’t sure if that was good thing or not. His parents, my dad, Peter, me, Caleb and Kyle stood and talked for a long while about it all, missing
my ability, the ascension and how the energy ribbons were all around us and how I’d projected my thoughts into them. They all crooned about how wonderful it all was. Dad listened intently with a look of amazement the whole time.

  Kyle’s mom told me about her ascension and how she thought she had man arms afterwards and hated it. I laughed with her and Kyle’s dad went on to tell her he loved her arms.

  Dad and Peter followed along with us as we made the rounds. Dad had been introduced to just about everyone before I got there and everyone told me how much they loved him already. He was a hit.

  Jen and Maria I hadn’t seen yet but Rachel hugged me long and hard.

  “Oh, Maggie. I’m so sorry about all this. I’m glad you’re safe.”

  I pulled away to see her crying as she wiped her eyes and in her mind, she felt like they’d dragged me into a crazy life of turmoil and she didn’t know how to fix it.

  “Me, too.”

  “You look so beautiful. You always did but... You look complete, now,” she said with a hand on my cheek.

  “Thanks,” I said because I didn’t know what else to say to that. “Rachel, have you met my dad yet?”

  “No, I was in the kitchen.” She held her hand out to him. “It’s so nice to meet you. I’m Rachel, Caleb’s mother.”

  “Nice to meet you too.”

  “Maggie is such a darling.”

  “That she is. This is a great house you have here.”

  “Oh, we don’t live here.” She wrung her apron in her hands. “This is my cousin’s house. We live about thirty minutes from here. Just about everyone here does. We only come here to...well, for Maggie.”

  I blushed, embarrassed and saw dad’s eyes take in the room full of people. All here for Caleb and me. He was thinking that he’d see even less of me than he originally thought because he thought Caleb lived right here near him and now learned he doesn’t. And he couldn’t believe all these people drove all this way just for me.

  He was also in awe of all the couples, all different ages who had been married for years and were still so happily married. He felt a twinge of longing for my mom but pushed it away.

  “Well. I’m famished,” Peter said and then clapped his hands loudly, drawing everyone’s attention. “Everyone, we all know why we’re here. Our Maggie has come back to us.” There were claps and cheers and Caleb put his arm around my shoulder to shield me, knowing I hate the attention. “Let us not forget the struggles of the past few days for Caleb and Maggie and give them our respect and space. Also there are new developments that need to be handled... delicately. We are very glad to have Maggie’s father and brother here with us as well and I smell something heavenly from the kitchen. I’m sure Rachel has outdone herself once again.” He looked over at her affectionately and she beamed under his praise. “Let’s eat folks.”


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