Destiny: A Fantasy Collection

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Destiny: A Fantasy Collection Page 108

by Rachelle Mills

  This was an Alpha male at his fiercest. No she-wolf would be able to resist.

  “I’m sorry for my absence, Alpha Everett. I had some urgent business that required my immediate attention,” he apologised.

  His voice was gruff, husky, a sound that had my head tilting to hear him better. I was busy studying, my wolf so caught in sizing him up that I didn’t even hear my father’s reply or the conversation that followed.

  My name was called, and I sat up straighter, a blush staining my cheeks at not having heard what was said. Oria was right. I needed to start paying better attention to what was happening around me.

  The Alpha’s eyes were on me, a smirk twitching at full lips that captured my attention as he spoke again. “I asked if you were comfortable with your room, Cathwulf.”

  The way he said my name…my wolf practically purred. Bright amber eyes met pale green, and I fought to keep his gaze, watching the smirk widen as I looked away again.

  “It’s perfect, thank you. Your Beta Female was very kind in showing it to me,” I answered, lifting my chin. “I appreciate your hospitality.”

  My mother gave me a look of pride. My first meeting with an Alpha on new territory had gone well. I hadn’t offended him…yet.

  He nodded then finally started to eat, everyone quick to follow his lead.

  Eagan brushed his arm against mine, and I stiffened, knowing it wasn’t an accident. He was trying to place a claim in front of the Alpha who threatened to take what he wanted. Did neither of them understand that it would be my choice?

  “Watch yourself,” I muttered, only to have him grunt at me in reply.


  I reached for the bowl of potatoes but couldn’t reach, and Eagan picked it up. He spooned them onto my plate for me, causing two sets of growls in the room. One from me and the other I couldn’t place, but it sent a shiver up my spine.

  Giving food to another was a sign of ownership, of being someone’s mate, of being their responsibility.

  I didn’t eat what he’d given me.

  “Once we are done discussing things for the pack, I would like to show your daughter around my territory,” Alpha Roarke informed my father.

  Saba gave me a wink from across the table as I choked on food. The prospect of being alone with him was intimidating, and the fact he hadn’t even asked me first ruffled my fur. Then again, he was an Alpha; he was used to getting his way. Still, it was polite to ask and at least acknowledge my presence too.

  “That would be fine. I’m sure she’d appreciate it greatly,” my father answered, smiling with relief at the obvious interest the other Alpha had in me.

  My mother gave my father a meaningful look that he ignored as he went back to eating his food. She looked over at me, giving me an apologetic look.

  Gripping my fork even tighter, fighting the growl that wanted to rip from my chest, I glared at my plate. They were talking like I wasn’t here, like the whole table was not watching this exchange with great interest, like they weren’t also watching my reaction that they would judge me for.

  My wolf wanted to stand up from the table, to let out the sound of her rage. I wanted to see and spend time with this male on my terms, not theirs, but this was not even something I wanted in the first place. My father should have been more than grateful I had agreed to play along. As much as my wolf approved of Roarke’s strength, as much as his form pleased, instinct telling me he could provide for me and give me strong pups, being his female was not in the cards I had picked for my future. What would it take to make the males around me understand this?

  “She’s okay running the perimeter with me? She can handle herself if we run into trouble?” he inquired, still talking to my father, ignoring my presence.

  How dare he ask about me like some dog that needs to be house trained before he buys it!

  I slammed my fork down, the clank resonating around the room. All eyes were on me again. I took a deep breath before my gaze met Alpha Roarke’s. My wolf was biting at my control, my eyes holding her glow. Alpha Roarke looked from my father to me, his face calm as he slowly raised an eyebrow at my bared fangs, making me feel like an unruly pup instead of a slighted she-wolf.

  “I know how to fight. I have trained with the warriors of my pack; I have run the border, and I have fought to protect it. Do I meet your requirements now? Does this please you?” I seethed, my body stiff.

  I held myself tall, showing all the dominance and power I had in me. Generations of Alpha blood ran through my veins, and I would be treated no less than what I was worth.

  My father gave a harsh look in my direction, my disrespect clear.

  Murmurs were heard around the table, but I ignored them. I didn’t care. I would not let anyone talk about me like that. Frustration seeped from my pores at the amused look I got from the Alpha, who continued to eat before pausing to say, “It pleases me.”

  I growled.

  My control began to slip, instinct pushing me to show this male what we were worth. His eyes held mine, unrelenting. I started to shake with the exertion and strength it took not to look away. His dominance came from him in waves that had all at the table showing their necks, except for my parents. I could practically hear their silent pleas for me to submit. He was well within his rights to punish me for this.

  Alpha Roarke sat up straighter, the room filling with his presence. He looked impossibly bigger as his own wolf glanced at me through his eyes. He didn’t take my actions as anything less than a challenge.

  Teeth gritted, fingernails digging into the palm of my hand, my determination began to crumble. The urge to submit became too much; my head bowed, and I bared my neck to him.

  The suffocating atmosphere disappeared as he finally relaxed back against his chair. To my surprise, I saw him smile out of the corner of my eye, lips parted to show a glimpse of fang.

  Nobody made a move to eat again, both too scared to move and too intrigued at the scene that was playing out before them. I had made my play for power and had lost. Why was he not making a move to punish me? He could have had me removed from the table to be left without food for the night; he could have had me forced to shift and be left to wander in wolf form outside until he thought I had learned my lesson. I had never had a severe punishment before, but I’d had my fair share of time spent banned from the house to stay in wolf form outside, to fend for myself until the hard lesson hit home and my parents forgave me. I’d once spent an entire week wandering around our territory, sleeping on the front porch when the weather got really bad.

  Instead, he seemed to decide something, looking to his Beta, who gave him a nod of agreement that had Saba grinning and looking over at me in excitement. I knew then this meal had just been one giant test for me; he had pushed me on purpose to see if I could stand up for myself, and my father had gone along with it willingly. Roarke had played me easily.

  “You know when to concede. This also pleases me,” he stated, something akin to pride in his voice as he added, “I am also impressed with your ability to stand so long against me. We will be a good fit.”

  My eyes flicked to my father’s suddenly guilty face, and that’s when I realised all he was waiting for was Alpha Roarke’s approval of me as a mate. My fate had already been given to this male.

  A male I had begun to despise.

  Chapter Four


  I paced the room that my father and mother had brought me into to talk. Too many emotions rolled through me at once, making me irritable and snappy. My temper was boiling over; the fact that my parents had all but sold me to a man I’d never met before today had hurt. While my wolf may have been happy at the prospect of a strong mate that my father obviously approved of, I was betrayed. I’d already given up university for them. Did I have to give up my chance at finding love too?

  “How could you?” I cried, tearing up as I looked at my parents, who stood shoulder to shoulder.

  My mother reached for me and I stepped back, refusing her tou
ch. Her expression was filled with hurt as she retracted her hand slowly, and I felt a little bad for my actions. It angered my father, who took a dominant step towards me.

  “It isn’t a done deal, Cathwulf. He expressed his want to find a mate, and I simply informed him that you were of age and would be a strong female to stand by his side,” my father explained, watching me carefully for any signs of my fur taking over skin as my hands curled into fists.

  He wouldn’t be afraid to put me in my place, and I knew he felt the urge to do so now that his mate was distressed, though her distress was nothing compared to how I was feeling right now.

  “That was not for you to say. That was for me to decide—”

  “On the contrary, you are my pup, you are a member of my pack, and I am your Alpha. It was for me to say. A final decision has not been made; all I am asking of you is to spend time with him. A union between our packs would benefit all of us. You will go with him today, you will be respectful, and you will give this a chance. I say this as your Alpha, not your father,” he interrupted fiercely.

  His dominance was in the air, my head bowing to his words. There was no way I could argue without repercussions, so I nodded despite feeling like a knife had been thrust into my chest.

  My mother came to stand in front of me and lifted my chin, speaking softly. “Give this a chance, my pup. You may find your mate in him.”

  Her eyes bored into mine, pleading with me to see their side, which I did, begrudgingly so.

  “What if I do not want a mate?” I answered, my eyes still blurry with tears I refused to let fall.

  Both my father and mother laughed, leaving me confused.

  “You’re a wolf, my darling. It is in your nature to want a mate and have pups. Eventually you would not be able to fight that, and Alpha Roarke is the only male I think would be suitable for you, the only one who matches and surpasses the strength you have. Any other male would not hold your wolf’s respect, would not be able to make you bow down and submit to them. He is a good male, Cathwulf,” she insisted, amusement in her eyes as I rolled mine.

  I couldn’t find it in me to argue, so I resigned myself to having to spend time with Alpha Roarke. All I had to do was act like I was giving him a chance, and then when it came time to leave, I would express my dislike for him and return to my pack. I would be Beta Female in the next year, confident in the fact that my wolf would not respect him with the way he had been and probably would treat me.

  “I will give him a chance,” I conceded, looking at both my parents, meeting their gaze for a short moment. “But if I don’t want to be his mate when it comes time to leave, I want your word that you will not push me or argue with my decision.”

  They looked at each other, sharing a silent conversation before finally nodding.

  “I accept that,” my father agreed, giving my arm a gentle and comforting squeeze.

  My mother smiled proudly. “That’s my Cathwulf.”

  A knock on the door and the Alpha himself entered. He studied us and then met my gaze, folding his arms in front of his broad chest. I couldn’t help but admire his obvious strength, my eyes trailing over every inch of him. His hair looked overly tousled, as if he had been running his hands through it, and his aura was tense. Perhaps he had been worried about what was being said behind closed doors, and I took a little enjoyment at the idea the big Alpha had been nervous.

  “Have you settled?” he asked, making my jaw clench.

  “I have,” I replied, keeping my eyes on his.

  He hummed then turned his back to me, my inner wolf growling at the disrespect. If this was his way of trying to gain my approval and charm, to win his way into my good graces, then he was failing miserably.

  “Come then. We have a long run ahead of us, and I would like to return before dark.”

  He was already walking out the door before I had the chance to say anything else. I gave my mother another look. Did she really think this was the male for me? He would drive me to insanity.

  My mother gave my back a gentle push. “Just give him a chance.”

  With a sigh, I jogged to catch up with him. He steps were large, one of his matching two quick steps of mine. I’d have thought he would be trying harder to please me. Maybe he was as angry at this arrangement as I was. Perhaps his high ranked had convinced him this was needed and he had agreed only because it would be good for his pack. If that were the case, I’d do my best to convince him this wasn’t the match he wanted.

  I reached out to grab his arm, feeling soft skin and hard muscle beneath my touch. He froze and looked down at me with wide green eyes.

  I blushed, coughing awkwardly, trying to make light of it with a small smile. “You need to slow down. I’m not as tall as you.”

  His face relaxed, and he nodded. “Forgive me. I am used to females who can keep up.”

  The double meaning was not missed on me, my face now scarlet with embarrassment and anger. No female here was more than I was; that I had proven when Saba had submitted to me. I would show him just how well I could keep up. He would be the one needing to run.

  He opened the door for me, bobbing his head as I passed and stepped outside. The fresh air hit me immediately, and I took a grateful breath, my wolf already stretching, ready to be let out. She wanted to prove herself to this Alpha who thought less of us than we were worth; she wanted to tease and tempt him with her tail held high. I made a note to keep control of my instincts. If Alpha Roarke was as formidable in fur as he was skin, I was scared my nature would get the best of me. As a she-wolf, I was already undeniably drawn to his prowess. In my wolf form, it would be harder to deny those feelings. If I thought more of him, maybe I would have allowed myself to make more of an effort.

  “I will lead the way. Stay close to me. I don’t need you getting lost or finding trouble,” he teased gently, pulling his shirt over his head to reveal lightly tanned skin.

  My breath caught at the sight of his muscled torso, his upper chest covered in a tribal tattoo so intricate, I couldn’t believe it was done by hand. I didn’t know exactly what the symbols meant but had seen them before on the chests of warriors from packs around the country. My father even had one similar.

  Eyes raked over his form, something innate drawing me to his physical proof of strength. My wolf rumbled her appreciation, the sound leaving me before I could stop it. Alpha Roarke looked smug, standing taller at the boost to his ego.

  I quickly turned around to hide as much as I could from him. Being naked was a part of life for wolves, but for some reason, his eyes on me made me nervous.

  Stripping quickly and closing my eyes, I heard a growl from behind me, knowing his gaze was on me. He was studying my shape, the width of my hips, the curve of my rear, deciding if I looked like I would bear his heirs well. My skin burned where I swore his eyes traced each curve. Part of me hoped that what he saw pleased him; the other hoped he would decide he wasn’t at all attracted to me, even if that thought left an ache of hurt.

  I closed my eyes, giving in to the burning of skin that was the key to my shift. Letting instinct take over as I morphed from skin to fur, I stretched out, popping joints that were strained after shifting form and shaking out russet fur. As a wolf, I was average sized for a female, cherishing speed over brawn due to lack of muscle mass. Females were always built sleeker than males.

  A nose poked my side and I jumped, turning. A grey wolf speckled with white and black, bigger than any I had seen before, greedily took in my scent. I stayed still while he moved around me, taking in my form, and even when he began to rub himself against me, I didn’t move.

  My wolf was in control. I let her do what she needed until she was more comfortable with his presence. He growled his approval after he had studied every inch of me then sat on his haunches.

  My wolf peered at him curiously, slightly wary of such a powerful beast that we knew could easily beat me in a fight. No wonder his pack had fallen so quickly in line with few challenges.

p; His eyes were the same pale green as they were in his skin, such an eerie colour that was hard to ignore. I’d never seen such a shade on anyone before, but it suited him. He really was the epitome of what an Alpha should be, thick fur doing little to hide how muscled he was.

  Walking slowly around him, hoping to find some sort of flaw, my wolf only decided that this male was definitely worthy of us. She was figuring out if he was a potential mate, something I fought against, trying to pull back the control. She scented between his legs, growling her appreciation at the smell of a fertile male.

  I staggered back, aghast, but it was too late. His wolf and skin had chosen me, and now my wolf had chosen him.

  Before I had time to process this, he bolted towards the treeline, and I yipped before quickly following him. My legs stretched further, struggling to keep up with his long strides, and I knew he was testing us. I was still watching from afar in my mind, my wolf still in charge as she playfully nipped at Alpha Roarke’s tail, wanting to play. He snapped his jaws at me, a small whimper sounding from my chest at the rebuttal. He didn’t want to play; this wasn’t the time. I was okay with that; I wanted to keep as much distance between us as possible on this run, but my wolf was in the huff. How could she possibly find out more about this male if he refused to let us study him in play?

  I panted hard, finally reaching his side, and forced myself to keep up with him even though my muscles burned with the effort. I refused to lag behind, even if by tonight I knew I would be exhausted. By the end of this run, he would realise he should have been more respectful to me because I knew that I was meant to be an Alpha Female.

  I could sense how close we were to the boundary of his territory, the scent of wolf almost overpowering. This area had been marked by the pack recently, warning off any wandering wolves. Wanderers weren’t common anymore because of how close the human world was to our own now; more and more often, they had been slipping onto pack territory without permission. I was so lost in thought, I didn’t notice until the last minute that Roarke had changed direction and had to dig my claws into the ground to help me turn to follow him. When the trees thinned out, I was caught in awe.


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